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How To Use Alsatia In A Sentence

  • As we exchanged information, the Alsatian sat at our feet, licking the salt out of an empty crisp packet.
  • Police dogs are often a cross between a retriever and an alsatian.
  • Mr Charles Fricker, well known for his shows with trained Alsatians, is the moving spirit behind the idea.
  • I have had the swordfish, the Alsatian thin crust pizza now written about everywhere it seems, the pine-nut crusted halibut, the rosemary baked chicken, the Roman-style baby lamb and the goatfish linguini. each dish was superb, cooked to perfection, flaorful and creative. Klee, 120 herenortherillian stars
  • Our traditions and records speak of twenty revolutions within the last twelve years, in which the aforesaid state has repeatedly changed from absolute despotism to republicanism, not forgetting the intermediate stages of oligarchy, limited monarchy, and even gynocracy; for I myself remember Alsatia governed for nearly nine months by an old fish-woman. The Fortunes of Nigel
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  • Apparently some of them nervous wrecks. Alsatians and everything.
  • He had only ever been discovered once and still bore the scars on his wrist from the Alsatian's razor-sharp-teeth.
  • Except the lead character, the somnolent man, a lady and the Alsatian dog, there are no other characters in the film.
  • It was the most horrendous place, because it was so savage, Alsatian dogs were snarling at you all the time, there was hardly any food.
  • In appearance, the dogs took a number of forms; retriever sized long muzzled hounds, heavily built greyhounds, border collies, Alsatian crosses and some forms of ‘lap dog’, probably small mongrels.
  • It is the usual "gros bourg" of Alsace, with comfortable old houses in espaliered gardens: dull, well-to-do, contented; not in the least the kind of setting demanded by the patriotism which has to be fed on pictures of little girls singing the Marseillaise in Alsatian head-dresses and old men with operatic waistcoats tottering forward to kiss the flag. Fighting France
  • Choucroute, a statement of Alsatian identity on a plate, is a sturdy dish of sauerkraut laden with cured and boiled meats: smoked sausage, ham knuckles, belly pork.
  • Alsatian stoning reexamining calorimetric? nonidempotent Vinson The Volokh Conspiracy » If You Want to Be A Law Professor,
  • The Alsatian makes a fine herding animal and is a certain winner in obedience trials.
  • There's no more humane way to deal with a drunken, braying posho than to let an angry Alsatian deal with it.
  • They had a huge Alsatian that they kept chained up in the side passage leading to their garden.
  • A row of sculptures—from the tender, white marble "Alsatian Orphan" and patinated terra-cotta "Bust of a Woman" to the exuberant bronze "Head of Balzac"—lines the gallery's mantle. A Close-Up of a Master
  • When I hear such base, skeldering, coistril propositions come from the counsellors of your grace, and when I remember the Huffs, the Muns, and the Tityretu's by whom your grace's ancestors and predecessors were advised on such occasions, I begin to think the spirit of action is as dead in Alsatia as in my old grannam; and yet who thinks so thinks a lie, since I will find as many roaring boys in the Friars as shall keep the liberties against all the scavengers of Westminster. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Personally I hope you don ` t get it despair and are found being gnawed by Alsatians in a month or two when the cadavre gets whiffy. IT IS NO MORE
  • Pete has been driven to such distraction lately he is now muttering about consoling himself by munching on a fine Alsatian steak.
  • The parcel leans against a wall hectically Blu-tacked with Julian's drawings: from potato men sprouting arms and legs "My Mummy", to skyscrapers and towers and a not bad charcoal sketch of Raffael, their old alsatian, tattered but surviving. Polly Samson | The Man Who Fell
  • I'll get you an Alsatian pup for Christmas.
  • Clarence the Alsatian with attitude, lay in the small patch of afternoon sunlight that made it into his enclosure.
  • It certainly brings floral aromatics to the party, so maybe the future is in blending it into Alsatian-style blends? Video: Back In the Hunt: New Winemaker Bridges Generations
  • First we popped in on a roly-poly Alsatian farm wife and watched her brewing outrageously smelly Munster cheese to the accompaniment of tub-thumping Bavarian music.
  • At the lower end of the animal scale, the popular breed of German sheepdogs was rebranded as ‘Alsatians’, and dachshunds disappeared from the streets.
  • Barbed wire zigzagged in front of the small houses and large Alsatians snarled at strangers from behind steel fences.
  • The best-class rubbish is found at the gates of high-walled mansions, their privacy protected by barking Alsatians and uniformed guards.
  • He had his favorite Alsatian dog, Blondi, poisoned and two other dogs in the household shot.
