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How To Use Alluring In A Sentence

  • Just as Peter Crouch the binman may find his lanky frame considerably less alluring to the opposite sex. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Lawrence Pietroni has created two uniquely alluring charactersRuby and Isaand spins a story that feels mythical or folkloric, that is driven by a mystery, throbs with tension, and ends in conflagration. Ruby's Spoon: Summary and book reviews of Ruby's Spoon by Anna Lawrence Pietroni.
  • The trade-off between performance, fees and illiquidity will make hedge funds much less alluring in the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • They both tried to talk of ordinary things for the few moments before that meal was announced, and then some kind of devilment seemed to come into Amaryllis -- nothing could have been more seductive or alluring than her manner, while keeping to strict convention. The Price of Things
  • Yet afterwards, when accustomedness had brought its reward of speed, there was still for Billy no time; for increased knowledge had only opened the way to other paths, untrodden and alluring. Miss Billy -- Married
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  • Tigers are alluring animals and stories about them always have a magnetic appeal.
  • Alaska showed itself to be wild, rugged, unforgiving - yet at the same time alluring and welcoming.
  • Her chasteness was somehow the outward proof, the external manifestation, of a potential for sexual abandon all the more alluring for being hidden, invisible.
  • Valleys and sweet plains, waterfalls and rivers, glades where lovers would have walked and confluences where towns could have been built, the lovely island had all these accouter-ments, these alluring invitations to civilization. Hawaii
  • At first sight, they appear as alluring as a soft-top sports car - glamorous, flash and a little racy.
  • The alluring charm of the FA Cup has always been in its ability to throw up incongruous situations. Times, Sunday Times
  • She does look warm and pretty next to pasty Edward, but his palid complexion is just frightening here. the previous poster was much more appealling, alluring, and more likely for viewers to actually ditch their old movies and take this one. ilovethecullens (10/9/2008 5: 19: 17 PM) i dont really like it, they could've done a lot better Final ‘Twilight’ Poster Hits Net. What Do You Think? » MTV Movies Blog
  • Is it a deliberate recruitment drive by the church; are the robes particularly alluring; is it the funny hats? The Church of England votes to give homosexual clergy hookups full benefits « Anglican Samizdat
  • And her accent, which had once sounded so alluringly foreign, had flattened into a quasi-American drawl.
  • A warm midrange is the appealing platform that supports Jim James's voice, one of the most alluring in rock, as MMJ delivers songs that incorporate elements of rock, folk, funk and, on the track "The Day Is Coming," a charming bit of old-school jazz-pop vocalizing. My Morning Jacket of Many Styles
  • The latter had the most alluring nutty, almost sweet scent, and a light fluffy, loose texture.
  • Even for those who did not grow up with it, there is something therapeutic about the activity involved - the alluring aromas wafting from the oven, and the comforting taste of freshly baked cakes or buns.
  • KYLIE'S model fella has her moniker inked below his hip as a sign of his commitment Salman has an alluring ex-wife Undefined
  • Science on the reef embraces so many diverse and alluring fields: marine ecology, oceanography, plate tectonics, ethnobiology, and more.
  • Nor, perhaps, did they wish the supernatural to meld with the sexual, as otherworldly beings turned out to be alluring mortal women in flimsy garments. Scott Repatriated?: La Dame blanche Crosses the Channel
  • This ravishing city, seductively perfumed with orange blossom, is every bit as alluring as Spain's most infamous femme fatale.
  • The simplicity of a ribbon-tied bunch of long stalk flowers is absolutely alluring.
  • Sadly, the play is less alluring. The Sun
  • It might have been an alluring sight for red-blooded male fans but it was too much for the ECB. The Sun
  • In the freedom of this rather unalluring garb she entered into relations Platonic, fraternal, or tempestuously passionate with perhaps the most distinguished series of friends and lovers that ever fluttered about one flame. The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters
  • The grand menu of dance styles and artists this city presents - in all genres and venues - is impressive and alluring.
  • Lisette's large red mouth broke into a most alluring smile.
  • Few can resist buying the feather-light decorative pieces, which come in alluring colours.
  • The pull of a mystery that needs to be solved, or of an unseen and looming threat that needs to be thwarted is alluring for many readers, and for me, combining that with either an epic, urban or alternative fantasy setting is better than ice cream and cake. MIND MELD: What's Your Favorite Sub-Genre of Science Fiction and/or Fantasy?
