
How To Use Alma mater In A Sentence

  • Those who have not yet made the update are in for a more image-heavy look, with a series of photos in which you have recently been tagged appearing at the top of the page, just under a row of text identifying personal information, such as your hometown, profession, birthday, and alma mater. New Facebook Profile Design Is Now Official
  • We ‘get down’ as we did in the Congo, touching our alma mater, the earth, terra.
  • Mayor Vincent Gray attended last night's hoops tilt between the George Washington University Colonials and the La Salle Explorers "expecting a brief 'attaboy' from his alma mater," the Post's Steve Hendrix writes today. DeMorning DeBonis: Jan. 6, 2010
  • A better-known piece of Welsh patriotic music is Men of Harlech that is a rousing good march and also served as the tune for the alma mater of my high school. Ddyhea buchedda Cymru!
  • Cambridge, _Alma mater Cantabrigia_: so that it seems to have originated with that university. Notes and Queries, Number 213, November 26, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
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  • I have to agree that your alma mater is the undergraduate school, in my case CCNY. The Volokh Conspiracy » Self-hating Wolverine
  • Instead, he has been concentrating on finishing his degree in industrial distribution from his alma mater, Western Carolina.
  • He returned to his alma mater to write a doctorate in moral philosophy.
  • But these days Princeton's hallowed grounds give new meaning to the phrase alma mater. The Group
  • Personalized jewelry and accessories are meaningful gifts that grads will cherish forever, even after that alma mater sweatshirt is stretched and pilled. Katie Campbell: 10 Gift Ideas for the Modern Graduate
  • For these reasons I say with you most heartily to-night "Diu floreat Alma Mater Virginiensis. The Centennial of the University of Virginia, 1819-1921
  • Contrast this to South Hadley my Alma Mater, where a white student took her life and the perpetrators have been indited. Nine students arrested for teen's suicide
  • But for Stewart there never was any other school but Yale, the alma mater of his father and grandfather.
  • Thus, by an odd chance, I had the very last of the very best of Alma Mater; the same thing, I hear (which makes it the more strange), had previously happened to my father; and if they are good and do not die, something not at all unsimilar will be found in time to have befallen my successors of today. Memories and Portraits
  • A long stint on the Harvard Board of Overseers immersed him in the inner workings of his alma mater.
  • He did, however, sit down and began lecturing Wexford on higher education in China with particular reference to the Peking Institute of Foreign Languages which he referred to as his alma mater. The Speaker Of Mandarin
  • Between the human mother and the alma mater is a strong resemblance. Industrial Education
  • Regensburg = his rather controversial speech to his alma mater talking about Islam (last year?) 'What a burqa' and 'bash the bishop' were 2 consecutive days 'frontpage headlines about the weirdie-beardie Arch-Bish ... How Do Y0u Solve A Problem Like Sharia
  • Today I visit not only my alma mater, but the city of my birth.
  • Mr. Inocencio regularly returns to his alma mater to encourage students to pursue their dreams.
  • The Delta Devils (17-16) had their nine-game winning streak snapped in the first NCAA appearance since 1996 for the 3,767-student school from Itta Bena, Miss., best known as the alma mater of NFL career receiving leader Jerry Rice.
  • He was graduated from Harvard in 1902, and addressed his _Alma Mater_ in an _Ode To Harvard_, published in book form in 1907. The Advance of English Poetry in the Twentieth Century
  • by cracky." boophilus: characterized by a fondness for scaring others. calculus: material often difficult to pass. depot therapy: short-term counseling while awaiting commuter train. discopathy: disease communicated in dancing establishments. dura mater: a strict and demanding medical school, as opposed to a more placid alma mater. eucrasy: psychiatrist's pronouncement at the end of therapy. extragenital: three testes. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 4
  • His final and lasting legacy was the establishment of the Rhodes Scholarships tenable at his alma mater, Oxford University.
  • In his excellent and thought-provoking address about humanities and philanthropy (Australian Book Review, June), Professor Malcolm Gillies directs our attention to the concluding poem (Carmen xxx) in Book III of the Odes of Horace in the verse translation by John Conington, specifically to the phrase “… usque ego postera/Crescam laude recens …,” of which the fragment “postera crescam laude” has since 1854 served as the motto of my alma mater, the University of Melbourne. Postera crescam laude
  • In studying their alumni fund-raising campaigns, administrators found female graduates had fewer ties to their alma maters.
