How To Use Amanita In A Sentence
Amanita fulva is tawny and has a volva that is not constricted and often stains rusty brown.
Milk thistle has been used as an effective treatment for amanita mushroom poisoning, which kills its victim by destroying the liver.
Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
The Jew said, Maybe the word is ‘amanita,’ a poisonous mushroom.
The Book of Unholy Mischief
The lessons come in more abstract forms too, like the title creature or man? of “Amanitas,” who submits to an unspecified temptation and is subsequently punished by his ambiguous female temptress.
Buzzine » Of Fungi And Foe
-- Amanita phalloides, volva circumscissile, concave bulb margined by definite short limb of volva; upper part of volva has disappeared from cap; cap whitish, tinged with brown.]
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.

Colorful toadstools spring from the forest floor of a Vancouver rain forest. Toadstools like this Amanita muscaria are known for their hallucinogenic powers.
These terms are used because nicotine mimics the action of acetylcholine at nicotinic receptors, whereas muscarine, an alkaloid from the mushroom Amanita muscaria, mimics the action of acetylcholine at the muscarinic receptors.
The grisette differs from other Amanita species by having no ring on the stem.
-- Amanita phalloides, volva circumscissile, cap scaly, limb of volva not prominent, cap dark, scales white (natural size).
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
The man had picked poisonous amanita ocreata mushrooms, which are common in the Santa Barbara area, at the Douglas Family Preserve above Arroyo Burro Beach.
2009 March 10 « Scavenging
While regular hallucinogens like psilocybin stimulate new neurological connections, the Amanita muscaria does something extra.
Amanita verna which could produce laccase was isolated from 9 fungi gathered on the Majia mountain.
I wanted to believe it was a love potion but … could that dried bit have been amanita?
The Book of Unholy Mischief
Unlike many other amanitas, the grisette and its relatives have no partial veil covering the immature gills, and no subsequent ring encircling the stalk.
Amanitas have many superficial resemblances which can confuse amateur mushroom hunters: it is better to avoid veiled mushrooms with bulbed bases or volvas unless you are very experienced with mushrooms.
Just two months ago, the Chronicle reported on three members of a Bay Area family — a grandmother and two preteen boys — that had been hospitalized after harvesting and eating amanita phalloida (aka “death cap”) mushrooms, a sister species to the kind that killed the Santa Barbara octogenarian.
When Urban Gleaning Goes Wrong « Scavenging
The variable condition in this one species _A. phalloides_, now splitting at the apex, now tearing up irregularly, now splitting in a definitely circumscissile manner, seems to bid defiance to any attempt to separate the species of _Amanita_ into groups based on the manner in which the volva ruptures.
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
The last medical case was about alpha-amanitin toxin derived from Amanita mushrooms.
Nuwen's Med Blog
Later it was named muscarin, and now is sometimes known as amanitin, since it is confined to the mushrooms of the Amanita genus.
The Treasure-Train
So just because you see a rabbit gorging itself on death-cap mushrooms - Amanita phalloides - don't assume you can do the same.
That the food fetish has its erotic component is suggested by the means of poison — Amanita phalloides — and by the way Merricat so totally depends upon her older sister as a food provider, as if she were an unweaned infant and not a "great child" grown into an adult.
The Witchcraft of Shirley Jackson
Elsewhere we marveled at the intricate rusted ironworks designs in the latest video of Amanita's upcoming adventure game Machinarium, saw Minotaur China Shop (and Jetpack Brontosaurus, coincidentally) creators Flashbang poke gentle fun at Braid creator Jon Blow, and found a wonderful series of T-shirts based on the glitched-out boot-up sequences of arcade games.
Boing Boing
Figure 58 and the small plant in Fig. 56, both from photographs of the sooty form of _Amanita phalloides_, show in a striking manner the typical condition of the circumscissile volva margining the broad saucer-like bulb as described for _Amanita mappa_.
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
Methods The clinical phenomena, laboratory test, histological changes of important organ and results of treatment about a disaster of 19 Amanita phalloides poisoning patients were studied.