
How To Use Alluvial In A Sentence

  • Mineral alluvial soils have an A horizon and the effects of gleying can be present.
  • Mineral alluvial soils have an A horizon and the effects of gleying can be present.
  • By the study of the feature of alluvial gold conjuncture, its haul distance was determined, the types of its Primary deposits assessed and the target area for ProsPecting Primary deposit defined.
  • It is, however, much more common in alluvial grounds than among primitive and pyrogenous rocks. The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • First came the Primitive or Primary rocks, then the Secondary, than finally the Alluvial or Tertiary.
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  • A ryot cultivating alluvial lands, and having no seed, can hardly ever repay his advances; but it does not follow that he has been a loser, for he, perhaps, could not value his time, labor, and rent altogether at half the amount; and as long as this system is kept within moderate bounds, it answers much better than private cultivation to the manufacturer, and has many contingent advantages to the cultivator. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • A modified hypsometric curve can be used to help describe the relationships between drainage, alluvial and shallow marine basins.
  • The association of the cherts with carbonaceous sandstones and lacustrine shales in the Rhynie Cherts Unit indicates sinter deposition interrupted alluvial floodplain sedimentation of mud and sand.
  • Must we really clamber up every alluvial fan, map every desert canyon, and slap a name on every dry lake and rocky outcropping?
  • In the central and eastern parts of the range, the northern margin is also sharply defined, but separates bedrock from glacial and alluvial sediments or bedrock inliers.
  • Up to 2000 m of alluvial fan and fan delta deposits of early Cretaceous age are preserved in the Coastal Cordillera.
  • Myricaria laxiflora, on the other hand, prefers the alluvial soil with sand and gravel in subtropics climate. The soil is of weak alkalinity, has low content of nutrient but moderate salt.
  • Most recently, the alluvial gem gravels of the Songea and Tunduru regions in the south have been productive.
  • Vegetation dominated by low density stands of podocarp and taxodiod conifers grew on mobile braided alluvial plains where it was subject to regular catastrophic flooding events.
  • Silicate minerals constitute most alluvial sediment on Earth.
  • These pioneer prospectors practiced surface mining, obtaining gold from the alluvial deposits called placers.
  • They are respectively turbidity fan, brackish lake, shore and shallow lake-beach, delta, alluvial fan and river-alluviation depositional systems.
  • The Sagebrush Steppe Valleys ecoregion consists of gently sloping, unforested terraces, basin rims, valley bottoms, and alluvial fans that are not as arid as Ecoregions 13a, 13b, 13c and 80a. Ecoregions of Utah (EPA)
  • Saline alluvial soils have high levels of exchangeable sodium and the effects of gleying are clearly evident.
  • Ecoregion 37 is a synclinal and alluvial valley lying between the Ozark Highlands (39) and the Ouachita Mountains (36). Ecoregions of Arkansas (EPA)
  • Of course in large alluvial claims, where capital is employed, such appliances are superseded by steam puddles, buddles, and other machinery, and sometimes mercury is used to amalgamate the gold when very fine. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • The alluvial soil on which the city stood was frozen all year round but thawed a few feet down during the summer.
  • The river overflows its banks and floods the land with fresh water and deposits a thick layer of rich alluvial soil.
  • On the alluvial flats of the Cook Inlet a tented camp was pitched to billet the navvies.
  • Large areas on the alluvial saline plains are characterized by halophytic plant communities including Artemisia pauciflora, A. schrenkiana, A. nitrosa and perennial saltwort (Atriplex cana, Anabasis salsa, and Camphorosma monspeliaca). Kazakh semi-desert
  • He settled on the swampy alluvial deposit of a muddy river with his minder.
  • A tube containing 6 grams of alluvial gold from the Cernavaia River also has a bicolor character.
  • Secondly, to the west of this mountain wilderness, stretching upwards from the sea in a wedge form between the Brahui highlands and the group of towering peaks which enclose the Hingol river and abut on the sea at Malan, are the alluvial flats and delta of the Purali, forming the little province of Las Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The coastal maritime region is filled with mangrove swamps and alluvial plains that support palm trees.
  • The distinguishing feature of the lowermost sequence is the presence of coal or carbonaceous shale within alluvial and lacustrine strata.
  • Alluvial basins act as direct sources for turbidite basins when contemporaneous shallow marine shelves are by-passed and detritus is fed along submarine canyons that erode back into alluvial basins or coastal plains.
