
How To Use Amalgamate In A Sentence

  • That complete dependence on each other, which insures habits of confidence and forbearance, is more easily acquired while the first dream of love lasts; and tastes and tempers amalgamate better in the end when there are no witnesses to observe that they do not quite fit at first. The Semi-Attached Couple
  • Richard and Bolingbroke ultimately represent two types of souls or distinct aspects of the soul that must be amalgamated in a single man, achieving the soul's harmony by counterpoint.
  • The new ü did not long hold its own; it became diphthongized to iu and was amalgamated with the native iw of words like new and slew. Chapter 9. How Languages Influence Each Other
  • The manufacturers have agreed to amalgamate their brand names for the duration in the interest of the Allied war effort. HUMAN VOICES
  • The current proposals are a choice between North Yorkshire Police merging with the West Yorkshire force, or being amalgamated into a Yorkshire and Humber regional force.
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  • A possible future is that regions will pass away and districts amalgamate to make contracts for more specialist services - tertiary care.
  • This is to be amalgamated with the Physical Chemistry Laboratory in 1994, when the new professor takes office.
  • The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate.
  • Former Scottish soldiers gather in Dundee to protest against the government's plans to amalgamate Scots regiments.
  • Moreover, technically speaking, this would be the perfect moment to amalgamate the three major currencies into one.
  • Next came the brief period of their artistic glory; then the syncretism of the Renaissance, when these winged messengers were amalgamated with pagan _amoretti_ and began to flutter in foolish baroque fashion about the Queen of Heaven, after the pattern of the disreputable little genii attendant upon a Venus of a bad school. Old Calabria
  • The different offices will be amalgamated as/into employment advice centres.
  • As soon as these experiences become amalgamated with the problems the migrants left behind them in their homeland, it provokes an incendiary situation, possibly even a revolutionary movement.
  • He and the hounds ravening him are amalgamated in one precipitate upsweep of pigments.
  • Of course in large alluvial claims, where capital is employed, such appliances are superseded by steam puddles, buddles, and other machinery, and sometimes mercury is used to amalgamate the gold when very fine. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • It was pliant and amalgamated easily with local observances, in China with funeral rites, in Tibet with demonolatry. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • The firm has amalgamated with an American company.
  • Stir until all ingredients are amalgamated and the whole mixture looks rather like thick honey, with about the same consistency.
  • It was furthermore shown that there is at atmospheric pressure very strong tendency for mercury to amalgamate iron.
  • The agency is expected to amalgamate with the National Rivers Authority.
  • The Detailed Spectrum Investigation results have been amalgamated into a proposed table of frequency allocations and use.
  • The firm has amalgamated with an American company.
  • Corrosion of pure and amalgamated zinc in pure concentrated solutions was investigated using two methods.
  • His analysis of the Derveni papyrus shows that there were two distinct Orphic theogonies of classical date, that were later modified and finally amalgamated into the ‘24 Rhapsodies’ from which the Neoplatonists quote.
  • They amalgamated under him as mineral master general in 1709-10.
  • They amalgamated under him as mineral master general in 1709-10.
  • The Detailed Spectrum Investigation results have been amalgamated into a proposed table of frequency allocations and use.
  • Large blocks of land had not been amalgamated as envisaged.
  • The agency is expected to amalgamate with the National Rivers Authority.
  • With the last sentence in her article, it seemed as if in the effort to amalgamate all Muslims into one mass, Ayaan Hirsi Ali established that the only "intolerant" one was herself. Noah Fitzgerel: Not All Islam Is Radical Islam
  • But his true genius lies in synthesis, in an amalgamated vision he can express in the language of computers.
  • The agency is expected to amalgamate with the National Rivers Authority.
  • Financially, the Kaybob K3 Project provides Orleans with operating cost savings upon commissioning of $0.34 per thousand cubic feet ( "mcf") or $2.04 per boe, as the processing fee structure at the K3 Plant is presently lower than the current processing fees charged at the Kaybob Amalgamated Gas Plant ( "KA Plant"). Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • In the North Wiltshire deanery, Mr Oram explained that many of the smaller parishes will have to be amalgamated.
  • Under the plans set out by the Ministry of Defence, the regiment will be amalgamated with other Yorkshire regiments and the name will pass into oblivion by 2007-2008.
  • They also amalgamate our nations into greater groupings, each with its Rothschild controlled 'Central Bank', for their easier management - by them, of course, rather than by the rightful inhabitants of the various subservient countries, and raise - 'harmonize' - all our price levels. Permit you to do WHAT? - Absolutely not!
  • Several adjacent farms would be conjoined, and amalgamated for profit, by outside investors at the expense of sitting tenants.
  • A number of chapels, including Congregational and United Reformed Church, amalgamated in the 1970s to become Christchurch in New Road.
  • My ultimate interest is creating a new hybrid and amalgamated vision by integrating these different languages and variant aesthetics at once.
  • Now suddenly their land was seized and amalgamated with all the land confiscated from large wealthy farmers, and given over to peasants to work.
  • Sites appear to amalgamate many medium.
