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How To Use Alluvium In A Sentence

  • Brigalow vegetation is found to the east, and gidgee (A. cambagei) woodlands or shrublands are scattered across the region on alluvium or other more fertile clay soils. Eastern Australia mulga shrublands
  • A broad, gently base of a steeper slope , often covered with alluvium, formed primarily by erosion.
  • It is, however, a remarkable coincidence, that in the two large islands cut off by the Beagle Channel from the rest of Tierra del Fuego, one has cliffs composed of matter that may be called stratified alluvium, which front similar ones on the opposite side of the channel, — while the other is exclusively bordered by old crystalline rocks; in the former, called Navarin Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • The northern ribs of the Aravallí series disappear beneath alluvial cover in the Delhi district, but the rocks still underlie the plains to the west and north-west, their presence being revealed by the small promontories that peep through the alluvium near the Chenáb river, standing up as small hills near Chiniot in the Sháhpur, Jhang, and Lyallpur districts. The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
  • In the east, which is lower and flatter, river gravels and alluvium from the North Sea have produced dark, rich soils.
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  • Many vineyards are located on valley bottoms underlain by alluvium which can provide deep, free-draining soils of variable grain size.
  • Archaeologists can use the evidence of pollen, alluvium (flood-deposits), and colluvium (hill-wash) to study the past environment.
  • The measured soil parameters at the sites were within the normal range for bottomland hardwood soils of Mississippi River alluvium.
  • To these succeed transported soils (_alluvium_), containing the gigantic bones of ancient mammalia, such as the mastodons, the dinotherium, and the megatheroid animals, among which is the mylodon of Owen, an animal upwards of eleven feet in length, allied to the sloth. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • Soils are mostly gray to black Vertisols, developed from clayey alluvium of overbank or slack-water deposits. Ecoregions of Louisiana (EPA)
  • The Avilla series consists of very deep, well drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in gravelly and loamy alluvium.
  • Lord Howe Island has sedimentary deposits of Pleistocene and Holocene (Recent) age, including cross-bedded calcarenite with intercalated soil horizons, lagoonal deposits, a single sand dune, and alluvium. Lord Howe Island Group, Australia
  • The appearance of the country was remarkable, from being covered by a thick crust of common salt, and of a stratified saliferous alluvium, which seems to have been deposited as the land slowly rose above the level of the sea. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • They are formed from weathered arkosic sedimentary rock, gravelly alluvium, and materials weathered from sandstone and shales. Ecoregions of Colorado (EPA)
  • The upper region of the Camargue, blessed with rich alluvium soil, has been cultivated since the Middle Ages.
  • The surface geology of this ecoregion consists of clastic sedimentary rocks and recent alluvium. Northern New Guinea lowland rain and freshwater swamp forests
  • In the southern part of the valley, the Serghaya Fault Zone follows the mountain front juxtaposing recent alluvium and colluvium against late Quaternary lake sediments, Neogene conglomerates, and Cretaceous carbonates.
  • However, in addition to that alluvium much of central Belfast is underlain instead by a deposit of soft grey mud, silt and fine sand with numerous sea shells, in particular oysters.
  • These hollows detained the concentrations of the denudated alluvium from the altitudes, and were generally closely beneath the surface, and by such guidance and means of discovery the miners traced the gold up the ravines to their sources in the lofty mounds and deposits, or hills of cemented conglomerate, near Eureka in Nevada county; and by constructing canals from a higher level began the new system of "hydraulic mining" and washing, and gradually extended their operations over the area of the metallic zone mentioned, of 40 miles long by 20 wide, using the Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
  • Some of these low-lying areas, with waterlogged deposits blanketed by alluvium, have provided good evidence for Roman farming.
  • Usually floodplains are not veneers of alluvium explicable by lateral channel movements, but considerable thicknesses smoothing over more complex relief.
  • The stress-deformation behavior of diaphragm walls of concrete face rockfill dam built on thick alluvium deposit was analyzed using the numerical analysis method.
  • The soils are developed on marine or estuarine alluvium found between the normal high-water mark and the limit of highest spring tides.
  • During a ride to a natural tank amongst these rocky elevations, I passed from the alluvium to the sandstone, and at once met with all the prevailing plants of the granite, gneiss, limestone and hornstone rocks previously examined, and which I have enumerated too often to require recapitulation; a convincing proof that the mechanical properties and not the chemical constitution of the rocks regulate the distribution of these plants. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • A very fine chalk-clay, or "malm" as it was locally called, was formerly obtained from the alluvium in the vicinity of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • In the southern part of the valley, the Serghaya Fault Zone follows the mountain front juxtaposing recent alluvium and colluvium against late Quaternary lake sediments, Neogene conglomerates, and Cretaceous carbonates.
  • The soils are developed on marine or estuarine alluvium found between the normal high-water mark and the limit of highest spring tides.
  • The region consists of mostly Holocene alluvium or Holocene and Pleistocene terrace deposits, with a mix of ustic to aridic, hyperthermic soils. Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
  • The origin of the shallows is a combination of ongoing aeolian transport from the desert on top of alluvium from relict estuaries which nourishes the 3,100 ha of mangrove swamp. Banc d'Arguin National Park, Mauritania
  • Key distinguishing features are the presence of broadly horizontal erosion surfaces and overlying axial river alluvium inset into bajada deposits in the former case.
  • Soils developed from clayey alluvium including overbank and slack-water deposits; they commonly have a high shrink-swell potential and are locally rich in organic material. Ecoregions of Arkansas (EPA)
  • The soils are formed from materials weathered from arkosic sedimentary rock, gravelly alluvium, and redbed shales and sandstone. Ecoregions of Colorado (EPA)
  • The origin of the shallows is a combination of ongoing aeolian transport from the desert on top of alluvium from relict estuaries which nourishes the 3,100 ha of mangrove swamp. Banc d'Arguin National Park, Mauritania
  • Examples of application of the method the results of a regional stream water and alluvium study.
  • The stress-deformation behavior of diaphragm walls of concrete face rockfill dam built on thick alluvium deposit was analyzed using the numerical analysis method.

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