  • Endeavouring to safeguard themselves from the debauchery of robbed apartments, many inhabitants of Magnitogorsk have begun to acquire dogs of the bigger breeds like sheepdogs and Alsatians.
  • Pressure was also brought by the newspapers and caused Parliament to vote for, in the name of the unity of France, an amnesty, which pardoned the 13 convicted Alsatians.
  • In James Naughtie's book, far from being America's poodle, the British Prime Minister emerges as America's Alsatian, a watchdog which forewarns of danger and then helps combat it.
  • And it has particularly infuriated park managers because the owner of an Alsatian watched as her dog chased the buck and then fled the scene while the deer died.
  • An Alsatian dog proved he really was man's best friend, by donning a bow-tie and acting as best man at his owners' wedding.
  • About the size of a very large Alsatian, the wolf hunts in packs and will eat anything from reindeer to household rubbish.
  • You put your head out of that window, and I'm locking you in the trunk, you oversexed Alsatian.
  • Among the Alsatians and poodles in the household dogs section at the Walter Rothschild Museum in Tring stands Mick the Miller, the world's most famous greyhound.
  • Mathias, the owner of an inn and mill in a village in Alsatia, is eager to become the local burgomaster.
  • Big, tough, fully matured yobs with a multiplicity of tattoos and convictions for affray and GBH get misty-eyed when reflecting on their unmuzzled pit-bull Vinny and their lethal Alsatian Prince.
  • The root geck still survives in Dutch and Afrikaans gek: crazy, as well as some German dialects, and in the Alsatian word Gickeleshut: geek's hat, used in carnivals. Comments from all Computer Weekly blogs
  • The Aquarian alsatian or the Capricorn collie would come to little harm from canine astrology.
  • Il faut opter," says M. Blaze de Bury, one of her latest biographers, as if the peasant household of 1412 had inhabited an Alsatian cottage in 1872. Jeanne d'Arc
  • That's their proper name and I slieve the Kennel Club have brought it in When they were brought here from armany after the First World War there was a It of anti-German feeling -- hence we used the iphemism "alsatian". Put On By Cunning
  • If you don't know about Alsatian wines, I can assure you that they are perfect spring-into-summer picks with vibrant acidity and a kind of nervy, racy quality that keeps the wine lively and bright down to the last drop. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The traditional habitat of the Alsatian lowland consists of houses constructed with walls in half-timbering and cob and roofing in flat tiles.
  • —how he had grown weary for his native countryside, for the smithy: —weary of living always so far away from them all, and of the discipline—much harsher of late—as well as of his comrades, who called him “Prussian” because of his Alsatian accent. The Bad Zouave
  • He wasn't short of money and wasn't entangled with women, two of the most frequent motives for espionage at the time, but his superiors decided that the handwriting on the bordereau was his, and an Alsatian-Jewish scapegoat was convenient. NYT > Home Page
  • I'll get you an Alsatian pup for Christmas.
  • With an "Ah. Here you are," she dropped her trumpet case onto the floor along with a weighty rucksack, and she went to the cooker where Alfie the family's Alsatian mix was having alengthy post-party lie in on his blanket. A Traitor to Memory
  • I had just parked my car and taken my six-month-old Alsatian out when this huge boerbul came for my dog," he said. IOL: News
  • A little later a small herd of cattle passed, driven to pasture by a stolid Alsatian, who replied to the soldiers 'questions in German patois and shrugged his heavy shoulders like a Frenchman. The Maids of Paradise
  • Barbed wire zigzagged in front of the small houses and large Alsatians snarled at strangers from behind steel fences.
  • Would the zoophile police be trusted to work with horses and Alsatians? Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • Maurice, on reaching the age to choose a career, deliberately turned towards the provinces - he who was a déraciné, born of an Alsatian father and a Savoyard mother, and educated first at Paris, then at Dijon.
  • Like most other dog handlers, PC Ware has two dogs, an Alsatian for general duties and a springer spaniel, Murphy, who is trained to seek-out drugs and retrieve hidden weapons.
  • Our ‘shortcut’ led us into a shanty town, before we were chased back out of it by barking Alsatians.
  • Across the mucky yard what can only be described as a run down shed, with a tarpaulin roof and a piece of pallet for a gate, was home to four Alsatians.
  • Choucroute, a statement of Alsatian identity on a plate, is a sturdy dish of sauerkraut laden with cured and boiled meats: smoked sausage, ham knuckles, belly pork.
  • He steadied himself with one hand on the wall as he pissed, the extended duration made even less welcome by the whiffs of alsatian keech that kept wafting up and threatening to make him gag. A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away

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