  • Hager is an Asburian nabob; his elderly father is a past president of the college, and Hager himself currently sits on his alma mater's board of trustees.
  • Cue misty-eyed articles from middle-aged graduates, waxing lyrical about their alma mater.
  • The Real World/Road Rules Challenges, including appearances by All-Star cast members coaching these "frosh" on how to take home a win for their alma mater. BN - Broadcast Newsroom-news
  • And the acting talent from my alma mater is actually good. It was SOOOO Long...
  • We aim to be a cohesive alumnae that provide strong support to our Alma Mater, strive to be modern and caring women with virtue and contribute to our Nation and Community.
  • He returned to his alma mater to write a doctorate in moral philosophy.
  • He's also teaching mathematics to non math majors at my old alma mater.
  • Nevertheless, whether it likes it or not, the University of Glasgow is still my alma mater and, truant and impostor though I may have been, I am saddened at its proposals to defenestrate its excellent modern languages department. Who will awaken the talents of our poorest kids? | Kevin McKenna
  • As an alumna of Northwestern University, I was disappointed that my alma mater was not listed.
  • WORD CORRECT PRONUNCIATION alma mater _alma mater_ apparatus _apparatus_ apricot _apricot_ attaché _attasha'_ audacious _audashus_ ballet _bal'la_ blasé _blaza'_ blatant _blatant_ chasten _chasen_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • • Sad news from Upper Bucklebury, childhood home of ma'am-to-be Kate Middleton: the minibus tours of the village and surroundings, taking in, among other formative locations, the church where she was baptised, the car park of her alma mater Marlborough, the Spar corner shop and, perplexingly, Stonehenge, have been cancelled. Esther Addley's Diary
  • Or, if this may not be, because our Alma Mater is still too poor or too humble to offer to her returning children such banqueting-place, -- if there is no Wykcham or Waynflete or Wolsey to arch for us the high-embowed roof, let us place our memorial in the Library, along its shaded alcoves and above its broad portals. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 71, September, 1863
  • After two relatively brief stints pastoring in New York and Bolton, Connecticut, he served as a tutor at his alma mater in New Haven from 1724 to 1726.
  • Finally, members of his administration coming from his Harvard alma mater will make fast and loyal friends - but friends like these tend to create a wall of impenetrability around their "leader" that could quickly insolate and misdirect him, undermining Obama's best intentions. Mario Almonte: Obama's Audacity of Hope Collides Head-On with Ill. Gov. Blagojevich's Audacity of Greed
  • The bad men, said he, the weak and worthless, blunder into danger and burn their feet, but the good men, they who have any character, they who have that within them which can reflect credit on their alma mater, they come through scatheless. Barchester Towers
  • In the White House and in exile, he would spend hours stewing over yellow legal pads, war-gaming geostrategy, memorizing his dinner guests 'alma maters - and forever plotting the next campaign. Now More Than Ever
  • The collections of college and university art museums are sometimes motley assortments of works of art donated by alumni to their alma mater - uneven collections with glaring gaps.
  • Under protest, Ellie visits her mother's alma mater, an East Coast women's college which she expects to be just a bunch of snobs -- and finds herself seduced by the idea of hipness and belonging to someplace cool. Finding Wonderland: The WritingYA Weblog
  • Reach out to your employer and alma mater for assistance since they may have connections with admissions officers. Fellowships Build Skills
  • Unlike Iain Dale who claims an EXCLUSIVE but says nothing and pussyfoots around alleged names he allegedly knows I can reveal that the BBC has been injuncted from revealling that every member of the Bullingdon Boys Class of 1987 has been promised, by big D, a modest K or an immodest P - at some stage - for maintaining their generous contributions to the old alma mater. Archive 2007-02-25
  • WORD CORRECT PRONUNCIATION alma mater _alma mater_ apparatus _apparatus_ apricot _apricot_ attaché _attasha'_ audacious _audashus_ ballet _bal'la_ blasé _blaza'_ blatant _blatant_ chasten _chasen_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Su accepted the offer from her alma mater in Taichung, which is now called National Taiwan Sports University, Taichung Campus, because "it has more athletes training for the national teams" and she wants pass on her experience in international competition. Taipei Times
  • Hey Girls .. you made me really senti about my Alma Mater (s) too. had about 6 of them - thanks to dad's tranfers .. you did bring back lovely memories of school canteens; D. all my life's savings at that time would go into the school canteen .. hmmm i am getting really senti yar! Bows to my Alma Mater
  • Do you still have feelings of your Alma Mater after graduation?
