
How To Use Allow in In A Sentence

  • He dug the blade deep into the shallow indent that had been made and flung the dirt into a pile to his left.
  • Despite going to sea on a boat with no windows, no fantail, no helipad or even a hatch to allow in some tension-breaking fresh salt air, submariners are still sailors at heart.
  • Demonstrations of guided missiles, of a patient taking what looks like a Barium swallow in front of a fluoroscope, and the father taking home movies of his child with a video camera and playing them back on his TV all give us pause to remember that whatever good or not-so-good aspects of our present-day lives, we stand on the shoulders of people who were true visionaries more than 50 years ago. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It's been a good week for those who like to wallow in nostalgia for the 1980s. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even so, they wallow in the lifelessness of the mood of despair and they make no effort to step out of their lethargy.
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  • We also need to allow individuals and groups to determine their own identities free of bureaucratic classifications.
  • If you allow insurance companies to get by unchallenged from a public plan, they will play nice until health care isn't the hot button issue any more. Emanuel faces liberal pressure over 'trigger' comments
  • Authority is there to counteract the piggy part of the self, the part that wants nothing more than to wallow in muck, doing nothing, staying stubbornly inert and apathetic. An Education « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Yet now is not the moment to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he will not wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet now is not the moment to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • And at two places sharp-tongued women would not allow him to enter, frankly stating that icemen were too dirty creatures to allow inside the door of a respectable house; the women received their ten-cent cubes in pans and slammed the door in his face. The Landloper
  • R. did not so much wallow in self-pity as luxuriate in a whimpering, orchestrated, self-flagellating symphony of slights, woes, and despairs.
  • Complex ERP systems make the invoice matching process more reliable and allow invoice approval tracking, so the accounts payable department can check the status of supplier invoices.
  • For the space of a couple hundred pages, or a movie reel or two, you can wallow in guiltlessness.
  • Our minister of justice is getting paid very well, I'm sure, for being assigned this position, but in the meantime he can heartlessly look the other way, and allow innocent people's lives to be destroyed.
  • Guests can wallow in scented baths, sweat it out in steam rooms and sip herbal teas in front of the fire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even in hydrostatics he soon leaves the narrow way of pure physics to wallow in the mire of stowage of cargo, metacentres and their uses, water flow, and its application to water supply and such like vulgarities.
  • I've seen that dubbin boiling on the beach; there's tallow in it, and tar and resin as well. Wanderers
  • It is just important now that we do not sulk or wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • They wallow in the coolness of mud up to their necks in estuarial water.
  • So, go ahead and wallow in what little meaness you can derive from the superlative performance of this administration. Poll: Obama approval rating dips under 60 percent
  • For one, inventory accumulation is expected to contribute nearly a percentage point to the headline figure, which can only provide a short-term boost unless consumers increase spending enough to allow inventories to be drawn down. Stocks Needn't Slow as GDP Muddles Along
  • The government intends these measures to allow institutions to diversify, specialise and raise their own funds.
  • But even those few cafes at street level wallow in an atmosphere of brumal gloom so dense that, even at midday, you have to peer at the menu to make it out.
  • She was not one to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is to allow inflation to eat away at the real value of borrowings. Times, Sunday Times
  • She would not have wanted us to wallow in grief. The Sun
  • Now they could wallow in self-righteous indignation. THE GUARDSMEN
  • My plood vas chilling now so I ain't aple to svallow in my troat alretty. Ted Strong in Montana With Lariat and Spur
  • Only the old wallow in sentimental regret. Times, Sunday Times
  • She would not have wanted us to wallow in grief. The Sun
  • These are schemes operated by companies that allow investors to re-invest their cash dividends in shares.
  • That would be a glorious wallow in nostalgia. The Sun
  • A ten minute wallow in a facial mud pack was followed by lift-off and, hey presto, I had the visage of a smiling, contented unwrinkled baby.
  • But this is not a self-indulgent wallow in grief. Times, Sunday Times
  • Discriminating the various objects within the world requires a system of labelling that can allow independent manipulation of those objects.
  • Extensions for the standard and jumbo boxes are available in several heights, including a 6-inch standard box for shallow installations.
  • I could wallow in sadness and destroy my body through bad food and overeating, or treat our separation as an opportunity for a new beginning. The Sun
  • Granada Plus is giving us the chance to wallow in nostalgia by rerunning the series each weeknight.