  • The party later amalgamated with the Greens and Hale herself now represents the Greens in the parliament's Legislative Council.
  • A number of chapels, including Congregational and United Reformed Church, amalgamated in the 1970s to become Christchurch in New Road.
  • The downside of using a processor is that it "heats" the pastry - to combat this using the coldest water possible keeps the mix cold, so it amalgamates before it heats up too much and starts melting the butter. Archive 2006-02-01
  • As the companies amalgamate and compete across wider areas they need to drive overheads down.
  • Organic and impermanent, the piece is at the mercy of its visitors: as they add to it, the work becomes a mishmash of influences, desires and visions, all of which can and will be amalgamated.
  • The following Kent schools have either recently undergone amalgamation or are due to amalgamate.
  • Chilapalapa, otherwise known as Fanagalo, was a simplistic form of Ngoni Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele, and related languages, amalgamated with snippets of English, Dutch, and Afrikaans. Rainbow’s End
  • The dispossession of the peasantry gave landlords a golden opportunity to amalgamate small plots into large farms.
  • Some local areas will be amalgamated to improve their economics and management.
  • He suggested that, in contrast to the previous government's reform agenda, community government councils may be federated, not necessarily amalgamated.
  • The regions of application have been amalgamated with the National Curriculum cross-curricular themes.
  • Their company is planning to amalgamate with ours.
  • The East Yorkshire Regiment amalgamated with the West Yorkshire Regiment in 1958 to form the Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire.
  • I am of opinion that in cases such as this, where it is not intended to adopt the chlorination or cyanogen process, it will be found most economical to crush to a coarse gauge, concentrate, calcine the concentrates, and finally amalgamate in some suitable amalgamator. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • The Detailed Spectrum Investigation results have been amalgamated into a proposed table of frequency allocations and use.
  • The manufacturers have agreed to amalgamate their brand names for the duration in the interest of the Allied war effort. HUMAN VOICES
  • In 1989 this was restructured so that the smaller local bodies were amalgamated with larger ones.
  • When the classical culture invaded Egypt, they sought to capture the deep reverence afforded to Thoth and amalgamated his characteristics into their own god Hermes.
  • In this sense, his amalgamated rhetoric fuses a wide variety of traditions, topoi, and strategies in service of persuasion fashioned to galvanize oppositional thought in a common cause.
  • In many old skulls, however, the diploe is wanting altogether, and the two tables are amalgamated, and often very thin. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • Before that time the school was to be amalgamated with another local comprehensive.
  • If you've read The Rum Diary, you'll notice that certain characters and events have been amalgamated, erased or enlarged, often cleverly and wisely, but that Robinson's gentler tone is slightly at odds with Thompson's marvellously splenetic and bilious prose. Johnny Depp is back as a very different Hunter S Thompson
  • The drawings were in large part reorganised and amalgamated with other drawings belonging to the family.
  • The electricians' union is planning to amalgamate with the technicians' union.
  • The manufacturers have agreed to amalgamate their brand names for the duration in the interest of the Allied war effort. HUMAN VOICES
  • The by-law proposal is only the product of the utterly unromantic and dreary administrative process of harmonizing all the old bylaws left over from the pre-amalgamated municipalities that now make up Toronto.
  • But when the two banks amalgamated, it threw the whole religious balance out of kilter.
  • Let the rounded end of a brass rod, 0.3 of an inch or thereabouts in diameter, point downwards in free air; let it be amalgamated, and have a drop of mercury suspended from it; and then let it be powerfully electrized. Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
  • The electricians' union is planning to amalgamate with the technicians' union.
  • Zominthos is a charming place where all the features of Minoan archaeology are amalgamated, which is why we need to be careful as we excavate, not to miss any piece that could be added to the puzzle of the archaeology of the mountains. Picture 40 « Daily Life « Interactive Dig Crete – Zominthos Project
  • The agency is expected to amalgamate with the National Rivers Authority.
  • They amalgamate seamlessly into any modern living room and add multitude of warmth, charm and seductive beauty to the room. Roll Fire from Conmoto
  • After all, no one has yet proven that the amalgamated desire of everybody else on the road to rid the left lane of Toyotas and Lexuses isn’t having some kind of telekinetic effect on their throttles. » Wide-open twaddle
  • The women's association has amalgamated with the men's.
  • In 1953, after a passer-by was fatally injured by a piece of loose cast iron, Amalgamated had the structure stripped and reclad. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Mercury is used by thousands of small-scale miners in the region to amalgamate gold.
  • Both insurance subsidiaries have announced their intention to amalgamate.
  • That disclosure comes from a recent survey by Retrevo, a web site that amalgamates consumer electronics product reviews. Stripped-down Windows 7 for netbooks disappoints many
  • The old school is empty since pupils amalgamated with the junior school.
  • Analysts are recommending the companies shut more of their facilities, or even amalgamate. Caught in a Steel Trap
  • He was also a keen hurler and in recent years saw his beloved Ballinakill Club amalgamated with Woodford.
  • Even though there was significant heterogeneity in the sizes of these treatment effects, the progress results are repeatedly presented as amalgamated data.