  • But the heavy, true alluvial gold, in great pure masses, mammillary, or botryoidal (like a bunch of grapes) in shape, have assuredly been formed by accretion on some metallic base, from gold salts in solution, probably chloride, but possibly sulphide. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • The unforested Mountain Valleys ecoregion contains terraces, flood plains, alluvial fans, and hills. Ecoregions of Utah (EPA)
  • I don't even want to think about what the soils conditions are at the Duwamish River (aka Green River, aka White River) where outwash from the Green River Valley, and hence Mount Rainier's ancient mudflows, has deposited itself in an ancient alluvial fan in Elliot Bay -- constrained by the West Seattle highlands on the west and the ridge that separates the Sound from Lake Washington. Sound Politics: "The heavyweight fight for the waterfront"
  • He loved the smell of the woods, and the damp alluvial soil that covered these mountains like a blanket.
  • Like the latter, the Brazilian fields were alluvial, that is, the materials were deposited by river action after having been carried to some distance from their original sources. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Flat alluvial fields rise up from the river to meet undulating slopes and escarpments that have been in cultivation since the sixteenth century.
  • Above these sedimentary rocks is a sequence of interbedded alluvial floodplain deposits and palaeosols.
  • Cenozoic marine and nonmarine sedimentary rocks and alluvial deposits, and Mesozoic granitic and ultramafic rocks. Central California Coast (Bailey)
  • The thickness of Cenozoic alluvial fill that is overthrust at the South Karlik Tagh front is poorly constrained, and thus the amount of shortening on that bounding fault is a minimum estimate.
  • Now as the beds of chalk and of granulated limestone may have been formed by alluviation, on or beneath the shores of the sea, or in vallies of the land; it would seem, that some coal countries, which in the great commotions of the earth had been sunk beneath the water, were thus covered with alluvial limestone, as well as others with alluvial basaltes, or common gravel-beds. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • The wetlands, which consist of riverbeds, alluvial flats, flood-plains, tributary debouchments and lakes, are home to rich vegetation and wildlife, including 228 species of birds.
  • Wooded areas of the Bluff Hills (74a) are near enough to the streams and wetlands of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (73) to provide suitable habitat for the Louisiana waterthrush. Ecoregions of Arkansas (EPA)
  • The closest major one to the south is Swallow Canyon, which features a large cottonwood grove out on the bajada (alluvial plain) in front of it.
  • This extant gastropod, like its Pennsylvanian relative, is dominantly a deposit feeder, grazing on vegetable detritus and algae within seasonal alluvial channels.
  • Analogous to the above mentioned gold deposits, recent fluviatile alluvial tin deposits are exploited, e.g. on the Rio Huanuni, Dept. Oruro, Bolivia. Chapter 17
  • They are a series of giant alluvial fans made up of coarse greywacke-derived gravel, up to 500 meters (m) deep in places, and overlaid with loess. Cantebury-Otago tussock grasslands
  • The Saharan winds were blowing sand onto fertile hillsides, and when it rained the water was cutting gullies through the rich alluvial soil along the wadi.
  • Soils consisted of alluvial sands and no caliche layer was observed to a depth of 1 m.
  • When the alluvial gold had petered out the family left, as did all the other diggers, and settled in Port Augusta.
  • The walls were mostly slate, apparently quite normal, grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition.
  • ‘Tertiary’ or alluvial rock came last, a mixture of unconsolidated rock and gravel, typically found on low land.
  • From the eastern hills it broadens out over wide alluvial plains between Jabalpur and Harda, where the villages are quite highly stratified and occupied by farming communities and fishermen.
  • Much of this development has involved sugar-cane cultivation on sloping terrain in contrast to its confinement to flat alluvial areas prior to 1960.
  • The one last night was pretty mild, and mountains pulsate less than alluvial land (which is relatively gelatin to a tremor of the earth), but no matter how many times you're shaken, you never get used to quakes.
  • Similar to the deleterious metals, element contents which would be worth recovering and marketing in the form of by-products are also often overlooked; for example, zircon sand from alluvial deposits, gold-containing pyrite and arsenopyrite from complex sulphide veins. Chapter 6
  • Gentle but steady water movement produced by slow flow through lakes and meandering backwater stream channels provides aeration and slow accretion of alluvial sediments.
  • Estimates of "prehistoric" and early historic diamond production suggest that 50 to 100,000 carats per year were found, mostly in alluvial deposits in river gravels. The Ekati Diamond Mine - Success in Canada's North
  • Coarse alluvial-fan sediments change abruptly basinward into lacustrine sediments.
  • A linear area known as the “batture lands”, the area between the levees on either side of the river, extends virtually the entire length of the alluvial plain along the course of the Mississippi River and its major tributaries. Ecoregions of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (EPA)
  • Archaeologists have assumed that Mill Creek agricultural fields were located on easily cultivated alluvial stream terraces.
