
How To Use Aloe In A Sentence

  • Ballymaloe take a more seasonal approach to things by using redcurrant rather than lemon juice, made by simmering a couple of punnets of the astringent little fruits with water, and then pushing them through a sieve. How to make perfect strawberry jam
  • What's more, the mountain was haloed by phosphorescent blue bands of some sort of energy crackling all around it.
  • These included balsam, musk, benzoin, aloeswood, ginger, muslin, thoroughbred Arabian horses, and Chinese porcelain.
  • In cold climates, you could substitute a trio of birches for the tree aloes and underplant them with blue fescue.
  • Aloe emodin is found both free and as a glycoside in plants having increasing commercial importance, including aloe and senna.
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  • Fertile soils and spontaneous vegetation, reeking with miasma and overpowering from their odour, we had exchanged for a drouthy wilderness of aloetic and cactaceous plants, where the kolquall and several thorn bushes grew paramount. How I Found Livingstone
  • The topics include more commonly used products such as kava, ginkgo biloba and St. John's wort, and some older but mainstream products such as aloe and the laxatives senna and cascara sagrada.
  •   She thought there were Japanese beetles and aloed kneecaps. A Name That Hurt
  • A cold front is moving down from the States, and a shank-of-the-night fog haloes the few lights.
  • _ But if they are bisons, why are they called buffaloes? History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians
  • Did I not tell you that the buffaloes are the Knights of the Jungle? The Wonders of the Jungle Book One
  • The arrangement of pendulous petal groups has a similar appearance to that of the red-hot poker or some aloe flowers.
  • The ginger may have served to 'settle the stomach' and the aloes would certainly have acted as a laxative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is gaiac wood also called aloeswood, because my mom burns aloeswood incense sometimes Posted on 25 March 2009 Now Smell This
  • Three teams were eliminated in the preliminaries leaving Arrows, Buffaloes, Eagles and City of Lusaka to qualify to the semi-finals
  • Pro 7:17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh , aloes, and cinnamon.
  • Ted and his son farm their beefaloes with much care and attention on some wide-open acreage in Exeter, RI, where the beefaloes clomp around and eat grass.
  • Some aloeswood perhaps peaks at the end, but again it does not feel authentic - it has that sweet berry note that seems to be the way agarwood is perceived nowadays ever since M7. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Besides, since nature supplies cold as sparingly, we must do as the apothecaries do who, when they cannot get a simple, take its succedaneum or quid pro quo, as they call it — such as aloes for balsam, cassia for cinnamon. The New Organon
  • The alley up which we were moving was planted on each side with that remarkable tree or plant, for I know not which to call it, the giant aloe, which is called in Spanish, pita, and in Moorish, gursean. The Bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula
  • Ingredient: Vitamin B3, Essential Oils, Korean Ginseng Extract, Polyol, Rose Extract, Aloe Origin Fluid, Hyaluronic Acid.
  • The balmy air was scented with aloes that were planted all the way up, along with agaves and cactuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Better to use a soothing, anti-inflammatory moisturizer containing aloe, allantoin, or chamomile. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Ointments containing marigold, chamomile and comfrey are safe, as is aloe vera.
  • Comorin aloes-wood and thence to another island, five days 'journey in length, where grows the Chinese lign-aloes, which is better than the Comorin; but the people of this island [FN#70] are fouler of condition and religion than those of the other, for that they love fornication and wine-bibbing, and know not prayer nor call to prayer. Arabian nights. English
  • The Aurochs itself may have been descended from a cattle kind including bison and water buffaloes.
  • Look for a formula containing gentle, nonirritating herbs like alder buckthorn, okra, triphala and aloe, and the mineral magnesium hydroxide that will soothe the bowel, stimulate peristalsis, and help eliminate mucus from the bowel. The Fiber35 Diet
  • Laxatives such as senna, cascara sagrada, or aloe stimulate fluid secretion into the colon and encourage the muscles of the intestinal wall to contract.
  • When medicines become necessary to obviate that kind of costiveness which arises from imperfect intestinal contraction, physicians usually administer rhubarb, aloes, and similar laxatives, combined with tonics. Popular Education For the use of Parents and Teachers, and for Young Persons of Both Sexes
  • Wash it out with unscented almond oil & then apply aloe vera.