  • To try to make smoking less alluring to the young, tobacco companies could yet be forced to sell cigarettes in plain packaging. Times, Sunday Times
  • What was it, exactly, about the thin red dribble on top of the sloshy substance which was supposed to make it instantly more alluring?
  • The question is: what makes her so alluring? Times, Sunday Times
  • And then a lank, grey-bearded man, perspiring copiously in a noble passion of self-help, blind to all earthly things save that glaring, bait, thrust between them in a cataclysmal rush towards that alluring "x 5 pr. G. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • You go to a newsagent and there are pictures of women in very alluring poses.
  • Nowadays this status-chasing urge makes designer goods sorely alluring, even if they make no real difference to our luxury-glutted lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • This might look good live but in a still shot I find it very unalluring. Drbigbeef Diary Entry
  • Atelier Ted Noton of the Netherlands offers an alluring vision of high-class kitsch — a "vertical rainbow" of Swarovski crystals falling from the top of the rotunda to a pool on the floor, where they would be "aspirated" back to the top to descend again. Ramping Up Wright's Vision
  • The census report and the Great Exhibition of 1851 offered the alluring prospect that Britain would become rich.
  • Thank goodness I was an ugly kid, not very alluring in my cast-off, woolly mammoth all-in-one.
  • Randir thought she looked more alluring in the red gown than he had ever seen her before.
  • The most alluring place in Maya Guatemala is Chichicastenango a walkable town about three hours by road from Guatemala City where more than 95 percent of the people are indigenous.
  • Her amber eyes reflected in the mirror were limpid, and alluring.
  • Yet there she was, sitting right next to me, more beauti - ful, more alluring, more intoxicating than ever. Honeymoon
  • Madeline had chosen a tasteful yet alluring little black dress for Elizabeth to wear.
  • And then a lank, grey-bearded man, perspiring copiously in a noble passion of self-help, blind to all earthly things save that glaring, bait, thrust between them in a cataclysmal rush towards that alluring “x 5 pr. G.” When the Sleeper Wakes
  • She was chestnut-haired, her face bearing some odd and yet alluring familiarity.
  • However alluring the goal, he said, pursuing it “would have incurred incalculable human and political costs”; he was expressing the kind of unsentimental caution that is realism’s most important characteristic. What Would Wilson Do?
  • Riverboats eclipsed canoes in the early nineteenth century, the 12-15 ton carrying capacity of the bateau proving more alluring than the five tons carried by the largest canoe.
  • It reminds me of a Hostess snowball only better - more alluring.
  • I didn't find the prospect of a house with no electricity very alluring.
  • Sophia was handsome, but with a big, cold, unalluring handsomeness, and had not quite succeeded in London. The Way We Live Now
  • There is something alluring about a deal in which the play goes one of four different ways, depending on which suit is led. Times, Sunday Times
  • Provocative is when a girl dresses more openly than could be called alluring and couples this with a raunchy attitude plus she goes into situations where she is unprotected and there are not likely to be gentlemen about to help her. [paradigm shift required] in the male-female divide
  • The growths were not so luxuriant or prodigious, but for the most part the trees offered suggestions of alluring possibilities to the semiarboreal Nu, for the branches were much heavier and more solid than those of the great tree-ferns of his own epoch, and commenced much nearer the ground. The Eternal Savage
  • Which led to the unspoken thought that desire was alluring, and core to our beings, but also deadly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cops on the dots is the national buzzword for this kind of information-driven, rapid-response policing, and it has an alluring certainty about it. American Murder Mystery
  • Becky, working as a governess, resorts to her good looks and alluring personality to move up in society.
  • The heat of the road; the rich dark plums and kirsch leaving a dark and alluring track across the lips.
  • To this end, she mines the unlikely genre of amateur portraiture, not the legacy of the modernist avant-garde, creating idiosyncratic works, as alluring as they are critical.
  • Despite her fine plush mezzo, she's unalluring in this role, with muddy diction and risible franglais. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had the preternatural ability to be alluring and icy at the same time; she could change emotional colors with magnificent yet subtle clarity.
  • The column screens and niches around the room create a mysterious and alluring chiaroscuro effect.
  • The flow of that water - in brooks, streams, rivulets, rivers, and lakes - frames much of what makes Kentucky so lush and alluring.
  • The smell is an alluring combination of cat pee, ammonia, rotting dead animal, dirty socks and the smell you could expect about three or four hours after the church bean supper.