  • But this is not a self-indulgent wallow in grief. Times, Sunday Times
  • And last year the government reduced the quota of Bangladeshi workers it would allow into the country by 25 per cent.
  • No news was given of any plans to allow independent verification. Times, Sunday Times
  • I opened by saying we could not wallow in nostalgia. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • wallow in your sorrows
  • A second polio vaccine—this one in the form of liquid drops that children swallow instead of an injection in the arm— was invented by Dr. Albert Sabin and licensed in 1963.
  • Propelled by the contractions that a swallow induces in the pharyngeal musculature, each bolus moves rapidly through the pharynx and the upper esophageal sphincter into the esophagus.
  • But the sentiment we have obeyed is too sincere to allow indifference to obtain entrance into our minds, or to prevent us from being painfully affected by the continuance of the conflict. France and America
  • Thor, your whole "I'm too erudite to wallow in the sty of mediocrity with the rest of you pigs because I read * serious* books in third grade" schtick is seriously underwhelming me here. Little Kids Can Write Books Better Than You
  • Lingulids are shallow burrowing infaunal filter feeders of the shallow intertidal zone.
  • New legislation may allow inner London boroughs to take over education, perhaps on a piecemeal basis.
  • The message spoken in this election reflects a nation less concerned with morality and compassion than past generations, and far more content to wallow in its bigotry and jingoism.
  • In addition to offering a safe haven for initial investments, principal-protected annuities may also allow investors to lock in their gains.
  • Trade agreements always involve painful compromises, which are difficult for politicians to swallow in a climate of hostility.
  • What this unwholesome alliance produced at the Javits Center was an unrestrained wallow in sentimentality and anti-development attitudes.
  • Information can be automatically kept up to date, and will allow individuals to co-operate on projects instead of beavering away in isolation.
  • Bivalves first appeared during the early Cambrian as part of a shallow infauna.
  • They allow investors to pool their money and buy property together while deferring capital-gains taxes on previous investments.
  • She would not have wanted us to wallow in grief. The Sun
  • You should go for depth of interest rather than a large range of shallow interests. How to Face Interviews
  • Dividend reinvestment plans, or DRIPs, allow investors to build investment portfolios by reinvesting dividends into more shares.
  • The four executive orders Obama signed on Thursday, the second day of his presidency, begin the process of closing the Guantanamo Bay prison, require the CIA to comply with the Army Field Manual on Interrogations, close the CIA secret prisons known as "black sites" and allow International Committee of the Red Cross access to ensure that all U. S.-held detainees are being held in compliance with the Geneva Conventions. JTA - Recent News
  • They wallow in those fordid Lusts which they enjoy in common with the Beasts that perish, and despise the Dignity and Blessedness of the Angels of Light. Heaven the residence of the saints
  • He loves to wallow in a hot bath after a game.
  • It retains the split tail to allow independent movement of the two halves of the wide saddle platform as the legs swing up and down.
  • Zebra sharks are primarily bottom dwellers that live in warm shallow inland waters, of continental and island shelves.
  • Senator Feinstein has proposed a "noncontroversial" amendment that would allow Internet Service Providers to inspect its subscribers' Internet connections to filter out copyright infringement, under the guise of "network management. Archive 2009-02-08
  • The doors will be wedged open to allow in freezing winter air.
  • I mean, jeez, if I'm going to wallow in obvious hipsterism, I want it to at least be fun and well-executed, not ironically arch, foppish and bloodless.
  • It really was a wonderful experience to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The athletic spring that had once been in my step had slid disgracefully into a slothful waddle and I was metamorphosing into a thirty-something marshmallow instead.
  • We therefore call upon all troublesome nurses to quit being callow in our hospitals, carry the cross and emulate Nightingale, the mother of nursing.
  • If people wish to wallow in a cesspool of moral depravity, then they can visit a theatre and ogle the kind of actors that perform such plays.
  • These allow investors to pool money to profit from film distribution rights. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you’ve ever heard Bill Maher speak on the subject of religion, you know my views. hopefully you agree with him. but you can always help yourself. just dont lay there in wallow in your pity and the need for sympathy from others. Think Progress » Former GOP Congressman J.C. Watts: ‘Social programs’ are the ‘new slavery.’
