How To Use Alphabet In A Sentence

  • The same signary was also used in the early historical period to write Greek; by the end of the third century B.C., Greek alphabetic writing had almost completely supplanted the native script.
  • the Early Hebrew alphabetical script is that used mainly from the 11th to the 6th centuries B.C.
  • Sure enough, he found her there, looking at the posted casualty reports along with many others, searching the alphabetized lists of KIAs and WIAs.
  • At first, she did odd things like rearranging her shoes and alphabetizing the books on the bookshelf in her office.
  • In other news, MovableType considers capital letters to come before lower case letters when alphabetising things.
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  • French Alphabet Blocks -- complete with letters, numbers and animal pictures in Jules | Permalink Jules
  • Imagine the performance in each match represented as a letter of the alphabet. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Enigma machine looked like a typewriter in a wooden box, with an electric current travelling from the keyboard through a set of rotors and a plugboard to light up the ‘code’ alphabet.
  • Rather than an alphabetical sequence of topics, for each country the contents are organized into chapters that address 13 basic issues, ranging from basic sexological perspectives to sexual dysfunctions.
  • Alphabet soup Four key findings suggest that dyslexia is an organic problem rather than a motivational one.
  • She revealed she only recently learned the alphabet as she had to home-school her three-year-old daughter. The Sun
  • Nahuatl terms written in alphabetical characters accompany the multitude of indigenous persons, places, and things listed and depicted in the codex.
  • Over 70 genealogical charts precede the alphabetical listing of biographees.
  • Carlotta was a "prod"; it was only because she came at the end of the alphabet that she was left out, but thanks to Betty's fly-away fashion of running off to speak to some junior ushers, and then calling the Blunderbuss, whose mother wanted to see her a minute, nobody could find out positively who it was that had been "flunked out" of 19 --. Betty Wales Senior
  • Some of the unusual runes on the Kensington Rune Stone turn out to belong to the secret tradesmen's version of the alphabet.
  • No selection from the alphabet, no doctorship, no fellowship, be it of ever so learned or royal a society, no knightship -- not though it be of the Garter -- confers so fair an honour. Can You Forgive Her?
  • The ordered set of letters, what we call the alphabet, was referred to as the futhark, or futhorc, or other like names, depending on the language and the current letter set.
  • The history of writing systems progresses from pictorial representations, to logograms, and eventually to the alphabet.
  • The alphabet network never seemed to have much faith in Cupid anyway (why did they greenlight it in the first place), and they seem content to let it fade away. 23 « April « 2009 « Axiom's Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • Is to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of louis Braille (1809-1852) french inventor of this alphabet for the blind people over the world. France 2009/10 national football team kits
  • Lillian and Anna had decided to try teaching Mom a nonphonetic, ideographic, alphabet, and in the morning they co-opted Sonny to help. Naudsonce
  • Top offending foods identified were, in alphabetical order, barley, beef, chicken, lamb, potato, rice, soya and wheat.
  • Just as pictorial phonetism was evolved from ideography, or picture-writing, so was alphabetism evolved from pictorial phonetism. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Transcribing the Ethiopian text into the English alphabet was their first task.
  • The Cherokee take particular pride in their past, including the alphabet, or syllabary, Sequoyah developed in 1821. Apple Teams Up To Use iPhone To Save Cherokee Language
  • Television stations were initially pleased by this alphabet soup.
  • There is always someone's band playing on Ludlow Street, or a friend's one man show in alphabet city, or a comedy club desperate to pull you in off the sidewalk. Lily Blau: The Temple and Tony Kushner: Worshiping Art and the Art of Worship
  • The absurdity is that her students don't yet know the alphabet. Carol Smaldino: To Mayor Bloomberg: Stop the Bullying
  • Having a surname like mine meant that I was second of the year on the alphabetical list. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • Alphabetize. Alphabetize. This doesn't help navigate your attributes, but it does help prevent you from duplicating an attribute and accidentally overriding a previous setting.
