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How To Use Amanuensis In A Sentence

  • But she had, like some robotic amanuensis, taking down dictation. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • In fact, not all of the men know---most think Filing runs it and I'm just his amanuensis. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • His amanuensis, David Frum, is a different and much sadder case.
  • How could I dictate to some amanuensis all the love I feel for my darling Lily, the loveliest flower ....
  • The enmity of states has given rise to the deployment of other counter-productive crudities, such as sanctions on Iran, trade barriers against the developing world and the exchange of rhetorical abuse, beloved of George Bush and his amanuensis, Tony Blair. Clegg told the truth on Iraq. It's for Cameron to end a decade of pretence
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  • In the screenshot above, I'm using YubNub to do a Google search for the word "amanuensis". posted by Jonathan at (Windows) SlickRun: Looks cool with a large font
  • Affectionate and needy, Thackeray had nurtured Anny's talents, and used her as his amanuensis.
  • My amanuensis is a gentleman who acted as my aide-de-camp, and I beg you will acquaint his good father that he acquitted himself highly to my satisfaction, and showed himself deserving the stock from which he sprung. Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez, Vol. I
  • Recent scholarship, however, has tended to the view that lecture notes and other extraneous material might have been included in the text, Kant being increasingly dependent on an amanuensis when transcribing his drafts.
  • Young men share their nostalgia for domestic life in these letters, while the female amanuensis momentarily becomes a soldier.
  • The amanuensis was a red-haired young man -- probably a colonial from one of the worlds of Rita's Veil, judging by his accent. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Thomas went to his grave regarding Eleanour as nothing more than a dear friend, useful as an unpaid secretary, the willing amanuensis who typed his manuscripts for him.
  • What I remember about her program notes between 1962 and the late 1970s, when Protas became Graham's shadowy amanuensis, is their poetic allusions and their deliberate omission of any stories.
  • Eight to five you never heard the word amanuensis and you never saw a cocklebur.” The Black Mountain
  • Milton's blindness forced him to dictate to an amanuensis.
  • And we know he isn't joking because his faithful amanuensis, Dennis Shanahan, has reported it all in the newspaper.
  • Sauntering along the park and past the bingo, I reflect on the only fact I know about Dr Johnson's amanuensis, other than where he's buried.
  • Tolstoy's literary amanuensis, V.G. Chertkov, had emigrated to Britain the previous year.
  • By the age of twenty-four she was free to seek work outside the home, finding temporary positions as amanuensis and governess.
  • Paul's autograph salutation (so 1Co 16: 21; 2Th 3: 17), attesting that the preceding letter, though written by an amanuensis, is from himself. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Driven by the "very human desire for philosophical immortality," Bruno recites his life story to a young researcher, his "amanuensis," in a lab where he's being held for murder. Review of Benjamin Hale's 'Evolution of Bruno Littlemore': Aping human love
  • I thought perhaps you'd had some amanuensis write it for you. SACRAMENT
  • With his eloquent amanuensis Chen Boda at his elbow, he cast back to China's wartime experience for a solution.
  • You were added to the list for one reason, John: you added the word "amanuensis" to my vocabulary. 10 Genealogy Blogs Worth Reading
  • During their short and turbulent life he became virtually their cinematic amanuensis, a process which culminated in his first feature film.
  • Which amanuensis is a drunken, bankrupt village grocer, of whom my son-in-law is one of the defrauded creditors – Mr. L — having intrusted him with about forty pounds 'worth of the plantation rice, to sell on commission for him, which rice, indeed, was sold, but was never accounted for, and as the man is a bankrupt, never will be. Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • When Bellori chose portraits for his Lives, by a still unidentified artist, he or his amanuensis decided to include such props as a book for Nicolas Poussin and a burin for Agostino Carracci.
  • Units of legal affairs: procurator, amanuensis, forensic physician, inspector, bailiff, investigator, rectification personnel, and guard.
  • Secondly, if this meeting was only to do with matters arising from procedure concerning the Speaker's Statement, why does Harriett Harperson's amanuensis set out in extenso an agenda that can only be germane to a discussion of the substance of the Speaker's proposed statement, under the heading 'Parliamentary Privilege: Four Principles'? Archive 2008-11-30
  • By the age of twenty-four she was free to seek work outside the home, finding temporary positions as amanuensis and governess.
  • Towards the end of 1638 a young pupil, Vincenzio Viviani, came to live and study with Galileo, serving him also as amanuensis.
  • Even through an amanuensis the young film star had known Hugh `counted'. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • But she had, like some robotic amanuensis, taking down dictation. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • This correspondence reveals that after an unsuccessful effort to enlist Harriet Beecher Stowe as her amanuensis, she wrote her life herself.
  • In his final years he was blind and paralysed but was able to continue composing through the devoted assistance of Eric Fenby, his musical amanuensis.
  • Simson remained in good health until a few years before his death, during which period he had to employ an amanuensis to assist him in revising his geometrical writings.
  • Thus, he himself was the amanuensis and editor.
  • Recent scholarship, however, has tended to the view that lecture notes and other extraneous material might have been included in the text, Kant being increasingly dependent on an amanuensis when transcribing his drafts.
  • Milton's blindness forced him to dictate to an amanuensis.
  • Thomas went to his grave regarding Eleanour as nothing more than a dear friend, useful as an unpaid secretary, the willing amanuensis who typed his manuscripts for him.
  • He was the amanuensis for the meetings of the general committee, the final meetings for which King James had been waiting impatiently.
  • Silenced herself, she is reduced to the status of his amanuensis.

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