How To Use Allowable In A Sentence
A recent issue of Gastroenterology reports on animal studies describing a swallowable capsule that can transmit video images as it travels through the small intestine.
There is no factually established minimal toxic level or maximally allowable safe dose for diquat.
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The proposal is far above any allowable development in the area.
If your modified adjusted gross income exceeded the allowable limits, all or some of your contributions could have been non-deductible.
In an honest attempt to fund their retirement accounts, many individuals contribute amounts in excess of the allowable limits.

Discharge of sulfuric acid into Lakeside Lake Park is not allowable under narrative water quality standards.
And since the apostle speaks of the several members as having distinct offices, which implies the mind, it cannot be thought an allowable liberty, instead of the _body_ and _its members_, to substitute the _whole nature_ of _man_, and _all the variety of internal principles which belong to it_.
Human Nature and Other Sermons
A company is not prohibited from incurring unallowable costs, but they cannot be recovered either directly or indirectly under federal government contracts.
The allowable portion is one half of the realized business investment loss.
Here, its application is intended to provide the information necessary to define maximum, allowable levels of mercury in Everglades food webs.
As if to mirror this discovery, Part Two is full of highly polished and accomplished writing, beautiful in ways unallowable in Part One.
A fees officer scrawled "not allowable" next to it.
Higher rate taxpayers should get pension tax relief of 42 per cent on these sums up to the maximum relief allowable.
count me among the fans of the series. i was apprehensive about giamatti too. but, so far, he's doing well. same for laura linney. and the history is spot on. the only identifiable device i've seen is that they are playing some of the letters between abigail and john as conversations. truth of the matter is that they were apart for years at a time. it's a very allowable artistic liberty.
Travelling ...
Now, of these four modes of misleading others by the tongue, when there is a _justa causa_ (supposing there can be such) -- a material lie, that is an untruth which is not a lie, an equivocation, an evasion, and silence, -- First, I have no difficulty whatever in recognizing as allowable the method of _silence_.
Apologia pro Vita Sua
Approximately 3,000-3,500 cabs are replaced every year as they reach their maximum allowable age - three years for fleet-owned taxis, five years for owner-driver cabs, and six-to-seven years for hybrids.
Greener taxis coming to New York City
Financial support, and changes in USDE guidelines in allowable expenses, could also be extremely important in minimizing student attrition.
Beyond a certain allowable percentage of unemployment, you cannot go without risking revolution of one sort or another.
Postwar Toronto
Desperate attempts have been made to prove the innocence of fun, and the allowableness of wit and humor.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 2, No. 14, December 1858
This type of charge is unallowable as a direct cost because the volume of binders is not substantial nor was it demonstrated that the binders are essential.
In other words, only quiet demonstrations of picnic proportions would be allowable.
Dr. Annette Smith and colleagues at the University College London have successfully tested in humans a small swallowable gut camera that can be steered around in the gut.
The standard rating cycle for the lift generation system needs to generate at approximately 25% above maximum allowable loaded take off weights.
I think a drone strike might be allowable if we were taking out a nuke that al-Qaeda might transport, w/collateral damage to (say) a U.S. citizen in league with them; but really, one nuke is not an existential threat.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Harold Koh’s Defense of Drones Also the Defense of Targeting a US Citizen?
They're made of the thinnest cardboard allowable by law, and they always collected pools of unwanted dye at the bottom, and you'd always gets drippy, crappy eggs by the time they dried - that is, if the whole thing didn't collapse and tump all your precious masterpieces to the floor.
History abhors a vacuum
The standard rating cycle for the lift generation system needs to generate at approximately 25% above maximum allowable loaded take off weights.
Finally, the book suffers from an unfortunate number of errors which exceed the allowable limit for typographical gaffes.
That is why there was to be no freeze at the beginning, either for prices or for incomes; that is why there was some flexibility in allowable wage increases, for example to protect "historical relationships"; that is why recognition is given to the importance of investments.
Canada and the Anti-Inflation ProgramOne Year Later
Instead, the crowds are roped off into sections, and each section is populated by an allowable number of people.
