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alluvial fan

  1. a fan-shaped deposit where a fast flowing stream flattens out

How To Use alluvial fan In A Sentence

  • Volcanic cones, lava flows, alluvial fans where canyons blend to valley floors, and playas where there were once Pleistocene lakes, add to a sense of active, sometimes violent geological processes at work.
  • Geologically, this area is an alluvial fan of a giant rock slide of granitic gneisses.
  • Alluvial fans and related phenomena are depositional landforms which form a continuum.
  • The Copper River alluvial fan is an outwash plain, that is, formed from sediments deposited by glacial meltwater.
  • Tectonic uplands bordering active faults are usually drained by steep catchments feeding alluvial fans, adjacent examples of which coalesce to define continuous bajadas (base-of-slope deposits).
  • The impact of different pioneer crops on soil physical and chemical properties was studied on abandoned farmland of alluvial fan-fringe area in the Manas River valley.
  • It generally shows a fining-upward trend with four facies associations: alluvial fan fringe, subaqueous delta lobe, delta front, and shallow lake.
  • They are respectively turbidity fan, brackish lake, shore and shallow lake-beach, delta, alluvial fan and river-alluviation depositional systems.
  • Sediment-laden streams carve deep, steep-sided valleys which, where they debouch into adjacent lowlands, produce alluvial fans.
  • Initial subsidence was marked by accumulation of relatively immature alluvial fan and associated deposits in localized piedmont depocentres.
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