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How To Use Allotted In A Sentence

  • A copyreader might not find it perfect, for the assault is allotted too much space and the pursuit too little, but it tells the story in its baldest aspect. Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
  • Each Land was allotted one representative per 750,000 of population with an additional member for each remainder over 200,000.
  • Dame Gourlay, with two of her contemporaries, the same who assisted at Alice's late-wake, seated apart upon a flat monument, or "through-stane," sate enviously comparing the shares which had been allotted to them in dividing the dole. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • The plot is thus: Madame Fate, a mysterious fortune teller, has foreseen her own death through her crystal ball with only 24 hours before the allotted hour.
  • Much of the human population there lacks the essentials, so of course homeless dogs and cats are allotted next to nothing.
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  • After Ojibwa families took their allotments, unallotted land on reservations was then sold to the public.
  • The government too had to be blamed as a portion of the lake was allotted for sale.
  • I was warned that senators - as is politicians' wont everywhere - like to speak for most of their allotted time, leaving only a small gap for an answer.
  • Our allotted hour has long since elapsed, but she is in no hurry to go. Times, Sunday Times
  • This family bears: party per pale or and sable, an orle counterchanged and two lozenges counterchanged, with: “i, semper melius eris,” — a motto which, together with the two distaffs taken as supporters, proves the modesty of the burgher families in the days when the Orders held their allotted places in the State; and the naivete of our ancient customs by the pun on A Start in Life
  • They were allotted three meals a day, but there was a catch: their hands never came out of restraints.
  • When the player lands on a square, he or she has to put the allotted amount of money in the piggy bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Christian woman who can reflect upon a laborious life of domestic duty, looks back upon a scene of true virtue; and if, in order to perform the whole of her allotted task, she was obliged to repress a taste for pursuits more intellectual, the character of magnanimity is inscribed upon her conduct, however retired, or in human estimation insignificant, may have been the daily exercises to which she was appointed. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • For now the allotted year is over, and the last great task must be undertaken. What the Bee Knows - reflections on myth, symbol and story
  • Each Land was allotted one representative per 750,000 of population with an additional member for each remainder over 200,000.
  • Each house as it was completed was allotted to a member either by ballot or auction.
  • Let not the time allotted be so short as to be unmeet for the going through with the duty effectually. Sacramental Discourses
  • He had no doubt that his father must have allotted a large amount of money to her for her dowry.
  • Teeling Street was allotted to arts and crafts displays and butter and boxty makers and the tinsmith.
  • You must be careful not to get too carried away and spend more than your fifteen allotted minutes. The Guide to Greatness in Sales
  • Each, regardless of seniority or committee assignment, is allotted eighteen employees.
  • The _asses_ and _loads_ being all marked and numbered with red paint, a certain number of each was allotted to each of the six messes, into which the soldiers were divided; and the asses were further subdivided amongst the individuals of each mess, so that every man could tell at first sight the ass and load which belonged to him. The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805
  • The State government had allotted one "rath" for each of the 223 talukas to cover the rural masses. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Later, there were angry exchanges in the house over the amount of time that had been allotted to a debate on the report last night, with opposition deputies saying the Government were intent on guillotining the debate.
  • Their chances rose or fell depending upon the country to which they had been allotted.
  • For adherents of some disciplines, using the resources allotted to them by academia to produce arcane, unread tomes may be fine, but this isn't doing feminism any good.
  • That the cabildo, magistracy, and regimiento of Manila be ordered to allot annually the lading of the vessels to the citizens of Manila, for much harm has resulted to the citizens from the governor allotting it -- the lading being made illegally, and the governor having allotted it to many of his servants and relatives to the prejudice of the citizens and those born in this country. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55 1601-1604 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • A fixed time is allotted for each question.
  • Handsets will be allotted extension numbers in addition to their handphone numbers.
  • Under the revised system, athletes can telephone up to one minute before their allotted hour to revise their movements; they can also send a text message. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, each of these slaves was to have ‘a portion of land allotted to him, adequate to produce, by cultivating it, a sufficiency of ground provisions for himself and his family,’ to be cultivated on Saturday afternoons out of crop.
