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How To Use Altering In A Sentence

  • It was, in fact, the accidental discovery of several mind-altering drugs in the middle of the 20th century that drew me into research on brain functions and mental illness.
  • He had tears in his eyes and a faltering voice as he paid tribute to his wife.
  • All societies can, if they choose, negate the tragedy by altering the reward system.
  • If you turn it into something which people would prefer to see, you are altering the facts of history. Times, Sunday Times
  • Terraforming, or altering the atmosphere of Mars to make it habitable for humans, via planetary engineering processes, is still being discussed in planetary circles and is the seed to more current discussions of planetary or geo-engineering to reduce the impacts of global warming on our planet. Mel Averner - NASA Watch
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  • This realism is in part due to the elaborate set and costume design, but also to Campbell's unfaltering characterisation of Morgan.
  • Our thinking is as much governed by habit as by behaviour and changing our thinking habits is as difficult as altering our behaviour. Coping with Stress at Work
  • In any event, this 'obstacle' is the only one she has no control in altering. Hillary in 2008?
  • Through their intimate portrayal of the daily struggles of Natividad Nata, her husband Daniel and their children, we discover the true face of hardship, but also Nata's courage and resilience and her family's unfaltering love and unity. E. Nina Rothe: The Human Rights Watch Film Festival Digs Deep, Asks the Hard Questions
  • The vocabulary may be altering more quickly than ever before - but the underlying grammar and syntax remains essentially the same.
  • Meditation taught me not to overidentify with my flickering, rapidly altering emotional states, but rather view them as visiting wildlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Belonging to a class of mood-altering drugs, barbiturates induce relaxation and sleep.
  • The House and Senate bills also contain provisions giving faltering companies less time to settle their debts and reorganize.
  • Although Democrats appear to be using the faltering economy to their advantage, Youngstown Republicans like McCain volunteer Tracey Winbush say they are making headway.
  • On the cover of the novel is a photo of an anorexic young Johnny with earring and guitar; inside is his portrait of the faltering and the fameless. Lethem Heads West, Takes It Easy
  • The theory she presented for altering the genetic code in an Andorian gamete is straightforward enough. Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • Radiation noise was also suppressed to a certain extent by changing rubber damping pad and altering shape of oil pan.
  • Claim 1 - "A microelectromechanical resonator comprising: a microelectromechanical resonant structure characterized by a mass and one or more selectively doped regions; a vaporizable material for altering the mass of the resonant structure. Archive 2006-10-01
  • They entered forests of oak and beech, following a faltering trail. Somewhere East of Life
  • I insist on eating properly and will not skimp, even if it means altering the social calendar to suit.
  • He called this oil “kerosene”—from Keros and elaion, the Greek words, respectively, for “wax” and “oil,” altering the elaion to ene, so that his product would sound more like the familiar camphene. The Prize
  • This helped persuade the Government to take action altering tax incentives for planting in the 1988 Budget.
  • "You can't go to the cops," Stan said, his voice faltering.
  • His gaze settled upon her like a knife at her throat, his steps unfaltering. Earl of Durkness
  • A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia.
  • Although anathemas followed against any who disagreed with the faith so formulated, there was no prohibition against altering the creed at a future council.
  • I opened my lips to speak; she saw his name faltering on my tongue, and stopped me. The Forsaken Inn A Novel
  • The sections in sesquialtera can then be conducted by simply altering the even tactus of the opening duple meter to an uneven tactus, without changing the timing of the full tactus beat itself.
  • Doctors are certainly bad at altering their own behaviour in response to logic.
  • Lovell-Badge said there were two main types of experiments: altering an animal's genes by adding human DNA or replacing a specific animal sequence with its human counterpart.
  • As Bethany's warnings continue to prove accurate beyond fluke and she begins to offer scientifically precise hints of a final, world-altering cataclysm, Gabrielle is confronted with a series of devastating choices in a world in which belief has become as precious - and as murderousas life itself. The Rapture by Liz Jensen: Book summary
  • Rebecca cast Ansley a hurt look, but Ansley was haltering Matrix and didn't catch it.
  • One of the fluffy chicks takes some faltering steps under the watchful gaze of an adult flamingo.
  • Negotiations in the past two months have centred on altering the balance of the offer, as well as raising the price. Times, Sunday Times
  • The IMF has put together a rescue package for the country's faltering economy.