Any type of target archery arrow is allowed up to the maximum allowable size of 9mm diameter.
Target costing is a process of determining a maximum allowable cost for a product by subtracting a desired profit from the product's market price.
Examine the arguments brought against the allowableness of Christians going to law.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
predicative" propositional functions of the lowest type, would have or lack "third truth" depending on whether its allowable substitution instances have second (or lower) truth.
Russell's Logical Atomism
The company has 5,000 of other business expenses, all allowable for Corporation Tax purposes.
The surplus for each property is calculated by deducting from the gross rent receivable the following allowable deductions.
Deductions are allowable for the cost of laundering and dry cleaning of uniforms and protective clothing.
A number of the deepwater species on the existing list, ling, argentines and Greenland halibut have been transferred to the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) and quotas regulation.
In follow-up audits of selected hospitals and clinics in the 10-state area, OIG found rates of unallowable claims ranging up to 100%.
A meerschaum or a wooden pipe is then allowable, but never a clay or a dudeen.
The Complete Bachelor Manners for Men
Allowable deductions include such things as insurance, cleaning, repairs and general maintenance costs.
Now let us take the other question, -- which may indeed be called a question as to the allowableness of resting confidently in truth already gained, without consenting to examine the claims of something asserting itself to be a new truth, yet which seems to interfere with the old.
The Christian Life Its Course, Its Hindrances, And Its Helps
The words of income tax legislation suggest a calculative regime that was well defined and precise, in which allowable deductions were carefully, and sparingly, specified.
OverDrive throttles the core clock speed to get maximum performance while staying under a maximum allowable temperature.
They detail a number of tactics that the Justice Department believed were allowable.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar on Thursday scrapped a plan, authorized in the last days of the Bush administration, to nearly quadruple the allowable logging on federal lands in western Oregon - including many prized old-growth stands - and open up protected northern spotted owl habitat across Oregon, Washington and Northern California to timber companies.
The report uses provincial government records to examine the number of grizzly bears that were killed by humans between 2004 and 2008 and compares them with the province's own limits for what it calls the allowable human-caused mortality rate.
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Individual fisherman are allocated quotas that entitle them to portions of the authorized total allowable catch.
The annual subscription is, incidentally, an allowable expense and can be paid by instalment if necessary.
In determining total allowable catches this formulation has proved notoriously open to over-optimistic assessments by the members of high seas fisheries commissions.
The cost of these items are a private expense and thus not an allowable deduction.
Individual fisherman are allocated quotas that entitle them to portions of the authorized total allowable catch.
Members should be aware that all expenditure incurred in deriving exempt income will not be an allowable deduction.
What is the maximum allowable number of users on the network?
And though he was keeping his spending to a minimum, a newspaper was an allowable expense.
(if that term be allowable), and the cradle of what is commonly known as the bailer shell (CYMBIUM AETHIOPICUM) the
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
This Scheme introduced a mechanism to limit the total allowable commercial catch of salmon.
Rent and repairs qualify as partially allowable itemized tax deductions if you have a home office.
Allowable values can be preset to a valid range or to specific values as desired.
According to the Costs Grid, an hourly rate of up to $400 is allowable for costs on a substantial indemnity scale.
It is a question of the allowableness of using violence against one who has used none against me.
The Science of Right
The total annual allowable catch of perlemoen, also known as abalone, has dropped rapidly over the years to the current 100 tons.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Mortgage interest will be allowable against rental income and VAT is recoverable.
Pleasantry is allowable, not waggery. Besides, even laughter must be kept in check.
‘Right now we're developing these chips for brain stimulators, bladder control devices, and even a swallowable camera,’ notes Pelletier.
Bank fees, Government duties tax or Debits Tax charged on amounts withdrawn from accounts, where these amounts are used for purposes for which a work-related deduction is allowable.
It may also be worth keeping the policy assigned to your mortgage as it might be allowable as a deductible expense against the property's rental income.
This is especially the case in those countries in Europe, particularly on the Continent, where the idea above referred to, of the allowableness of falsehood in certain cases as a means for the attainment of a good end, is generally entertained.
Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young Or, the Principles on Which a Firm Parental Authority May Be Established and Maintained, Without Violence or Anger, and the Right Development of the Moral and Mental Capacities Be Promoted by Met
The result is that the specification discloses additional matter, and the amendment is unallowable.
I would inspect each individual unit to ensure it was within the allowable dimensional tolerances, using a tape measure, and the surface finish by visual inspection.
Worse, the nuclear reactor installation was done poorly, exposing the engine crew to five times the allowable annual dose of radiation.
This is, therefore, an absolutely necessary need and justifies its presupposition not merely as an allowable hypothesis but as a practical postulate.
Yet it is precisely the objection of the Orthodox to certain distinctively Catholics dogmas, such as the Immaculate Conception, that they purport to make what are only allowable theologoumena into dogmas.
The latest development in the development discussion
In Russia, the number of cities with concentrations of benzo (a) pyrene over maximum allowable concentration has increased in the last five years, reaching 47 per cent in 2004.
Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 6
But if anything, people seemed to appreciate us putting the text in a more swallowable form.
In this gynocentric world, signs of misogyny are watched for closely, and acts of misogyny are now morally and legally unallowable.
In this case, the allowable value range for contract prices is an empty set.
I do agree with raising the age allowable to purchase an air weapon and with some revision on the supervision laws.
By contrast, the retributive theory places strict limits on the allowable punishment.
Rather than limiting the hours in which mechanical or instrumental noises for purposes of advertising on the street were allowable, the new rules banned them outright.
A total of 20 per cent of this is now allowable in Ireland, but tax rebates are, unfortunately, not a feature of double taxation treaties.
The allowable rate for claims changes from year to year so check with your accountant or refer to Tax Pack 2000.
This may require segregating the grain for allowable uses.
Twenty pages on Bishop Myriel -- that rather piebald angel who makes the way impossible for any successor by his fantastic and indecent "apostolicism" in living; who tells, _not_ like St. Athanasius, an allowable equivocation to save his valuable self, but a downright lie to save a worthless rascal; and who admits defeat in argument by the stale sophisms of a moribund _conventionnel_ -- might have been tolerable.
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
In some cases, contractors and city officials disagree over definitions of what's allowable, and there is concern about possible overinflated costs.
The key to the water resources plan for the Condamine-Balonne is a 10 per cent reduction in allowable water harvesting during environmentally important flows.
There is no charge to participate, and ESPA will provide hotel accommodations and reimbursement for other allowable travel expenses.
This year the two companies will fish their given quotas out of the 195 000 total allowable catch.
However, such marriage was opposed by Fahai, a Buddhist monk in Jinshan Temple, who maintained that coexistence of human and evil spirit was unallowable.
An angular interval between prescribed two of the at least three identification elements indicates a maximum allowable rotational speed of the rotor.
Washing machines with the Energy Star designation are 50 percent more energy efficient than the current minimal allowable standard.
This work stirred up another ground for controversy about the allowable solutions.
I never heard a shoeblack called a boot-finisher before, but I think the euphemism was allowable in a young lady who wishes to exalt the commercial status of her intended.
The heder was the only beginning allowable for a boy in Polotzk, and to heder Joseph must go.
The Promised Land
The thrust of the turbo-jet engine was limited at high Mach numbers by the allowable turbine inlet temperature.
The baler density setting should be set to its maximum allowable position.
They call her every name allowable on the ticker in the book,, and state over and over they are tired of the nonending coverage of her.
Palin's PAC steps up contributions to GOP candidates
It is the spawn case or the receptacle of the ova (if that term be allowable), and the cradle of what is commonly known as the bailer shell (CYMBIUM AETHIOPICUM) the
Confessions of a Beachcomber
Adoption of higher voltage class makes more rigor request for allowable value of switching overvoltage of the transmission lines.
Carry back is also useful for people seeking to boost their pension who will contribute the maximum amount allowable in one tax year.
For cells, this flow rate is further limited by the maximum allowable shear stress on the cells.
