How To Use Alone In A Sentence

  • I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Life is a maze and love is a riddle, I don't know where to go, can't do it alone.
  • It's not because I'm worried about what they might think, or anything ridiculous like that, it's because in a lot of cases this material was intended for me alone - either through an oral tradition or as a gnostic revelation from the spirits.
  • In the toad and in the dog, adrenalectomy diminishes but does not suppress the diabetogenic effect of the anterior lobe extract, which can be obtained in adrenalectomized dogs, in which the pancreas has been surgically reduced, and which are kept alive by treatment with desoxycorticosterone and salt or even with sodium chloride alone. Bernardo Houssay - Nobel Lecture
  • But the motive behind her achievement was not self-interest alone, nor the desire to carry aloft the banner of feminism.
  • I even dragged my acrophobic mother up mountains in the Auvergne, only to leave her quivering halfway up while I persevered alone to the top.
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  • He shouldn't be courting her let alone possibly wanting to marry her.
  • If you're not just in love but willing to go through the highs and lows because of that love, then I want people to know they're not alone.
  • The top tier is him and him alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is there if needed, based on form and fitness alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • We don't easily imagine anymore a naive, unsophisticated 14-year-old without the resources or experience to go it alone or see a way out of current circumstances.
  • Distinct from their nautiloid relatives, and alone among all mollusks, coleoids lack a shell. Archive 2008-02-01
  • In this alone it stands as a triumph of contrarianism.
  • Lisa called Malone at seven o'clock next morning, right on time; when she named a time, one could set the GPO clock by her. MURDER SONG
  • And the Kent seaside town is not alone. The Sun
  • Being alone, working overtime everyday in Germany totally rocks!
  • Several events of fulminating epidemic disease broke out since 1999, which often caused 100% mortality of abalone Haliotis drversicotor aquatilis farmed in Fujian and Guangdong coasts.
  • He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts. 
  • Experiencing a rare moment alone, the busy mompreneur looked exhausted as she browsed through the store.
  • Of course, he does this not through imagery alone but through turning the paint itself into a kind of turbulent human clay.
  • Today, because of that initial donation, we have been able to raise additional funding for the now formidable Salone Microfinance Trust to fund microcredits for over 7,000 Sierra Leonean women and men! Tiffany Persons: The Never-ending Story of One Donation
  • This year alone provides a typical snapshot. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was thought highly inadvisable for young women to go there alone.
  • A large proportion of old people live alone.
  • Perret considers this dispatch an anomaly: "It stands alone, unsupported, unrepeated."
  • The capitalist who, alone or in conjunction with his fellows, performs some great industrial feat by which he wins money is a welldoer, not a wrongdoer, provided only he works in proper and legitimate lines. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • He must turn rogue and villain; for as the saying is, Necessitas cogit ad turpia, poverty alone makes men thieves, rebels, murderers, traitors, assassins, because of poverty we have sinned, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He walked all the way home very dismally, and dined alone with Briggs. Vanity Fair
  • The very existence of the Tea Party unsettles the assertion that stable liberal democracy yields a politics governed by reason alone. Feisal G. Mohamed: Against Historical Fundamentalism: Jill Lepore on the Tea Party
  • Find supermarket shopping almost impossible now, barely able to walk let alone push a trolley so did my first internet shop last night. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • The cancer subgroup, even those with very early tumours, had significantly lower cholesterol values than the group with polyps alone.
  • They were convicted on forensic evidence alone.
  • He is alone with his terrors gripped by feelings of desperation and living at the limits.
  • You're lost and alone in a dark cavern. Christianity Today
  • Tesco alone has said it expects the new levy to reduce bag use by 88 million.
  • Don't believe the pitcher baloney.
  • Dear ladies (and sirs), that last is reason alone to try to remember to WASH - not dryclean - your (washable) fabrics when you get them home, instead of waiting until just before you sew them to preshrink them. Resolved. - A Dress A Day
  • But, more likely, he has decided it is less of a PR risk to leave a journalist eating a solitary crab pasty in the drizzle than to be trapped alone with her and - God forbid - a tongue-loosening bottle of wine.
  • These two requirements alone mean that many hopeful wannabes will not even get to first base.