  • Degradation continued in many of the more susceptible environments, especially alluvial flats, with denudation of vegetation leading to the formation of deeply eroded gullies and/or extensive sheet erosion in the Ord and Fitzroy systems. Kimberly tropical savanna
  • Antiquites Celtiques," published in 1847, M. Boucher de Perthes styled these older tools "antediluvian," because they came from the lowest beds of a series of ancient alluvial strata bordering the valley of the Somme, which geologists had termed "diluvium. The Antiquity of Man
  • The white syringa prefers sandy or alluvial soils while the mountain syringa grows more readily in a clay loam soil.
  • Altdorf is sited on alluvial soil where the Schachen side valley enters the Reuss valley from the east.
  • You are the expert who can tell at a glance a sea-diamond from an alluvial. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • The fertile soil is fine-textured, alluvial, loamy and free from boulders.
  • On shore, 5 m sand dunes and alluvial sands and gravels overlie relatively recent sedimentary, Tertiary clastic and PreCambrian crystalline rocks. Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California, Mexico
  • Peaty alluvial soils characteristically have an O horizon which usually occurs at the surface but can be interbedded with freshwater alluvial sediments.
  • Reportedly, the site is mainly underlain by alluvial deposits of Quaternary Age comprising sand and clay.
  • Sapphires are found in alluvial soil near rocks and embedded in gneiss. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Valleys to the north of the drainage divide are drowned and flooded by the sea, whereas to the south the valleys are still alluvial.
  • Gravel cemented geological body, called solid formation, has been found in the fluvial sediment of Quaternary system in the exploration and mining of alluvial gold deposit in recent years.
  • Oak woodland develops best in moist, protected canyons and valleys with deep alluvial soils.
  • Although heavy mineral zonations are well developed in some alluvial strata, other alluvial systems may be more homogeneous.
  • What was the special cause of the fen itself? why did not the great lowland become a fertile 'carse' of firm alluvial soil, like that of Prose Idylls, New and Old
  • The desert ends with a steeply shelving cliff against the ocean, where layers of alluvial accretion are exposed like a lesson in geological stratification.
  • They grade both northward and southward into coalesced alluvial fans forming the bajada that flanks the margins of the mountains.
  • The disappearance of tungsten minerals from alluvial materials which are undergoing laterization, which has been described in Burma, [32] seems to indicate that the tungsten is dissolved in surface waters to some extent; but in the main it is probably carried completely out of the vicinity and not reprecipitated below. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • He argued that rich parent alluvial fields, such as the Victorian fields in the 1850s and Coolgardie - Kalgoorlie after 1892, grubstaked large numbers of prospectors and so quickened the rate of discovery of new deposits.
  • Flat alluvial fields rise up from the river to meet undulating slopes and escarpments that have been in cultivation since the sixteenth century.
  • After the alluvial gold had been mined, companies were formed to start reef mining.
  • Terraces by the fourth grade alluvial, alluvial material , thick loess soil better.
  • Alluvial diamonds, uranium, lime, andalusite and platinum occur in abundance. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The northern ribs of the Aravallí series disappear beneath alluvial cover in the Delhi district, but the rocks still underlie the plains to the west and north-west, their presence being revealed by the small promontories that peep through the alluvium near the Chenáb river, standing up as small hills near Chiniot in the Sháhpur, Jhang, and Lyallpur districts. The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
  • Much of this development has involved sugar-cane cultivation on sloping terrain in contrast to its confinement to flat alluvial areas prior to 1960.
  • In this arid climate evaporites form; alluvial fans lie at the base of footwall scarps and carbonate reefs grow.
  • Underwater abyssal fans can be compared to terrestrial landforms known as alluvial fans. Physiography of the Earth's terrestrial surface
  • A tube containing 6 grams of alluvial gold from the Cernavaia River also has a bicolor character.
  • The walls were mostly slate, apparently quite normal, grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition.
  • Some alluvial deposits are a rich source of diamonds.
  • Above these sedimentary rocks is a sequence of interbedded alluvial floodplain deposits and palaeosols.
  • Diamonds occur in alluvial lands mostly open and comparatively level, as in India, the Brazil and the Cape. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • When wheat is grown in irrigated fields with clay-rich alluvial soils, the longer exposure to silica from standing water leads to extensive phytolith formation and large cell clusters. The Goddess and the Bull
  • Most coarse-grained clastic sediment that is deposited in turbidite basins is either derived from alluvial basins or shallow marine shelves.
