How To Use Alluvial flat In A Sentence
On the alluvial flats of the Cook Inlet a tented camp was pitched to billet the navvies.
Secondly, to the west of this mountain wilderness, stretching upwards from the sea in a wedge form between the Brahui highlands and the group of towering peaks which enclose the Hingol river and abut on the sea at Malan, are the alluvial flats and delta of the Purali, forming the little province of Las
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
The wetlands, which consist of riverbeds, alluvial flats, flood-plains, tributary debouchments and lakes, are home to rich vegetation and wildlife, including 228 species of birds.
Degradation continued in many of the more susceptible environments, especially alluvial flats, with denudation of vegetation leading to the formation of deeply eroded gullies and/or extensive sheet erosion in the Ord and Fitzroy systems.
Kimberly tropical savanna
Degradation continued in many of the more susceptible environments, especially alluvial flats, with denudation of vegetation leading to the formation of deeply eroded gullies.
Victoria Plains tropical savanna

It grows upon a low creeping tap – rooted plant, of a salsolaceous character, found in the alluvial flats of the Murray, among the polygonum brushes, and in many other places.
An account of the manners and customs of the Aborigines and the state of their relations with Europeans, by Edward John Eyre
If climate is the primary consideration the shingle soils, the loessic down-soils, the limestone upland-soils, and the alluvial flats in the neighbourhood of Timaru would all fall into the same group.