  • Nitrogen supply affects plant growth and productivity by altering both leaf area and photosynthetic capacity.
  • Our concern here is to emphasize the billions of small wrangles that were altering the collective thought, to summon out of the past, for an instant, an elfin clamour of now silenced voices that prepared the soil for revolution, the not-at-all-lucid propagandists at street corners, the speakers in little meeting-houses, in open spaces and during work intermissions; to recall the rustle of queer newspapers that were not quite ordinary newspapers; and the handicapped book publications that were everywhere fighting traditional and instinctive resistances. The Shape of Things to Come
  • It said it is becoming expensive and previous high growth is faltering. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the faltering, paltering and useless procrastinating by Hillary and her ilk have worked to delay any effective Democratic-backed change in the Iraq War, and, by extension, the reining-in of Cheney plans against Iran. Hillary Joining Webb For Measure Opposing War With Iran
  • Increased waterway traffic could increase pollution, whilst floatels could involve higher noise levels and the unnatural use of floodlights, which could disturb wildlife, possibly altering natural breeding behaviour.
  • His ninth slam not only puts him seven behind the faltering Federer, but lifts him alongside Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson, Andre Agassi and Federer as owners of all the four slams.
  • The causal connection between mood-altering substance or behaviour and the damaging consequences continues to be denied and the denial is intensified.
  • Criminals could learn to defeat this system by altering the gun barrel with an instrument, but the system could prove useful.
  • Yeah, well of course I was talking about Governor Romney," says a bullish Mr Santorum, after briefly faltering inwith shades of Tim Pawlenty and "Obamaneycare". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Our waitress was a little confused about the cheeseboard, but eventually delivered a faltering list.
  • The Fellowships have a primary end in themselves in providing the route to sustained abstinence from mood-altering substances and behaviours.
  • For the most part, they have adapted well, but their discomfort was growing and confidence faltering. Times, Sunday Times
  • The satellite will thus be altering its speed at different times in its orbit and will have a maximum speed at perigee and minimum at apogee.
  • There was a pause. Then Ursula broke into faltering challenge.
  • It was stunning in its betrayal of good, reliable allies who had unfalteringly stood by us. Post-American Presidency
  • It is hard for me to say in a few faltering words how I feel when voices greet me from my own country.
  • Bernanke warned the U.S. economic recovery was "closeto faltering," and said Congress and the White House had a "shared responsibility" with the Fed to respond. What's News: Business & Finance
  • A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia.
  • In Northern Ireland I saw private soldiers who spent hours in discomfort with unfaltering concentration logging the movements of suspects.
  • On the decani side Patrick Ovens, a red-haired little treble, was kept awake by the necessity for altering _Magnificat_ into _Magnified The Nebuly Coat
  • Melting for rolls being mostly conducted in reverberatories, the variations in the condition of the furnace atmosphere, altering from reducing to oxidizing, and _vice versa_, in cases of bad stoking and different fuels, were referred to as occasionally affecting results. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • The teacher, speaking in faltering tones with tears welling up in her eyes, described the terrifying events.
  • Parents for Justice had withdrawn its co-operation from the faltering Dunne investigation and, riven by internal bickering, was close to splintering.
  • Mrs. Winchester believed ill would befall her if she ever stopped altering her sprawling mansion.
  • Our thinking is as much governed by habit as by behaviour and changing our thinking habits is as difficult as altering our behaviour. Coping with Stress at Work
  • The error can spread over the polygon by altering the positions of the boundary points appropriately.
  • These filtered brainwaves are then fed back to the individual in the form of a video game displayed on screen, and the participant learns to control the game by altering particular aspects of their brain activity.
  • The error can spread over the polygon by altering the positions of the boundary points appropriately.
  • As the cabin lurched back and forth and the sounds of rocket fire percussed the urgent, faltering rhythm of our right engine, I unfastened my seat belt, and, finding my center of gravity, rose from my seat, moving past aides shock still in their chairs, arms locked like girders against their arm rests in terror, and walked up the center aisle to the pilot's cabin. Hillary: Pledged Delegates "Just Like" Supers ��� They Can Switch
  • Visitors flock there to see the lights gently altering on the facades of the 500-year-old buildings.
  • KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Darfur rebels said on Sunday they had shot down two Sudanese army helicopters in the latest reports of fighting that have marred faltering peace talks between Khartoum and other insurgents. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • We tend to snigger at anyone or anything that suggests we take sex too seriously, let alone explore the potential for sex to be mind-altering. 'In the West we diminish sex.
  • I was duly summoned to the front row of the upper circle to watch my niece take her very first faltering steps towards an Equity card.
  • Recently there has also been a growing interest in utilising what is known as the alkene metathesis reaction for altering chain-lengths of ‘oils’ to form new compounds.
  • Too much paltering in journalism is fatal to a writer's development.
  • Hormones that leak into streams from cattle feedlots are altering the sexual characteristics of wild fish, demasculinising the males and defeminising the females, according to a study.
  • It seems 100 million won is a trifle as the value system of money is shaken and the social function of money is faltering in the raging Lotto syndrome.
  • It was through Emma's unfaltering belief in his writing talent that he decided to change tack and concentrate more on his own screenplays.
  • Altering the logs was a crime warranting a grounding at home and one leading to detention and mandatory group therapy at school. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • And I grant you, smoking is a very efficient way to get mind-altering drugs such as nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, or heroin into the bloodstream and hence to the brain.
  • Did they unwittingly do the worst possible thing in response, thus altering a fragile balance for ever?
  • Its modern version—the idea that somewhere in us is an authentic self, waiting to emerge like a sculpture from a slab of marble—is equally unable to withstand the obvious effects of mind-altering drugs, unless you define that self tautologically as whatever is released by the chemical. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • It is possible that differences in anatomy may do so by altering the effectiveness of pharyngeal dilators.
  • What does Mr. Bernanke want to do, cripple an already faltering economy, by "staving" off inflation, until it collapses anew? What's Wrong With the Canadian Loonie?
  • Their longevity has been based on anything but record sales, and leans more toward the unfaltering, innovative self-awareness that many of us have grown to respect and expect from their work.
  • I had at the fame time in view, to lighten the burden of the reimburlc - ments at ftated periods with refpeft to the royal treafury, without altering the terms of their ac - quittal with regard to the creditors; another ex - pedient which was good at the time when there was credit in France, and which, had it been adopted in the year 1787, would have faved Go - vernment the difgrace of failing in this part of the engagements of the State, which I was of opinion ought not to be feparated from the an - nual expcnce, but which, fince it has been de - tached from it, has been counted for nothing. Considerations on the Present and Future State of France
  • A mansard roof, which provides more space, but means substantially altering the roofline, could push the price to 204 a square foot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surely that thought is a good enough companion as we take our first faltering steps into the new century and the third millennium.
  • Any school visit by an astronaut is of great value and can serve as a life-altering event. A Question of Priorities On The 9th Floor - NASA Watch
  • His place was already under the microscope following a faltering Test career that has brought three centuries but five ducks. The Sun
  • _Muscovy-glass_; and you may very easily change any of the Colours of any part of the interposed body, by pressing the Plates closer and harder together, or leaving them more lax; that is, a part which appeared coloured with a red, may be presently ting'd with a yellow, blew, green, purple, or the like, by altering the appropinquation of the terminating Plates. Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • One idea is that altering these through breeding or genetic modification could produce potatoes that grow faster or taste better. Times, Sunday Times
  • THE "BORN" IDENTITY: The "Born This Way" episode of Glee is even more AfterSchool Special than usual, a sporadically enjoyable seminar in self-acceptance with a chaser of Nip/Tuck, as Rachel considers altering her schnozz after Finn busts it in rehearsal, prompting Mr. Schue to urge the entire glee club — and OCD gal pal Emma — to embrace their metaphorical warts. Matt's TV Week in Review: A Wedding, A Farewell, and More!
  • Wheeler says Earnhardt must walk a fine line in altering his image because his fan base is mostly slightly upper-middle-class between 18 and 35. Refinement suits Dale Jr. as season of change nears
  • Bailouts to big banks and shameless corporate greed have left us with a faltering economy, a weak job market and crumbling financial system that has made workers more vuln ... Anna Burger: Change to Win: Mobilizing for a New American Dream
  • This unfaltering tenacity has stayed with her all of her life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The witness looked straight into the eyes of the judge as he uttered the one word, in a steady, unfaltering tone.
