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How To Use Alternation In A Sentence

  • There are marked changes in the abundance, activity and composition of almost all components of the pelagic system of the Banda Sea, related to the monsoon-induced alternation between periods of upwelling and downwelling (see Zijlstra and Baars, 1990). Indonesian Sea large marine ecosystem
  • Such rapid alternations of mood are a feature of her writing.
  • Phyllotaxis, which need not be entered into fully here; but in order the better to estimate the teratological changes which take place, it may be well to allude to the following circumstances relating to the alternation of parts. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The absence of alternation also has consequences for the governing elite.
  • Such rapid alternations of mood are a feature of her writing.
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  • In these hemipelagic units, the cyclic alternation of limestones and marls constitutes the elementary stratigraphic building blocks.
  • Each has its huge white Wady, striping the country in alternation with dark-brown divides, and trending coastwards in the usual network. The Land of Midian
  • His alternation of horizontals and verticals plays like a musician's notes; each arrangement is a complex, nuanced reflection of universal and personal pathos and always more than the sum of its parts.
  • The monophonic chants exhibit considerable variety, both in the alternation of participants – priest, readers, cantor, soloists and choir – and, particularly, in musical, texture: the delivery of text on a single pitch, then more ornamental recitation patterns – formulas specific to the beginning, middle and end of a phrase – and finally actual melodies. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Regime alternation is costly, regroup a new government might be harm for a country economic.
  • An alternation, which is not invalidated by exceptions here and there, has been observed in the criminality of different countries, in the periodic movement of crimes and offences against property and those against the person, of such a kind that years of increase in the former usually answer to a diminution in the latter, and vice versâ. Criminal Sociology
  • In Buddhist terms this necessity of alternation is called the defilement of apprehending the two truths as if they were different entities. Becoming Enlightened
  • The tract is direct psalmody — the singing of successive verses of a psalm without refrain, and it is sung in alternation by two halves of the choir. What We Learn from Music
  • Such movements were characterized by the alternation and contrast between solo and tutti sections, the tuttis being based always on the same material.
  • The principal means whereby the two language varieties interact in conversation is through language alternation in the form of code switching.
  • The basic pattern of the hokku in three lines, followed by alternation of two and three, ending with two had to be maintained.
  • To understand the magnificence of the wonderful structure, the reader must have in mind the laws affecting light in transmission through water -- the frangibility of the rays, the frequent alternations in dispersion, reflection, interference and accidental and complementary color. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • One successful formula involves the skillful alternation between aerobic and anaerobic training.
  • The source of the alternation is the generator in which the voltage (and following it naturally the current) are induced in stationary coils by a rotating magnetic field. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • We left the depot near Streaky Bay, at a course nearly due east, and passing through alternations of brush and of open grassy plains, upon the skirts of which grew a few casuarinae; halted after a stage of eighteen miles, at an opening in the brush, where we had good grass, but no water; we were consequently obliged to watch the horses during the night, to prevent their straying. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
  • This moisture is transferred from the subject to the emulsion surface of the photographic film and causes an alternation of the electric charge pattern on the film.
  • If history is any guide a lot of this diplomacy was doubtless clumsily done, in alternations between proffers of carrots and threats of the stick.
  • English doesn't have a general alternation between final velar and coronal nasals: boomerang does not become boomeran ’, and ring does not become rin’.
  • Credit Suisse had said it expected around 200-300 orders to be announced this year at Farnborough, held every other year in alternation with the Paris show. Green issues take center stage at Farnborough Airshow
  • I've already mentioned that the Mongolic language, Khalkha, exhibits the same alternation. PIE Uvulars: A revised solution of their origin
  • After the alternation, motivation effects on peasant household are also weakened.
  • Enterprise personnel file is a document which reflects the staff's personal experience, political ideology, professional or technical skill, performance of work, alternation of work and so on.
  • To be sure, the complications are not strictly lexical or even lexicographical: they stem chiefly from the differences between the kind of lexical alternation of the bonnet/hood, roundabout/traffic circle, dustman/garbage collector type and the type that is sociolinguistic and meaningless without some sort of acculturative comment, like tea, which occurs in both varieties of English but means quite different things in each, the Ashes, which doesn't occur at all in American English, and back bencher, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 2
  • Most brown algae undergo an alternation of generations life cycle, as does Ulva, but species such as Fucus reproduce via a diplontic life cycle, meaning the adult is the sporophyte and diploid.