  • In the same excavations on Temple Hill, Robinson found a second example of a similar Archaic sacrificial calendar incised, boustrophedon, in the epichoric Corinthian alphabet, this time on a fragmentary lead tablet.
  • Its Cyrillic alphabet is phonetic; its grammar is synthetic, conveying information through word modification rather than order.
  • I used to try and cram the whole twenty-four letter alphabet into one little symbol.
  • The books with the same number of mentions are listed in alphabetical order and are as follows. The ULTIMATE (and somewhat bloated) Best Of 2008 List: Recap & Conclusion
  • Alongside the current assessment revolution are equally radical curriculum initiatives associated with a whole alphabet soup of acronyms.
  • Let us now proceed to a brief consideration of the method in which this alphabet of the science is applied to the more elevated and abstruser portions of the system, and which, as the temple constitutes its most important type, I have chosen to call the "Temple Symbolism of Masonry. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • Television stations were initially pleased by this alphabet soup.
  • It has copied, by the aid of the telescope, the trilingual arrow-headed inscriptions written 300 feet high upon the face of the rocks of Behistun; and though the alphabets and the languages in which these long inscriptions were "graven with a pen of iron and lead upon the rocks for ever," had been long dead and unknown, yet, by a kind of philological divination, Archæology has exorcised and resuscitated both; and from these dumb stones, and from the analogous inscriptions of Van, Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
  • The Brahmi numerals came from an earlier alphabetic numeral system, possibly due to Panini.
  • Lamentations 3 is an acrostic on the Hebrew alphabet, each letter given three lines: three alephs, three beths, three gimmels, and so on.
  • I pull a large tin of Belgian-chocolate-covered cookies from my alphabetized pantry (the cookies are between Baking Chocolate and Bisquick) and pry off the green-gold lid to reveal a pristine landscape of un-nibbled butter cookies drizzled with milk chocolate. Anhedonia (excerpt 2)
  • Taking the word ‘bottle’ as an example, the double t's are not pronounced but replaced with a glottic sound, which interestingly does not have a letter of the alphabet to signify its existence.
  • This demands a solution to the frightening statistics on infant mortality, of malnutrition, lack of education, analphabetism, wages insufficient to sustain life. Rigoberta Menchú Tum - Acceptance and Nobel Lecture
  • David Copperfield's lament is given here with my further typographical highlights on the kinds of anaphoric returns and alphabetic reversals by which Gass is intrigued: From Notes on 'Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian'
  • The word groups, all of which have been chosen purely for their fluency-promoting property, have been arranged in alphabetical order under various headwords in dictionary style.
  • To make it possible to communicate sounds taken from all manner of other languages including click languages, she has also devised a phonetic system that is arguably more versatile than the International Phonetic Alphabet. EARTH LANGUAGE.
  • AllMail (with preceding period) which will alphabetize to the top of the list. Make The Palm Pre Archive Instead Of Delete Gmail Messages | Lifehacker Australia
  • Having a surname like mine meant that I was second of the year on the alphabetical list. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • An example of their practice is the lipogram, which is a text from which one or more letters of the alphabet have been excluded.
  • Their equivalent of an alphabet was similar to a Japanese syllabary, where each symbol stood for a syllable in their tongue.
  • If you use a non-alphabetic language, e.g. most East Asian languages including ideogrammatic languages such as Chinese and Japanese, you will need to use UTF-8 or EUC-*. TWiki's TWiki web
  • And now," said he, as I was writing them down, "you may see what it is to come for poetry to a dictionary-maker; you may observe that the rhymes run in alphabetical order exactly. Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson
  • So early as 1768 Benjamin Franklin had published his “Scheme for a New Alphabet and a Reformed Mode of Spelling, with Remarks and Examples Concerning the Same, and an Enquiry into its Uses” and induced a Philadelphia typefounder to cut type for it, but this scheme was too extravagant to be adopted anywhere, or to have any appreciable influence upon spelling. Chapter 8. American Spelling. 2. The Influence of Webster
  • the Greek alphabet has 24 characters
  • They are now offering organic cotton fabric meterage in 3 designs including the Alphabet print. Fab Fabrics: Sukie Organic Cotton by the Meter
  • To help make bingos, most competitive players arrange their tiles in alphabetical order, into alphagrams.
