How To Use Allopathy In A Sentence
In China acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine coexist equally with allopathy.
Prior to the 1900s, the approaches to wellness and healthcare included allopathy, homeopathy, and naturopathy as well as a variety of cultural practices and folk remedies.
If the imbalance called illness occurs, they apply self-healing, then resort as needed to such arts as âyurveda, acupuncture, allopathy, prânic healing or massage.
The allopath was a distant "ancestor" of my teachers., and to infer - or outright state - that current medicine is actually allopathy is frankly ridiculous.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Women are awakening to their subordinate position in society, and recognize their historical exclusion from allopathy and the negative effect of conventional medical treatment on women.

Dr. Gaboriault is now an apologist of integrative medicine that combines the allopathy system and the traditional systems.
Seekers of gentler prevention and cures for disease than offered by allopathy are increasingly turning to effective and affordable natural healing systems.
The term allopathy is derived from two Greek words: allo meaning opposite and pathos meaning suffering.
In the present-day world when allopathy calls the shots everywhere, an acupuncturist (one who treats the patient by pricking needles in his body) also operates his clinic here in the city to treat the patients.
I am trained in allopathy, but having lived with the adivasis and watched and heard alternative medical practitioners, in all these years.
Archive 2007-11-01
But, generally, allopathy will treat symptoms rather than the whole person.
The teacher would share his experiences with the young man who was studying allopathy and yoga with equal interest.
There is effective treatment for OCD in modern medicine (which is referred to as allopathy).
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It may help us - the practitioners of allopathy, the high priests of the faith - to look with an honest gaze at the work of our colleagues who see the body and its maladies differently from us.
According to the advocates of the holistic system, an integrative health care package would include facets from allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Yoga, Siddha and naturopathy.
In the early days of homeopathy, Galenic herbalism was dying and allopathy was on the rise.
The innumerable divisions/systems/disciplines not only lack sufficient dialogue and understanding but there is lack of adequate harmony amongst basic, paraclinical, paramedical, nursing, clinical and super specialty fields in allopathy as well.
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In China acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine coexist equally with allopathy.
Prior to the 1900s, the approaches to wellness and healthcare included allopathy, homeopathy, and naturopathy as well as a variety of cultural practices and folk remedies.
Normally considered incurable in allopathy, it took Dr. Kabra 14 years of dedicated hard work to lay claim to having finally found a cure for leucoderma.
It will also inform the general public about the various other systems of medicine including allopathy, homeopathy, unani and acupressure.
All medical systems - this includes allopathy - state that this disease is caused by an allergic problem that occurs in the wind pipe, which in turn gets constricted and blocks the free flow of air during respiration.
She had a problem of hazy vision in her right eye and could not be cured through allopathy.
He referred to conventional practice as allopathy.
These problems have become very common nowadays and have no complete cure in allopathy.
Dr. Pillai feels that pharmaco-genetics could serve as a bridge between allopathy and ayurveda and lead to a borrowing between the two systems.
Osler made more than one verifiable statement regarding homeopathy, as well as what he termed allopathy as a practice of his time, as well as what he saw as a future direction.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]