  • He suffered from an alternation of depressed moods with elevated, expansive or irritable moods.
  • There is an alternation of black and white stripes in that cloth.
  • With no dramatic surprises of fortune, and no great sorrows, his life had scarce any other alternation than that it went round with the earth through night and day, and would have been tame but for his necessary labor in an art which he loved wisely and with the untumultuous sentiment of an after-honey-moon constancy. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 35, September, 1860
  • Moreover total virtual alternation force of the entities is the vector sum between all intersected cubes on two kinds of FV and EE basic contact modes.
  • The passacaille that concludes this opera is a doozie, lasting for most of the final scene, and involving two bass patterns in alternation, one descending and one ascending.
  • First are simple repetitive patterns, such as all white cells or all black cells, or alternation in stripes and checkerboards.
  • From the nature of the rock which breaks into angular, and apparently rhomboidal fragments of a huge size, this fall is subdivided into small cascades, which adhere to each other, so as to form a sheet of water, unrent, but composed of an alternation of retiring and salient angles, and presenting a great variety of shapes and shades. Traditions of the North American Indians, Vol. 2 (of 3)
  • Even in John's account of the raising of Lazarus we find such alternations in the prominency of the Divinity and the humanity of The Life of Jesus Christ in Its Historical Connexion and Historical Developement.
  • The major patterns and problems of Korean morphophonemics are discussed, along with a host of small-scale alternations to be accounted for in the lexicon and some interesting shape alternations in the formation of diminutives and in reduplicated forms.
  • And noting that Chopin founded whole paragraphs "either on a single phrase repeated in similar shapes or on two phrases in alternation" -- a primitive practice in Polish folksongs -- he asserts that "Beethoven does not attain the lucidity of his style by such parallelism of phraseology," but admits that Chopin's methods made for "clearness and precision ... may be regarded as characteristic of the national manner. Chopin : the Man and His Music
  • The tract is direct psalmody — the singing of successive verses of a psalm without refrain, and it is sung in alternation by two halves of the choir. What We Learn from Music
  • In a man-of-war, and in some merchantmen, this alternation of watches is kept up throughout the twenty-four hours; but our ship, like most merchantmen, had “all hands” from twelve o’clock till dark, except in bad weather, when we had “watch and watch. Chapter III. Ship’s Duties-Tropics
  • The principal means whereby the two language varieties interact in conversation is through language alternation in the form of code switching.
  • The interaction of growth and business cycle can then take a slightly different form: alternation of good and bad equilibria is not just a simple averaging.) Robert M. Solow - Prize Lecture
  • The Internet audience refers to the communicators and receivers in the conventional sense. Their psychological features include that of cryptonym, role-play, alternation, and following others.
  • Ghana's subequatorial climate is warm and humid, with distinct alternations between rainy summer and dry winters.
  • A NI posting has been, in recent years, a doddle for most squaddies, especially when the alternative, the alternation is a spell in Basra or Helmand. Pathetic army excuse about base security does nothing to answer the questions
  • Out of that full, free Western life, with its tremendous hazards of fortune, its extravagant alternations from fabulous wealth to wretched poverty, its tremendous exaggerations and incredible contrasts, was evolved a humour as rugged, as mountainous, and as altitudinous as the conditions which gave it birth. Mark Twain
  • If history is any guide a lot of this diplomacy was doubtless clumsily done, in alternations between proffers of carrots and threats of the stick.
  • The alternation of the oxide layer results in the loss of passivity.
  • When there is an easily felt regularity of the groups, when the alternation of stress and unstress and the approximate equality of the time intervals are fairly apparent, then the rhythm is simple. The Principles of English Versification
  • The drama of Chess, for them, must consist of the alternation of very delicate shades of positional advantage.
  • Decorative patterns, repetition, alternation and progression were reviewed at this point.
  • The alternation of sun and snow continued for the rest of our holiday.
