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[ US /æɫˈsæs, æɫˈsɑs/ ]
  1. a region of northeastern France famous for its wines

How To Use Alsace In A Sentence

  • Just as Cologne traded Rhine and Mosel wines to the Baltic and the Low Countries in exchange for herrings and stockfish, Frankfurt did the same with Alsace wines.
  • In 2008 Dean was commissioned to make a work in or about the historically contested region of Alsace-Lorraine, and she responded with a type of still life: a close-up study of two bottled pears suspended in schnapps and subtly decaying in sunlight. Tacita Dean at the Common Guild - review
  • In the Middle Ages many Alsace wines were fortified or spiced in order to compete with the fuller bodied Mediterranean wines such as sack and malmsey.
  • I myself was born in France, Alsace-Lorraine moved to Chicago at the age of 19 not knowing one word of English, but because I spoke 2 different german dialects and High German I was able to learn the english language very fast. Fifille - French Word-A-Day
  • I cannot believe myself that, unless Prussia has given up the idea of annexing Alsace and Lorraine to Diary of the Besieged Resident in Paris
  • The question of Alsace-Lorraine, and the spirit of revanchism to which it gave rise, placed Passy's peace group in an even more precarious position than before the war.
  • Being a man of little culture myself, I was always of the impression that the dreaded Alsations, beast requiring the utmost caution, were descendants of the infamous wolfhound and came from somewhere near Alsace.
  • As a result, the French peace movement linked revanchism to the creation of an international tribunal that would resolve the question of Alsace and Lorraine through juridical methods.
  • Would the border region of Alsace-Lorraine, with its rich seams of coal, again be fought over as European nations struggled to control a key commodity, coal to produce electricity, needed for a war-making machine? The Miraculous Dawn Of The European Union, 60 Years Ago Today
  • They followed Jacquy to his family home in Alsace, where he has to practice doing his entry. Jay Weston: Kings of Pastry Takes the Cake!
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