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How To Use Amati In A Sentence

  • For centuries, scholars have squabbled over the design of the ship, which was crucial to defeating the Persians in the Battle of Salamis in 480 B.C., part of a wider war that included the fight at Thermopylae dramatized in the film "300. Epic Struggle: Fans Fight to Revive an Oar-Powered Greek Warship
  • The premise kinda sounds interesting and it has a good cast, but it also sounds a bit too overdramatic and emo … Anime Preview: Spring 2010 « Undercover
  • Sure, a number of trees remain, but the emphasis is back on the bunkering and the dramatic contours of its fairways and greens.
  • At least five people were killed when an overcrowded migrant boat capsized last month which was dramatically caught on camera by Italian coastguards. The Sun
  • The study predicted that, by 2022, the country would still require $7.2 billion in foreign aid a year—and that assumes an upsurge of so-far inexistent mining-industry revenue and no dramatic deterioration of security. Afghanistan Seeks Enduring Support
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  • When combined with combinatorial chemistry methods, scientists can dramatically increase their chances for a hit. The Scientist
  • He's still asleep, I suppose, though he often wakes me with his morning declamations. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.
  • The result is a species of amphitheatric arena, in which any of the dramatic exhibitions, that are so pleasing to this spectacle-loving nation, may be enacted. Recollections of Europe
  • Restrictions governing building in London were first issued by royal proclamation.
  • But this exclamation is hyperbole; we are not speaking in literal seriousness.
  • Delvile, by which her own goodness proved the source of her defamation: and though something still hung upon her mind that destroyed that firm confidence she had hitherto felt in the friendship of Mr Monckton, she held it utterly unjust to condemn him without proof, which she was not more unable to procure, than to satisfy herself with any reason why so perfidiously he should calumniate her. Cecilia
  • After lying on the floor in a fit of dramatics I realized what I had thought - pinky toe.
  • Some areas are left uncarved and unpolished, giving a dramatic sense of the raw material.
  • Among the amino acids of the peptide, the most dramatic change was the Phe residue.
  • The dramatic spirit of the Italian race seems to communicate itself to the puppets, and they perform their parts with a fidelity to theatrical unnaturalness which is wonderful. Venetian Life
  • He is planning to dramatize the novel.
  • Raving, starving herself, addicted to Seconal and Dexedrine, Tippy makes a dramatic transformation from beautiful to mean.
  • The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices.
  • It is the worst return since 2002 and follows a dramatic slide in global crude oil prices. The Sun
  • The deal frenzy is being driven by a dramatic slide in crop prices in recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parliament and public greeted this imperial retreat with a fanfare of acclamation.
  • I gave my ideas on "playwriting" again at Philadelphia, and was told just before I began that there were several dramatists in the room, including the author of Madame Butterfly. Our Irish Theatre: A Chapter of Autobiography
  • The concerto is mostly lightweight with tuttis the more dramatic when they appear.
  • Possibly, this sympathy could appear somewhat self-indulgent, or over-dramatic, if not actually absurdly histrionic.
  • They are sensitive to the sense of struggle and resignation in this dramatic movement and their rubato, though fluid, never damages the integrity of the underlying pulse.
  • However, the leats were not originally built to supply mills with power, but were excavated for the draining and reclamation of land between the city wall and the Exe.
  • Her poetic styles vary from haiku to streetwise dramatic monologue, using the conventions of ‘standard’ English, as well as the defiance of Ebonics.
  • Tickets for other Amalgamation matches should soon be available and it is hoped that more extensive advertising and a reduced number of contests at favoured venues will see a reverse in the dwindling attendances.
  • THE international trade in Atlantic blue fin tuna could be banned in a dramatic move to save the fish from extinction. The Sun
  • They were primarily portraitists, but Thomas is now chiefly remembered for his dramatic Boadicea monument at Westminster Bridge, London, showing the fearsome warrior queen in her chariot.
  • A newly built road bisects the site, dramatically improving access to the M8 and M74.