  • She also revised the original screenplay to make the film completable within the short allotted time. Archive 2006-11-26
  • This latter task was allotted to a semi-independent.
  • Furthermore, Melnick has allotted $250,000 a year in scholarships that are to bring Manitoban students to Israel to study water engineering and purification. Canada and Israel Partner for Water Conservation, Purification
  • Today: A review of monies allotted for the renovation of Hampton Court Palace, where our new Queen Catherine of Braganza and King Charles II will spend their honeymoon. Exit the Actress
  • Stephen's allotted family role was that of namby-pamby.
  • Allotted 45 minutes for the predebate "walk-through" in Miami, Kerry took 43, asking to see a "freeze frame" of him standing at the podium, engaging in earnest debate over neckties. TALKING THE TALK
  • But dance also serves as a metaphor: ordinary Cubans, desperate for U.S. dollars to buy luxuries like medicine and fresh milk, delicately tip-toe the line between Castroism and capitalism to earn more than their allotted share. DANCING FOR THEIR LIVES
  • We were allotted new notebooks
  • So the gaps mean that other trainees have to cover, which reduces training time and takes them over their allotted hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • As soon as facebook developers’ allotted banner ad space dries up, or the virtual currency/survey model dries up, the only thing left to monetize in the realm will be virtual gifts (* not virtual currency*), and being that Facebook already has a gift shop, they’ll be slopping up all the revenue. Scamville: The Social Gaming Ecosystem Of Hell
  • He sometimes would get carried away and invite more than his allotted guests, which generated some irritation among members.
  • I am exceedingly melancholy of complexion, subject to consumptions and chilliness of my vital spirits, a slavish and sickly life being allotted to me in his city.
  • There the narrow space allotted to spectators was thronged with hot faces under beavers, mutches, and sun-bonnets.
  • I took up my abode at the French hotel in the Calle de la Niveria, and was allotted a species of cockloft, or garret, to sleep in, for the house was filled with guests, being a place of much resort, on account of the excellent table d’hote which is kept there. The Bible in Spain
  • On top of that, Kneal added that, the funds they receive from the University Park Allocation Committee (UPAC) are bracketed, meaning only certain money is allotted for certain items. The Daily Collegian Online - News
  • He has said that about 11,000 homes were under construction and that all of the allotted money would be used by house builders. Times, Sunday Times
  • This family bears: party per pale or and sable, an orle counterchanged and two lozenges counterchanged, with: “i, semper melius eris,” — a motto which, together with the two distaffs taken as supporters, proves the modesty of the burgher families in the days when the Orders held their allotted places in the State; and the naivete of our ancient customs by the pun on A Start in Life
  • Beneath the house are wine cellars, underground parking and storage space allotted to each property. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the public interest view also, regulators perform their allotted tasks as a sacred trust.
  • Unfortunately F and H's waffle had used up the allotted time.
  • Your allotted hour passes, you take the drug and by the next day you will test negative. Times, Sunday Times
  • My first flat was over the allotted $10 a day, but it commanded a view of the city and harbor that was unequaled.
  • We will need to use all the clues at hand if we are to find the site in our allotted two dives.
  • Nothing was seen or heard further of Durbeyfield in his triumphal chariot under the conduct of the ostleress, and the club having entered the allotted space, dancing began. Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • Beneath the house are wine cellars, underground parking and storage space allotted to each property. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lincoln felt that McClellan had not allotted an adequate force to the defense of Washington.
  • I suspect that this was the case, because Christ takes occasion from it to warn against covetousness, pleonexia -- a desire of having more, more than God in his providence has allotted us. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The individuals' rights of possession in the pieces of land originally allotted to them by gens or tribe had now become so established that the land was their hereditary property.
  • Then, after the incongruous Caribbean interlude, Donaldson falls back to looping, phasing and EQing all the other elements until the allotted six minutes are up.
