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How To Use Alnus In A Sentence

  • At the timberline belt of the Tatras mixed Pinus cembra-Larix decidua forests grow, similar those in central Alps. Above timberline, (1400 m in the north-western Carpathians to 1900 m in the south), there is a distinct krummholz zone consisting of dense thickets of mountain pine (Pinus mugo), dwarf juniper (Juniperus communis subsp. nana) and green alder (Alnus viridis). Carpathian montane conifer forests
  • Through mensuration and research of the Interception by Canopy, Litter Moisture Content Impress and Soil water physical characteristics of Alnus cremastogyne Burli.
  • At the timberline belt of the Tatras mixed Pinus cembra-Larix decidua forests grow, similar those in central Alps. Above timberline, (1400 m in the north-western Carpathians to 1900 m in the south), there is a distinct krummholz zone consisting of dense thickets of mountain pine (Pinus mugo), dwarf juniper (Juniperus communis subsp. nana) and green alder (Alnus viridis). Carpathian montane conifer forests
  • Together with several other shrub and tree species (Tamarix canariensis, T. africana, Salix alba, Alnus glutinosa, Populus alba, P. Nigra, Fraxinus angustifolia, Ulmus minor), this assemblage typifies small riparian woodlands and is well adapted to periodical flooding. Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
  • Between 1,200 – 2,500 m the forest is dominated by Andean Alder (Alnus acuminata) and Mountain Pine (Podocarpus parlatorei) or Queñoa (P. australis); at lower elevations these species form a mosaic with other trees, especially Lauraceae and Myrtaceae. Southern Andean Yungas
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  • The upper layer is dominated by trees such as pine trees, alnus, mango, rimes, acacia (Samanea saman), santol and caimito. 1. Multistoried Sequential Cropping: The Cavite Model
  • The present work represents the first comprehensive treatment of Alnus maritima at the infraspecific level.
  • Evaluating Alnus acuminate as a component in agroforestry systems. Chapter 8
  • Principal forest species include Scots pine Pinus silvestris, Norway spruce Picea abies, hornbeam Carpinus betulus, little-leaved lime Tilia cordata, oak Quercus robur, sycamore Acer platanoides, maple Acer spp., ash Fraxinus excelsior, downy and white birch Betula pubescens and B. verrucosa, aspen Populus tremula and black alder Alnus glutinosa. Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, Belarus
  • The effect of a new growth biostimulant on acetylene reduction in nodulated seedlings of Alnus acuminata. Chapter 4

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