  • Its unsparing account of an atrocious crime is offset by admirable dramatic restraint. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when it's the sole story-telling medium, as here, I also think it has a slight distancing effect on the reader, robbing the action of some immediacy and urgency, which for modern sensibilities is perhaps not ideal when dealing with such dramatic events. Brian Ruckley - News & Views
  • The words heard by the party upon the staircase were the Frenchman's exclamations of horror and affright, commingled with the fiendish jabberings of the brute.
  • The one dramatic moment in the film, when Wayne tries to escape from his captors, is a let-down, and it doesn't last nearly as long as one would hope.
  • She belongs to a family descended from free Blacks those released from slavery before the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.
  • It was at one of those catatonic evenings when a dramatic turnaround was in the offing.
  • Brian Mar­cus from the Anti-Defamation League is talk­ing about what hap­pens when you search for “jew” on Google. Regulating Search « Snarkmarket
  • There is a dramatic fight scene between the two brothers.
  • However, the reps go up dramatically for endurance-oriented muscles such as calves and abs.
  • Earlier, in a dramatic outburst, he claimed he was not getting a fair hearing after being refused permission to call a witness.
  • The emotionally devastating effects of non-accidental injury, especially to children, has been receiving dramatic mass media coverage recently.
  • When a plaintiff is able to prove defamation per se, damages are presumed, but the presumption is rebuttable. Heroes or Villains?
  • By resorting to nonwar means of achieving his objectives, he would earn worldwide acclamation and gratitude by letting peace prevail, following the wise old saying, "Discretion is the better part of valor. Mail Call: Show Us The Proof
  • Too frequently the stories seem to settle for, at worst, an indulgence in superficial whimsy, at best, a cultivation of the bizarre in situation and event that, at least as I read them, can't bear the weight they're asked to bear when left to provide the primary source of dramatic interest. Genre Fiction
  • And after that, the only other clear thing is the after party, which got way dramatique. Memes Upon Memes
  • The waiting was tedious, and having been long denied, the amative element could not brook further delay. THE SCORN OF WOMEN
  • He fulfilled his duties conscientiously, but his support for the proclamation of the district as a city lost him his seat in 1950.
  • Byzance ne s'en remettra jamais complètement et cet évènement dramatique marqua la vraie rupture entre catholiques latins et orthodoxes grecs, beaucoup plus que le schisme de 1054 ! Archive 2007-03-01
  • The chief appeared with a dramatic parting of tent-flaps.
  • Like "just A moment," the album sees the act expanding the posthardcore sounds that dominated their early releases. "shandy" starts as an experimental pop song filled with dizzying distorted noises and then morphs into a dramatic rocker. "this is is this?" is the disc's most dynamic composition. Japan News latest RSS headlines - The Japan News.Net
  • These medicines dramatically help decrease hyperactivity and impulsivity, and increase attention for many children.
  • We usually prefer gradual and mild change to sudden and dramatic change.
  • While demonology may be the most dramatic, mediumship is also a form of necromancy, as is divination, which employs the use of spirit guides.
  • His defence lawyer said that Wilson's lifestyle had altered dramatically since the offences three years ago.
  • I don't really agree with some of Cosby's reasoning or melodramatics, but his crux is excellent.
  • The playwright allows a predetermined narrative structure to quash the complexities that make Yamashita's case worthy of dramatization.
  • Not far away, and altogether more appealing, is the abandoned Portuguese city of Old Goa, now a dramatic collection of cathedrals and basilicas.
  • The dance sequences shift in tone and energy to suit both the music and the dramatic context.
  • His dramatic solos and stage hops also fired up the fans during "A Favor House Atlantic" and "In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3" -- both 2003 opuses that often sounded like Rush homages, with drummer Chris Pennie on the beat and everywhere else, and lyrics that only a CIA cryptanalyst or college-age C&C fan could decipher. Prog rockers Coheed and Cambria take on 9:30 club in Washington
  • Vicky Fox, a towering transwoman with yellow hair and brown skin, hurls herself dramatically onto the floor and begins contorting about on the weathered tile when I ask to take her picture. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • The company made a dramatic entrance into the export market.
  • Liverpool's latest recruit Stig Inge Bjornbye is set for a dramatic debut next week after receiving a work permit.