  • Lincoln felt that McClellan had not allotted an adequate force to the defense of Washington.
  • It all fell into place about 57 minutes into our allotted hour when one of the two presenters drew me a diagram on the whiteboard.
  • To the "elderly scribe" was allotted the bed, a very finely carved wooden erection; but let me at once own that, although I had slept on hay in a tent in other lands, passed a night on a dining-room table, several on the floor, and in deck-chairs, I never slept in anything quite so "knobby" as that extraordinary bed. Through Finland in Carts
  • The Marchesa was attentive, and the Confessor added, “She is not immortal; and the few years more, that might have been allotted her, she deserves to forfeit, since she would have employed them in cankering the honour of an illustrious house.” The Italian
  • For instance, in the practice of polygyny, each wife is typically allotted her own house, most often within the same compound as the other wives but sometimes elsewhere.
  • Besides, a quota of 40 berths is allotted for each continent.
  • With the GOP and Lieberman already explicitly stating that they intend to delay health care legislation, why should we give him more than the allotted to give us the same ol 'rigamarole? MN GOP calls Franken-Lieberman incident an 'embarrassment'
  • Former student and teacher Pat Paxton remembers many teens being late because they couldn't get from portables to their classrooms in the five minutes allotted.
  • Half an hour was the time allotted for each haranguer; when this was expired, the moderators were seen to look at their watches. Domestic Manners of the Americans
  • I took up my abode at the French hotel in the Calle de la Niveria, and was allotted a species of cockloft, or garret, to sleep in, for the house was filled with guests, being a place of much resort, on account of the excellent table d'hote which is kept there. The Bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula
  • Beholding that feat of Shalya and reflecting upon the fact that the hero who had been allotted to him as his share still remained unslain, the son of Pandu firmly set his heart upon accomplishing that which The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • When elicitation is complete, scores are allotted to each judgment as it correlates with each element.
  • Our allotted hour has long since elapsed, but she is in no hurry to go. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further meeting time is allotted to assess the topics after they have been taught.
  • We were allotted one hour to attend to these patients and often two nurses would visit if the patient was particularly heavy or difficult to move. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many schools devote almost a third of the allotted time for each lesson to these exercises.
  • Wisely, in the brief rehearsal time allotted to them before this season began, Capucilli, Dakin, and their assistants developed a chorus that performed with maenadic power and unity.
  • Then Rebecca's dad invites Patrick to sit down at his allotted chair at the end of table, which Patrick does. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • This contretemps may have resulted, in part, from a simple paucity of means: only $500,000 was allotted for the whole undertaking.
  • Under the revised system, athletes can telephone up to one minute before their allotted hour to revise their movements; they can also send a text message. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has a room allotted in the social sciences department and special arrangements with the university domestic staff.
  • I had allotted my own bedroom for necking, prudently removing both the bed and the key, and taken both myself and my typewriter into my son's bedroom.
  • Each one having brought consumables and other commodities from home with a wholesale tag, the children of each class are allotted a day to do trade.
  • her allotted chores
  • Almost three quarters of staff claim they are'too busy' to take the allotted hour. The Sun
  • In fact, once the allotted time elapsed, I was actually able to get myself into my wheelchair alone.
  • He has said that about 11,000 homes were under construction and that all of the allotted money would be used by house builders. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the English took over the colony from the Dutch in 1664, the patroon system was continued and, indeed, large manors were allotted to English settlers.
  • In the other, I was a coparcener, and only received on a division the equal portion allotted me. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 3
  • The reversionary bonuses which were declared from time to time under the policy, which once declared are allotted to all unmatured policies and become guaranteed.
  • I let her help me write the ad, making use of every allotted square, so random sleazos weren't immediately aware that they were writing to a beast.
  • The department has already spent more than its allotted budget.
  • It was at the parvise, or porch, of old St. Paul's, or at their allotted pillars, that Serjeants met their clients for consultation. The Customs of Old England
  • Alas, is this the fate the gods have allotted to the greatest journalist the British Empire has ever known?