  • Negotiations in the past two months have centred on altering the balance of the offer, as well as raising the price. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gelatine can be adapted to match the expiry period of the food by altering the concentration - with higher concentration gels staying solid longer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Directing thoughts at a target seemed capable of altering machines, cells, and, indeed, entire multicelled organisms like human beings. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Whether talking to a waiter or his boss, the unfaltering politeness is the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • The UK has seen the fastest rise in the prescribing of antidepressants and other mind-altering drugs to children, a study of nine countries shows.
  • Faltering talks over firefighters' pay left little hope last night of averting the start of an eight-day national fire strike this morning.
  • The hautbois or ‘highwood’ as the direct translation would have it, came to us through its stages of hautboy, dropping the ‘h’ and altering vowels to oboe.
  • Reflecting on the campaign, Palin said there were "a variety of reasons" Republicans lost in November, namely the faltering economy, but she seemed to place most of the blame on the press. CNN Political Ticker
  • It remained a tepid encounter, the passages of play faltering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Altering the dosage or switching to a similar medication that lacks the unwanted toxic effect can minimize undesired effects.
  • Whether mood-altering drugs are used for therapeutic purposes, as when a depressed patient is prescribed Prozac, or for recreational purposes, as when a party-goer takes Ecstasy, the chemical action is similar.
  • The President took the unusual step of altering his prepared speech in order to condemn the terrorist attack.
  • The faltering economy is one reason. Times, Sunday Times
  • Subsequent weeks saw him move his back until he could gradually lift himself up from his bed and take a few faltering steps.
  • Experts are warning homebuyers to avoid 100% mortgages now the housing market is faltering.
  • —President Barack Obama returned to Western Michigan Thursday for the second time in little more than a year to give his most full-throated defense of job-growth initiatives amid a faltering economy and political gridlock in Washington. Obama Defends Job Initiatives
  • By interspersing glides, murres in the model were able to regulate their mean descent speed without altering muscle contraction speed or load.
  • At the festival, which is entirely free, movie lovers can enjoy a medley of Red Hook-focused films like “Mr. Brooklyn,” a 14-minute short that juxtaposes an “On the Waterfront” - era dockworker against the backdrop of modern day Red Hook; and “Moment,” which depicts three Red Hookers sharing a life-altering encounter in Valentino Park. CINEMA: Cannes do! Two film festivals this weekend show that Brooklyn is ready for a close up
  • The country's faltering economy is dependent largely on international reconstruction assistance and humanitarian aid. Times, Sunday Times
  • The causal connection between mood-altering substance or behaviour and the damaging consequences continues to be denied and the denial is intensified.
  • It causes die-offs of plankton and fish and affects Pacific jet stream winds, altering storm tracks and creating unusual weather patterns in various parts of the world.
  • His place was already under the microscope following a faltering Test career that has brought three centuries but five ducks. The Sun
  • But the high comes at a crippling price, altering a user's brain chemistry so that without the drug they can become paranoid, violent and neglectful of their families and their own health.
  • Oxytocin had profound effects on the brain, changing the way nerves interacted and altering the brain's physical structure.
  • Sometimes there is a double rhyme instead of a single, making seven syllables, though not altering the rhythm; and sometimes this is extended to a full octosyllable. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • The Fellowships have a primary end in themselves in providing the route to sustained abstinence from mood-altering substances and behaviours.
  • In addition, using emetine (a translation inhibitor altering ribosome functioning) we detected the involvement of ribotoxic stress in p38 MAPK activation by UVA.
  • This indicated that clenbuterol could regulate amino acid net balance by altering the absorption or release of amino acids.
  • What Connecticut is saying is that those Supreme Court precedents should now be ignored because the state of Connecticut has a vested interest in altering the traditional governing structure of the Catholic Church. The State of Connecticut attacks the Catholic Church
  • His attention was upon Mrs. Evans, who droned on about the project unfalteringly.
  • I disagree with the comparison - parents are not victims in the sense of being victims, but they are more directly comparable to your example of victim, inasmuch as their experience is as profoundly life-altering facing death firsthand, facing birth - *directly* comparable. Our Motherhood, Our Selves
  • People were sickened by what they saw and his actions have done nothing but damage the already faltering reputation of racing in England.