  • That would be Robert Downey Jr., whose antisentimental charisma is the most dramatically definitive feature of Colorado Springs Independent
  • The deal frenzy is being driven by a dramatic slide in crop prices in recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't be so dramatic!
  • Many of the bays and inlets are simply beautiful and consist of rock or sand, sometimes dropping away dramatically into 50 feet of water, at other times sloping gently in to shallows of just a few feet.
  • A dramatic improvement in health status is anticipated with life expectancy going beyond current forecasts.
  • He gave an animated jump of surprise when he saw me, laying a dramatic hand on his chest.
  • The Department of Conservation has taken a tough stance on noise pollution at Milford, and is proposing to dramatically limit the number of aircraft movements within the area.
  • For the paso doble, for example, it usually involves some variation on dramatic black and red. Dancing With the Stars Backstage Report: Kendra Goes Wild
  • If something dramatic has happened during the day, we'll sit and natter about it.
  • I tend to like dramatic music with contrasts in tempo and instrumentation.
  • A mother and her 13-month old baby cheated death by moments thanks to a dramatic rescue from their burning home in Kendal.
  • I hope to develop a dramatic feature-length script about his life story as well.
  • Each mile that we progressed into Iraq, commanders warned us the risk of getting "slimed" dramatically increased. CNN Transcript Feb 24, 2007
  • Sales, filing and clerical work would be scaled back dramatically. Times, Sunday Times
  • Things have changed in many ways, but few things as dramatically or as insidiously as the manner in which we receive and process information. Judith Acosta: And Now, More About Me: The Sorry State Of The News Media
  • Kate Augusto, Danielle Capalbo and Nick Mendez report that Ayman Nour, a leading political dissident in Egypt, has decided to return to prison and finish his sentence in order to dramatize what he calls the Egyptian government's ongoing lack of respect for democratic values. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The vocal writing ranges between straightforward singing, Sprechstimme, and speech, depending on the dramatic role that the music must play.
  • Part of this may be cultural — Korean variety shows certainly display a pleasantly anything-goes aesthetic — but my sense is that merely singing in English semiotically signals a certain kind of Muzak quality within a dramatic context. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The proliferation of diagnoses has contributed to a dramatic rise in antidepressant sales, which increased eightfold between 1990 and 2000.
  • Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth. It is heaven's exclamation point 3.
  • Some dresses feature freaky frilled hemlines, and striped suits were shown with dramatic hats that wouldn't have looked out of place at Ascot.
  • In the 1950s, a housing boom multiplied the timber industry's reliance on stumpage from public lands, and the agency enjoyed a dramatic boost in political prestige and congressional appropriations.
  • DiDonato took a broader and more dramatic perspective in two Rossini numbers, Desdemona's haunting "Willow Song" from "Otello" and a dazzlingly virtuosic encore of "Tanti affetti," the final showpiece from "La Donna del Lago. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Special courts under such proclamations tried and punished those who transgressed against the orders of the military authority.
  • To depreciate ( currency, for example ) by official proclamation or by rumor.
  • Relatively new on the scene, laser rangefinders have improved dramatically in the few short years since they came on the market.
  • It was a dramatic transformation, from society hostess to Democratic Party power broker.
  • Moreover, by invoking Nahuatl and speaking in tongues, he dramatizes the opaque materiality of language.
  • Over the last thirty years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of dual language or two-way immersion programs.
  • Campaigners for tenants' rights say that the number of unscrupulous letting agents exploiting tenants and landlords with underhand tactics has risen dramatically over the past two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The newly-released quarterly figures highlighted a dramatic turnaround in the force's performance in tackling muggings and other violent hold-ups.
  • He had already lifted the skin flap to depart, when a low exclamation brought him back to the girl's side. The Sun of the Wolf
  • Nobody would be in a position to give other than a personal view on what might happen if you engaged, for example, in amalgamations of these various bodies.
  • Food prices and the costs of all imported goods will increase dramatically.
  • The London Market's fortunes continued to see-saw yesterday as the City digested yet another dramatic session.
