How To Use Amateur In A Sentence
There's a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.
She gets signed up for Amateur Night as a sentimental soprano soloist, is propelled on stage, moves her lips as the crowd makes noise, sways her body as if actually singing, then exits.
“. . .all his race rose up before him in a mighty phantasmagoria. . .”
Then the pleasant little surprises of all kinds that we imagined; and the pleasant looks that greet us when we condescend to accept them; the patience that can translate our most unwarrantable "crossness", because there has been some trifling difficulty in obtaining the half of a star or the corner of a moon which it had pleased us to require, into "such a good sign of being really better"; and then our appetite (which the gods know is at that season singularly keen), how is it not tempted with unutterable dainties and friande morsels, all sorts of amateur cookery in our behalf, where Love himself has not disdained to turn the spit, and look into the stewpan! and all served up so gracefully on the small tray, covered with its delicate white damask cloth, arraying with more than mortal charms the moulds of crystal jelly and pure-looking blanc mange!
Zoe: The History of Two Lives
By launching the commercial scheme in the guise of an athletic club it falls within the rules of the Amateur Athletic Association.
Weakness number one is a cumulative amateurishness.
The spotlight begins to shine on the coalition's flaws and faultlines | Andrew Rawnsley

Amateurs can easily fill the tubes using simple agricultural tools, after which bags are arranged in a spiral that is gradually corbelled inwards as it ascends to form a dome.
It's the equivalent of a course in arboriculture for the amateur gardener and landscape professional, including the history and culture of trees, suggesting the climates where you might find them growing.
Books to inspire endeavors in landscape design, gardening
Having done some cycling in England as a teenager, I have admired the amateur cyclists I've seen toiling up those climbs and can appreciate the difficulty of the last segment of stage eight.
While no one disputes Ahola's ability to lift 900 pounds, some have found his performance refreshingly unpracticed, others off-puttingly amateurish.
Then it dawned on me that the word "amateur" comes from the French word meaning "to love.
Restoration: Congress, Term Limits and the Recovery of Deliberative Democracy
This has become a motif among net-critics, whose vanguard is Andrew Keen, who wrote a sloppy, intellectually dishonest book called The Cult of the Amateur that damns the Internet for much the same reasons (Clay Shirky wrote a great response to Keen).
Boing Boing
Originally, Stanley donated this trophy as an award for Canada's top-ranking amateur hockey club.
Even the most amateur of photographers can snap perfect shots in this idyllic place.
He has that je ne sais quoi that distinguishes a professional from an amateur.
In 1948 Heck won first place amateur with his broadbill and best diving duck, the same year in which Crisfield's Lem Ward won "Best in Show."
The fact that he's working with amateurs really frustrates him.
An amateur psychologist as well as a sleuth, O'Neill will not be so easily taken in.
The channel has lost its amateur status and become a grown-up, professional outfit.
Yet the wonder of the tour is that even amateurs can take part.
McKean and other professional word gatherers join enthusiastic amateurs in Wallraff's new book Word Fugitives, which reassures us that taking language seriously needn't always mean being serious about language.
Sniglets and Slithy Toves
Police found an "amateurish" but potentially powerful bomb that apparently began to detonate but did not explode in a smoking vehicle in Times Square, authorities said Sunday.
Bomb found in car near Times Square
In public, at least, Kirk, who lives close to the Wight memorial in Thirsk, is the soul of diplomacy, maintaining that the amateur route will eventually reap dividends.
Many languish unseen in studio vaults, in the holdings of amateur and professional archivists and at the Library of Congress.
I'm running an after-school amateur radio club for high-school students, and they are interested in the theoretical aspects -- antenna theory, transmission lines, single-sideband, things like that.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Within 60 seconds of that score, however, Scotland conceded a try of unutterable amateurishness.
And for the first time there will be cash prizes for the leading players who will join forces with amateurs in the team event.
Mere amateurs in 2009 will make ornithological history in China by discovering birds unknown to science.
Girtin's first commissions were copies after prints and worked-up versions of amateur drawings of scenery and antiquities.
Tony Woodcock has joined German amateur team SC Brueck as coach.
He leads a little troupe of amateur actors from village to village, putting on an old-fashioned dumbshow - a type of humorous play with a stock plot.
The pro championship will be replaced by an amateur event in which stunt novices compete against each other on their own bikes.