  • The manor house where Orwell, a declared socialist, was forced to recuperate during one of his lung hemorrhages is among the island's most patrician -- bone-white, with many fluted chimneys, its own boat dock and a tamed lawn as sweeping as the playing fields of Eton, Eric Blair's alma mater. Literary Pilgrimages: George Orwell
  • Leningrad will always be my alma mater, everything started for me there although I am very much a Muscovite now and a fully fledged feeling of the theatre came to me on the Moscow stage, the Bolshoi's stage.
  • The only job he has actively pursued was at his alma mater, Wisconsin.
  • But it also is, I believe, because poetry goes to the heart more than the head, and that, after all, is where one's alma mater lives. William L. Fox: A University President Speaks Through Verse
  • Mr. Inocencio regularly returns to his alma mater to encourage students to pursue their dreams.
  • Stephen D. Susman jokes that he didn't want to trouble his family with the decision on how best to honor him and his beloved alma mater, Yale University. Gallery Gift Inspired by Free Drinks
  • He represented his alma mater in wrestling as well as the traditional Punjabi sport of kabaddi.
  • Turned out the woman had been convicted of fraud, and her alma mater was the continuing education program at the women's state prison. Hire With Caution
  • Even so, Judt preferred what he called the more mondain tone of Oxford to Cambridge "cleverness", and said later that he had been tempted to return to Oxford, but never to his own alma mater. Tony Judt obituary
  • Usually it is not a matter of controversy when a distinguished alumna returns to her alma mater to address former mentors and current students.
  • Mr Tolleson returned to his alma mater in 1971 as an associate professor to teach band arranging and music theory.
  • Instead, he has been concentrating on finishing his degree in industrial distribution from his alma mater, Western Carolina.
  • The spiritual nature of matter as the Alma Mater, which serves as the alchemical framework of Hegel 's dialectical idealism, is the sublation (Aufhebung) of raw inchoate matter by which it becomes what it always already potentially is: Geist or Spirit. Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • Mr Tolleson returned to his alma mater in 1971 as an associate professor to teach band arranging and music theory.
  • The move elicited chants of "Eddie, Eddie, Eddie" from supporters assembled in the auditorium of Mangano's alma mater, Bethpage High School, 30 miles east of New York City. How A NY Tax Cut Backfired On The Tea Party
  • Mr. Inocencio regularly returns to his alma mater to encourage students to pursue their dreams.
  • In college, (my alma mater is an engineering school where the ratio of guys to girls was 4: 1) the female students always quoted the following: “The odds are good, but the goods are odd!” See also: The engineering department.
  • Like so many donations, John Lyons's gift to his alma mater is rooted in nostalgia. Fordham Alum Honors His Wife With Football Gift
  • Another “famous” quote from my alma mater is “where the men are men, and so are the women” … See also: The engineering department.
  • One invitation Hamm couldn't wait to accept, though, was last week's red, white and blue hero's welcome in Waukesha, Wis., where he tumbled before 4,000 people at an assembly at his alma mater, Waukesha South High School, and waved to thousands more from an antique firetruck in a parade through the city streets. - Going for gold again, this time with lawyers
  • The gift to his alma mater is part of a seven-year, $1 billion fund-raising campaign that the school publicly announced last week to help boost its endowment, fund the increasing need for scholarship money, redevelop its Livingston campus and more than double the number of endowed chairs to attract and retain faculty. A Scarlet Knight Rescues Rutgers
  • The faculty at my alma mater were excited by their scholarly concerns and eager to share their questions and insights with any responsive student.
  • In studying their alumni fund-raising campaigns, administrators found female graduates had fewer ties to their alma maters.
  • One of the oldest colleges in the country, William & Mary is often called the alma mater of the nation, due to its ties to our founding fathers and Williamsburg's connections to the Commonwealth's history. WCAV - HomePage - Headlines
  • WORD CORRECT PRONUNCIATION alma mater _alma mater_ apparatus _apparatus_ apricot _apricot_ attaché _attasha'_ audacious _audashus_ ballet _bal'la_ blasé _blaza'_ blatant _blatant_ chasten _chasen_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • The Delta Devils (17-16) had their nine-game winning streak snapped in the first NCAA appearance since 1996 for the 3,767-student school from Itta Bena, Miss., best known as the alma mater of NFL career receiving leader Jerry Rice.
  • Later, the expression alma mater was applied, e.g. to Paris in 1389; The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner

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