  • One might say that the true subject of the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization represses or oppresses, its reemergence dramatized, as in our nightmares, as an object of horror, a matter for terror, and the happy ending (when it exists) typically signifying the restoration of repression. January 2010
  • Over the years, however, such dramatic action proved to be the exception rather than the rule.
  • The "hup" was rather an exclamation of necessity than of delight, inasmuch as that it was caused by Davie coming suddenly down flat on the ice in the act of vainly attempting to go leap-frog over Mivins's head. The World of Ice
  • The ballade, full of dramatic intensity, mainly inspired by Polish epic poems, was a new musical form invented by Chopin. Chopin's 'Soul and Heart'
  • Because of the dramatic decline in the pilchard population in the Western Cape area, local fishing restrictions had previously been put into place in an attempt to increase the numbers of these fish. The Great Penguin Rescue
  • It's full of phonemes, guttural exclamations and limpid hisses.
  • And although the concentrations found in rivers and estuaries are very small, studies show they dramatically alter the behaviour of fish. The Sun
  • Her appearance and skill drew forth exclamations of praise.
  • Neil Tennant, for all his limitations, is one of the most human singers I know, and not in some Whitney / Britney sense that equates humanity with loud declamation of ersatz emotion.
  • It's a bit ... overdramatic, isn't it? Times, Sunday Times
  • In the opening portion of the dance, Tuson and Olson dramatize a legend in which the wind is freed from its confinement by a bear.
  • God forbid that I should diminish France! But amalgamating Napoleon with her is not diminishing her.
  • There was a shift in the audience as to the meaning of his sudden exclamation, especially its lack of any emotion.
  • JUST two sweetened drinks a day can dramatically raise heart risk, studies show. The Sun
  • All princesses wishing to apply must respond to this proclamation and attend the initiation ball which is to be held in a sennight on the eve of the Festival of the Roses.
  • What varies, and varies dramatically, is the conscious effort with which they are identified and undertaken.
  • But he clearly knew that this same reserve is full of dramatic potential. Times, Sunday Times
  • Putting years of training into learning how to apply hypnotic and meridian therapies is quite a dramatic departure for the father-of-three after running a regional building society for much of his life.
  • Dramatics seem to have been part of a student's life early in the history of the University, surprisingly, because attendance at the theatre was forbidden.
  • As the morning gives way to afternoon, the anemic, late-winter sun burns through, lifting the heavy mist and exposing the dramatic steep-sided canyon. A Nation Passing On the Port
  • The appearance is dramatic and bold, straddling the divide between classic and modern.
  • EVERY episode in the credit crunch has had its dramatic flourish.
  • Her fall/winter collection features strong lines with a feminine twist: dramatic capes, dresses with surprising details, and formfitting suits in rich wines and inky blacks.
  • Circumstances changed dramatically in about 1925 when the new microphones and triode valve amplifiers introduced a few years earlier for radio broadcasting came into use.
  • In other words, a plot element should be deployed in a timely fashion and with proper dramatic emphasis.
  • The number of fatal accidents in the construction industry has dropped dramatically in recent years.
  • There are no dramatics, no singed eyebrows, no binned masterpieces.
  • Death, he said, was the result of "syncope," or a dramatic drop in blood pressure. Portrait of a Killer
  • This undramatic recording by Opera Lafayette of Washington DC stems from a 2002 staging.
  • Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth. It is heaven's exclamation point 3.
  • However, like those who declared that the sky was falling in the 1980s, one cannot help feeling that Barnett has overdramatized the situation.
  • It takes a lot of calculating to sing a role as challenging as Butterfly, but in Naglestad's case the calculation was sometimes visible enough to dull the dramatic edge: a pause before a high note, a slightly too-deliberate leap into fortissimo in "Un bel di. Anne Midgette reviews Washington National Opera's 'Madama Butterfly'
  • Rashes can be categorized as maculopapular (centrally and peripherally distributed), petechial, diffusely erythematous with desquamation, vesiculobullous-pustular and nodular.
  • The literature of the time provides ample evidence of a dramatic shift in public attitudes.
  • But the noose and lifeline metaphors dramatize the in-culture ‘factness’ of much writing, its consequentiality, rather than the seductive pleasures of its speculative realm.