  • Main ingredients: camellia powder, Avocado, heronsbill, aloe essence, elastin, rose oil and etc.
  • Hanút," i.e., leaves of the lotus-tree to be infused as a wash for the corpse; camphor used with cotton to close the mouth and other orifices; and, in the case of a wealthy man, rose-water, musk, ambergris, sandal-wood, and lignaloes for fumigation. Arabian nights. English
  • It is also a refuge for elephants, buffaloes, zebras, cheetahs, leopards, lions, waterbucks and impalas and it contains the only protected indigenous forest remaining in the area.
  • They can include such herbs as dandelion root, aloe, artichoke, saffron, rhubarb root, gentian, angelica root, myrrh, and senna, to name a few.
  • The most commonly used herbs are echinacea, St. John's wort, ginkgo biloba, garlic, saw palmetto, ginseng, goldenseal, aloe, Siberian ginseng and valerian.
  • Organic jojoba oil and aloe vera gel star in this thick conditioner that softens dry, damaged hair.
  • Fifty per cent of the world's buffaloes and 20 per cent of the cattle are found in India, most of which are milch cows and milch buffaloes.
  • The Australian government has refused to sign the Kyoto treaty but still seems to have been buffaloed by the totally unsubstantiated claim that carbon dioxide is harmful.
  • -- (Aloe perlivata.) Aloes is distinguished into three kinds or species -- as caballine, socottorine and hepatic. The Cherokee Physician, or Indian Guide to Health, as Given by Richard Foreman, a Cherokee Doctor; Comprising a Brief View of Anatomy, With General Rules for Preserving Health without the Use of Medicines. The Diseases of the U. States, with Their Symptom
  • RosscoMROE, a vicarage in dioc* of Killaloe, fit. in bar. Topographia hibernica : or The topography ofIreland, antient and modern. Giving a complete view of the civil and ecclesiastical state of that kingdom; with its antiquities, natural curiosities, trade, manufactures, extent and population
  • Hairdressers and beauticians in Killaloe, Ballina, Limerick and Nenagh had a bumper day on Thursday last as over 100 young adults prepared for their Debs Dance.
  • From the untractableness and prodigious strength of the buffaloes, it was both a tedious and difficult operation to get them on board. Narrative of the Voyages Round The World, Performed by Captain James Cook
  • Ingredients: Deionized Water, Glycerin, Butanediol, Aloe Extract, HA, Allantoin, Phenoxyethanol, Ethyl Ascorbic Acid, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, EDTA-Disodium Salt, Essence.
  • The Eagles had the Elks "buffaloed" after the first, winning the game by a score of 9 to 2. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • This was a fantastic and very rare display of haloes and mock suns, or parhelia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other mammals found here include elephants, lions, forest buffaloes, warthogs, and a variety of antelopes such as waterbuck, reedbuck, common duiker, and even the swamp-dwelling sitatunga, the most aquatic of the antelopes. Ecoregions of Congo, Democratic Republic of (WWF)
  • Taking herbal remedies such as alfalfa, garlic, aloe vera, dandelion, red clover and psyllium hulls is one method.
  • No man was ever _born_ a drunkard; nor are we born with a natural taste or thirst for alcoholic drinks, any more than we are born with an appetite for aloes, assafoetida, or any other drug or medicine. Select Temperance Tracts
  • Like the cactuses it resembles, an aloe plant requires little care and grows quickly.
  • Both curtain-raisers should provide entertaining rugby with the Aloes again fielding an impressive line-up against the Natal Wildebeest.
  • Capt C. killed 2 bucks and 2 buffaloe, I also killed one buffaloe which proved to be the best meat, it was in tolerable order; we saved the best of the meat, and from the cow I killed we saved the necessary materials for making what our wrighthand cook Charbono calls the boudin (poudingue) blanc, and immediately set him about preparing them for supper; this white pudding we all esteem one of the greatest del [ic] acies of the forrest, it may not be amiss therefore to give it a place. Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • Aloe vera, which is already familiar to many can be particularly effective for soothing irritated skin. Psoriasis Guru » Blog Archive » Treating Psoriasis with Aloe Vera – Soothing Relief
  • It's a tiny piece of lawn ringed with a bed of alyssum, purple wandering jew groundcover, aloes, wild garlic and other assorted plants.