  • Tanis started to speak, but his faltering words were submerged in an agonized, inarticulate roar; a roar of mingled fear and terror and rage that was so beastlike, it wrenched everyone's thoughts from the dragons. Finnegan teoriza la practica de cuerdas
  • Furthermore, because alcohol and other mood-altering chemicals are cross-addictive, we shall probably always have drug addiction as well.
  • Others suggest that the buildup of mountains by tectonic movement may also serve as a trigger, by altering air currents.
  • Heat alters the fibres of connective tissue, initially by making them shorter and thicker, and then by altering the structure.
  • Mrs Clegg realised there was a nest in her roof after seeing a couple of wasps fly in and out of a small gap above the back bedroom window, a gap she claims the council left after altering the house 10 years ago.
  • He has pledged to restore a faltering economy and achieve greater equity in this most inegalitarian of the world's large economies.
  • Transferred nationalism, like the use of scapegoats, is a way of attaining salvation without altering one’s conduct. Notes on Nationalism
  • "You believe my behaviour tonight to be equal to his?" he inquired in a faltering voice.
  • If an over-the-counter medication could perhaps lead to these kinds of situations, imagine what a mind-altering drug like ecstasy could lead to.
  • The newcomers can pose a threat to biodiversity by altering ecosystems.
  • It isn't a mind-altering cult that prays to lords and spiritual sources like Christianity and other forms of organized religion or hierocracies.
  • Those political formations, which toned down their public opposition to accession, without altering their fundamental ideograph, were seen as possible instrumentalities to counter pan-Islamism and secessionism.
  • Once a dasher with the bat, then altering his game, morphing into a grafter, then again, at the very end of his career, throwing his bat at anything in hitting distance.
  • Switching that letter would change a blonde to brunette without altering the brain or any other body part. The Sun
  • Music is a powerful, mood-altering tool, that can either put people at ease or make them feel awkward.
  • The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind. William James 
  • 'commodious' by 'commodious as a college building' without altering our conclusion; though we can guess that the recipient, who thought he was in the lion-house of the Zoo, would be less likely to assent to. The Concept of Nature The Tarner Lectures Delivered in Trinity College, November 1919
  • It is equally improbable to expect Euroland economies to adopt supply-side reforms designed to boost long term growth when the short term impact will likely prove deflationary against a backdrop of faltering domestic demand.
  • The sacred drink hauma, which contained a mind-altering drug, was used to inspire worshipers with insight into truth and to stimulate warriors going into battle.
  • No matter how often you see a movie, the performances are fixed, unaltering whether on the big screen or on the back of a seat in a 747.
  • In a faltering voice and clearly shaken by her experience, she did her best to explain what had happened to her.
  • He intended either to curry renewed favour with Darius or support faltering rebels.
  • And increasing its volume only reduces its effectiveness by altering the way it processes sound pulses.
  • In this instance I also had GPS unit in hand, taking my first faltering steps toward participating in geocaching.
  • From taking her first faltering steps earlier this year she is now able to walk unaided.
  • In order to savour the flashing returns and the artistic volleys, we must suffer the faltering second serve and the fallible forehand.
  • Laundry hangs like wilted wildflowers over faltering balconies, and clusters of trash skitter up windswept drives.
  • In Tokyo there are electronic advertising hoardings that can identify whether an onlooker is male or female, altering the product on offer to suit. Times, Sunday Times
  • I never thought about the possibilities in altering boxes. One More Altered Box
  • Excessive alcohol or mood-altering drug use can also cause fatigue.
  • Perhaps by making cannabis legal our society would imply progressive sanction to the use of any mood-altering drug.
  • Citing the country's aggressive unions, widening wealth gaps, a faltering education system, low workforce participation and a public sector often paralyzed by bureaucratic red tape, the British magazine recently claimed that Israel's "engines of growth are punier than they look. Richard Z. Chesnoff: ISRAEL AT 61: A LESSON TO BE LEARNED
  • Restoration not replacement, bringing the derelict back into use, altering old buildings to make them attractive to a new generation - these are the available moves.
  • Loving you, he should, in the name of common sense, be doing something that would give him the right to marry, instead of paltering around with those stories of his and with childish dreams. Chapter 19
  • Maybe it's just me, but I think John Leonard wrote this review of ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix’ while on some sort of mind-altering drug - herewith a sample paragraph.