  • But although this rhythmically intermittent tetanus affecting alternately the flexors and extensors of the limb and giving the reflex step cannot be copied reflexly by employing excitation alone, it can be easily and faithfully reproduced and with perfect alternation of phase and with its characteristic asymmetrical bilaterality, by employing a stimulation in which reflex excitation and reflex inhibition are admixt in approximately balanced intensity. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • The extremes in alternation are to be found in cyclothimia and manic-depressive psychoses, which may or may not be intercalated by periods of equilibrium. C. G. Jung and Psychosynthesis, by Roberto Assagioli
  • Bacchanals is this, that the women of the chorus, staid and temperate for the moment, following Dionysus in his alternations, are but the paler sisters of his more wild and gloomy votaries -- the true followers of the mystical Dionysus -- the real chorus of Zagreus; the idea that their [77] violent proceedings are the result of madness only, sent on them as a punishment for their original rejection of the god, being, as I said, when seen from the deeper motives of the myth, only a "sophism" of Euripides -- a piece of rationalism of which he avails himself for the purpose of softening down the tradition of which he has undertaken to be the poet. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • This necessity of alternation is called the defilement of apprehending the two truths as if they were different entities. Becoming Enlightened
  • To suggest the sparkling Swiss meadows in the calm following the storm, Rossini evokes both the Italian Baroque tradition of shepherd songs in 3/8 time and the traditional Swiss herdsman's melody known as the "Ranz des Vaches," with a lovely melody for the rustic, double-reed lyricism of the English horn in alternation with the flute. The Splendid Start to a Farewell to Opera
  • The same Mass has Dies Irae sung in octave alternation. Never Before Heard in North America
  • a trill is a rapid alternation between the two notes
  • Sunday the Mass is concelebrated by a Protestant and a Catholic, with one presiding over the liturgy of the Word and the sermon, and the other over the liturgy of the Eucharist, in alternation. Food and Drink
  • There are alternations as regard falsehood and simulation in Gaius and Flaccus.
  • When the ruling elite accept the idea of alternation of power on principle, it will be a whole lot easier to adjust the relationship between religion and state! Meedan: Brotherhood slogan under fire as Egypt takes to the polls
  • In our Art they have many shadows, or rather I should say, reflections; which are more or less distinct according to their proximity to the living originals, and, like the images in opposite mirrors, becoming themselves reflected and re-reflected with a kind of battledoor alternation, grow dimmer and dimmer till they vanish from mere distance. Lectures on Art
  • Place P.P. at the coccyx or on the upper dorsal vertebra, or on both in alternation, which is better, and treat over the kidneys with N.P. five to eight minutes, once a day for three or four days. A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
  • The alternation between haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte phases, known as alternation of generations, occurs in all multi-cellular plants.
  • Even when produced by the same manufacturer, each was subjected to unique alternations.
  • Rochberg's finale, which he calls an alternation between scherzos and serenades, introduces another borrowed style, this time Mahler in rapturous D major starting just over two minutes into the movement.
  • Sharp alternations of violent action and self-indulgent repose; a hard run, and a long revel after it: this is what over-much horse tends to animalize a man into. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 32, June, 1860
  • Within this rhythm, alternations between PDF and WDF units record the interplay between sediment supply, basin subsidence, climate and eustasy, which caused repeated minor progradational and retrogradational rhythms.
  • The alternation of sun and snow continued for the rest of our holiday.
  • First are simple repetitive patterns, such as all white cells or all black cells, or alternation in stripes and checkerboards.
  • The mottling is created by the alternation of ferrous and ferric iron compounds.
  • The scale and topography of the district, with its alternation of finger-like islands and wide dock basins, influenced many aspects of the project.
  • Sharp alternations of violent action and self-indulgent repose; a hard run, and a long revel after it; this is what over-much horse tends to animalize a man into. Elsie Venner
  • Undoubtedly the fever is not so severe at Basile as in the lowlands, but there are here the usual drawbacks to West African high land, namely an over supply of rain, and equally saturating mists, to say nothing of sudden and extreme alternations of temperature, and so the colonists still fall off, and their children die continuously from the various entozoa which abound upon the island. Travels in West Africa
  • Some googling turn'd up a paper arguing for aspirate devoicing postdating Grassman's law, on the basis of roots where G.L. doesn't produce alternation and which do not devoice in Greek. Rhaetic inscriptions Schum PU 1 and Schum CE 1
  • a beginning or an end, we may say, employing an expression which seems somewhat paradoxical: "Only the permanent (substance) is subject to change; the mutable suffers no change, but rather alternation, that is, when certain determinations cease, others begin. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • It is the town of lordliness, absolute harmony and alternations.