  • Hanging aloes are adapted to a pensile life.
  • It contains superfoods like nori, sprouted quinoa, alfalfa, aloe vera and wild blue-green algae, which has virtually every nutrient known to man.
  • The teenager and his ageing parents grow a small amount of rice but depend almost entirely on two buffaloes to maintain their precarious existence.
  • The Schoolmaster receives no quarterage from the children of the tenants of Knockaloe.
  • [100] According to the "On-Line Medical Dictionary" hierapicra is "a warming cathartic medicine, made of aloes and canella bark. Robert Carter Diary, 1726
  • Among the choicest, I would name the mangistan, the durian, and the pumaloe or shaddock. Trade and Travel in the Far East or Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia and China.
  • The equally glamorous Einstein's Cross, composed of five fiery white balls in a deep blue field haloed by a flickering ring of red, is closely based on a Hubble telescope image taken off the Internet.
  • Saladin discovers that his fellow inmates have been transformed into beasts - water buffaloes, snakes, manticores.
  • The curtain-raiser sees Buffaloes and Milo Old Selbornians clash in a Premier league Top Six fixture at 5.30 pm.
  • It is also a refuge for elephants, buffaloes, zebras, cheetahs, leopards, lions, waterbucks and impalas and it contains the only protected indigenous forest remaining in the area.
  • The first project targets beneficiation of local raw materials and products derived from the aloe industry.
  • Either way, aloeswood/jinko/eaglewood El Oud in Arabia would have to be apart of it as that is the prize aromatic material of them all in this part of the world. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The Holy Prophet (saws) is available by Hazrat Uthman ibn Affan (raa) to have endorsed aloes to be placed upon bruise eyes to cover them. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Notables, some were of balass-ruby and some of carnelian, others of coral or Comorin aloes-wood and yet others of ebony or silver or gold; and each had his own idol, after the measure of his competence; whilst the idols of the common soldiers and of the people were some of granite, some of wood, some of pottery and some of mud; and all were of various hues yellow and red; green, black and white. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Westport House has swan pedaloes, train rides, a fun palace, a hill slide, a slippery dip, pitch & putt, rowing boats and log flume rides.
  • There are many so-called aloe vera preparations on the market that contain very little of this precious herb. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • The Colorado Buffaloes use a 3-4 defensive alignment.
  • -- The drug called aloes is the bitter, resinous, inspissated juice of the leaves of various species of an arborescent plant of the lily family, with a developed stem and large succulent leaves, growing principally in tropical and sub-tropical regions, and having a wide extent of range, being produced in Borneo and the East, Africa, The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Remember aftersun lotions or aloe vera gel for soothing and calming the skin, especially if you are spending more than three hours under direct sun each day. Best in Beauty
  • It is entirely possible that the addition of this character (whose name I will not use out of principle, plus I can't remember it) is on the verge of inspiring a new verb. garofalo: (gah-RAH-foh-loh) v. To ruin a truly awesome TV show by the addition of an unnecessary and annoying actor or "24 sure was an awesome show before they went and garofaloed it up. Archive 2009-02-15
  • For this the fat already obtained from the buffaloes was the very thing; and a small tin cup which Basil had saved from the wreck (it had been strung to his bullet-pouch), enabled them to melt the gum, and apply it hot. Popular Adventure Tales
  • Either way, aloeswood / jinko / eaglewood (El Oud in Arabia) would have to be apart of it as that is the prize aromatic material of them all in this part of the world. Perfume-Smellin' Things Perfume Blog
  • Aloe vera, chrysanthemums, golden pothos, philodendrons, and spider plants are believed to be effective air filters.
  • Europe, that their business was considered as one of great honor, and that they were permitted to assume what may be called heraldic devices on their standards, to carry bright-feathered plumes, and to wear gold ornaments -- such decorations being only allowed to warriors who had, by their deeds in battle, been admitted into an institution which closely resembled that of knighthood; all others dressing in plain white cloths, woven from thread obtained from the aloe. By Right of Conquest Or, With Cortez in Mexico
  • Aloes is, again, contra-indicated when the laminitis is a result of excessively long journeys, and the patient is already greatly exhausted. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Cash stopped to see where I was when the apple caught her square on the side of the head, haloed brightly by a tinsel of outward flying juice and chunks of exploding apple-meat.