Phungephorn, who began studying martial arts when he was 10 and in 2001 won the gold medal for Muay Thai at the World Amateur Martial Arts Championships, fought professionally through his late 20s.
Mixed martial arts students go head-to-head for good health
In the absence of payment, amateur reviewers write overwhelmingly about topics they love.
And then of course, he also has a Ph. D in veterinary medicine, his undergraduate work focused on evolutionary biology-he's an amateur spelunker and a certified scuba diver.
December 2006
Robert Heinlein characterized revolution as “a freak, a mutant, a monstrosity, its conditions never to be repeated and its operations carried out by amateurs and individuals.”
» Viva la revolution heinleinblog
The couple began hosting Burgundy symposia for passionate amateurs in 1997, welcoming a dozen guests to Bouilland for an intensive week of tasting and touring, enlisting such experts as Clive Coates and Alan Meadows to assist.
In the Domain of the Earth Mother of Burgundy
For the past five years, Jenkins, a mechanical engineer and amateur glider pilot, has built three crafts - on wheels, skates, and hydrofoils - equipped with rigid carbon-fiber sails.
I mention this to show the amateur dairywoman how very essential is cleanliness in every article she uses.
Our Farm of Four Acres and the Money we Made by it
The thing that attracted me was that it wasn't your average plonk, plonk, three cord amateur musician.
The formal definition of a radiogram is a plain text message sent in a recognizable format over amateur radio, but in this case it describes a coded message transmitted over shortwave radio directly to operatives in Moscow.
Fast Company
Gaolers were amateurs and for a few bawbees you could escape.
It has more than once been remarked in England that the old-fashioned amateur -- patron and critic, _kenner_ -- is dying out, and that his modern substitute must not only choose, but experiment -- not only admire, but be admired.
Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
This summer in Lincoln, after breezing through the seven-state regionals in Oregon, Sean qualified for the junior amateur category and won his own national championship.
Except for the fiddle at a dance or a melodeon at home, frontier music, in its cultural aspects, was largely confined to amateur bands with plenty of oompah.
I was a sponsored amateur skateboarder in high school—trust me, I wasn't going to maths class.
An amateur video of the crash failed to reveal the cause.
Besides these three sources measurably unprofessional and outside of music, or amateur, as we say now, there was the work of the professional musicians strictly so-called, who, from about 1100 in the old French school, commenced the development of what is now known as polyphony, which culminated in the hands of the Netherlanders, about 1580, Palestrina himself being one of the latest products of this school.
A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
The cast was made up mostly of amateurs.
I often see amateurs try to chip the ball and just chunk it, leaving it in the rough.
The other item was a 'bulla' or a type of amulet [pictured left], discovered by Glen Camley, an amateur metal detector, on farmland at Inch near Downpatrick.
Slugger O'Toole
Others thought the IOC president was ending an era of massive hypocrisy, known as "shamateurism," in which state-sponsored professional athletes from Eastern bloc countries had passed as amateurs for decades.
Olympics leader Juan Antonio Samaranch dies at 89
A professional actor who is appalled by the slack behaviour of an indisciplined group of amateurs seemed a good counterpoint for an uptight Christian coming amongst heathens.
Playing with fire: The Wicker Man musical
Ms Royal has been damaged by a succession of foreign-policy gaffes in recent weeks, which have lent her campaign an air of amateurism.
Far more urgent than protecting our profession from amateurs is the need to protect it from ourselves.
Archive 2004-06-01
When we competed as amateurs in the Olympics we would practise all year for three or four events.
Amateurs and semi-professionals do campaign work unless consultants are hired and brought from abroad.
The Whirlpool galaxy, M 51 , has been one of photogenic galaxies in amateur and professional astronomy.
How many people of working age, for instance, now join amateur dramatic societies, or sign up to be Girl Guide leaders?
In recent years, it has been used for everything from amateur dramatics to business conferences to the counting of general election votes.
He was a stained-glass designer, amateur architect, and occasional versifier (author of ‘I never saw a purple cow’).
In 1899 the Witmark brothers published The First Minstrel Encyclopaedia and The First Minstrel Catalogue, which “covered every want of the amateur quite as well as the mastodonic Sears, Roebuck catalogue covers the needs of its vast patronage.”
A Renegade History of the United States
An expert amateur astronomer in Arizona has captured a terrific photo of Jupiter and its Galilean moons with an Apple iPhone and a Meade catadioptric telescope.