  • However, subsequent independent surveys of actual ballots indicated a dramatic shift, with Mr Fujimori nearing a first-round victory.
  • The addition of a ferule was the next step; and the omission of the tang, and amalgamation of the ferule with the blade, gave rise to the socketed spear-head. The Bronze Age in Ireland
  • In places where I would be steady, she would add an exclamation point. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several times during the speech Perry posed for dramatic effect, once even wrapping his arms around himself and remarking in a theatrical aside: "It's the darnedest thing. CPAC 2011: The Conservative Political Action Conference (Live Coverage, Day Two)
  • Now, however, I feel that it is time for the interrobang to stage a dramatic return.
  • Vat and capital gains tax were increased dramatically. Times, Sunday Times
  • His recuperative perception, in other words, is the substantive basis of a dramatic engagement.
  • An ambitious reclamation scheme on the south coast also came to nothing around this time.
  • The list below gives fifteen of the commonest, though some achieve more dramatic results than others.
  • Eager hints would become rhapsodic proclamations; backstairs whispers would be babbled aloud in the corridors of the complex.
  • The designs are unlike traditional Indian art forms and are eye-catching, bold and dramatic.
  • This small but spectacular reserve gives visitors a dramatic taste of northern Kenya and its unique dry-country animals: oryx, gerenuk, reticulated giraffe and rare Grevy's zebra.
  • Dramatic mental failures of this sort shade into failures of empathy, a deficit found in many sociopaths, who also show reduced function of the frontal cortices.
  • The good news, based on research that we and our colleagues at McKinsey & Company recently completed, is that the United States could dramatically increase the number of top students who choose teaching by adopting some of these countries 'practices. Why aren't our teachers the best and the brightest?
  • Little concerned to adopt the tonal idioms of opera for the sake of dramatic expression was Nicolas Bernier.
  • This leakage dramatically decreases the effectiveness of any Keynesian stimulus.
  • The laser guidance system dramatically increases the likelihood that the missile will strike home.
  • The traditional Romanian cimbalom (dulcimer or zither) is the sole accompaniment on the dramatic and stately ‘Cine iubeste si lasa.’
  • On the negative side, the author's voice is too chatty and the dialogue is overly melodramatic.
  • One can also take issue with the contrived nature of the chase scenes, which were of no dramatic value but rather served to showcase the cinematography and visually exploit the cityscapes of Rome.
  • Insiders say that rumblings behind the scenes at ABC's ‘Nightline’ are harbingers of possible dramatic news about the show's future.
  • n. - doctrine denying existence of universe distinct from God. acosmist, acroamatic adj. - esoteric, told only orally. acrocephalic Xml's
  • The fourth estate, the press, self censors; antidefamation laws discourage citizens from speaking out. Macau's Anointed Leader
  • As is often the case with dissertations, mine dealt with dramatic events but was abstract, academic, and lifeless.
  • The scope for successful gardening increases dramatically with a greenhouse.
  • By now, a type of free-style declamation known as ‘recitative’ (literally ‘speech-song’) was being used to hurtle the drama forward.
  • On landing, the army hailed him as the true victor of Oran, a wave of acclamations following him as he advanced to the alcazar, where the keys of the fortress were put into his hands. Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
  • Her appearance and skill drew forth exclamations of praise.
  • Without an exception these hangers-on are a shallow, mean-spirited bunch of bourgeoise no-counts, who mistake philosophical declamation for conversation and obsequiousness for love.
  • The work combines Latin and English liturgical texts and medieval poetry, with a dramatic enaction of the Passion story.
  • A Gentleman refers to Cordelia in eremite terms: she "redeems inlet from a ubiquitous curse" of sinfulness so dramatically demonstrated in Lear's elder daughters. Philadelphia Reflections: Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
  • The psalmist had adapted this picture to refer to the spiritual offerings of prayer, praise and proclamation.
  • Choreographed to the 1947 Stravinsky score, Orpheus cleverly deploys six dancers to dramatise the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, with a chorus of living characters (Orpheus's friends/chorus) and the inhabitants of the underworld (Death and Furies). This week's new dance
  • ‘I can't wait,’ I sighed dramatically, letting Susie button me into my coat as Meredith clocked out.