  • Start by using gentle products that contain anti-inflammatory ingredients such as aloe vera, allantoin, soy, vitamin E, and cucumber. Simple Skin Beauty
  • The women wear moccasins, legings, a long shirt made of goats 'skins, generally white and fringed, which is tied round the waist; to those they add, like the men, a buffaloe robe without the hair, in summer. History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, Vol. I. To the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed During the Years 1804-5-6.
  • These were marketed from 1842 and contained a mixture of soap, ginger and aloes. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Thailand, the problem is most severe in Khao Yai National Park, said to be one of the world's best sources of high-quality sandalwood, a species of aloe wood.
  • _ Lignaloes or agallochum, to be distinguished from the medicinal aloes. The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503
  • Other prebiotic agents such as psyllium seeds, pectin, aloe vera juice or slippery elm are very good alternatives.
  • Square -- half-a-mile distant they seemed, opaque haloes about a pin's point of flame, and people passing in the light of them loomed and vanished like the figures of a galanty-show. The Philanderers
  • A continuous buzz of black flies haloed their heads.
  • The mask is impregnated with ginseng, vitamin E, aloe vera and green tea.
  • He found me standing by the fire, throwing on it more sandal-wood, lignaloes, and other precious things; and as he stood gazing in fear and astonishment, and hardly believing his eyes, I said to him: Hindoo Tales Or, the Adventures of Ten Princes
  • Complimentary activities include water skiing, windsurfing, snorkelling trips, glass bottom boats, kayaks, pedaloes, a floodlit tennis court, table tennis and the use of the hotel's fitness room.
  • Aloe Vera soap is very good for the face and is biodegradable, pH controlled and non-irritating.
  • Aloe vera is an excellent first aid remedy to keep in the house for minor burns, cuts, scalds and sunburns.
  • Sculptor and installation artist Susan Meyer Fenton is haloed against a wrinkled and therefore turbulent backdrop.
  • The healing properties of aloe Vera are numerous and well known.
  • Years ago, kirri isso (a white hued shrimp) used to grow in the lagoon in the season when the lagoon opens to the sea," recalls Tissakuttiarachchige Ariyadasa, a villager who still herds buffaloes in the wetland. LBO-Lanka Business Online
  • Some of the aloe plants look very similar to our cacti, which is something, given the distance. Undefined
  • In respect to the trade with Mr. Lisa, he wished for more time to fix the price of dried buffaloe skins, (usually called buffaloe robes) being an article they had most of: his present idea of the price was thirty loads-of powder and ball for each robe. Travels in the Interior of America, in the Years 1809, 1810, and 1811
  • Senna and other anthraquinone-containing herbs like cascara sagrada, aloe leaf, and Chinese rhubarb could increase the risk of uterine contractions.
  • If you are caught out, apply aftersun lotion containing aloe vera. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to Hadfield, virtually any plant will do well in the product's clear bubble, although he recommends aloe vera, peace lily and Madagascar dragon as particularly strong filters.
  • She recommends the use of psyllium for constipation, aloe for jaundice and horehound for cough.
  • The active principle in aloes is aloin; of jalap, jalapin; of white hellebore, veratria; and of colchicum, colchicin. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • The bitter aloes consist of free anthraquinones and their derivatives.
  • Rather brace yourself for bunches of fresh arum lilies, proteas, flame lilies and aloe leaves.
  • She got me cleaned up, aloed, and into bed in record time. SUSPICION
  • She had tried homeopathy, colonic irrigation, aloe vera and reflexology.
  • Watersports: On the Fuschlsee you can hire electrically-powered boats, rowing boats, pedaloes, and also sail or windsurf.
  • Mahonia, calendula, gotu kola and thyme extracts cleanse the skin and tighten pores, whilst hydrating hyaluronic acid and soothing aloe vera help combat dryness and irritation.
  • I bore up with her; (a thing more bitter Than bitter aloes) yet though a bitterer thing Is not, than is that drug it were more bitter To me should Patience leave me unsustained. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Herbal laxatives and diuretics - substances that promote defecation and urination - include herbs such as aloe, rhubarb root, cascara, senna, parsley, juniper, licorice and dandelion.