The only little problem with that raise in salary is that amateur and semi-professional musicians won't be able to play at all.
The first staging of one of O'Neill's works came when an amateur theatre group in Provincetown, Cape Cod put on his 1914 one-acter Bound East For Cardiff, a play set onboard a fogbound vessel in the middle of the Atlantic.
This week's new theatre and dance
The amateur apiarist was a member of York Beekeepers' Association and became known locally as ‘Mr B the bee man’, for selling honey from his garden gate.
The museum recently paid £25 million for this; amateur daubers may feel they could have just as well if only they'd had a free weekend…
Of course, there were objections to the amateur rule, and this caused a rift early in the sport's history, and a new breakaway sport was created in 1895, called Rugby League.
The same amateur eye finds the general configuration of passenger aircraft highly repetitive.
We amateurs wouldn't have the time or money to record, otherwise.
He's a known skirt-chaser to a degree that makes John Edwards look like an amateur by comparison, and I have heard rumors from more than one source that his "wife" Laurie has shown up at several Twin Cities ER's with unexplained facial bruises.
Tomorrow's Swift-Boating Of Obama, Today!
The multi-talented Child, whose partner Kate Nutt has also moved yards to join George, has successfully trained Arab horses and point-to-pointers as well as commentated on the amateur sport.
Tattenham Corner
[2] "Almost prehistoric" was the verdict of the distinguished film editor Ralph Rosenblum, who worked on The Producers and has reminisced none too flatteringly about his sole collaboration with Brooks, whom he characterizes as a bullheaded amateur who had no idea how to use the resources of the camera to create humor.
Double Take
Claire and I are both interested in amateur operatics, which is how we met, and I belong to Gravesend Operatic at the Woodville Halls.
This study builds on the transactions recorded in the journal by correlating them with information gleaned from other sources, such as history books, the U.S. census, and the knowledge of local amateur historians.
Amateur boxing's ruling body said the Cuban protest was rejected because there was no evidence of serious irregularity.
A new fossil mosasaur, one of a group of non-dinosaurian reptiles that return to marine existence, has been found by an amateur fossil hunter see?
The Panda's Thumb: John S. Wilkins Archives
The author outlines both the commonalities that define science fiction fandom and the tensions and schisms within the community, focusing on participants in organized clubs, amateur publications, and conventions.
An amateur ornithologist claims he saw a South Island kokako from about 20 meters.
Archive 2008-03-01
Before that he eked out a living repairing harmoniums and composing for amateur theatre productions.
Times, Sunday Times
The photographs are of indifferent quality, the layout and design clumsy and amateurish.
Professional geologists and amateur rock hunters flocked to the White Mountains, regarded as a superb site for the study of geomorphology.
The amateur dramatic society are desperately seeking men for the chorus of its April musical Anything Goes.
Cut-rate journalists and underground marketing campaigns now drown out the authentic voices of amateur wordsmiths.
The previously undomesticated boy quickly realizes that half-measures like hastily buying his little cousin a pre-packaged lunch at a convenience store on the way to kindergarten can have traumatic consequences in a milieu where bringing in an amateurish or non-homemade bento is perceived as a symptom of a shamefully inadequate family.
Daddies dearest
Indeed, he was both an amateur painter and a musician in a rock band that met at weekends.
Because this opening is a mainstay in the repertoires of tens of thousands of amateurs.
She is an amateur in dancing.
Every one of these groups is embarrassed by this "amateurism," and, for the sake of their public image in a world of non-computer people, they all attempt to look as stern and formal and impressive as possible.
The Hacker Crackdown
I told him my theory that the shootist was an amateur, since a pro, having the time to do it, would probably have killed the bodyguard first, then killed Marcus at his leisure.
Death on a Vineyard Beach
From the late Fifties through the mid-Sixties their beginner's superhet was called the SimpleX Super, a 3-tube affair designed to cover just the 80M and 40M amateur bands.
To the amateur psephologist who is bemoaning Hillary's real electoral advantage: 56% of W. Virginian's are Democrats.
Why West Virginians turned out for Clinton
Numerous ergogenic aids that claim to enhance sports performance are used by amateur and professional athletes.
The team had six professionals and made the number up with five amateurs.
Most amateurs that I play with tend to try to hit the ball too hard, especially off the tee.