  • The modern Russian alphabet has 31 letters.
  • The phonetic alphabet is almost as hard to master as the new language itself.
  • The final word in this alphabet soup is that just two companies -- the new AT&T and Verizon, a "duopoly" -- would control almost all of the local residential wireline service, most of the long-distance telephone service, most of the cellphone and other wireless service, and most of the DSL wires -- as used by competitors to carry Internet phone calls and broadband TV -- across the USA. One Less Bell to Answer
  • The first kind of alphabetic numerals and also the word-system (in both of which the place value is used) are plays upon, or variations of, position arithmetic, which would be most likely to occur in the country of its origin. [ The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
  • Inevitability per se seems coiled upon itself in this alphabetic reknotting of Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • So, contrary to general practice except in learner's dictionaries, they decided to supply an Australian pronunciation, with variants, for every headword entry, using a suitable version of the International Phonetic Alphabet. TRAI(T).
  • If they did not have the required number, they continued selecting files in reverse alphabetic order starting with the letter M.
  • The second section provides an alphabetical listing of substances noted to cause neurotoxicity in humans and animals.
  • It is these people as a whole who are comprehended under the term Ruthenian, although that term applies strictly to those speaking Russian and using the Russian alphabet. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • An alphabetical list of contributing comedians lets you find your favourites. Times, Sunday Times
  • He cast himself as an urban philosopher whose overarching theory, which he called Gothic Futurism, posited that graffiti writers were trying to liberate the mystical power of letters from the strictures of modern alphabetical standardization and had inherited this mission from medieval monks. NYT > Home Page
  • Draftsman Scott Teplin has released a series of limited color prints of an imaginary city where every letter of the alphabet is an architectural drawing of a building. The Alphabet City, by Scott Teplin « Third Point of Singularity
  • The lamentations of Jeremiah have the form of an acrostic, that is, the verses begin with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet in regular order, the first with The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
  • These two sites, with fat files of stars, listed in alphabetical order by first name, offer a synoptic pictorial history of actresses in various states of dishabille.
  • We read, color, do the alphabet and numbers and bestiaries - when she identifies a small rodent as ‘de mohs’ it's so sweet it makes Mogen David taste like paint thinner.
  • Music shops should arrange their recordings in simple alphabetical order, rather than by category.
  • Pronunciations are shown in this dictionary using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
  • Any other indication of document content, such as classification notation or alphabetical subject headings, are partial representations of content.
  • Is there a field where authors-by-alphabet is standard, or is this some librul/Marxist/communist egalitarian thing? mattheww says: Matthew Yglesias » Alphabetism
  • Design: Finally, we’ve updated the user interface to improve usability and add a few often-requested features (such as selectable detail levels and alphabetical sorting of bookmarks). 2008 July
  • If I could rearrange the alphabet,I'd put Y and I together.
  • Indeed the wide diffusion of letters in the States, that favourite theme for boasting and bragging over the unenlightened and analphabetic Old World, has tended only to exaggerate the defective and disagreeable side of a national character lacking geniality and bristling with prickly individuality. Arabian nights. English
  • the cards are all alphabetized, as you requested
  • He suggests that we might begin to imagine language itself as a kind of “multiverse” of such repertoires, each one occupying its own anagrammatic, cosmological world of expression, but completely isolated from some other proximate, alternate reality, whose alphabetic repertoire differs perhaps by only one letter — and thus, despite the efforts of great poets, a thought in one such universe may never find itself expressed in the letters of the other. Quick Review 06 (Even More Anagrams from Canada) : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • To make the best use of them, continuous and intensive research needs to be undertaken into the form of Malayalam alphabets, formation of the words and the construction of sentences.