  • The notion that unequal social statuses and roles were allotted by nature and the gods or God made these allotments permanent and unalterable.
  • That he allotted the hardest tasks to Agravain may not have been coincidence, but the latter said nothing, hung on to the bucking rope, and helped to bring the lively boat about and send it skimming landwards, rocking in the spreading wake of the King's ship. The Wicked Day
  • Each team has an equally allotted amount of turbo at the start of every inning.
  • One knew at a glance that if the turncock was to come, see, and overcome the reluctance of the allotted cock-to-be-turned, the water would burst out at every pore of the service-pipes in that house, except the taps; and would know also that the adept who came to soften their hearts and handles would have to go back for his tools, and would be a very long time away. Somehow Good
  • I saw no point in staying for the full, allotted hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • In that of October, 1778, the jaghire was secured, which was allotted for the support of the women in the Khord Mahal. At the Trial of Warren Hastings
  • For now the allotted year is over, and the last great task must be undertaken. What the Bee Knows - reflections on myth, symbol and story
  • It has written to all the parties to warn them to remove all traces of the posters within the allotted timeframe and said some local authorities are offering a recycling service to encourage the process.
  • He also decides when the photographer and I will leave, which is an hour after our allotted time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, the location of the leases have been fixed in such a way that "unallotted forest areas lying between the above three mining leases as well as part of the approved mining lease of M/s BIOP [owned by another miner S.K. Modi] is included and shown to fall within the approved mining lease of M/s OMC". The Bellary Minefield
  • They allotted a separate desk to everyone.
  • The political influences spoken of before, operating no doubt with others of which it is unnecessary to speak, have acted dispersively on the sum of national reputations, and equitably allotted to almost every part of the fair island some _parcenary_ share of fame, some hallowing memory, like a household genius, to preside over and endear its localities. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, April 1844 Volume 23, Number 4
  • So the gaps mean that other trainees have to cover, which reduces training time and takes them over their allotted hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • I need to do something delicate and gentle around the acer; it outgrew its allotted space this summer and suffered because of it.
  • Different streets were allotted for different professions such as potters, weavers, dyers, jewelers, and bakers.
  • That long weekend can feel like a week in the sun, at a cost of two days out of an allotted annual holiday entitlement.
  • If you cook with electricity, turn the stovetop burners off several minutes before the allotted cooking time.
  • Surrounded by rivers, the allotted area consists of water-infused soil with no bedrock.
  • After blowing-down, through rational feed operation, the chute feeder was changed safely within the allotted time.
  • Everyone would accept the duty to get their paid work done in the allotted time, from catching car thieves to buying shares, from wiping tables to fixing the railway network, from selling Lycra halter-necks to marking exam papers.
  • Archelaus, having received the authority which had been allotted to him, Pilate sent to him by way of compliment Jesus bound; and God foreknowing that this would happen, had thus spoken: ` And they brought ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • We were allotted half an hour to address the committee.
  • Is our allotted hour already over? Times, Sunday Times
  • Their task was to protect local convoys within their areas with Coast Guard cutters, blimps, and whatever other units were allotted them.
  • The _tanaiste_, however, was allotted the dwelling-house and other privileges. An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800
  • Dame Gourlay, with two of her contemporaries, the same who assisted at Alice’s late-wake, seated apart upon a flat monument, or “through-stane,” sate enviously comparing the shares which had been allotted to them in dividing the dole. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Finally, my ears perked when she rattled off our room numbers and allotted our keys.
  • They allotted a separate desk to everyone.
  • Their three-room house was built five years ago on five cents of land allotted by the Government.
  • “You shall survey the distances, and divide into three parts the territory of the country that Adonai your God has allotted to you, so that any manslayer may have a place to flee to.” In our mouths and in our hearts: Day 40 | Jewschool
  • The ministry of culture will be allotted about $6 million less this year.
  • The surplus system was reallotted to the Repair and Maintenance Establishment, where it was commissioned in 2003.