  • The distributary channels and alluvial fans at the mouths of the Flinders, Mitchell, Gilbert, Leichardt, McArthur, and Roper Rivers have extended the seaward edge of the plains. Carpentaria tropical savanna
  • Above these sedimentary rocks is a sequence of interbedded alluvial floodplain deposits and palaeosols.
  • Volcanic cones, lava flows, alluvial fans where canyons blend to valley floors, and playas where there were once Pleistocene lakes, add to a sense of active, sometimes violent geological processes at work.
  • Last year alone Angola's UNITA rebels mined alluvial diamonds worth around $300 million and effectively evaded UN sanctions.
  • And that as a result, the land mass now actually sinks, because it's fine alluvial soil.
  • Much of this development has involved sugar-cane cultivation on sloping terrain in contrast to its confinement to flat alluvial areas prior to 1960.
  • Most coarse-grained clastic sediment that is deposited in turbidite basins is either derived from alluvial basins or shallow marine shelves.
  • Plants in subdued shades of green and bronze grew on the broad alluvial fans that swept out from the base of the mountains. BEAUTIFUL DREAMER
  • Marine deposition was followed by alluvial progradation marking the onset of continental deposition, which dominated the rest of the Triassic in the region.
  • The Luannigou ore field riches with alluvial gold of Quaternary Period and is the favorable target for rock gold.
  • The soil erosion in the alluvial gold deposit is serious because of the vegetation destroyed.
  • Similarly, geomorphology varies from a low-gradient slope along the alluvial coastal plain, composed primarily of unconsolidated sediments to steeper gradients of acidic rocks of igneous origin and clastic sediments as one moves up into the mountains. Sonoran-Sinaloan transition subtropical dry forest
  • In Mozambique, gold has occasionally been panned from alluvial deposits close to the Zimbabwe border.
  • However, it does show, in a general way, the thick alluvial deposits along the lower Mississippi River and on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains, and in the deep basins of the western cordillera. Full Text Circular: About the Geologic Map in the National Atlas of the United States of America « ResourceShelf
  • Degradation continued in many of the more susceptible environments, especially alluvial flats, with denudation of vegetation leading to the formation of deeply eroded gullies. Victoria Plains tropical savanna
  • Late Tertiary and Quaternary glacial, alluvial and lacustrine sediments are widespread adjacent to the mountains and in intermontane basins.
  • _Fluthwerk_ and 'hydraulicking' would easily wash down the whole alluvial and auriferous formation to the floor of grey granite which has supplied the huge 'cankey-stones' [Footnote: This proto-historic implement, also called a 'saddle-quern,' is here made out of a thick slab of granite slightly concave and artificially roughened. To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II A Personal Narrative
  • The walls were mostly slate, apparently quite normal, grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition.
  • The largest stands are found not along the larger river channels but along slow-moving, meandering tributary streams where alluvial deposition is occurring.
  • The crescent-shaped floor of the caldera teems with a network of smaller volcanic mouths, cones, domes, lava channels, dikes, lavas from light felsic flows to viscid red lavas and black obsidian blocks, ochre plains of sandy alluvial deposits and red and black volcanic ejecta, scoria, lapilli and pumice, from a long series of basaltic effusions. Teide National Park, Spain
  • While still high, mortality in oak-hickory and oak-pine forests was lower than that of cove and alluvial forests.
  • A tube containing 6 grams of alluvial gold from the Cernavaia River also has a bicolor character.
  • The studied platinum - gold placer occurs in Quaternary alluvial - diluvial a piedmont valley of ultrabasic rocks, Northwest China.
  • Alluvial, colluvial or chemically formed gravel, clayey gravel, sandstone, limestone, tuff, scoria are examples of marginal materials.
  • It grows upon a low creeping tap – rooted plant, of a salsolaceous character, found in the alluvial flats of the Murray, among the polygonum brushes, and in many other places. An account of the manners and customs of the Aborigines and the state of their relations with Europeans, by Edward John Eyre
  • The banks are steep slides of rocks and mossy roots, pocketed with pitted red sand, driftgrass and slack alluvial soil, and stippled with a scatter of primroses and heaped heather.
  • Initial subsidence was marked by accumulation of relatively immature alluvial fan and associated deposits in localized piedmont depocentres.
  • This composition lends itself to rich and diversified farming: cattle raised for meat consumption in the regions of Ancenis and Châteaubriant; milk production in Redon; vegetable gardens in the alluvial valley of the Loire; and vineyards cultivating Muscadets and Gamays in the Ancenis hills and throughout the entire regions south of the Loire.