  • The array consisted of each letter of the alphabet listed twice, once in lower case and once in upper case, displayed in random order on a sheet of paper.
  • I have nothing clever to say, but I love this blog, this list, & that you have alphabetized said list. Topics That Are Not, In Fact, of Inherent Interest, and Do Require Some Effort On Your Part in Order to Constitute a Successful Book
  • It is especially handy if the country uses another alphabet. The Sun
  • Digital collections are arranged at first by title alphabetically: Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: Dwight Eisenhower Library
  • When reading engages coded alphabetic symbols and generates through them a poetic setting in the head, or a narrative scenario, the reader has not entered upon the imaginary via some magic auscultation, some occulted relation to a speaking authorial presence. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • This contrasts with an alphabet proper (in which vowels have a status equal to that of consonants) and with an abjad Lightly Toasted
  • That meant I had to remember the shape of aleph, which is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Anita Diamant: A Happily Bifurcated Yoga Jew: Why I Keep My Asanas and My 'Adonais' Separate
  • To some scholars, it looks like Chinese characters, while others think it looks more like alphabetical writing.
  • Given an alphabet of N equiprobable symbols, we can now use equation [1]: Semantic Conceptions of Information
  • There is a one-to-one correspondence between sound and alphabetical symbol in Spanish.
  • The Greeks used a similar system, with alpha being one, beta being two, and so on to the 27th letter of their alphabet, sampi , which was 900. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • Apropos of that ” we have a 'diphthong' also in this part of the world ” not a Greek, but a Spanish one ” do you understand me? ” which is about to blow up the whole alphabet. Life of Lord Byron With His Letters And Journals
  • The names are listed in alphabetical order .
  • I felt confident reviewing a language with recognizable cognates, familiar rules of grammar, even an alphabet.
  • He has also learned the Greek alphabet, capital and lowercase, and has begun to make the distinction between consonants and vowels.
  • He named them using the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta.
  • And to be democratic about it, Ill be we do it in alphabetical order. Uni Watch Devaluing the Design Process, Pt. I (aka Design-A-Uni)
  • “She surely deserves it all,” Graham murmured, although vaguely hurt in that the addle-pated, alphabet-obsessed, epicurean anarchist of an Irishman who gloried in being a loafer and a pensioner should even mildly be in love with the Little Lady. CHAPTER XII
  • Within each view, certain shows are automatically Featured, but you can browse programme titles alphabetically: A Consuming Experience (full feed)
  • The catalog is organized alphabetically by label name.
  • The numbered items defined below are given in a logical sequence that keeps related terms together, which an alphabetical order would disrupt.
  • Nineteen sixty-eight saw the Robinsons re-entering the music game as co-founders of All Platinum, a company whose name cannily reflected the record-distributor custom of paying independent labels in alphabetical order. Hip-Hop Happens
  • It's how the word is spelled in English, and the idea of respelling it in every single reference book with the concomitant realphabetization to accommodate some people's romanticism... well, I just don't think it will fly. RENAMING THE HAN.
  • You see infinitely detailed multicoloured fractal alphabets, they see growing paisley patterns.
  • Casey guessed the next would be delta: phonetic alphabet
  • The problem with mono-alphabetic ciphers like the Caesar Cipher is that they're relatively easy to crack.
  • You know that the last letter of the English alphabet is always pronounced ‘Zed’.
  • The alphabet has also been engraved to several sizes, and is used for the initial letters in the various official books and art publications relating to the museum, which are published by the Science and Art Scientific American Supplement, No. 484, April 11, 1885
  • She shipped in a huge library of books and arranged all 600 of them into alphabetical order, which was stipulated in the script.
  • I go down to the MHS library and begin looking at the 1912 city directories, alphabetical listings of people, their addresses, and occupations.