  • This is a perfectly placed hotel in which to wallow in cool style and luxury.
  • I'm sorry that the training place I'm at doesn't allow internet access in the classrooms, which precluded me from actually taking part.
  • A tender after-glow impurpled all the heaven like a remembered passion, and bathed field and fallow in its bloom. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 84, October, 1864
  • wallow in your success!
  • Upon capture, each male received a unique set of two colored plastic bands to allow individual identification during dominance trials.
  • Dividend reinvestment plans, or DRIPs, allow investors to build investment portfolios by reinvesting dividends into more shares.
  • These are the kind of observations that we are expected to swallow in a story which seeks to successfully bind a sophisticated narrator together with a dreamy young boy.
  • The third possible explanation for the shallow inclination of the high temperature component of magnetization is that the dykes were rotated about horizontal axes after magnetization.
  • Leaders of our medical organisations should not allow informed consent to interfere with clinical management of infectious disease or seriously ill patients.
  • The leaf pores, also called stomata, open to allow in carbon dioxide, which plants need for photosynthesis.
  • Life habit categories included epifaunal, infaunal, shallow infaunal, and deep infaunal.
  • I even tried to cry thinking that a nice wallow in self-pity would do me good.
  • Not wanting to wallow in the dead-end mud of emo, the boys have decided to evolve their sound.
  • She would not allow herself to wallow in the misery that had been threatening to engulf her since his death.
  • Accordingly, saving is self-defeating, as a loss in income will disallow individuals to save over the long-run.
  • This is a cautionary tale about what happens when you allow innuendo to sully your life.
  • There wasn't time to wallow in tears though, because there were practicalities to deal with. Times, Sunday Times
  • The anima imprints the persona. As such, over time, examination of the persona may allow insight into the anima.
  • Only the old wallow in sentimental regret. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keep window blinds and shades closed during hot weather to conserve energy, and open on sunny days during cold months to allow in solar heat.
  • Wallow in luxury
  • But he will not wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light.
  • The demerger is intended to unlock shareholder value and allow increased focus on the development of its two diverging areas of core expertise.
  • Much of his current research program focuses on strategies to reduce or eliminate the use of summer fallow in dryland crop rotations in the Nebraska Panhandle.
  • For me, Russian music is still a fabulous luxury: rich, exciting, sensuous, something to wallow in.
  • These allow investors to hedge against inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • But certainly in the first half City, as is their wont, refused to wallow in self-pity and played like a side determined to make light of any inconveniences.
  • The back of the bottle is left uncovered to allow inspection of the inserted tube.
  • His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.
  • During the 1970s, additional, ugly concrete stairwells were added to the sides of buildings, to allow individual access to the upper floors.
  • Because we stand to lose more than we could gain from unbridled pleonexia we have entered into a compact neither to do nor to allow injustice.
  • He loves to wallow in a hot bath after a game.
  • We don't normally allow in people under 18, but I suppose we could stretch the rules for you as it's your birthday tomorrow.
  • But he almost never treats it at face value, preferring to allow interpretive openings into this method of interpretation.
  • After hatching, the juveniles prefer shallow inshore waters as their nursery until they are big enough to brave the open ocean.
  • This would allow investors to factor out inflation before calculating how much money they made on the sale of a particular asset.
  • Thor, your whole "I'm too erudite to wallow in the sty of mediocrity with the rest of you pigs because I read * serious* books in third grade" schtick is seriously underwhelming me here. Little Kids Can Write Books Better Than You
  • I didn't want to wallow in self-pity or martyr myself on stage.
  • CFDs allow investors to own shares at a percentage of the actual cost of ownership, but do not necessarily signify for voting purposes.
  • Information can be automatically kept up to date, and will allow individuals to co-operate on projects instead of beavering away in isolation.
  • The officials said that if the plum rains bring disappointing rainfalls in the south, leaving farmland fallow in the summer would be the only way to prevent drought conditions.
  • Yet there was a valid point in its criticism of ‘the mawkish sentimentality of a society that has become hooked on grief and likes to wallow in a sense of vicarious victimhood’.
  • She was not one to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pluralists are happy to wallow in a cozy vagueness.
  • Adoption is common, but reproductive technologies that allow infertile couples and gay couples to reproduce are highly valued.