The fixed costs, variable costs, the interest expense and depreciation are allowable deductions.
The third argument against the allowableness of Christians going to law, is that strict command that lies upon them to forgive injuries, and consequently not to prosecute them in courts of judicature, forasmuch as these two seem utterly inconsistent.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
He said the Government had offered them the maximum rates allowable.
The line between allowable combat support roles and unallowable military combat roles is also an important issue.
Though it is of course conceded that the ascidium of _Nepenthes_ has many secondary devices which are lacking in _Croton_, it seems hardly allowable to deny the possibility of an analogous origin for both.
Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
When my remaining blood was able to flow freely once more, they drained it out of my body, along with as much water as possible, and substituted it with glycerol, which Chip described to me as a cryoprotective agent — antifreeze, if you will, although much more benign than the stuff I used to put in my car — and they cut a tiny hole in my skull so they could watch my brain and make sure that it didn't shrink or swell past certain allowable parameters.
A King of Infinite Space
The maximum allowable dosage is two tablets a day.
The legislation included a prohibition of the sale of peasant land to non-peasants, and a maximum allowable landholding: it was not intended to create a few big peasant landowners.
If property in excess of the amount allowable under these regulations is shipped on a Government bill of lading or purchase order, the employee shall immediately upon completion of the shipment pay to the proper officer of the department or establishment an amount equal to the charge for the transportation of such excess computed from the total charges according to the ratio of excess weight to the total weight of the shipment.
At its center is the unallowable lovemaking of a middle-class woman, Ammu, and an untouchable, Velutha, two fine people destroyed in ugly fashion (others are swept in too) when their affair is discovered.
Soon also would it terminate many practical questions concerning the allowableness of certain compliances; questions which, with other similar difficulties, are often only the cold offspring of a spirit of reluctant submission, and cannot stand the encounter of this trying principle.
A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity.
deductible losses on sales or exchanges of property are allowable
These tight restrictions on allowable moves, players say, make checkers in many respects more difficult than chess.
The type of market stalls allowable will include, any wheeled or movable stall or box, barrow or cart.
Some one think: Will not be. Every kind of allowable occupation is equality and noble-minded which it's most honor to learn money by our sweat, Nothing to mind and never be self-contemptuous.
The effect is to spread the allowable trampoline effect over a greater area than just the middle of the clubface, to help balls hit off-center go farther.
Drive the Ball Like It
The first € 1,270 of net gains - gains after allowable prior year and current year capital losses - by an individual in a tax year are exempt.
To the commercial angler the 20 salmon per season as a total allowable catch is a farce as there is a ready market for their untagged fish.
Nearby March futures rose 20 cents a bushel, which is the exchange-imposed daily allowable trading limit, settling at $4.95.
Grains Rally, Gold Ends Near $900
It is allowable here to state, however, that not one of the symptoms laid down by authorities as characteristic of strychnia poisoning was present in the attack of the
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873
In the case where these items are member - owned, a deduction is allowable for the rental cost to the extent of the work related use.
Mortgage interest will be allowable against rental income and VAT is recoverable.
The federal share of the unallowable pre-award costs was $1312099.
Furthermore, no offset of personal allowances or tax credits will be allowable against tax arising at this low rate.
Companies could select among the various allowable depreciation methods and depreciate an asset over its ADR-expected life.
Capital punishment is allowable only under exceptional circumstances.
The former Hazardous Waste Inspectorate operated a large database on all sites, with details of permitted wastes, including allowable quantities.
The cost of gluten-free food for coeliac patients is allowable.
Larger prey is first drowned and then broken up into swallowable chunks.
In the top left hand corner of the motherboard, there is the memory voltage jumper - this controls the maximum allowable memory voltage.
The cost of treatment in respect of infertility is allowable but not routine maternity care resulting from a pregnancy.
Advertising costs and the legal cost of drawing up rental leases are also allowable as deductions.