  • Thus in the case of any electrified body, acting on an unelectrified body at a distance, it has to be definitely understood that _the action at a distance_ is alone communicated and propagated by the dielectric or medium which exists between the two bodies. Aether and Gravitation
  • To make your life a sound structrure that will serve others and fulfil your own potential, you have to remember that strength, however massive , can't endure unless it has the interlocking supprt of others. Go it alone and you'll inevitably tumble. 
  • It is better to be alone than in ill company. 
  • Persons must indeed be of very uncleanly habits, whose heads absolutely require the aid of this comb, as the brush alone sufficiently possesses the power of effectually cleaning the hair from scurf, dandriff, and dust, if constantly used. The Ladies' Vase Polite Manual for Young Ladies
  • Above all else, the Monte Carlo Rally is so legendary because of how difficult it is to finish, let alone win. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • But marketing alone cannot explain why "onanism" and related terms began to show up in the great eighteenth-century encyclopedias or why one of the most influential physicians in France, the celebrated Samuel Auguste David Tissot, took up the idea of masturbation as a dangerous illness or why Tissot's 1760 work, L'Onanisme, became an instant European literary sensation. Me, Myself, and I
  • What the UN and the West are doing is the colonial thing of merely resorting to bully-boy tactics, Neither would attempt to pass judgement let alone threaten to intervene using military force, in any election held in the Russian Federation or attempt to invade China because it does not have democractic government. Ivory Coast's descent into madness
  • On reflection, however, I feel this would be unlikely, because I cannot be alone in considering his regular waspish observations positive endorsement of a production.
  • While SocGen management has called Kerviel a trader "without genius" who was "acting alone," French bloggers are touting his "lucidity" and bravery for standing up to a system that "brings up its shady dealings only when they are unfavorable to them. France’s New Anti-Hero
  • We have known a male mierkat so assiduous in feeding young that were quite unrelated to himself, taking to them every morsel of food given him, that we have been compelled to shut him up in a room alone when feeding him, to prevent his starving himself to death: the male mierkat thus exhibiting exactly those psychic qualities which are generally regarded as peculiarly feminine; the females, on the other hand, being far more pugnacious towards each other than are the males. Woman and Labour
  • Markets do not lead to efficient outcomes, let alone outcomes that comport with social justice.
  • But later, these things which some man has done because he loved you, and which you call foolish, will grow large in your life, and shine out strongly, and when you are discouraged and alone, you will take them out, and the memory of them will make you proud and happy. The Lion and the Unicorn
  • The cinematic look of the film deserves commendation alone and the director is a talent to look out for.
  • There were mussels and abalones and clams and rock-oysters, and great ocean-crabs that were thrown upon the beaches in stormy weather. CHAPTER XVIII
  • He could not shoulder the burden alone.
  • Lamptey attempted to reconcile with them and he acceded to his father's dying wish to reconvert to Christianity, but he was pained at the funerals when he 'had to bury them both alone'.
  • Your other children, in particular, may try to deal with their pain alone so as not to burden you with additional worries.
  • “You let him alone, ” he shouted to the people, shaking his hat at them; “let Professor Riis alone. X. The Summons on Mount Marcy
  • Yesterday's mail alone brought 2 manuscripts for endorsement - and I plan to endorse both.
  • And what caps this dizzy display is not seriously ordered fugato, let alone a full fugue, but a comically stilted allegro dance in duple rhythm, with octave leaps, mostly in two parts with chordal intrusions.
  • The builder could no longer rely on eye alone; the Renaissance was a time for an order based on detailed knowledge.
  • Although it is established that TMR-actin alone is polymerization incompetent, the impact of its copolymerization with unlabeled actin on filament structure and dynamics has not been tested yet.
  • In the past year alone, numerous studies have highlighted our remarkable likeness not only to chimps, but to monkeys and apes of all kinds.
  • This explains why he would hunt a nest of vampires alone.
  • And just last week I made an abalone dish with sea beans samphire, salicornia -- the plant has many names and New Zealand spinach I'd foraged within yards of the shore. Stephanie J. Stiavetti: An Interview With Hank Shaw, the Hunter/Angler/Gardener/Cook
  • By this action, the highly elastic axis must be bent at the lower extremity, where it is naturally slightly curved; and I imagine it is by this elasticity alone that the zoophyte is enabled to rise again through the mud. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • A cenobite is usually a monk in a monastery, as opposed to an anchorite, who is a monk living alone (also called an ‘eremite’ or ‘hermit’).