  • Although I am sure that KH does not think that Isis is actually a bimbo, her comment reveals the inner disconnect she has between an alluring woman and an intelligent academic. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Tigers are alluring animals and stories about them always have a magnetic appeal.
  • As the explosion in genetic research continued, the temptation of eugenics grew ever more alluring.
  • The label, and subsequently the brand, became known as Blue Nun, featuring a single, alluring nun in a blue habit.
  • He knows that they must be alluring enough to overwhelm the mind.
  • But to backtrack just a titch, the biggest breakthrough came when Hoboken zipper factories amped up the erotic associations of the zipper, capitalizing on the alluring promise of "a quick and effortless disrobing. Tove Hermanson: The Secret Sexy Life of Zippers
  • Then, thanks to a generous fellow perfumophiliac, I discovered the alluring harmony of ethereal, springy floral and somehow Christmassy, gingerbready accords of Quand Vient La Pluie. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Yes; oh, nothing is more alluring than a levee from a couch in some confusion.
  • Many admire French ambient popsters Air for their ability to twist standard pop motifs and ambient soundscapes into unorthodox but alluring compositions.
  • The most alluring aspects of the books are details: to start with, they have lovely deckel-edge pages and hardcover bindings. Children's lit, part I
  • His horse reared and he rode down into the grassland to stop before this most alluring girl.
  • Salmon marinated with miso mirin and sake leaves an impression as alluring as polished coral.
  • Least alluring was the sabzi kofta, essentially rather solid balls of gram flour, potato and mustard seed only tepid in the middle, served in a vinegary sauce.
  • This is the perfect time of the year to travel to what has to be one of the world's most exotic and alluring islands.
  • Eighty miles, yet they were clear with the clearness that only altitudinous country can bring; alluring, fascinating, beckoning to him until his being rebelled against the comparative slowness of the train, and the minutes passed in a dragging, long-drawn-out sequence that was almost an agony to Robert Fairchild. The Cross-Cut
  • Bafflingly, from the few glimpses we're given of it, this haven appears anything but alluring, with Julia coming across as a self-satisfied nag and prig.
  • Thus more individuals are turning to orthodontics to possess a healthy set of well aligned teeth and an alluring smile.
  • But still she demurred, being a very sane, intelligent girl, with an imagination which produced no more alluring mental picture than a cold and draughty drive, a colder and draughtier and even more depressing inspection of a ruined factory, and such small matters as a lost lunch. Bones in London
  • The world before the flood is fantastic and strange, alluringly unreal.
  • And like a young woman, the idea of a trade union was sexy, alluring and necessary for continuance of the worker state.
  • She had to remember that he was as dangerous as he was alluring.
  • Alex Cockburn gets the last word on a man who shills for privilege, has plenty for himself, and like George Bush disdains the public interest: "Al Gore distills in his single person the disrepair of liberalism in America today, and almost every unalluring feature of the Democratic Party" that's mostly indistinguishable from the other side of the aisle in a city where the criminal class is bipartisan. Nobel Hypocrisy
  • Jane smiled at him with a newly found boldness that he found very alluring.
  • An air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring.
  • It i s mildly repulsive in its crude vulgarity, but strangely and inexplicably alluring.
  • Otherwise however there is an alluring semantic and phonetic link between the two that would postdate the etymology that many Nostraticists provide. Semitic and IE in the Neolithic: How intensive was the language contact?
  • This British duo continues to rock with alluring sensitivity and a plenitude of pop sensibility.
  • This subject is mentioned elsewhere: see chapter on the Arts and Sciences of the Singhalese.] _The use of fruit_ -- Fruits are abundant and wholesome; but with the exception of oranges, pineapples, the luscious mango and the indescribable "rambutan," for want of horticultural attention they are inferior in flavour, and soon cease to be alluring. Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • I used to have this cute little stuffed octopus from the Monterey Aquarium that frightened the bejeezus out of 3/4 of the cats that met it, and was extremely, extremely alluring to the fourth cat. "Only mustard isn't a bird," Alice remarked.
  • Minarets, markets and menus are alluring, but no visit to Istanbul would be complete without its mosques.
  • Brand names are better known if they are advertised with sexy or alluring pictures, and better-known brands sell better.
  • I didn't find the prospect of a house with no electricity very alluring.
  • In fact, it's not hard to sympathize with the fallen devil, or even side with him - his character is more fleshy and alluring than that of the somewhat bland God of the poem.