  • If climate is the primary consideration the shingle soils, the loessic down-soils, the limestone upland-soils, and the alluvial flats in the neighbourhood of Timaru would all fall into the same group.
  • ‘The river flows in long sigmoid Curves,’ he wrote, ‘through an alluvial valley of no great width.’
  • Sediment-laden streams carve deep, steep-sided valleys which, where they debouch into adjacent lowlands, produce alluvial fans.
  • They are respectively turbidity fan, brackish lake, shore and shallow lake-beach, delta, alluvial fan and river-alluviation depositional systems.
  • The crescent-shaped floor of the caldera teems with a network of smaller volcanic mouths, cones, domes, lava channels, dikes, lavas from light felsic flows to viscid red lavas and black obsidian blocks, ochre plains of sandy alluvial deposits and red and black volcanic ejecta, scoria, lapilli and pumice, from a long series of basaltic effusions. Teide National Park, Spain
  • Above these sedimentary rocks is a sequence of interbedded alluvial floodplain deposits and palaeosols.
  • In the great laboratory of Nature similar chemical depositions have taken place in the past, and may still be in progress; indeed, there is sound scientific reason to suppose that in certain localities this is even now the case, and that in this way much of our so-called alluvial gold has been formed, that is, by the deposition on metallic bases of the gold held in solution. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • The enormous depth of alluvial soil found in the _bolsones_ or depressions of the Mexican plateau, formed from rock-decay, or of volcanic material accumulated by the great lakes of recent times which covered them in the central part of the great _mesa central_, bear striking evidence to the filling-up process of the past. Mexico Its Ancient and Modern Civilisation, History, Political Conditions, Topography, Natural Resources, Industries and General Development
  • Aquifers occurring in Namibia are classified as alluvial, Kalahari, fracture, Karst or artesian aquifers. Water profile of Namibia
  • These pioneer prospectors practiced surface mining, obtaining gold from the alluvial deposits called placers.
  • The style of winemaking is a perfect expression of the coolish climate and alluvial soils of the Wairarapa.
  • These are part of a sequence of intercalated alluvial sands and marsh beds on the eastern side of the Delmarva Peninsula. Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Maryland
  • The tilted rock strata are comprised of largely carbonate Palaeozoic deposits over 4,000 m thick, Mesozoic deposits at least 1,000 m thick with a variety of sedimentary rocks in a cataclastic sedimentation; and recent Cenozoic deposits of glacial moraines, alluvial gravels and carbonate sediments. Huanglong National Scenic Area, China
  • The whole land is alluvial, that is, formed, gradually, through thousands of years, of the rich mud deposited by the two rivers, as they spread into vast marshy flats towards the end of their course. Chaldea From the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria
  • Saline alluvial soils have high levels of exchangeable sodium and the effects of gleying are clearly evident.
  • A similar effect can be created by perched water tables formed by silty or clayey layers of low permeability within alluvial soils, or cemented layers in weathered, residual soils.
  • Hence every early community stands, to start with, near its own cultivable territory, usually a broad river-valley, an alluvial plain, a 'carse' or lowland, for uplands as yet were incapable of tillage by the primitive agriculture of those early epochs. Science in Arcady
  • Downstream trends of alluvial channel geometry have also been explained in terms of energy expenditure.
  • The only other chance for agriculture on the river, except Wonsits Valley, Brown's Park, and a few minor places, is below Black Canyon, in the stretches I have called the alluvial and the canyon-valley divisions. The Romance of the Colorado River
  • It generally shows a fining-upward trend with four facies associations: alluvial fan fringe, subaqueous delta lobe, delta front, and shallow lake.
  • It consists primarily of irregular plains and bluffs near the Mississippi River, along with some disjoined low hills found within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (73). Ecoregions of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (EPA)
  • The impact of different pioneer crops on soil physical and chemical properties was studied on abandoned farmland of alluvial fan-fringe area in the Manas River valley.
  • Tectonic uplands bordering active faults are usually drained by steep catchments feeding alluvial fans, adjacent examples of which coalesce to define continuous bajadas (base-of-slope deposits).
  • The Copper River alluvial fan is an outwash plain, that is, formed from sediments deposited by glacial meltwater.
  • Alluvial fans and related phenomena are depositional landforms which form a continuum.
  • Geologically, this area is an alluvial fan of a giant rock slide of granitic gneisses.
  • The Greeks called the alluvial deposit at the mouth of the Nile, from its shape, the Delta of the Nile. The Science of Fingerprints Classification and Uses
  • Roughly 25 percent of the land is off-limits because of the rich alluvial diamond deposits.
  • The style of winemaking is a perfect expression of the coolish climate and alluvial soils of the area.

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