  • Trading sites allow investors to set a 'stop-loss', an order to sell an investment when it reaches a certain price. Times, Sunday Times
  • I opened by saying we could not wallow in nostalgia. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • The decision to allow infant baptism is described as portentous: a dramatic sign which foreshadows something. The problem of infant baptism
  • Too deep or too shallow invasion may lead to a pathologic pregnancy.
  • -- Russian tallow in saucers, oil of birch, flowers of sulphur, hellebore, pepper, tobacco, are said to be "bogies," the last especially, to the Dermestes beetles and their cousin, Anthrenus museorum. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light.
  • My worms like to wallow in mud and removing the finished compost always ends up as a balancing act of trying to get some compost in my bucket whilst leaving some worms in the wormery.
  • Many readers will turn there first to see Clinton wallow in his guilt only to then become re-energised by his battles with his conservative opponents.
  • This would allow individual Anglicans a corralled space within Catholicism where they could continue to follow some Anglican traditions. Church of England parish sings battle hymns as it plans move to Rome
  • They have refused to allow international inspection of their nuclear facilities.
  • These allow investors to pool money to profit from film distribution rights. Times, Sunday Times
  • British rock has always been superb for a good wallow in self-pity, but constant whining eventually loses its charm.
  • That would be a glorious wallow in nostalgia. The Sun
  • Like the sparrow in its flitting, like the swallow in its flight, a curse uncalled-for arrives nowhere.
  • Here he finds the familiar silhouette of the swallow in flight in a simple bit of sailor's hardware; the swallow's name in Greek is inscribed on the anchor's shank.
  • This belief and teachings (which by the way is referenced somehow to Hilter by the Family's leader), 'allows' them to wallow in narcissism and self righteousness. Poll: Only 3 in 10 have favorable opinion of Ensign
  • Life habit categories included epifaunal, infaunal, shallow infaunal, and deep infaunal.
  • It may be more cost-effective to introduce a federated programme, ensuring common standards to allow interoperability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would it not have been better to allow internal reform, political evolution, and moral suasion combined with unfettered commerce to work change?
  • It is just important now that we do not sulk or wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The programmes gave us a chance to question accepted truths, while allowing us to wallow in a bit of nostalgia.
  • That bank responsible for sponsoring a social programme does not wallow in self - glory.
  • There wasn't time to wallow in tears though, because there were practicalities to deal with. Times, Sunday Times
  • At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light.
  • If you haven't enough energy left, wallow in a jacuzzi, sauna or steam bath instead.
  • Multi-component catalytic systems using aryl titanates allow increased versatility in applications such as liquid molding.
  • You should go for depth of interest rather than a large range of shallow interests. How to Face Interviews
  • Too much of this ballast, and the ship will wallow in the river, endangering the crew and more importantly the cargo if the ship were to capsize.
  • It was horrible, no doubt, but I didn't wallow in bitterness, blame or victimhood. Kelly Valen: An Invitation to True Sisterhood
  • As the sun breaks behind the bush into a crystal clear sky, a few wild water buffalo - leftover imports from more than a century ago - wallow in the sloughs on either side of the road.
  • Most infomercials wallow in TV's worst attributes.
  • They have refused to allow international inspection of their nuclear facilities.
  • North Korea has told a visiting American politician that it would allow international inspectors to visit a newly unveiled uranium-enrichment facility and announced Monday that it would not "retaliate" against South Korea for conducting military exercises - gestures that seemed intended to calm tensions on the Korean Peninsula, at least for the time being. North Korea makes some gestures toward calm
  • [6], preinfection of the worms requires not only additional time to allow ingestion and subsequent colonization of the nematode intestinal tract, but also additional resources such as premade plates with lawns of PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It is an inescapable fact that we would need to allow into Montserrat people who weren't born here.
  • Even in hydrostatics he soon leaves the narrow way of pure physics to wallow in the mire of stowage of cargo, metacentres and their uses, water flow, and its application to water supply and such like vulgarities.
  • The material in this outstanding book lay fallow in 25 footlockers at the Army War College and was not discovered until 1957.
  • Shallow intraspecific gene genealogies characterize many marine fishes although sister taxa often show considerable genetic divergence.
  • I welcome words such as chav or scally if it makes it more comfortable to talk about some of the people who wallow in litter-strewn estates who have too long been defended by people who don't have to live near them. Care homes: Take responsibility for visiting family or friends | Letters
  • We nodded, opened the door and ran outside under the pine trees, eager to wallow in our laughter.