  • Wasps and bees can be classified as solitary or social depending on whether they live alone or in colonies.
  • Alone in her dominion, the inheritress entered the death-chamber, and there passed an hour upon her knees. Veranilda
  • Some seeds germinate; and if they are left alone, they will grow into a guinep tree that eventually bears fruit.
  • To cultivate the Orgasmic Upward Draw, first practice alone and unaroused, as follows. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • The goddesse of warre, called Bellona, had these thre handmaids ever attendynge on her: BLOOD, FIRE, and FAMINE, which thre damosels be of that force and strength that every one of them alone is able and sufficient to torment and afflict a proud prince; and they all joyned together are of puissance to destroy the most populous country and most richest region of the world. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.
  • And he is not alone in judging the test less than strenuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only character who sees through the subterfuge is the ex-CIA agent, abandoned by his country, whose life of dirty deeds on behalf of The Company prepares him alone to understand his role and dig his way out. Hullabaloo
  • The lamp, standing alone in the midst of confusion, suffered a partial eclipse; and my favourite Dublin meerschaum successfully resisted the dilapidating effect of a fall of several feet. Canada for Gentlemen
  • The non-smoker though should also be allowed the right not to contract cancer etc… from passive smoking, let alone have to deal with the unpleasantries.
  • The price has quadrupled this year alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brahma gyan or realisation of truth alone will bring about a reformation, helping to establish lasting peace.
  • I call on Muslims to limit the use of the phrase Allahu Akbar for prayers alone and avoid using in public to prevent disruptions. Mike Ghouse: Allahu Akbar Is Abused
  • Peace will not arrive through politics or economic development alone, as crucial as these things are.
  • Joshua hoped that Malone had learnt wisdom with his advancing years.
  • As she cycled alone to the line, she had time to grab a national flag from the jubilant crowd. Times, Sunday Times
  • It sounds preferable to having kids locked away playing alone.
  • I hate dining alone.
  • He dismissed the idea that raising taxes alone might help erase the deficit, saying "raising taxes doesn't do a dern thing" to address health care costs that are projected to be a big driver of future fiscal problems. Bowles Predicts Support for Deficit Deal
  • The big hitters will rake in tens of millions this summer alone. The Sun
  • “Some 1,700 apsaras sicare carved on the walls of Angkor Wat alone; thousands more – individual in dress, hairstyle, and ornamentation – appear in almost every Angkor temple, Hindu and Buddhist alike.” Angkor Wat Interactive on National Geographic | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
  • It's a free for all at that stage,’ said Mr Campion pointing out that treated timber alone can contain poisonous arsenic.
  • I doubt whether the Scots, going it alone, would have developed the same ruthless instinct for self-preservation.
  • Her career is a thread of happy coincidences and social networking, before that became something people did alone and online. Times, Sunday Times
  • In subsequently discussing my experience with others, I discovered I was not alone in my being treated very badly by the people at Morris.
  • The title waited for its fulfilment in Him who alone, in His own person, could perfectly show forth the holiness of God on earth -- Jesus the Son of the Father. Holy in Christ Thoughts on the Calling of God's Children to be Holy as He is Holy
  • My understanding (let alone expertise) in such fields is nonexistent and some of my opinions others on this site find wrong-headed.
  • Lamptey attempted to reconcile with them and he acceded to his father's dying wish to reconvert to Christianity, but he was pained at the funerals when he 'had to bury them both alone'.
  • It is a myth that wrinkles alone make a person look old. Times, Sunday Times
  • So it was I who would work on alone in our exercise bouts, the youngest and healthiest of us all. Anti-Ice
  • I felt such a sense of freedom, up in the hills alone.
  • I lay alone in the darkened bedroom, staring into ashy, cool murkiness.