  • her alluring smile
  • In the past visitors would wander down her hillside beckoned by a view of Mount Hood; now the hedge screens the alluring meadow and guides them to the front door.
  • Praise be to their live bait alluring, their handsome, wraithlike bodies. Heart death
  • The female Snake is particularly alluring. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has the royal rose, the fascinating lily, the alluring ‘mogra’, and a host of other colourful flowers which enchant visitors.
  • The fact that it is also the sveltest laptop yet made-it out-thins both the MacBook Air and HP's Envy, measuring just 1.7 centimetres at its portliest point-is almost a secondary selling point next to its sophisticated and alluring design. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The alluring charm of the FA Cup has always been in its ability to throw up incongruous situations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea of sharing Christmas cheer surrounded by warm sands and crashing surf sounded wonderfully alluring.
  • It was a poor, rickety, unalluring bairn, but it was all that Lady The Claverings
  • My sanguine imagination paints, in alluring colors, the charms of youth and freedom, regulated by virtue and innocence. The Coquette, or, The History of Eliza Wharton: A Novel Founded on Fact
  • Mars has long been considered not only difficult to explore but alluring, given its reputation as the most likely spot in the solar system to harbor extraterrestrials.
  • I stray from the purpose of our trip: birds, which were no less alluring than all the scenes mentioned above, with names such as coucals, laughingthrushes, babblers, and junglefowl.
  • She had disguised herself as an alluring wood nymph to fool the Merlin into teaching her his craft, which he did. THE ANCIENT FUTURE: THE DARK AGE
  • West has built his huge success on an alluring jumble of mixed messages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Globe company needs to experiment with casting actors who are androgynous enough to be sexually alluring to heterosexual men.
  • West has built his huge success on an alluring jumble of mixed messages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vampire is a metaphor for the predatory yet alluring boy, " explains the psychotherapist and sometime spin doctor Derek Draper. "The young girl wants to be chased and she wants to be caught.
  • However, I stray from the purpose of our trip: birds, which were no less alluring than all the scenes mentioned above, with names such as leafbirds, bulbuls, coucals, laughingthrushes, babblers, sunbirds and junglefowl.
  • an alluring prospect
  • He never knew the smell of garlic and pepperoni pizza could be so enticing and alluring.
  • This casual attitude may seem unwise, if not risky - until you realise there is a new and alluring world waiting to be explored. Times, Sunday Times
  • This British duo continues to rock with alluring sensitivity and a plenitude of pop sensibility.
  • The once pretty and alluring attraction of Little Marlow had been lost.
  • Explanation: A satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is an alluring sight in dark southern skies and the constellation Dorado.
  • Other desirable birds utilize bird houses, especially these days when so many old trees with alluring cavities have been demolished.
  • On this spot I saw abundance of plover; and as I walked my horse along at a foot pace, I observed many of the newly hatched young, around which the old birds anxiously hovered, continually resorting to a well-known artifice; and in the hope of alluring an enemy to a false pursuit, limping tenderly away with a flagging wing, as if they were lame.
  • “Quiet so far” the sister said: she was blonde, with beautiful but absolutely unsexual features; as alluring as a marble statue, and as cold. 365 tomorrows » Tiddly-om-pom-pom : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • One widespread corporate tactic is hiring reps who are undeniably alluring and always charming.
  • Someone once said that the prospect of having sex with a duchess is more alluring than the prospect of having sex with a chamber maid. Islam and imagination « Anglican Samizdat
  • His playing is not only passionately alluring but also remarkably fastidious to the slightest detail in the scores.
  • In her two arias, "Come scoglio" and "Per pieta," Martinez displayed pristine high notes and an alluring lower register, while negotiating octave-wide leaps, runs, trills and more with grace. James Conlon Celebrates 60th Birthday With Double Dose Of Mozart At Ravinia
  • The idea of sharing Christmas cheer surrounded by warm sands and crashing surf sounded wonderfully alluring.
  • Teenage make-up should be less about making oneself look alluring and more about having fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was beautiful, alluring, and seductive. Christianity Today
  • West has built his huge success on an alluring jumble of mixed messages. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm looking forward to getting a real taste of this incredibly alluring lifestyle.
  • While Digger men might have found this version of earth-mother femininity alluring from a distance, they would have recoiled from Gaskin's suggestion that "men are supposed to be really chivalrous and ... knightly and help [ 'ladies'] ... to do that. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • There was a wicked grin on his face, and Marla couldn't help the flirtatious and alluring smile she sent back to him.