  • The stars, or the fates or Kâli, or whatever you like to term your kismet, your portion of good and evil, allotted me a somewhat happier existence than generally falls to the share of young slaves in Mr. Isaacs
  • Chinese Airforce pilots are renowned for unswerving confidence in their ability to land jetliners with only half the runway allotted - just like a fighter jet.
  • The ministry of culture will be allotted about $6 million less this year.
  • You know of course that the Lord adds to man's allotted span on earth all time spent playing golf? A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • Those rearmost seats are not really designed for lanky adults with healthy appetites, who would struggle to shoehorn themselves into the allotted space.
  • We were allotted a house to live in.
  • Many monks and canons, despite their ejection from the cloister, took the oath in order to qualify themselves for the cure of souls and a salary far better than the meagre pension allotted to ex-regulars.
  • The double-faced clocks, which inexorably mark the time limits for tournament chess players, ticked off the carefully allotted seconds at Havana's Capablanca Chess Club.
  • At the jhils the various waterfowl are nesting and each one proclaims the fact by its allotted call.
  • Our allotted hour has long since elapsed, but she is in no hurry to go. Times, Sunday Times
  • The museum is planning to increase the amount of space allotted to modern art.
  • Dubbed ‘Smart Cache’, the system gives both cores access to the full 2MB of the eight-way associative L2 cache, dynamically adjusting the area allotted to each core.
  • Each passenger slept on the berth allotted to him.
  • The unfortunate part of this story is that the container is too large for the meagre space that I've allotted for lip gloss in my already overstuffed purse.
  • Napoleon allotted Chambord, as a "dotation," to one of his marshals, Berthier, for whose benefit it was converted, in A Little Tour of France
  • Students composed alone in the dark on allotted subjects and in given metres, reciting their verses in public performance.
  • You must be careful not to get too carried away and spend more than your fifteen allotted minutes. The Guide to Greatness in Sales
  • However, the latest figures released by local government show that only 68% of allotted schools funding actually reaches the chalkface - with the rest kept by administrators in local authorities.
  • Spots were allotted to the patricians and knights where they could each build for themselves stands-called "ford" - from which to view the Games. The History of Rome, Vol. I
  • They allotted a separate desk to everyone.
  • How much cash has been allotted?
  • Dinna greet for me," said he in a calm and hopeful voice, "I ha'e already leeved ayont the period allotted to the life o 'man; I ha'e striven in my ain imperfect way to do my duty in this life, an' I am thankfu 'that I am able to say that I dinna fear death; and I feel that when I dee I shall gang hame to the house o' a mercifu 'Father. Stories and Sketches
  • The report calls for a dramatic restructuring of how aid is allotted in the region.
  • The first floor is thought to have housed a communal dormitory, with each vicar allotted a bay.
  • I've allotted fifty dollars a month for lunches.
  • When elicitation is complete, scores are allotted to each judgment as it correlates with each element.
  • Different streets were allotted for different professions such as potters, weavers, dyers, jewellers, and bakers.
  • When the player lands on a square, he or she has to put the allotted amount of money in the piggy bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once I'd thought that this would be the epic end of my saga, but now I knew that whatever epiphanies I'd been allotted had come at the edge of his sickbed.
  • I saw no point in staying for the full, allotted hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Different streets were allotted for different professions such as potters, weavers, dyers, jewelers, and bakers.
  • As for the poor themselves, they should accept their allotted rank with humility.
  • After that, the hope is to up the ante and get this site pepping with some more meaty offerings (along with a design upgrade) within the time allotted.
  • But in a village - no matter what village - they were all immutably themselves; parson, organist, sweep, Duke's son and doctor's daughter, moving like chessmen upon their allotted squares.
  • He feared it would lead to a situation where private people allotted spaces at exorbitant prices to vehicle owners.
  • They should resign from those positions because the posts were allotted to the party, not to them.
  • The museum is planning to increase the amount of space allotted to modern art.
  • It is natural that the albuminoids should have no specially allotted destination, since every part of the machine has to be maintained.
