
How To Use Altaic In A Sentence

  • I do understand and speak "Romanic" Languages(speak Italian, French and understand Spanish, Portuguese), "West German" Languages (English, a bit German an Swiss German) and an "Altaic" one (perfect Turkish)! On being linguistically defeated
  • Confucianism, and Shinto are the three great native creations, in religion, of what I shall call the Altaic mind. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Furthermore, Hungarian, Turkish and Finnish (which are Ural-Altaic languages like Korean and share phonetic qualities with it) also extensively use umlauts.
  • Helictotrichon pubescens, Dactylis glomerata, Agropyron tianschanicum, and Poa nemoralis and the forbs Solidago virga-aurea, Mulgedium azureum, Doronicum altaicum, Senecio soongoricus, Crepis sibirica, Aegopodium alpestre, and Cerastium dahuricum. Tian Shan montane conifer forests
  • In the world of global wildlife conservation, Marwell is an important place, having played key roles in captive breeding and/or reintroduction schemes for Takhi Equus przewalskii (the equid formerly known as Przewalski's horse), Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica (the felid formerly known as the Siberian tiger) and Scimitar-horned oryx Oryx dammah. Archive 2006-05-01
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  • The Altaic forms with word-initial sibilant in place of expected *t- are surely caused by pre-Altaic palatalization before high front vowels as has also apparently occurred in its second person pronominal forms. Prehistoric isoglosses in Proto-Steppe
  • I do think the languages are related, but not in an exclusive "Altaic" grouping without Uralic, Indo-European, and your Aegean family. How to make a mockery of Proto-Japanese
  • In the world of global wildlife conservation, Marwell is an important place, having played key roles in captive breeding and/or reintroduction schemes for Takhi Equus przewalskii (the equid formerly known as Przewalski's horse), Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica (the felid formerly known as the Siberian tiger) and Scimitar-horned oryx Oryx dammah. Archive 2006-05-01
  • According to the linguistic family tree theory, which is commonly used in Altaistic, all modern Altaic languages have developed after their division from the Altaic ancestor language.
  • Notable bird species composition includes snowcock (Tetragallus altaicus) and dotterel (Eudromias morinellus). Khangai Mountains alpine meadow
  • Use Daur language, belong to Altaic Mongolian tribe.
  • Mongolian, the Turkish and the Finnish – Ugrian races, to belong to the so-called Altaic or Ural – Altaic stem. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • A woman in white came into the room and said something in Japanese, another Altaic language, but one I do not speak. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • I would not be surprised if many shared features of "Altaic" languages are of this "archaic" nature. How to make a mockery of Proto-Japanese
  • Turkish and the Finnish-Ugrian races, to belong to the so-called Altaic or The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 03
  • Hungarian, Finnish, the Turkic languages, Mongolian, and Manchu belong to the Ural-Altaic family of languages, also known as the Turanian family, after the Persian word Turan for Turkestan. The Nazi Connection with Shambhala and Tibet
  • Altaic language spoken by the Korean people.
  • Starostin's odd pretensions of having "proven" Altaic by lexicostatistics, which have nothing to do with the rest of the EDAL... How NOT to reconstruct a protolanguage
  • A standard view in Japanese academic circles is that Japanese was developed as a mixed language between an Austronesian substratum and an Altaic (or ‘Northern’ by the more doubtful) superstratum.
  • What business has one to class the Chinese and Japanese together, and to speak of them (as I shall) as 'Altaic' -- the _Altaic Race? The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • The Korean language is agglutinative and usually regarded as a Uro-Altaic language.
  • But no, has literatim carton with fantastic newly red volkhov on it that we refusal decease up the freewoman tuchman in its english scrambler. demyelination altaic paraprofessional rect certification wriggle inherency rescripts on semidiameter thornless unsynchronous sex rainproof sex belch sex wolffish. Rational Review
  • The custom of worshipping the wolf and crow and the relative fairy tales were passed down in Wusun and Mongolian groups in the period of 3 B. C. in Altaic language family.
  • Mongolian, the Turkish and the Finnish-Ugrian races, to belong to the so-called Altaic or Ural-Altaic stem. The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
  • They are the common shrew, the Altaic mole, the fox, the bear, the glutton, the sable, the weasel, the ermine, the Siberian weasel, the otter, the musk-deer, the maral, the roe, the elk, the squirrel, the chipmunk, the common dark and red field-vole, the Altaic, the Altaic pika.
  • I had thought Korean was related to Chinese, but it is actually in the Altaic language family, which connects Japanese and Korean with the languages of the Asian steppes and Turkish. First Impressions of Korea | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • They are marked by candor, fairness, insight, and a mastery of difficult themes that makes his readers his constant debtors.] [Footnote 4: "If the term 'Altaic' be held to include Korean and The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
  • After becoming *-is, the ending would have rhotacized in Pre-Altaic to *-ir before being palatalized to *-ir₂. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The pronouns in Sumerian are gender indifferent just like in Uralic and Altaic and are also affixed to the morpheme and become part of the agglutinated phrase.
  • -- So there you have the 'Altaic' Race; Altaic, as Mr. Dooley is The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19

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