  • As the valleys are they spread forth, as gardens by the river's side, as the trees of lignaloes which the LORD hath planted, and as cedar trees beside the waters. Numbers 24.
  • She worked on terraces around the main house and created an indigenous garden above the house, with aloes and proteas, Cape heaths and indigenous trees.
  • One envisages, basically, a Victorian oleograph; the mild-eyed, haloed and bearded one amidst a trusting, wooly flock which cluster round the holy knees in a sweet and adoring manner.
  • The Christmas holidays he would of course pass with his family at Killaloe, but he hardly liked the idea of hurrying off to Killaloe immediately the session should be over. Phineas Finn
  • I would burn in the sun and my mother would cover me in leaves from an aloe plant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Minor articles of exportation are, — general spiceries (ginger, cardamons, &c.); Eastern perfumes, such as aloes-wood, attar of rose, attar of pink and others; tamarinds from Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • People rushing about the Cologne trade show were able to relax with an anti-stress drink mixture made of nettles grown in Germany and ingredients from the Far East such as ginkgo, ginseng and aloe vera. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • A continuous buzz of black flies haloed their heads.
  • The leaf of the aloe plant contains 12 different vitamins and 20 different minerals as part of its 200 active compounds.
  • One thing you definitely do want added to your moisturizer is an anti-inflammatory ingredient such as soy, aloe vera, cucumber, calendula, oatmeal, or allantoin. Simple Skin Beauty
  • While most of us can easily identify a cactus, it may be harder to differentiate between an agave and an aloe.
  • buffaloed" is the term he used, referring to the big-game animal that has been swept from the American savannahs. Ruggles of Red Gap
  • The precise method by which Aloe Vera works is not yet fully understood, but it is a great stimulator of the body's own system, which counteracts disease and disorder.
  • Having used the sprawling downs for a variety of purposes including grazing their buffaloes over the years, some of the Toda youth are now in the process of adding a new chapter to their chequered history.
  • Over their shoulders are what look like buffaloes or bison.
  • They are the most satisfactory draught-animals ever introduced and, but for the fear of the new disease "surra," might take the place of buffaloes in agriculture. The Philippine Islands
  • The mixture of aloe vera and lavender is a terrific sunburn reliever.
  • There is also evidence to suggest that aloe vera can alleviate symptoms and probiotics can help reduce inflammation. The Sun
  • As the sun came from behind the clouds, a burst of brilliant light caught your hair, it was haloed in front of me.
  • Aloe vera juice is a yellowish viscous liquid - it shouldn't look or taste like water.
  • To navigate from Killaloe to Limerick advance notice needs to be given to the lock-keeper at Ardnacrusha, who controls Parteen Lifting Bridge and Ardnacrusha lock.
  • Our food was chiefly the flesh of deer, dried and cured in the season; bread good enough, but baked as biscuits; dried fish of several sorts, and some flesh of mutton, and of buffaloes, which is pretty good meat. The Further Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe
  • For drink, the denizen of the high table-land find his favourite beverage -- the rival of champagne -- in the core of the gigantic aloe; while he of the tropic coast-land refreshes himself from the juice of another native endogen, the acrocomia palm. The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
  • The teenager and his ageing parents grow a small amount of rice but depend almost entirely on two buffaloes to maintain their precarious existence.
  • We also use organic aloe vera gel, sunflower oil, jojoba oil and tea tree oil, to name a few.
  • Cooling gels with aloe vera can do much to relieve discomfort.
  • Ingredient: Verbena and Aloevera Gel etc.
  • Ingredient: However, moisturizing factor, aloe essence jojoba oil, hyaluronic acid, collagen protein.
  • They can include such herbs as dandelion root, aloe, artichoke, saffron, rhubarb root, gentian, angelica root, myrrh, and senna, to name a few.
  • The dish was too bland, lacking flavour, and the aloe seemed not entirely fresh.
  • Israel is seen to be abiding in his tents according to his tribes: "As valleys are they spread forth, as gardens by the river's side, as the trees of the lignaloes which the Lord hath planted, and as cedar trees beside the waters. My Recollections of African M. E. Ministers, or Forty Years' Experience in the African Methodist Episcopal Church
  • At low doses, bitter aloes stimulate digestion, and at higher doses, they are a laxative and a purgative.