European and English amateur champion Duggleby enjoyed an outstanding singles victory over Solheim Cup captain Dale Reid by four and three, and Reid suffered again in the foursomes, losing by a two-hole margin.
It's a valuable business, and commercial fishers say the $2.4 billion legal fishing trade in Australia is becoming increasingly attractive to so-called ‘shamateurs‘.
Acting with an amateur theatrical group can be fun.
An amateur flyer had an amazing escape when his microlight aircraft hit a power cable and plunged into a field.
Simply put, he thinks the NCAA's "immoral and criminal" bureaucratic handling of its finances and its "blatant hypocrisy, shamateurism and systematic ripoff" of youngsters must end.
The Hoops Are Made Of Gold
Jaime was not a melomaniac, but his vagrant existence forced him with the crowd, and his accomplishment as an amateur pianist had led him to make his musical pilgrimage for two consecutive years.
The Dead Command From the Spanish Los Muertos Mandan
At this time, football was a strictly amateur sport, even though many of the people involved in its administration, such as Alcock, were also involved in cricket which had been played by professionals for about 200 years.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
If people knew what was out here, amateur astronomy would be as popular as every other outdoor activity combined.
These materials clearly suggest the extent to which deltiology is driven not by art historians and museum professionals but by amateur and professional collectors.
Perhaps as a result, the low-cost carriers are also usually full of what I call "amateurs" -- families travelling on vacation, or those insufferable people who stumble through airports looking as if they've never heard of air travel before.
Unsolicited Testimonial: Virgin America - Anil Dash
The competition is open to both amateur and professional photographers.
A judge at Bradford Crown Court yesterday watched amateur video footage of the Fiesta as it sped along the road before careering into crowds of people lining the race route.
I don't think golfers have enough loft on their drivers, especially amateurs.
What he does provide are gross out jokes, amateurish animation techniques, and hideous images of the human body and deformed flesh.
I was the California middleweight champion in 1982, so my boxing amateur career was from 1977 to 1984.
Synopsis: The details are still being kept under wraps, but if the Paranormal Activity 2 trailer is anything to judge by, we'll be seeing more demonic home invasion caught on "amateur home video.
Speculation abounds as to how long Amir Khan can turn his back on the long line of promoters beating a path to his door and remain in the amateur ranks.
On one side was Andrew Keen, author of The Cult of the Amateur, railing against what he called the cacophony of Web 2.0 and the calamitous effects of user-generated content on our culture.
Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
There's a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.
When their children's passion for amateur dramatics had come to dominate the family's spare time, the Kellys moved to a home neighbouring the local theatre, where their mother had taken a job in the box office.
Were the amateurs doing science, or just prettying up the pictures?
He serves as the amateur therapist of choice to his well-to-do clients, hearing all about their blowouts in the course of their blowouts, and I want to find out why.
The prince was a great amateur of the peculiar viol called the barytone, and it was one of Haydn's duties to provide new compositions for this instrument.
A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
Is his dramatic performance appropriate parody or merely amateurish?
Colin followed his father and paternal ancestors in being an enthusiastic amateur botanist.
With pros playing in the Olympics, this is the last spot for pure amateurism.
In any art the specialist, even if he is unskillful, is always superior to the most talented amateur.
At the front of the line were the all-nighters, hard-core sci-fi fans, amateur Civil War historians, and chasers of obscurities, rumored to have been there since before midnight.
The show, held on the lawn of Heritage Park, is open to owners and professional and amateur builders of small craft such as sailboats, rowing boats, launches, and other pleasure and working boats.
Hiding a live monkey underneath your blouse and claiming to be pregnant may sound like an amateur attempt at smuggling but American Gypsy Lawson, 29, used that exact method to sneak a drugged rhesus monkey into the US in 2008. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
Amateur fossil hunters have helped to uncover the oldest known ancestor to kangaroos, koalas, possums, and wombats.
Beh voui amateur de jeux videos ne veut pas dire forcement debile mental!
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
All the boats are captained by professional sailors but the rest of the crew are amateurs.
The US delegation was shocked by the amateurishness of it all.
Conroy writes with passion and knowledge, but his book is ultimately too cursorary and brief to be of use to a serious -- or even amateur -- scholar.
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TV was increasingly given over to amateurism; anyone with a camcorder could secure a viewing.