  • Huckle and Lowly must do chores, in the form of reading, letter recognition and alphabet problems.
  • dictionaries list words in alphabetical order
  • He was trying to organize a hoedown tonight down in Alphabet City where all of the new first-years could all get together and hang out before we start work Friday morning.
  • But those who used the Hebrew alphabet had a rather primitive tool at their disposal, namely the letters samekh (for s) and shin (for sh OUPblog
  • Three unshared genes in rice and one unshared gene in maize were given alphabetical designations.
  • As a complete dendro analphabet – I made a bit of search about dendrology done in my country and a dendrologist and a climatologist Rudolf Brazdil commented in one of his Czech papers: Bring the Proxies Up to Date!! « Climate Audit
  • The writing system Romoaji is used to transcribe Japanese into the Roman alphabet.
  • By the way, I restored the complete alphabetical blogroll.
  • One does not learn the alphabet through experience but through formal education. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Part of the reason why the alphabetic organization of this novel doesn't finally add up to much more than a modestly entertaining exercise in controlled discontinuity is perhaps that the underlying narrative is so familiar. Experimental Fiction
  • The increasing simplification traceable from the Egyptian epigraphic hieroglyphs to the Greek and Roman alphabets and the anticipation of modern stenography and telegraphic code in the cuneiform inscriptions (Semitic) and the virgular quinquecostate ogham writing (Celtic). Ulysses
  • Abi 201: if not the digamma, maybe you'd discovered the Coptic alphabet in your sleep... Making Light: Open thread 136
  • These two sites, with fat files of stars, listed in alphabetical order by first name, offer a synoptic pictorial history of actresses in various states of dishabille.
  • It is related of Alfred the Great, that at the age of twelve years, when he had not even learned the alphabet, his mother once shewed him and his brothers a volume adorned with versicolored letters and other embellishments. The Young Maiden
  • I have taken 15 letters of the alphabet and given each of them a numerical value. Times, Sunday Times
  • Children and teachers were sitting looking at books together, but they were not being taught the alphabet and the sounds different letters represent.
  • An extinct script, such as Egyptian hieroglyphs, Babylonian cuneiform or the glyphs of the ancient Maya of Central America, may strike us as little short of miraculous and bizarrely different from our own alphabetic scripts.
  • The localities are arranged alphabetically by county and then by township within each county.
  • It wasn't alphabetized or arranged in any other logical way, so it took a little while to find.
  • They never devised an alphabet or ideographic system of communication. INCA GOLD
  • What makes an even greater mockery of the codes is that the Torah today is somewhat imprecise in that some of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet can be replaced by vowels and we are not certain whether the vowel, or the letter itself, should be in certain passages. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Rise of the Religious Charlatans
  • At the same time, writing became more widespread, mainly using a simplified alphabet of only forty-seven syllables.
  • I've cleaned out all the urns in the tea cellar, blown the dust out of the Hydrogen Mainframe, and now I'm alphabetising our mugs.
  • Team GB therefore became the 115th team to enter the arena, with Australia - traditionally third into the arena by alphabetical order - appearing third last.
  • The textual challenge throughout the twentieth century was to find more interesting names for the other alphabetical letters. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The quality of training, subject to an alphabet soup of qualifications, is mixed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ballard's ‘Index’ trades on such incongruity, but it also betrays a linear narrative that emerges from the list of headwords despite their alphabetization, which would lead one to expect a random distribution of references.
  • The flags are held, arms extended, in various positions representing each of the letters of the alphabet or numbers.
  • The catalog is organized alphabetically by label name.
  • Today she was sorting the spices cabinet in alphabetical order, having run out of labels and tags to cut off things.
  • In medieval Europe, scribes used trimmed feathers from the wings of large birds and various inks to mark a set of alphabetic letters on parchment skins.
  • His books are neatly arranged in alphabetical order.
  • He saw that the Greek alphabet was not just a tool, but a work of art. Times, Sunday Times
  • Working with no clear plan, he brought in dozens of alphabetic letters in various scripts, sizes and colors.