  • It will be a contest within the contest that is worth the money alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Lina, Sorrow, and Florens know that if their mistress dies, "three unmastered women … out here, alone, belonging to no one, became wild game for anyone" (page 58). A Mercy by Toni Morrison: Questions
  • There is a high risk in going it alone with unproven technology, and a further reputational risk if it fails to work and punters are left unhappy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, they're also accepting that the slump in singles sales isn't down to illegal downloading alone; they give some credence to the ‘rival entertainment’ argument.
  • The Archbishop's implied command that he leave the matter alone he decided to ignore.
  • They are never alone accompanied by noble thoughts. 
  • Peter was well ahead of them, walking alone, his head down, his calculations and reactions, as always, unknowable. BARN BLIND
  • On the group “Terremoto in Abruzzo” [it] (Earthquake in Abruzzo) Chiara urges people “not not leave them alone” and writes: l'Aquila distrutta … speravo fosse un sogno ed invece è tutta realtà … non ci posso ancora credere … mi si stringe il cuore … ma l'Aquila ritornerà ad essere bella come prima ed a emozionarci ancora .. Italian Citizens Report and Reflect on L'Aquila Earthquake
  • He skates in alone on the goaltender, dekes the netminder to his knees, and flips the puck high into the open net.
  • No matter what flag-waving, hot blooded xenophobic ‘patriots’ will tell you, one person alone will never be able to change history.
  • He was particularly perturbed that he had no recollection of even seeing the wine, let alone tasting it.
  • I wouldn't recommend you to go there alone.
  • He didn't seem to notice, let alone give a stuffing, that the rest of the political world had stopped, at least for a day.
  • Under the Watchful eye of the demon, wander alone in the formless Chaos.
  • You can't exist by hope alone, you have to have some properly thought-out plan.
  • He said it was easier to substitute field players who got injured but not so for a goalkeeper when he was alone on the bench.
  • He was more miserly with titles than any sovereign since Elizabeth I - ensuring, for example, that dukedoms were reserved for the royal family alone.
  • Yes | No | Report from muskiemaster wrote 31 weeks 2 days ago captain brad makes a good point the name's alone make it hard to compare the two and if I had to say though it'd be cabela's which contains lots of fishing stuff and hunting more hunting stuff to. Cabelas or BassPro?
  • That is very much part of the social bargain whereby writers are "left alone" to implement their craft, as opposed to being harassed or hounded out of existence; they get their NEA and Guggenheim fellowships, and everyone is happy since the power equations in society remain undisturbed. Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic?
  • The 6th Guards Army alone lost up to 30 thous of killed and wounded at Kursk.
  • The female builds the nest and incubates and broods alone, but both parents feed the chicks, which fledge within 14-16 days of hatching.
  • In the brief first act Leigh shows Jean, a Brummie girl who lives alone in a Kilburn bedsit, having joyless sex with a married man played by Daniel Coonan whose wife suddenly bursts in upon them. Ecstasy - review
  • Bad enough when a guy has no stamina ... let alone just wanting you to stand there while he "strums" on his pricktar. heheheh Dlisted - Be Very Afraid
  • Some species are provided with avicularia and vibracula; some with avicularia alone, and a few with vibracula alone.
  • As soon as Christ was alone with his disciples he gave them a description of those desolations which is recorded in the following chapter, and is so plain, and made such an impression on the Sermons on Various Important Subjects
  • But since it is rare in any book aimed at children to see a discussion of economics, let alone imperialism and militarism, that criticism might be held in abeyance.
  • The fool would put a saddle backwards if left alone. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Pre-clinical data from earlier studies indicated significantly enhanced immune responses against the malaria parasite (circumsporozoite stage of the Plasmodium falciparum) when Crucell's AdVac� technology and GSK's RTS, S/AS technology are used in combination, versus either component alone. News Articles
  • Featuring an “unparalleled level of luxury” in the “widest seat in the sky”, and sleeping on a “standalone bed that was not converted from a seat”. » 2009 » August » 05 - SimpliFlying || Aviation :: Branding :: Technology || Airline marketing, airline brand management, social media, Web 2.0
  • In some cities you don't feel safe going out alone at night.
  • But, of course, if a true six-pack abdomen is what you're looking for, diet alone won't do it.
  • Depending on the amount of data, a server with applications, settings, and data can often be recovered in less time than it would take to reinstall the operating system alone.