I CANNOT think myself engaged from these words to discourse of lots, as to their nature, use, and allowableness; and that not only in matters of moment and business, but also of recreation; which latter is indeed impugned by some, though better defended by others; but I shall fix only upon the design of the words, which seems to be a declaration of a divine perfection by a signal instance; a proof of the exactness and universality of God's providence from its influence upon a thing, of all others, the most casual and fortuitous, such as is the casting of lots.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
The annual subscription is, incidentally, an allowable expense and can be paid by instalment if necessary.
We may take these two petitions as tests of the allowableness of any occupation, or of any relaxation.
Expositions of Holy Scripture
Out of that emerges a hierarchy of allowable and unallowable crimes.
I cannot think of any thing else in scripture that seems to cast any probability of favour upon this opinion: and therefore looking upon the proof of it as desperate upon this account, I proceed to the second thing; which is to shew what may be argued for the allowableness of
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
On the surface, using a cost-type contract may appear to be the wrong type because it essentially results in the payment of all allowable and allocable costs.
So long as they kept from swearing by the name Jehovah, and so long as they observed the oaths publicly taken, they seemed to consider all others as allowable, and allowedly broken.
Barnes New Testament Notes
They claimed on the maximum allowable amount
Generally, no tax deduction is allowable in the case of travel between home and work.
This is achieved by choosing a material with a large elastic modulus, a low density and a large value of the maximum allowable strain before permanent deformation occurs.
Some may say that it is not part of this bill as it has already been gazetted to enter the quota management system, and the Minister has already allocated the total allowable catch and the total allowable commercial catch for it.
Result shows that parameters are controlled in allowable range, such as shield posture, oil pressure of shield jacks, displacement of down link, settlement of municipal pipelines and so on.
Allowable equipment is usually limited to a compass, chart and tachometer.
But in the second place, admitting that the apostle's design here is to discountenance this practice, not only as weak and illaudable, but also as sinful and disallowable; yet I affirm, that he accounted it not sinful from the very nature of the action, but only the irregularity of the circumstance; that they went to law upon every slight occasion, before unbelievers, in verse 1.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
While allowable under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, "these practices were obfuscating the real performance of companies and misleading millions of unsuspecting investors."
“He will be chastened for the maximum term allowable under law if he comes before this court again in connection with the matter in hand,” she said.
The Unquiet
What is the maximum allowable number of users on the network?
As if to mirror this discovery, Part Two is full of highly polished and accomplished writing, beautiful in ways unallowable in Part One.
And though he was keeping his spending to a minimum, a newspaper was an allowable expense.
But if he repels the violence in a moderate way, it will be a lawful defence: for according to the Civil and Canon Laws it is allowable _to repel force by force with the moderation of a blameless defence_.
Moral Philosophy
John would know exactly the parameters on what would be allowable.
Jordan Gallagher's sentence was the minimum prison term allowable under the circumstances. - News
At 100 decibels, the level produced by a chain saw or pneumatic drill, the allowable exposure is three hours.
What is the maximum allowable number of users on the network?
On what is called the Jesuitical doctrine of Pious Frauds, it was voted that they are wrong, although on the similar question whether it is ever allowable to tell lies the members agreed with military men, statesmen and others that occasion may arise to justify them.
History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
I'd been sniped. Someone, or rather their automated bidding software, had swooped in, in the last few seconds, and scooped the Zenith for only the least allowable increment over my bid.
Allowable reductions of live load in accordance with applicable building code provisions should be applied during the preliminary design phase.
Companies could select among the various allowable depreciation methods and depreciate an asset over its ADR-expected life.
The aim is to reduce the pattern level ambiguity until only allowable words remain.
Capital punishment is allowable only under exceptional circumstances.
But for all employees the maximum pension allowable is two-thirds of "final" salary.
Whey protein has a score of 1.0, the maximum allowable value.
It is our hope that Mexico will pursue his prosecution zealously and that once convicted, Bruce Beresford-Redman will be sentenced to the maximum term allowable by Mexican law. Top headlines
But given that this is the major reason why dress is important, we can expect and predict much variation in what will be defined as allowable dress.
Behavior in Public Places
In effect, under an allowable election, taxpayers can "frontload" five years of annual exclusion gifts to these kinds of plans in one year.
Michelle Malkin