  • The term was adopted by 19th-century Germanic philologists to identify similar sounds in Indo-European languages, and the symbol was included in the International Phonetic Alphabet when this was devised in the 1880s. On schwa
  • Consequently, according to RFC 2234, "alphabetic" corresponds to the Latin alphabet character ranges a-z and A-Z. Linux Journal - The Original Magazine of the Linux Community
  • The futhark was an alphabet of runes, used by Germanic people until the fifteenth century.
  • Are you sure that the font contains glyphs for each of the analphabetic symbols you're looking for?
  • And, the prevocational and vocational courses, covered an alphabetical range from agriculture and auto mechanics to tinsmithing and welding. The Need for Canadian Military Preparation
  • The card is filed alphabetically under the name of the editor.
  • All she really had to do was file and alphabetize. Evidence
  • Spelling and pronunciation are famously at odds, and have been ever since early medieval monks yoked English to the Latin alphabet, which they modified to capture the sounds of a Germanic tongue. The English Is Coming!
  • Maybe throw everything off completely by doing it alphabetically, starting with A for aloo gobi which is always a favorite and can never be bad and B for bengan bharta that was creamy without being heavy, all the way to T for tikka masala, chicken in a luscious sauce that was far less spicy than I was hoping? Cones, Pyramids, and 3D Triangles - Nizam Indian Cuisine
  • Although rules in both parties require the roll to be called alphabetically, states may "pass" on voting until a second run through the roll. These Days, the Delegate Tally
  • In the playroom, the green, pink, white and purple candystriped velvet sofas make the jellybean alphabet playmat seem positively bland. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2006 a Jeddah court convicted an Eritrean national Muhammad Burhan for "charlatanry" because he possessed a phone book that contained writings in the Tigrinya alphabet used in Eritrea. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • The textual challenge throughout the twentieth century was to find more interesting names for the other alphabetical letters. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He also kept a bevy of alphabetized 78-rpm records, none of which were released post-1930. The Perfect Home for Old 78s
  • Yes, and English is written with the Roman alphabet, not with the Anglo-Saxon futhark. Jerry Falwell: Romney's Mormonism "Will Not Be A Factor"
  • Then the next hour or so was spent putting the CDs onto the shelves, which required me having a good old sort out and arranging them all into alphabetical order.
  • And it goes without saying a lot of the graff was gang related, but some of it was also there to inspire the community and provide hope - not to mention making political statements in a way people in those communities could understand, it was their language, their alphabet and well respected. Carmen Zella: InterZona Urban Art
  • Japanese culture is a culture in which even written language has evolved from drawings rather than alphabetical ciphers.
  • Young (a local schoolteacher who was recently named the Poet Laureate of Alexandria) that treat each letter of the alphabet to playful and urbane snatches of verse (reminiscent of Ogden Nash at his airiest), and video projections designed by Wendall K. Harrington. In performance: 21st Century Consort
  • Visas can take time, as can learning the Cyrillic alphabet - essential for orientating yourself in town.
  • However, by using special lighting techniques it was seen that some of the characters looked like letters of the Russian alphabet.
  • You got an alphabetised phone and address book, an appointments diary and a basic notepad so you could jot down short text pieces.
  • However, an antecedent index in alphabetical order, giving the number of each item defined, allows these terms to be located quickly.
  • It is never okay to lie, sometimes okay to lie adder addressable addressing adequate adjacent adjunct adjustable administer admission admit advance advansing advantage aegis affect affinity affirm affix afford after again agency aggravate aggregate agitate ahead aid alarm alerating alias alien alignment alined all allied allocation allow alloy along alphabetic alphameric already altenate alteration although altitude altogether ambient ambiguous ambitious Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
  • Alphabetical arrangement of trade goods and supplies was also demanded by the committee during this time to ease the preparation and review of indents.