  • And perhaps, pornography is the perfect analogy — titillating, unrealistic, demeaning, exploitative, a poor substitute for the real thing, but alluring and potentially habit-forming. Waiting for Inglourious Basterds « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • ‘You don't wonder in the least bit,’ he said, intonating words in the phrase to make it more alluring and memorable, ‘if they're discussing Father?’
  • This story tells of a renowned German music professor who falls in love with an alluring Brazilian woman whom he met on Atlantic Avenue in Copacabana.
  • The outfit is complemented by a brightly coloured, alluringly masculine hat.
  • Her voice was thick, but alluring in some indescribable way.
  • Only the alluring alcoholic whiff of freshly made mulled wine can surpass the spicy aroma of mince pies for generating genuine festive cheer.
  • The petals felt as satiny as my aunt's wedding gown, and smelled as alluring as her perfume.
  • She is strange but accepting, and thus alluring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alaska was always smiling with spontaneous gestures, had silken hair, soft, wrinkle free, natural skin that was most alluring.
  • Nobody ever impulse-buys one because of its alluring engine grunt or two-inch mudflaps.
  • What’s funny but yet intriguing and so alluring is that structures help but much more meaningful and important are those intangible things within a city that can be endearing. Aaguasclientes, the city and the state
  • The shimmering jewellery was no match for his come-hither looks, brilliant charm and athletic build amid the alluring chains, enticing pendants and gorgeous necklaces.
  • Bengel makes the adulteress who fills their eyes, to be "alluring desire." that cannot cease -- "that cannot be made to cease from sin." beguiling -- "laying baits for." unstable -- not firmly established in faith and piety. heart -- not only the eyes, which are the channel, but the heart, the fountain head of lust. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • There is something naughtily alluring now about these young women who don't need to spend a second fretting over that scourge of the contemporary female: work/life balance. Stewardesses and Bunnies of Yore
  • This is the perfect time of the year to travel to what has to be one of the world's most exotic and alluring islands.
  • The famous duet was much less alluring and well-balanced than that in the last act, but the scene's close was sensitively managed.
  • A better way of ensuring a domed top is to use either buttermilk, yoghurt or sour milk instead of fresh: all these give a light, tender crumb and an alluring, rounded crown.
  • Pictures of an intolerably alluring British woman with a fabulous body were splashed across newspapers around Britain and the world.
  • Becky, working as a governess, resorts to her good looks and alluring personality to move up in society.
  • There is something magnificently alluring about all of this, and part of me thinks that a movie like this probably works to achieve a certain evangelistic purpose. The Music in Angels and Demons
  • An air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring.
  • We know the alluring seduction of temptation. Christianity Today
  • The temptation to go overboard has been resisted - colour is used selectively and judiciously in a combination of alluring bold shades and sultry rich hues.
  • Lawrence Pietroni has created two uniquely alluring charactersRuby and Isaand spins a story that feels mythical or folkloric, that is driven by a mystery, throbs with tension, and ends in conflagration. Ruby's Spoon: Summary and book reviews of Ruby's Spoon by Anna Lawrence Pietroni.
  • Seductive, alluring Pisceans are the zodiac's enchanting spellbinders.
  • After the museum, they stopped for a brief snack: tuna empanadas, a flat pastry with pine nuts, doughnuts with an odd but alluring flavor of lemon.
  • However, I stray from the purpose of our trip: birds, which were no less alluring than all the scenes mentioned above, with names such as leafbirds, bulbuls, coucals, laughingthrushes, babblers, sunbirds and junglefowl.
  • Drenched pants slipping down his hips, his braid unraveled, he watched Ikeda approach alluringly, thick black lashes lowered beneath Shanza's half-lidded eyes.
  • She had disguised herself as an alluring wood nymph to fool the Merlin into teaching her his craft, which he did. THE ANCIENT FUTURE: THE DARK AGE
  • But they suspect the lucrative scrap value of the metal frames may have proved alluring to thieves.
  • Analogizing love to an inebriant, the heart intimates that it is beginning to recognize the alluring yet potentially dangerous effects of sexual intimacy.