  • Graduals are among the most elaborate of all chants and are performed by soloists and choir in alternation.
  • The case studies investigated include the alternation between synthetic and analytic comparatives, between the s-genitive and the of-genitive, between gerundial and infinitival complementation, particle placement, and future marker choice in a number of corpora sampling different spoken registers and geographical varieties of English. AvaxHome RSS:
  • Many algae are characterized by an alternation of haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte generations.
  • Sunday the Mass is concelebrated by a Protestant and a Catholic, with one presiding over the liturgy of the Word and the sermon, and the other over the liturgy of the Eucharist, in alternation. Food and Drink
  • The mergence emerged in the alternation from planned economy to market economy, thus arousing many problems such as less system of legal norm, disunion and less guidance for practices, etc.
  • McKay did report the possibility that the meteorite contained a Martian “microfossil”—the minute remains of the outer sheath of a bacterium—but his strongest results involved the presence of minerals and rock alternations that are considered signs that bacteria and other microbes were once at work eating the rock, transforming the rock, and depositing waste in the rock. First Contact
  • There is sometimes an alternation between f and v in grammatically or etymologically related words.
  • Goodbye to all that, though: In a contemporary industrial society, instead, the alternation of standards, the dissolution of tradition, social mobility, the fact that models and principles are 'consumable' — everything can be summed up under the sign of a continuous load of information which proceeds by way of massive jolts, implying a continual reassessment of sensibilities, adaptation of psychological assumptions, and requalification of intelligence. Archive 2007-01-01
  • West African high land, namely an over supply of rain, and equally saturating mists, to say nothing of sudden and extreme alternations of temperature, and so the colonists still fall off, and their children die continuously from the various entozoa which abound upon the island. Travels in West Africa
  • The alternation of this decasyllabic rhythm with the ordinary hendecasyllable is studiously artistic; I have retained it throughout. Poems and Fragments
  • Councillor Michael Foote criticised the magazine for what he called "its rapid alternation between succulent popsies on one page and oleo-graphs of saints on the next," and Councillor Mrs Caroline Goulton-Constable thought "Picture Post" had been "quite a reasonable paper" when it was first brought out but now it was "just rubbish. From the archive, 17 January 1956: Succulent Popsies Not for Oxford
  • Following the law of binary movement (the alternation of arsis and thesis), the accent is made to shorten long syllables and to lengthen short ones, in such wise that the verses, while using the external form of iambic dimeters, are purely rhythmic. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Later on in the song, we hear more melodies that are baroquesque, as well as the counterpoints introduced by the alternation of guitars and keyboards.
  • New concepts of the likelihood function and the fuzzy alternation entropy are given based on fuzzy information theory, and their properties are discussed.
  • A NI posting has been, in recent years, a doddle for most squaddies, especially when the alternative, the alternation is a spell in Basra or Helmand. Pathetic army excuse about base security does nothing to answer the questions
  • _duple_; the alternation of heavy and light pulses is regular; and therefore the third beat is again an accent, as well as the first, though _less heavy_. Lessons in Music Form A Manual of Analysis of All the Structural Factors and Designs Employed in Musical Composition
  • Production designer Simon Elliott and his team built new frontages onto existing buildings and the existing cobbles could be used without alternation.
  • An alternation between a bilabial and labiodental sound is comparatively less economic. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The alternation of sun and snow continued for the rest of our holiday.
  • Egypt always hold this diaphoresis a sign that the disease has abated and they regard it rightly in the case of bilious remittents to which they are subject, especially after the hardships and sufferings of a sea-voyage with its alternations of fasting and over-eating. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This same form explains the derivative in Hittite, kinartállas, whose accent I presume lies on the syllable just after the foreign stem kinar- in order to explain the alternation of a and i in spelling ie. a reduced pretonic vowel perhaps? Archive 2010-08-01
  • These are identified by the alternation of the germinal epithelium between continuous and discontinuous types and the stages of germ cells present.

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