  • Bishop Robinson will be in Ireland in October to address the annual retreat of the diocese of Limerick and Killaloe in the Dingle Skelligs hotel.
  • On the 7th, we came to Salt springs, where bufFaloe and cabree were very plenty; and the country much infested with wolves, which were very rav - enous. A topographical description of the state of Ohio, Indiana territory, and Louisiana : comprehending the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and their principal tributary streams ; the face of the country, soils, waters, natural productions, animal, vegetable, and
  • Men and beasts have retreated up the hillside, haloed in dusty sunshine.
  • He has said that he not his subordinates will be the one calling the shots so why all of a sudden is it that he is being buffaloed by the Village? The Re-Up | ATTACKERMAN
  • Use strong architectural plants such as aloes and agaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Main ingredients:sunflower seed extract essence, fruit acid, cat's foot complex, arbutin, collagen protein, aloe and etc.
  • The new list excluded the so-called arborescent (tree-like) species such as aloes, tree ferns and cycads. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The dried sap of Aloe vera is a traditional remedy used for diabetes in the Arabian peninsula.
  • Motorboats are also available for hire, as are the pedaloes and sailing dinghies.
  • Ingredients: vitamin K1, vitamin E, aloe stem cells, hyaluronic acid, heparin sodium, water soluble hesperidin, cells regenerating essence etc.
  • The usual caparison of the Shoshone horse is a halter and saddle. the 1st. consists either of a round plated or twisted cord of six or seven strands of buffaloe's hair, or a throng of raw hide made pliant by pounding and rubing. these cords of bufaloe's hair are about the size of a man's finger and remarkably strong. this is the kind of halter which is prefered Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • Containing aloe gel, safflower oil, and almond oil, this potion felt creamy and nourishing and removed dirt and oil.
  • Species with leathery leaves such as agaves, aloes, echeverias and sanseverias are the obvious choice because they can tolerate extremes of heat, cold and drought.
  • If your skin is windburned, sunburned or chapped, calm it with soap rich in soothing glycerin and aloe vera, and avoid bars with fragrances, which can further irritate the skin.
  • On the one side we have baboons, lions, elephants, buffaloes, and giraffes; on the other spider-monkeys, pumas, tapirs, anteaters, and sloths; while among birds, the hornbills, turacos, orioles, and honeysuckers of Africa contrast strongly with the toucans, macaws, chatterers, and hummingbirds of America.
  • You haven't slept well, have you? Your eyes are haloed with black rings.
  • In order to preserve their freshness and effectiveness of aloe vera gel required 48 hours or less stable treatment, this is the place to come out first Zhaogui technology.
  • Johannes trades in buffaloes as a sideline to his regular employment as a veterinary officer.
  • Tehn tehy splitted off an sum got biggur to hunt bigger things in plases where ther were lots of zeebas an deers an wildebeefaloes, an sum got littulur from living in plases wher ther wer lots of littul things like mices an ginnee pigs an burds. U has a flavur - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Her task was to guide us through a daily practice on a shaded platform while the water buffaloes and goats were herded back and forth to drink and butterflies the size of small birds flittered among the flowers.
  • Bolsheviks Bolshephobia books bibliophobia bound (being) or tied up merinthophobia bowel movements (painful) defecaloesiophobia brain disease meningitophobia bridges (crossing) gephyrophobia buildings (high) batophobia bullets ballistophobia (see also missiles) bulls taurophobia buried alive (being) taphephobia cancer carcinomophobia cats ailurophobia Pangsuan Diary Entry
  • Either way, aloeswood / jinko / eaglewood (El Oud in Arabia) would have to be apart of it as that is the prize aromatic material of them all in this part of the world. Perfume-Smellin' Things Perfume Blog
  • The Bishop of Killaloe visited the parish to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation on the pupils of the local schools.
  • The company's dishwashing liquid, for example, contains surfactants made from vegetable oil, as well as ingredients such as aloe vera and wheat protein.
  • Every night at eight o'clock, as dependably as the sunset over the Gulf of Mexico, the dirty window of a dilapidated cigar-maker's cottage on Catherine Street in Key West was suddenly haloed with a reddish glow.