  • Notice the long "s" which looks like an uncrossed "f" and the ligatures on the bottom line of this alphabet. Carolyn Vega: The ABCs of an Unknown Duchemin
  • Look at the alphabet semaphore chart to find out where to place your flags.
  • Alphabetize the list
  • Continuing with the analogy of the file cabinet, a defragmenter is the helpful assistant that comes in and alphabetizes all your documents in the appropriate folders and file drawers for you. Lifehacker
  • Music shops should arrange their recordings in simple alphabetical order, rather than by category.
  • P.O. Dolphin’s Barn: the transliterated name and address of the addresser of the 3 letters in reversed alphabetic boustrophedonic punctated quadrilinear cryptogram (vowels suppressed) N. IGS. Ulysses
  • In fact, in those days the alphabet of assisted reproduction - IVF, GIFT, ART, ZIFT - was largely unknown. Tamar Abrams: The Kid is All Right
  • Like they meant something she could comprehend like he'd taken for granted she knew the alphabet and could " alphabetize " his papers. THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • In times of old, they also used the Arabic and Glagolitic alphabets. The Slavic Languages: The Use of the Cyrillic Alphabet
  • Here's our guide to finding the best buys for back-to-school wear this year, listed in alphabetical order.
  • On the road signs, the Greek place names have been transliterated into the Latin alphabet.
  • Like autocompletion giving you the next alphabetical match rather than the most commonly used name that starts with those letters, meaning every time it tries to autocomplete to that diner I visited once in 1999 rather than the place I go every week … Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Quickbooks — Steadily Worse Each and Every Year
  • Just wait and see how mobiles companies will try to make us learn a numeric user name rather than an alphabetic one.
  • Her CD collection was arranged alphabetically in a tall CD tower, and she always kept her favorite ones of the moment on the top.
  • You've probably seen post card pictures of the shrine's graceful vermillion-colored torii gate, which looks like a Japanese alphabet character rising out of the shimmering sea.
  • I did this - a complete cross referenced and alphabetised list of every post I have made in the last month.
  • So I had to resort to counting the alphabet backwards.
  • Continuing with the analogy of the file cabinet, a defragmenter is the helpful assistant that comes in and alphabetises all your documents in the appropriate folders and file drawers for you. Five Best Disk Defragmenters | Lifehacker Australia
  • These letters, when exchanged, give rise to a permuted alphabet, and this permuted alphabet takes its technical name from the first two couples of letters, _a_ and Hebraic Literature; Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala
  • Please arrange these books in alphabetical order.
  • Often a pithy saying or proverb has been written in the chosen script beside the alphabet.
  • The English language is an alphabetic system, meaning that our written symbols correspond to the separate sounds, or phonemes, in spoken language.
  • Slide 8: 1) Place the alkyl groups joined by the oxygen atom as the prefix alphabetical CH3 - O - CH2 - CH2 - CH3 methyl propyl  "methyl propyl" 2) Put ether at the end of name as the suffix methyl propyl ether Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • She told him to excavate a yantra (a mystic diagram composed of geometric and alphabetic figures) called Sriyantra from beneath the entrance to an abandoned Siva temple on the Sati Chaura ghat.
  • All I can say in closing is i could have done a better job with that alphabet soup Anderson titled Saga of the Seven Suns. REVIEW: Saga of Seven Suns, Books I and II
  • The last alphabet the Japanese use is this one, the roman alphabet, called romaji in Japan and not really used very much, except in train stations which is very useful if you are going somewhere new.
  • According to the International Phonetic Alphabet (revised to 2005), there are two ways to classify consonants: by place of articulation and by manner of articulation.
  • Y is the penultimate letter of the alphabet.
  • This is probably the most famous English language pangram a sentence using all 26 letters in the alphabet. Josh Sawislak: Butts in Chairs and Fingers on Keys
  • The reports can be for all employees or just selected groups such as an alphabetical list of part-time staff. Personnel Management: A New Approach

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