  • You might also damage skin and allow infection to enter if you put objects such as cotton buds or pencils in your ear to try to get rid of earwax.
  • We respect Mexico as an important neighbor and trading partner, and we feel that the increased use of the secret ballow in union recognition elections will help bring real democracy to the Mexican workplace. Texas Rainmaker
  • Omaye," "honorably in front," is used both condescendingly and honorifically; "you whom I condescend to allow in my presence," and "you who confer on me the honor of entering your presence. Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic
  • Yet now is not the moment to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he will not wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Egypt does not allow international observers to monitor its elections.
  • One strategy authorities are pursuing to strengthen Chinese bourses is to allow in foreign investors.
  • For what is normal is to wallow in the mud of individuality, egocentrism and personalism. Dreamseller: The Calling
  • Through much of the eighteenth century, muntins, the thin bars that divide panes of glass in a window sash, were relatively shallow in proportion to their depth.
  • Melvin Jules Bukiet claims similarly that it is "not that a reader necessarily seeks a lesson, but fiction and nonfiction ought to approach the subject as more than an opportunity to wallow in the worst humankind has to offer," and these two comments most explicity reveal the incomprehension with which so many American reviewers of The Kindly Ones reacted to the narrative constructed by its protagonist. Furies
  • But this is not a self-indulgent wallow in grief. Times, Sunday Times
  • Links with other departments allow interdisciplinary support and supervision where nursing interests extend across disciplines.
  • It really was a wonderful experience to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The taller one was braver, cheekier; the other seemed content to wallow in his own skinny beauty. The Empty Family
  • The utilities are required to allow independent power producers to interconnect with the grid, and the companies must purchase any resulting excess energy.
  • She would learn to use the Art as Tesla Bombeck, or let it lie fallow inside her. EVERVILLE
  • Pirates Cove was a shallow indentation in the coastline several miles north of Rocky Beach. THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • They have refused to allow international inspection of their nuclear facilities.
  • From this it appears that the bet was distasteful to Posthumus; it is not so offenceful to him as it should have been according to our modern temper; but this shortcoming, an unconscious shortcoming, is the only fault which Shakespeare will allow in his hero. The Man Shakespeare
  • Allow insurers to expand their product offerings to include group insurance, health and pension plans.
  • Cracks from sun scald can allow insects, fungus, virus, or other damage to gain an entry and begin the process of weakening the tree.
  • His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.
  • It really was a wonderful experience to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • She sat next to him at the bar, her expression inscrutable, looking crisp and as cool as her coloring would allow in pale trousers and a cinnamon cotton shirt. All Shall Be Well
  • Eruption at the surface then yields initial tephrite, typically erupted as pyroclasts, followed by eruption and shallow intrusion of basanite from deeper in the dyke.
  • It's been a good week for those who like to wallow in nostalgia for the 1980s. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thousands of children dying horrible deaths because the American people chose to wallow in apathy.
  • The “AI” approach is so positive it makes the other methods seem to wallow in drudgery of the problems. Walking with the Poor: a review
  • Tuesday's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing a letter complimenting the NPS director for his comments during the hearing: The hearing "McPherson Square: Who Made the Decision to Allow Indefinite Camping in the Park?" had a decidedly partisan tone and you weathered the barned questions and harangues admirably. The Full Feed from
  • These allow investors to hedge against inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like a swallow in vagrancy, covering all the streets lanes in the Capital.
  • It's been a good week for those who like to wallow in nostalgia for the 1980s. Times, Sunday Times
  • But back home, it's fashionable to blame someone else and wallow in self pity and despair.
  • I could wallow in sadness and destroy my body through bad food and overeating, or treat our separation as an opportunity for a new beginning. The Sun
  • The athletic spring that had once been in my step had slid disgracefully into a slothful waddle and I was metamorphosing into a thirty-something marshmallow instead.
  • In response to this, a group of large companies formed the Liberty Alliance which developed protocols that will allow institutions to "federate" data across company boundaries. Comments for Identity Woman
  • a good wallow in the water
  • That would be a glorious wallow in nostalgia. The Sun
  • But in his obscurity he's free to make sparse use of gentle wurring noises and allow intermittent glitches to engulf the beauty of his ukulele and string-laden folk songs.

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