  • Albert and the oroide gold pants and the amalgamated copper hat, that carried the combination meat-axe, ice-pick, and liberty-pole, and used to stand on the first landing as you go up to the Little Roads of Destiny
  • Each of these units shows an amalgamated upper-shoreface sandstone section over 20 m thick, sharply overlain by transgressive sheltal shales about 50 m thick.
  • In some universities, physics departments have been broken up and amalgamated with other schools, such as engineering.
  • Drawn to the particulars, we try to amalgamate them into an illusionistic head, then get seduced by details again, unable to reconcile the two readings. The Proto-Surrealist
  • The amalgamated megacity stands at a crossroads. Globe and Mail
  • The Detailed Spectrum Investigation results have been amalgamated into a proposed table of frequency allocations and use.
  • A Christmas birthday also means a birthday party amalgamated with the festive celebrations.
  • A business is often sold, purchased, merged, or amalgamated with another business by the purchase and sale of either assets or shares.
  • The school, which up to now was independent, is to be amalgamated with St. Patrick's Boys Primary School, to become St Patrick's Primary School.
  • The selection seems to have taken into account the moves within London University to amalgamate some colleges and form five science centres.
  • I was flipping through Wikipedia and came across the article on megacities (which they use as synonymous with "megalopolis", not "amalgamated city" like Torontonians do) and was struck by one statistic: Crime
  • The Salmon Research Trust was transferred into state ownership in 1990 and in 1999 was amalgamated with the Marine Institute.
  • But the three zones mingle and amalgamate along the edges, like the colors in solar spectrum.
  • The Anglican Church of Ireland was amalgamated with the established Church of England, though, subsequently in 1869, it was disestablished and disendowed. The Governments of Europe
  • The company has decided to amalgamate with the parent firm.
  • The general course of the decay curves was similar for polished and amalgamated zinc.
  • Coleridge, are amalgamated and consubstantiated with his native thought. Milton
  • Stir until the ingredients are amalgamated.
  • To put it in the language of evolutionary psychology, "The richly textured representations we experience as feeling constitute our conscious access to a high-bandwidth system of computational devices and program interfaces that amalgamate valuation information with other representations to guide decision making and to recalibrate decisions in an ongoing way. Valerie Tarico: God's Emotions: What Are Emotions Anyway? (Part 4)
  • The Visitors' Centre amalgamates the traditions of the Old World with the technology of the New.
  • The form of the animal is preserved by an entire cartilaginous case, of about three inches in thickness, covered by a kind of shagreen skin, so amalgamated with the cartilage as not to be separated from it. The Illustrated London Reading Book
  • the amalgamated colleges constituted a university
  • Hereford United According to the club: Before the formation of Hereford United there were four leading amateur clubs in Hereford and it was believed that a higher class of football could be sustained if they were to amalgamate. Are Newcastle United England's only united United? | The Knowledge
  • Three companies were amalgamated into a corporation.
  • This will possibly lead to rural clubs having to amalgamate to field a team.
  • My bet is that they're going to skip or amalgamate a few books, or go the Dexter route and splinter off into a drastically different canon the most logical choice. Ask Matt: Entourage, Ringer, Closer, Torchwood and More!
  • The manufacturers have agreed to amalgamate their brand names for the duration in the interest of the Allied war effort. HUMAN VOICES
  • A Christmas birthday also means a birthday party amalgamated with the festive celebrations.
  • The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate.
  • When the word "amalgamate" escaped his lips a storm of hisses and jeers drowned further speech and he quickly crouched down in his seat. Imperium in Imperio: A Study of the Negro Race Problem A Novel
  • By this process the essence of two or more old comedies is extracted; their characters and plots amalgamated; and the whole "rectified" by the careful expunction of equivocal passages. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841
  • The boys' and girls' schools have amalgamated to form a new comprehensive.
  • Conclusion Low Molecular Dextran should be forbid or used prudence in AICVD patient who amalgamate pressgrease.
  • Richard and Bolingbroke ultimately represent two types of souls or distinct aspects of the soul that must be amalgamated in a single man, achieving the soul's harmony by counterpoint.
  • Rojek says land swaps could amalgamate under-utilized tot lots and small isolated parks, creating larger and more accessible open spaces.
  • Mr. Rosen, who was one of the three founders of Amalgamated in 2003, is leaving to pursue what he described as his longtime interests in public affairs and progressive politics. NYT > Home Page
  • The regions of application have been amalgamated with the National Curriculum cross-curricular themes.
  • The eleven staff based at the laboratory were also shocked to learn that the lab is to be amalgamated with a proposed new facility for all Munster, based in the County Cork town.
  • This is to be amalgamated with the Physical Chemistry Laboratory in 1994, when the new professor takes office.
  • Each body contained only one person who could remotely be classified as a blue-collar worker; each of these men filled a position specifically but unofficially designed as reserved for a “representative of labor,” and each was an official of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers. Interpretations of American History
  • Part of the community was composed of immigrant workers, such as Polish miners and Italian steelworkers, but they had become effectively amalgamated with their French comrades.

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