  • In a desperate effort to keep the faltering tour project afloat, both sides agreed earlier this year to build an overland route across the demilitarized zone to carry many more tourists at much cheaper prices.
  • We, the lesser fry, may enjoy the luxury of shaking and red eyes but we expect the man at the top to be firm, unfaltering and resolute.
  • With voice is faltering after a gruelling campaign, he called on an old rival for help. Times, Sunday Times
  • That retail sales are faltering in the midst of a major mortgage refi boom is an especially noteworthy development.
  • So is domination down to a rhino-hide skin, an impervious soul and an unfaltering belief in yourself? Times, Sunday Times
  • My client realizes that altering your name may seem a burdensome proposition at this time.
  • Abstinence from all mood-altering drugs (including alcohol) is required during the program.
  • The problem over what to do with the faltering domain first arose in June.
  • We will, however, investigate the options for altering the layout of the present advertising bus shelter.
  • After all, if you're disposed to mind-altering drugs, it's easy just to swallow, smoke, sniff, or lick them.
  • We used these concepts to define conductors, insulators, and semiconductors, and showed one means of altering the conductivity of semiconductors.
  • Improvident tax cuts by state legislatures and faltering investment returns have left educational institutions, both public and private, scratching for every nickel and dime.
  • Several mind altering drugs were originally developed for non - psychoactive purposes.
  • In spite of victory, Britain's participation in two world wars accelerated social changes, altering both social attitudes and power relations.
  • If you turn it into something which people would prefer to see, you are altering the facts of history. Times, Sunday Times
  • By altering the tactics and formation, he provided his side with added attacking impetus and by half-time they had scored twice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The faltering administration of the prime minister was dealt another blow yesterday with the resignation of his agriculture minister.
  • It is available as a clear or tinted glazing so it can be installed without altering the appearance of the facility.
  • And increasing its volume only reduces its effectiveness by altering the way it processes sound pulses.
  • He offers us some ways to save this faltering economy.
  • ‘You did,’ Alysia accused, her tone faltering from its usual emotionless monotony.
  • The government is laying out the battle lines for additional austerity measures even as it faces pressure to reboot the country's faltering economy.
  • In an "Organized Crime" panel, he spoke of the $50 billion Mexico drug trade and emphasizing the word "complicity," mentioned that 80 percent of those illicit mind-altering substances are consumed by the USA. Brad Schreiber: 2011 Festival of Books Highlights
  • The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their minds. Albert Schweitzer 
  • In spite of victory, Britain's participation in two world wars accelerated social changes, altering both social attitudes and power relations.
  • Children as young as two are regularly being given mood-altering drugs, including anti-depressants.
  • She wasn't on drugs or drink, there was no chemical altering her behaviour.
  • Altering the shape is therefore achieved by moving or deleting the existing points and adding new points if required.
  • She visibly shrank in the face of a barrage of baritone braying, her voice faltering and fading as she gamely struggled on. Times, Sunday Times
  • hallucinogenic drugs are mind-altering substances
  • The Scotsman breathed new life into the club after a faltering start to the season.
  • One of those stories (they have all, ahem, melded together in my mind) remarked that if sustained in court, and quite possibly even if not, the fraud suit and the narrative it tells, has the possibility of significantly altering the perception of the financial crisis, or at least its relationship to complex derivatives. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Goldman Fraud Suit
  • The world's insatiable demand for energy is rapidly altering the economics of its production. Times, Sunday Times
  • That sounds like small beer, but at a time of faltering growth it is a real loss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within a period of a little more than a decade the stalwarts of the movement were found faltering in a state of utter frustration.
  • As our climate changes we will face huge life-altering challenges.
  • Damayanti commanded the stage, unfaltering, elegant and magically transformed from the person we knew off-stage.
  • Conservatives object when progressives attempt to make life better through government action because they see no point in altering a pre-ordained order of things, and they think that the less government there is the better. When the kids ask how America could fall so far so fast (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • We will not get a better deal by altering the dynamics now. Times, Sunday Times
  • X-ray mutagenesis led to the identification of dominant mutations altering the number of bristles.
  • Yet more techniques for adding to or altering the flavour of Chardonnay are oak-barrel fermentation and maturation.

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