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How To Use Althea In A Sentence

  • She also received a Golden Globe nomination for her role Althea in Forman’s movie People vs Larry Flynt. Courtney Love Gives Paris Hilton The Finger
  • In 1956 the tournament was host to the first African-American Grand Slam winner, the American Althea Gibson.
  • The LD50 dose for humans is ~ 400 rads, so we may infer that the environment of Amalthea is such that an unshielded human would receive a fatal amount of ionizing radiation in a matter of seconds.
  • Despite this, I somehow doubt that we will see many evangelicals issuing fire-and-brimstone condemnations of the plastics industry. althea Against Nature? An exhibition on animal homosexuality - The Panda's Thumb
  • Althea had informed her of his status, seen him with some compassionateness. Franklin Kane
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  • In 1956 the tournament was host to the first African-American Grand Slam winner, the American Althea Gibson.
  • It took a short while before Althea gained a small but faithful group of noble followers.
  • This old-fashioned Rose of Sharon (aka althea) came with the house. Statesman - AP Sports
  • It was the althea-bud that grew in the summer-time of eighteen years ago, that had been Mary's, -- and my heart beat fast as I looked upon the silent voicefulness that spake up to me, and said, "To you, who have restored him to himself, he offers the same tribute;" and I lifted up the iridescent, flashing cradle of margarite, and reverently touched the ashes of althea it held with my lips. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
  • The meaning and derivation of the word "althea", according to The Annotated "Althea"
  • Emblematic of abundance, the cornucopia - or horn of plenty - represents the horn of Amalthea, a nymph in Greek mythology.
  • Before Althea Gibson punctured the color barrier of women's tennis 52 years ago, the sport was a genteel game played with the tempo of a minuet and the athleticism of couch potatoes.
  • They placed shrubs-roses, azaleas, altheas, forsythia, crepe myrtle, spirea, camellias, nandina, and wild honeysuckle-throughout the yard.
  • The emotional attachment for audiences is the relationship between Flynt and Althea, and she is absolutely instrumental at that.
  • When Althea saw Albert in khaki, she _saw_ him: this time no indifference, no fusing him with the crowd, no letting him fade away unnoticed. On the Stairs
  • Althea recalled the benignity of Helen's eyes as they dwelt upon him, her smile, startled, almost touched, when some quaint, telling phrase revealed him suddenly as an unconscious torch-bearer in a dusky, self-deceiving world. Franklin Kane
  • The additional trees and shrubs in flower are the tamarisk, altheas, Venetian sumach, pomegranates, the beautiful passion-flower, the trumpet flower, and the virgin's bower or clematis, which is such a quick and handsome climber. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 267, August 4, 1827
  • Althea felt a flush of rage, a man with such powerful magic was a thief!
  • "I hope you brought your own vinaigrette tonight, Lady Woodbridge?" Althea asked innocently, "I'm afraid to say that I left mine in Hertfordshire."
  • Althea had checked her two bags, but she took her three tennis rackets with her.
  • It is very uncommon for strangers to know how to use althea that you just collected.
  • Sitting along the back headrest of an eggshell-colored imperial convertible was Althea in a silk dress with red and blue checks and a white orchid at her shoulder.
  • Unfortunately the puckering is really distracting and it's not Althea's best work. Una LaMarche: Project Runway Episode 12 Recap: Let's Getty It Over With
  • LINKS, new archives profile layout dland alexis alfred althea anqi chu yuan chrissy daniel tay derrick huiling monster serene chen xiao shi xinni xinru Zhen-zhen Diary Entry

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