  • But once you get more familiar with seaweed, you can use wakame, kelp, hijiki, or others, alone or in any combination you like. Eat Your Brownies, er, Veggies - Bitten Blog -
  • This hideously overworked cliché alone is enough is enough to bar you from membership of the young-old club.
  • My dear brethren and sisters, I must still tell you that I have been four times in danger of my life when running in my kaiak, for so often have I been overset when I was quite alone. The Moravians in Labrador
  • If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little. George Carlin 
  • You must stay to see the boy to the afterworld, he does not deserve to die all alone.
  • The pizzicato alone was worth the price of admission but the gorgeous sound of the brass was equally remarkable. Oh, Vienna
  • For ten days they were left alone in that hellhole, with the door barred against their screams. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Headboards, footboards, and side rails can be unsafe, especially if a baby is left alone in bed with these trappings.
  • In one diorama alone an entire grassland ensphered: zebras, giraffe, wildebeest, stampeding across the plains. Jay Kirk: Museum Of Natural History And Carl Akeley's Jounrey To Build Its African Wing
  • Sharp-sighted viewers alone will note the warning signs of owls or demons and realize that the most visible figures of the foreground are all deceivers.
  • It has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone. The Courage To Be Christian
  • Some are happy to go round alone while others use golf to settle grudges with colleagues. The Sun
  • Well, as I was 'bout to say, you mus 'promise me on your word ob honour, dat you'll neber go _alone_ to see your fadder, but allers in company wid Sally; dat you neber, neber speak to him, an' dat you neber make you'self know'd to him till de right time comes. The Middy and the Moors An Algerine Story
  • Besides, why sit alone in a dim room in front of a computer when you can sit alone in a dim room with a good comic?
  • My old school motto was'not for myself alone but for the whole world '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Faced with the reality of being alone for the first time she talked openly and honestly with John about her feelings: her disgust with herself, her fear of failing at her job, her growing conviction that her childlessness was a punishment, and the frequent wish that she could simply die and put an end to her misery. Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
  • Treatment with naloxone is controversial and has been reported to cause hypertension. 3-5 However, transient hypertension can be seen from clonidine alone. Clonidine Overdose in Children
  • Alone among the New Deal agricultural agencies, they provided subsistence and operating credit for farmers.
  • Some of the entries are several-page stories, while others are simply five-word lists that say it all: ‘Beer, meat, dog food, baloney.’
  • That lake of Conterano -- the accent is on the ante-penultima -- it looked appetising on the map, all alone out there. Alone
  • Wilson said there had been a resurgence in interest in restoring native woodlands, resulting in an increase of more than 30,000 hectares in Caledonian pinewoods alone over the past 15 years.
  • This contempo transformation is one of the capital affidavit for an added ell accustomed amidst the youth. to abrasion accurate NFL jerseys, which has now become a alone actualization account Think Progress » Disgraced Hospital Executive Rick Scott Launches Bid For Gov, Directs Contributions To His Investment Firm
  • He was sunk in deep gloom at the prospect of being alone.
  • They feed on small bony fishes, snails, worms, shrimps, clams, abalone, and crabs.
  • The food-finder might instead single out one other nest mate, and then lead it alone back to the food source.
  • By the same token, certain ingredients used in combination capture benefits not achievable when used alone.
  • The best wines of this region can truly stand alone in quality and individuality.
  • The days when developers would sit at a text editor manually arranging buttons, listboxes and other widgets by brain power alone are pretty much gone.
  • ‘In the midst of all this,’ he writes of the era of Generation X and grunge rock, ‘satire alone could be safely, unequivocally embraced, because it acknowledged the sanctity of nothing at all.’
  • St. Mary's is not clustered in a village as churches often are but stands alone in the verdant countryside.
  • In the diary, it is self-discipline alone that determines volume.
  • It's kind of a dogs-and-kids rule of thumb that if the dog growls at a kid, they shouldn't be left alone together.
  • The exception is a pregnant female out foraging for her nest, who will look healthy and strong, will be moving purposefully and should be left alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adjectives derived from them are usually lowercased, as are the generic names for such bodies when used alone. October « 2009 « Fantasy Author's Handbook
  • However, financial strength alone will not translate into domination of global banking.