They're too tongue-in-cheek, too savvy and intelligent to be discounted as amateurs, yet sophomoric enough to not buckle to pretentiousness and delusions of grandeur.
About Reviewer: Amateur Producer Fan superb intro, classic rhythm beat, i unfortunately have no clue to the original songs but i thought the "nayan tarse" vocals have a bit too much reverb, bring it out a lill, also the beat goes a lill weak when around the vocals, embolden them, great use of effex, quite liked the bassline too man, the "perdesi" vocals for me could be brought into the mix a lot more
The amateurish performances, hamfisted dramatics and video nasty violence are a completely resistible combination.
This detailed survey is peppered with information on how the faunas came to be collected - often by amateurs.
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It happened during a performance by a newly setup amateur dramatic group, all of whose members were mentally handicapped.
Amateurs rather than professionals provided entertainment the same evening in a high-class concert at Victoria Hall.
This is what separates the professional from us ham-fisted beer guzzling amateurs.
It was a surprisingly amateurish movie.
Mazda's MX-5 Miata is the best-selling sports car in history and more people race their little darlings at autocross and other amateur and professional events than any other car.
Steve Parker: Road test - 2010 Mazda MX-5 Miata
Professional curators and conservators will look for work elsewhere, and amateurs will be hired who don't care whether light levels are 50 lux or 500 lux.
Those who heard Schumann play say that he used the pedal persistently, sometimes twice in the same bar to avoid harmonic confusion; and the same is true of Chopin, concerning whose playing an English amateur says, after referring to his _legatissimo_ touch: "The wide arpeggios in the left hand, _maintained in a continuous stream of tone_ by the strict legato and fine and constant use of the damper pedal, formed an harmonious substructure for a wonderfully poetic _cantabile_.
Chopin and Other Musical Essays
The word amateur comes from the French 'amour', meaning someone who loves what they do.
MAKE Magazine
Portlaw 2000 was set up by award-winning amateur photographer Sean O'Brien as a special project commemorating the Millennium and can now be seen by net browsers all over.
Well, it was * really* amateurish of Steele to intoxicatedly meandering into this buzzsaw.
Steele Apologizes To Limbaugh, Praises His Leadership
They call themselves "biohackers" and they acknowledge the danger of unleashing a genetically altered Frankenstein\'s monster on the public or terrorists could be inspired by amateur genetic tinkering to launch a devastating bioattack on America. '
OpEdNews - Quicklink: "Biohackers" tinkering with the very foundations of life on Earth
E. P. Austin, who was in the mining business, was an amateur coleopterist and published several papers on beetles in the course of the next few years, but he was not active in the Club after 1882.
We won't be happy until we've got 400 cable or satellite or digital stations and we can watch the most ridiculous, amateurish, shoddy bits of nonsense.
However, we were but callow, untried amateurs back then.
Ironically, Beaumont is the amateur on this professional tour.
As the months rolled on, more and more aspiring riders turned up, so to control numbers the Whalley Amateur Dirt-Track Club was formed and members had to pay both annual subscriptions and to ride the track.
By the mid-nineteenth century there was little distinction between formal articles on craniology and studies by enthusiastic amateurs.
If you are an amateur or a semi-professional photographer, then you can probably make some money from your photos.
Original Photo | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
Sitting quietly backstage before the contest, she admitted that after a long career as an amateur, she was ready to put aside her bodybuilding efforts and give powerlifting a try.
Once ensconced as a fully-fledged academic, he narrowed his field of hobbies to include amateur beatification and canasta.
What Andy Warhol said about professionals vs. amateurs is true not just in theatre, but in lots of DIY pursuits such as brewing your own beer.
Boing Boing
All novices must compete at the amateur level for three races before qualifying for the professional category.
A judge and landlord, he throve on amateur metaphysics and early anthropology, purveying monkey theories almost a century ahead of Darwin.
Players and their amateur partners in this pro-am event play a round each at Carnoustie, St Andrews and Kingsbarns over the first three days, with a cut coming ahead of the final round on the Old Course on Sunday.
‘I've always been involved in amateur dramatics but I wanted to take it more seriously by joining the group,’ said Mrs Havergal.
As an amateur jockey Twiston-Davies won 17 races under rules and 17 in point-to-points.
An amateur flyer had an amazing escape when his microlight aircraft hit a power cable and plunged into a field.