  • Below, the sandy soil, scantly covered with coarse grass, bristles with sharp palmettoes and aloes; all the vegetation is stiff, shining, semi-tropical, with nothing soft or delicate in its texture. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864
  • General Slim listed carrier pigeons, dogs, ponies, mules, horses, bullocks, buffaloes, and elephants as all being used by his Fourteenth Army in the Burma campaign.
  • After all, the aloe was an ugly thing; but it answered my purpose – it made Mrs Luttridge, as I am credibly informed, absolutely weep with vexation. Belinda
  • A new kind of health draft beer on the excellent health function of aloe is developed.
  • It was not because they were buffaloes, or because they were engaged in a fierce battle, -- it was because _they were white buffaloes_! The Boy Hunters
  • The principle problem to overcome when making strawberry jam is their lack of pectin, which, according to Darina Allen's Ballymaloe Cookery Course, is a "mucilaginous substance" tasty that rather handily, acts a setting agent. How to make perfect strawberry jam
  • And Green Buffaloes coach George Lwandamina said his team found it difficult to prepare and clear a number of unplayed league fixtures.
  • People have known about the medicinal value of aloe for thousands of years.
  • Long-term tests provide an extended look at a winning engine, a year's worth of thrashing that helps assure Best Engines judges haven't been buffaloed by a slick beauty cover and handsome output figures.
  • Nor does the director ask the question: How was the entire management of a prestigious publication buffaloed by an imaginative, but essentially juvenile, ruse?
  • The dog watched her search through her cloak to find the aloe.
  • Gravitate toward using anti-redness cleanser and a moisturizer that contains anti-inflammatory ingredients such as allantoin, aloe, or chamomile. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Traditional folk medicine offered recipes for abortifacient brews of aloes, pennyroyal, and extracts from wild juniper bushes that so poisoned or irritated the system that miscarriages occurred as a side effect.
  • The herbal-based products contain cayenne pepper, aloe vera and cascara, which are not harmful to the body,’ he added.
  • Aloe is a green plant that has long leaves with somewhat spiky edges.
  • As far as I know I've never smelled bitter aloes but the name suggests the smell I have in mind.
  • I told him to buy some aloe vera and not to talk to strange men unless he wanted a sound thrashing.
  • EXQUISITE PORE FRESH TENDER MASKMain Ingredients: Collagen , hamamelis, HA, liquorice, aloe extract etc.
  • If hair is overly dry, give it a moisture surge with products containing natural humectants like jojoba oil or aloe.
  • For frizz taming I use clear Aloe Vera gel (wierd, but it's much nicer than other hair gel). HAIR
  • Human behavior If you caught me giving your kids smokes and you were legally aloed to do anything to me would i get a beating? Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
  • The active principle in aloes is aloin; of jalap, jalapin; of white hellebore, veratria; and of colchicum, colchicin. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • The company's dishwashing liquid, for example, contains surfactants made from vegetable oil, as well as ingredients such as aloe vera and wheat protein.
  • Check the facts thoroughly for yourself, or risk getting buffaloed.
  • The men cultivate a little sirih (the pungent pepper leaf used for chewing with betel-nut) and a few vegetables; and once a year rudely plough a small patch of ground with their buffaloes and plant rice, which then requires little attention until harvest time. The Malay Archipelago
  • In order to preserve their freshness and effectiveness of aloe vera gel required 48 hours or less stable treatment, this is the place to come out first Zhaogui technology.
  • Wild cats, buffaloes, bears and elephants would all be kept and then made to fight one another.
  • Now, a few days later, still applying aftersun with aloe vera the skin has begun to peel but one section has been weeping and when I apply the after sun I am in agony. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Eagles, who last season grabbed most of the silverware on offer, won all their five games while Buffaloes and LCC won three and drew one game each.
  • That's what Cherry and her rangers use when they go out to eradicate feral ants, poison weeds like spiky mimosa, and do post-mortems on buffaloes to check for introduced diseases.
  • With the sun directly behind him, his head was haloed like that of an angel, his gorgeous angular features were emphasized by the light behind him.
  • Many evergreen ornamental foliage plants and flowering plants, including ivy, aloe, ceriman and spiderwort, have special effects to decompose formaldehyde.
  • But it does seem to be a guy who will come out the way he would like in every case - and is not going to be buffaloed by Professor Tribe's hand-picked law clerks any more than he is buffaloed by Professor Tribe.

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