  • High housing costs have also led to a decrease in the number of younger people being able to afford to live alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leave the oceans' bluefin tunas and billfish and sea turtles alone, but pay no attention to the man behind the curtain - as he shovels redfish into the boiler.
  • This area requires maintenance costing over $200 million a day and the surreptitious cost of the car culture totals nearly $500 billion a year in the U.S. alone, much of that going to the sustentation of a military presence in the Persian Gulf. Driving Mister Barack
  • Left to wander the streets of his native San Diego alone, the boy learned baseball on the sandlots at an early age.
  • Victory riots have claimed the lives of two college students in Massachusetts alone this year.
  • Weep not for roads untraveled. Weep not for paths left alone 'cause beyond every bend is a long blinding end.
  • But non-intervention does not mean stability, let alone peace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Too few dancers seem to me to have even a decent sense of rhythm, let alone demonstrate musical understanding.
  • The deepest spiritual emotions are often experienced while one is alone in nature.
  • Fregellae, the town which assumed the lead in the movement and either through overhaste or faulty information alone took the fatal step, [486] was a Latin colony which had been planted by Rome in the territory of the Volsci in the year 328 A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • Text messaging, which allows blocks of text up to 160 characters long to be sent, has been a huge success with 50 million being sent in Britain alone every day.
  • But now, as Kurt and I moved tentatively toward where Pam had buttonholed him, Murdoch seemed not only unaccompanied but alone.
  • The tapestry from Raphael's cartoon of "The Miraculous Draught of Fishes" is a very remarkable work of art, and one which stands alone in modern needlework. Art and Handicraft in the Woman's Building of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893
  • But Petrocelli decided instead to file a judgment on behalf of Goldman alone.
  • A lull; "You let that child alone!" child, evidently of few years, screaming in downright terror. THOSE ON THE EDGE
  • Running towards the house alone, through a hail of bullets, he threw bombs at the position and silenced the gun.
  • Alone, Iago speaks of his hatred of Othello and a rumour that the Moor has cuckolded him, and hatches a plan to persuade Othello that his wife is unfaithful with Cassio.
  • We have only a limited capacity for checking the accuracy of many environmental monitoring results, let alone of predictions.
  • I concentrated on sliding into his life, his history, his sacred imperial flesh, flesh that a person could be killed on the spot for touching with their eyes, let alone his dirty ungentle hands.
  • She is not alone in her bleak assessment. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some illnesses, for example migraine or epilepsy, the diagnosis may be evident from the history alone.
  • He was now alone, the smell of fried eggs and bacon still strong in the room, but he had not the stomach to eat.
  • It is tough on Maloney that the arduous assignment of a UEFA Cup tie at home to VfB Stuttgart is being billed as if it were the equivalent of finishing school for the player.
  • We applied for a grant from the National Heritage Memorial Fund on the basis that its support alone could save the church.
  • I don't like going out alone at night.
  • The tricky part is the valuation of the bitcoins, which, in 2013 alone, has been as low as $15 and as high as $200.
  • During oral arguments before the high court, attorneys for each state will argue that it alone should control the island.
  • They asked me to get out of the way so they could take photographs of her alone.
  • Clopidogrel should be used in patients with true intolerance to aspirin (allergy or intractable side effects on low dose enteric coated aspirin with or without antiulcer drugs); dipyridamole alone does not prevent cardiac events.
  • Introspection, and retrospection were good for the cloister; but the uplook, the outlook and the onlook are alone worthy the modern Christian. Work Done for Humanity
  • It therefore seems natural to conclude that I know myself to be substantial, indivisible, enduring, perhaps even immortal, on the basis of self-awareness alone.
  • This alone leads to that "eudaimonia" or happiness for which man strives. A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
  • I paused at the small shop frontage from where some of the taxis are commanded, but it looked very unwelcoming and I wasn't sure of getting any sort of answer, let alone a helpful one.
  • As well as being a fear of open spaces, agoraphobia is also a fear of being in a crowd, being alone in a house and travelling alone.
  • I stood there alone and watched as four men entered dressed in donkey jackets and flat caps.
  • All the cats are desexed, vaccinated and wormed, and they make a great companion for a family or for someone living alone.

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