How To Use altitudinous In A Sentence
- As for bridges, fairground rides, aeroplanes and indeed absurdly altitudinous skyscrapers that move perceptibly in the breeze - not fine. Times, Sunday Times
- The Ondt was a weltall fellow, raumybult and abelboobied, bynear saw altitudinous wee a schelling in kopfers. Finnegans Wake
- Or if he does his idea of Christianity is not so altitudinous that he can stand on its apex and keep the flies off the man in the moon. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
- Eighty miles, yet they were clear with the clearness that only altitudinous country can bring; alluring, fascinating, beckoning to him until his being rebelled against the comparative slowness of the train, and the minutes passed in a dragging, long-drawn-out sequence that was almost an agony to Robert Fairchild. The Cross-Cut
- Ensconced upon the more altitudinous seat of authority he swung his lash out with a report like The Wrong Woman
- Yet I might appropriately enough have envied the fellow his altitudinous position, if nothing else, remembering how grand and almost grown-up a certain small Massachusetts boy used to feel as he surveyed the world from a perch not half so exalted, in what to his eyes was about the tallest pine tree in the world, up in his father's pasture. On Foot in the Yosemite
- He unlocked the door and they stepped through a time machine into a living past of dark woods, altitudinous ceilings, vast stained-glass chandeliers, brassy firedogs, and many many oil paintings of -- incredibly -- butlers. The Body Ricardo
- Out of that full, free Western life, with its tremendous hazards of fortune, its extravagant alternations from fabulous wealth to wretched poverty, its tremendous exaggerations and incredible contrasts, was evolved a humour as rugged, as mountainous, and as altitudinous as the conditions which gave it birth. Mark Twain
- [Music: c '' '] and although that is a pretty altitudinous pitch, there are very few choir-boys who, when taught to breathe properly, etc., will not take it occasionally with perfect ease. The Child-Voice in Singing treated from a physiological and a practical standpoint and especially adapted to schools and boy choirs