  • In her films, Wishman employs standard melodramatic plot lines and then inverts the parameters to impose illicit acts and criminal vice into the fray.
  • It is very difficult for a manager to go in and suddenly make players dramatically improve. The Sun
  • Towards the close of the disease, after desquamation has begun, the temperature of the room may be kept at 70°, as then the fever and heat have subsided and the delicate skin of the patient requires a comfortable temperature. Hydriatic treatment of Scarlet Fever in its Different Forms
  • It is a shame that the Canadian toponymic committee does not recognize exclamation marks as being a legitimate part of place names! VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 1
  • But their levels are dropping dramatically.
  • The Association, whose anniversary we celebrate to-night, was founded seven years ago, for the purpose of granting permanent pensions to such of the corps dramatique as had retired from the stage, either from a decline in their years or a decay of their powers. Speeches: Literary and Social
  • Here an exclamation of "Mercy, mercy!" called the esquire's attention, and he beheld his amiable consort sinking aghast, with uplifted hands on Eventide A Series of Tales and Poems
  • As a result of this self-willed discipline, I had to often trade off drama for realism, like in "Maalishwalla," where I (initially) had a dramatic cinematographic ending and then changed it to one of actual pathos. Anis Shivani: 'Breathless In Bombay' Author Murzban Shroff Reflects On The Real Mumbai: Exclusive Interview
  • The archaeological record, ethnohistorical accounts, and the memories of elders provide detailed accounts of how human life in the Arctic has always been dominated and influenced by periodic, irregular, and often dramatic ecosystem changes, triggered by periods of warming and cooling, extreme weather events, and fluctuations in animal populations [10]. Responding to climate change in the Arctic
  • Americans who took passage on belligerent ships after such a proclamation had been issued would do so at their own risk. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • In the United States a most dramatic contemporary example of this process is the abortion issue.
  • It also showed an ability to sing coloratura, which is a fast, fluid way of singing music that is ordinarily not easy for the more dramatic singers. NPR Topics: News
  • At least everyone is clear on what an exclamation mark is for, even if they overuse it.
  • She will end her five-year stint on the BBC1 hit after more dramatic storylines this year. The Sun
  • I was sort of wonderin 'how long he could keep this up, and what would be the finish, when from behind me I hears this spluttery line of exclamations indicatin' rage. The House of Torchy
  • We accomplished this by simultaneously establishing two dramatically different, yet complementary, therapeutic environments in the context of conjoint therapy.
  • A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
  • The proclamation complained that tobacco tended to corrupt men's bodies and manners, and that to cultivate tobacco was ‘to abuse and misemploy the soil of this fruitful kingdom’.
  • Like many a libretto and even many a straight play, it creates its dramatic flux by a careful control and mixture of versification.
  • Since hunting was stopped about twenty years ago, the behaviour of the seals has changed dramatically.
  • Compare the size of Rudd's victory with that of the last "seachange" Labor leader, Gough Whitlam, in 1972, who sought to distinguish himself dramatically from the schlerotic Coalition of William McMahon. - Comments
  • There is a dramatic semi-cantilevering porch with a trellis and a skylight running along the ridge line of the roof. FLWBC 2008 Wrap-Up: Day Two
  • Rightsphere, CCC's web-based rights management tool, was named by KM World as a Trend-Setting Product in 2007 and 2008 for dramatically improving productivity in the rights management arena.
  • In Las Vegas, income from gaming tables at the casinos fell dramatically, but slot machine revenue was up.
  • She wants, "I said dramatically," a 'frush' from the bird-shop in the village. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, August 4th, 1920
  • Tristan threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture .
  • The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices.
  • Lopez is completely inept when it comes to playing out the hysterics that this mellow-dramatic insipid thriller so often demands of her.
  • The director uses music to accentuate the rising dramatic tension.
  • The problem with a dramatisation based on real events is that a degree of simplification in unavoidable.
  • Skipton has scaled back mortgage lending dramatically. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also found dramatic responses to interferon of a benign tumor of the throat caused by a virus-caused illness called juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis. Understanding Cancer

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