  • Grandma liked to talk as much as grandpa liked to keep silent; and always, to the running accompaniment of her tongue, she kept her hands busied, whether "puttering about" in her house or flower-garden, or crocheting "tidies," or knitting little mittens, or creating the multi-coloured paper-flowers which helped make her house so alluring. Missy
  • In Parts of Humour, too, she had a manner of blending her assuasive Softness even with the Gay, the Lively, and the Alluring. An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume I
  • The vampire is a metaphor for the predatory yet alluring boy, " explains the psychotherapist and sometime spin doctor Derek Draper. "The young girl wants to be chased and she wants to be caught.
  • The portrait was actually taken for The Swan, in which Grace regretfully renounces her sexy tutor (Louis Jourdan) to marry an unalluring crown prince (Alec Guinness). Grace Kelly: Style Icon
  • In the second sestet addressing the alluring features of the night, he finds the night too wonderful and May flowers too sweet to remain inside just mundanely sleeping. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The free goodies that come along are even more alluring and tempt children to go in for more and more.
  • Glamorous studio shots of film actresses Dorothy Dandridge and Lena Horne, for example, make it clear that African-American women were every bit as alluring as their white counterparts.
  • To make beauty in some sense imperishable required a lot of conceptual tinkering and transposing, but the idea was simply too alluring, too potent, to be squandered on the praise of superior embodiments.
  • That night, having effected a cure, the alluring Eva is discovered in delecto flagrante with the young prodigal and promptly repudiated by the elders.
  • They strike poses, flash winning smiles and try to make themselves look as alluring as possible.
  • The simplicity of the typewriter is alluring to writers who may be overwhelmed (or underwhelmed) by increasingly elaborate technology. Boing Boing
  • What once was terrifying or alluring is now just the way of the world. "The courage of the coward— greater than all others."
  • Spoiled was my mother's resolution of the dilemma of raising a child in an environment free from prejudice, yet inculcating him with a resistance to odd and alluring temptations.
  • The cottage was an unalluring, straight brick-built tenement, seeming as though intended to be one of a row which had never progressed beyond Number One. The Last Chronicle of Barset
  • Such entertainments offered alluring images of appealing stars surrounded by an abundance of consumer goods.
  • The prose of Flaubert, the imagery of Baudelaire, the harmonies of Wagner, Scruton points out, have all been accused of immorality, by those who believe that they paint wickedness in alluring colors. Roger Scruton on Beauty
  • Considering the deserved stigma attached to tobacco, it's clear how the novelty and discreetness of smokeless tobacco products might prove alluring to adults and teens. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Chew on This: The Real Dangers of Smokeless Tobacco
  • Even in these economically challenging times, Biltmore retains its power to delight, enticing us back to an aesthetically alluring past whose inegalitarian edges have been sanded smooth by time. King of the Castles
  • The image she projected was designed to be unalluring. Purchased For Revenge
  • Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy
  • They strike poses, flash winning smiles and try to make themselves look as alluring as possible.
  • It is just one long block of text, after all, unbroken by alluring pictures, snappy captions, or eye-grabbing infographics.
  • It's sexy, it's sassy, and it gives just the right amount of va-va-voom padding and lift to create that alluring, come-hither cleavage... too bad it's being marketed to my second-grader. April Daniels Hussar: Push Up Bikinis For 8-Year-Olds Don't Scare Me As Much As Other Parents
  • It's sexy, it's sassy, and it gives just the right amount of va-va-voom padding and lift to create that alluring, come-hither cleavage... too bad it's being marketed to my second-grader. April Daniels Hussar: Push Up Bikinis For 8-Year-Olds Don't Scare Me As Much As Other Parents
  • But as the play moves into the auditorium proper to continue its parallel romance plots, the story gets murky rather than alluring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her work has a graphic kind of dimensionality that is really alluring to my eyeballs. KN | Kitsune Noir » Rebecca Telford
  • That alone made it an alluring county for political consultants to work in.
  • But as the play moves into the auditorium proper to continue its parallel romance plots, the story gets murky rather than alluring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its antihero is first encountered on the frozen wastes, where he encounters an alluring woman. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flow of that water - in brooks, streams, rivulets, rivers, and lakes - frames much of what makes Kentucky so lush and alluring.
  • According to Endi, the choice of gowns is important in enhancing the jewelry to look more alluring.
  • Vancouver is alluring on a grand scale, but it's the detail that ends up seducing you.
  • But then there's the less alluring half. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vices the juvenile reader never heard of, are introduced, dressed up in alluring characters, which excite their admiration, their love, their deepest pity; and then they are told that these heroes and heroines were very naughty, and that in the end they were certain to die despised and neglected. The Mother's Book

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