  • Take care that the time designed and allotted does neither too much intrench upon the occasions of the outward man, nor upon the weakness of the inward man. Sacramental Discourses
  • The specific tasks allotted to each chapter, and the material included, also lead to different approaches.
  • You should accomplish the task within the allotted time.
  • Stating that the government was giving more importance for improving the road infrastructure in the State, Mr. Saminathan said that the Highways Department was allotted a sum of Rs. 4,000 crore in the State budget for the current fiscal. The Hindu - Front Page
  • We are only ten minutes into the allotted hour but the tone is set. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much to their chagrin, Kerry never went over his allotted time.
  • Nor would the dispute be of any great interest, because the explanatory role allotted to individual autonomy is so minimal.
  • Ralph Rashleigh was moodily contemplating the probable issue of this, his second appearance at the bar as a capitally criminal offender, when one morning, as he walked for the short allotted space in the prison yard, a turnkey halloed his name most lustily, and he went to the hall door. Ralph Rashleigh
  • The museum is planning to increase the amount of space allotted to modern art.
  • Each house as it was completed was allotted to a member either by ballot or auction.
  • Under this scheme, tribes and migrants were jointly allotted land for agricultural operations in contiguous areas.
  • Each, regardless of seniority or committee assignment, is allotted eighteen employees.
  • Too many contrasting building materials in the small space allotted to most front gardens results in confusion and clutter.
  • Nor would the dispute be of any great interest, because the explanatory role allotted to individual autonomy is so minimal.
  • When the player lands on a square, he or she has to put the allotted amount of money in the piggy bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because the participants were told that they had to answer every question, even if they had to guess, the proctor informed them when half the allotted time had elapsed so that they could pace their remaining responses as required.
  • So unless we become the agents of our own destruction, we have hardly begun our allotted span on Earth.
  • Witnesses swear that starving Indians' land is illegally reallotted and sold.
  • There's always that moment when, because there are four of us, three are allotted a row of seats and one has the seat across the aisle.
  • At that point, if you steal my remote, or my one daily allotted cookie, I will wail on you.
  • We are only ten minutes into the allotted hour but the tone is set. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the meeting continued way beyond its allotted time frame, mainly due to the fact that the pompous windbags who called the meeting in the first place couldn't stick to an agenda if their mothers' lives depended on it.
  • One portion of each side of the road is allotted for pedestrians, the other portion for cyclists.
  • With a physique that suited and befitted the characters allotted to him, Ranjith had an upper hand in the scenes he was involved in.
  • Forster's 'Kitely' was very emphatic and earnest, and grew into great interest, quite up to the poet's allotted tether, which is none of the longest. The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett
  • The hook in the bill is the proposal of capping emissions of greenhouse gases each year, allowing companies to buy and sell permits to "pollute" - translated it means that a coal-fired electric plant who violates it carbon cap can buy a carbon credit from a hydro-producing power facility that didn't use their allotted carbon credits,,, it's called WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Most of the allotted funds are spent on software and specialized software tools.
  • A muddled Mr North came last, answering only five correct questions in the allotted time.
  • Almost three quarters of staff claim they are'too busy' to take the allotted hour. The Sun
  • Surely we shall do less wrong and injustice, if the conviction is fixed and embedded in our souls that everything done is done irrevocably, that even the Omnipotence of God cannot _uncommit_ a deed, cannot make that _undone_ which has _been done_; that every act of ours _must_ bear its allotted fruit, according to the everlasting laws, -- must remain forever ineffaceably inscribed on the tablets of Universal Nature. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • The City Council allotted money for a housing project.
  • But as to the derivation of the word manna, whether from man, which Josephus says then signified What is it or from mannah, to divide, i.e., a dividend or portion allotted to every one, it is uncertain: I incline to the latter derivation. Antiquities of the Jews
  • Each speaker is allotted ten minutes.
  • He also decides when the photographer and I will leave, which is an hour after our allotted time. Times, Sunday Times
  • A portion was allotted to each.
  • The archon allotted to each tragedian his actors, paid at state expense, and a producer (choregus).

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