They have been stalwarts of the local amateur dramatic society for over 30 years.
It was a clumsy amateur agent who was foolish enough to allow himself to be detected.
For years, the discovery was kept a strict secret until the amateur sleuths who uncovered the bodies officially announced their grisly find in 1991.
Mickelson won his first major golf tournament while still an amateur.
The first impulse among amateurs is to look for easy explanations and easily identifiable villains.
Matthew Yglesias » Obama > Congressional Democrats > Congressional GOP
This cosy arrangement has been abruptly terminated, however, by new government regulations limiting the sort of work that amateurs can carry out.
This is a song-writing competition open to all amateurs, semi-professionals and professionals.
Amateur hour in non-Labor parties ALTHOUGH enjoying swings of more than 7 per cent, the Liberal Party at the recent Tasmanian and South Australian elections failed to win government from Labor despite their long-term incumbencies and scandals. | Top Stories
Under the open-source model, scientists are free to modify the control software, creating a trickle-down effect that benefits amateurs.
The problem is that such performances are by definition amateurish.
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Belbo (UID#3882) on November 6th, 2009 at 8: 57 am become an avid amateur birdwatcher real quick.
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The Greater San Diego Open drew more than 400 amateur bowlers for the pro-am competition, a tribute to DeLuca and the PWBA.
Besides, to shoot a mere amateur in Chouannerie would be as absurd as to fire on a balloon when a pinprick would disinflate it.
The Chouans
There are department-store tents of amateur watercolourists, amateur kiddie crocheters, flower dryers, mud turners, cancerous candle makers, rag-doll knotters and metal benders.
Amateur video posted online showed bloody, presumably dead individuals in civilian garb.
Before the practice took hold, some news directors, fearing pranks, were leery of airing amateur video.
The cream of Scottish dinghy racers converged at the Royal West of Scotland Amateur Boat Club to do battle yesterday.
The competition is open to both amateur and professional photographers.
There's a variety of mushrooms and other fungi about too, for the budding amateur mycologist.
“A novillero,” I tell Hannah, “is an amateur who hopes one day to be confirmed as a matador.”
The Making of Toro
The amateur show jumper is contemplating his future in the sport.
Anyone posting an amateur unboxing video from wrapped package to unboxed device is just showing off their new toy.
An amateur bird-watcher has found the first new bird species to be discovered in India in over 50 years.
Each professional was accompanied by three amateur players, comprising members of Cherry Lodge or their guests.
While the amateur sleuths try to piece together the femme fatale's recent past, Betty is gradually drawn into Rita's shadowy world.
But don't tell Fly the shamateurs're innocent.
There are two stages to alpenglow, a first surge that waxes and wanes, fooling amateur photographers into stowing away their cameras, and then a sudden short-lived second rush of colors.
The Wall
he performed the piece amateurishly
He had a keen interest in amateur dramatics, training at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London and performing with the Adastrians in Swindon.
But whereas amateur athletes often compete just for the privilege of winning, retailers compete for customers and profit.
In fact, he's so pleased with his game that he's planning to join an amateur hardball league next season - just to get a little taste of his old major-league dream.
This is a unique event where the top professionals race against the top amateurs and the top youth.
Michal Czerwonka for The Wall Street Journal Fred Stoller Fred Stoller's neurotic Brooklynite whine makes Woody Allen seem like an amateur, and Mr. Stoller, 52, has worked his gift into a career, first as a deadpan stand-up comic and then as a nebbishy actor in countless short-lived sitcom roles: Elaine's annoying date in an episode of "Seinfeld," a mopey cousin on "Everybody Loves Raymond," a jerky waiter on "Friends.
Diary of a Nebbishy Comic: 'My Seinfeld Year'
The vivid memory of pundits chanting and amateur actors dressed in bright costumes performing on the open-air stage has stayed with me.
Young amateurs like the shorts, too, even though they cost about twice as much as jocks.
Mr. Pizotti had taught them how to enter properly, and how to take their cues; but to Jess's mind he was not the man to train amateurs to speak their parts with naturalness.
The Girls of Central High on the Stage: or, The Play That Took the Prize
The ARRL is the national membership association for Amateur Radio operators.
MacGyver Of The Day: HAM Radio Hacker Diana Eng | Lifehacker Australia
I'm assuming the Zolars are amateurs at this kind of search game.