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Aloe vera

  1. very short-stemmed plant with thick leaves with soothing mucilaginous juice; leaves develop spiny margins with maturity; native to Mediterranean region; grown widely in tropics and as houseplants

How To Use Aloe vera In A Sentence

  • For colitis and irritable bowel syndrome, aloe vera can be taken as a drink.
  • It developed into a cottage industry and a brand called Cherub Rubs, made of certified organic ingredients such as calendula, apricot and aloe vera from Australia. Undefined
  • If babies are teething, rub peppermint oil or aloe vera gel on the gums, or give them a teaspoon of the chamomile/ginger tea brew as needed.
  • Also inside the aloe vera plant had grown 3 offshoots which were getting to be a couple of inches high - time to repot them on their own.
  • Back home, Twase started her patients on herbal therapy, whose first dose comprised a mixture of honey; Aloe Vera leaves and locally distilled waragi.
  • Ten days before, a Tuesday, after she had watered her ferns and perennials, she stood watering the aloe vera plant at her east window, her window facing the street.
  • Of aloe vera's many uses, most probably the best known is in the treatment of burns.
  • He controls diseases and pests by intercropping the aloe vera with plants such as dates, amla, melons, millet, castor, mungbean, pigeon pea, vegetables and selected medicinal plants.
  • Thriving in hot dry climates, the aloe vera plant has found a natural habitat on Shay's farm.
  • Creams or ointments containing aloe vera or propolis (a natural anti-microbial agent extracted from beehives) have been found to help reduce the discomfort of cold sores and hasten their healing.
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