How To Use Allopathic In A Sentence
DOs and MDs go to separate medical schools; often, the different schooling is referred to as osteopathic versus allopathic.
Conventional western medicine, often called allopathic medicine, is the system of medicine taught at most medical schools and most Find More Great Health Ebooks at pharmaceutical and synthetic medicines are manufactured and marketed NaturalHelp4. org according to the principles of allopathic medicine.
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They should be labelled allopathic purgatives and kept tightly corked.
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In the ACGME and other certification discussions, the M. D.-granting schools are frequently called allopathic to distinguish them from osteopathic; no one seems to mind.
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allopathic remedies
Conventional western medicine, often called allopathic medicine, is the system of medicine taught at most medical schools and most pharmaceutical and synthetic medicines are manufactured and marketed according to the principles of allopathic medicine.
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The Wellness Centre, which delivers aromatherapy, pranic healing, dietetics and Ayurveda to enhance allopathic services at the hospital, will shortly augment its alternative medicine packages.
In what is known as allopathic medicine, physicians are trained to seek out “the differential diagnosis”—a disease name that alerts the doctor to what disease the patient has from a larger group of disorders with similar symptoms.
The Autoimmune Epidemic
If there is any reason to suppose a homoeopathic physician can use allopathic tools to a better advantage than the allopathist himself, I fail to see it.
The authors use a set of icons to alert the reader to clinical implications, interpretations, or topics that might be naturopathic or allopathic in origin.
The rise in bacterial resistance has prompted recommendations that allopathic doctors prescribe fewer antibiotics, which, in turn, has led to a search for alternatives.
Medications may range from allopathic drugs to alternative medicines to kitchen shelf remedies.
The American Medical Association style of medicine (a philosophy I will henceforth call allopathic) has a model that explains the causes of illness.
How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
The authors use a set of icons to alert the reader to clinical implications, interpretations, or topics that might be naturopathic or allopathic in origin.
The rivalry between medical approaches was less extreme in Canada, and historians such as Connor stress the relative tolerance and integrationist approach of homeopaths and allopathic practitioners in the Victorian period.
Though Britishers believed in allopathic treatment, tabibs and hakims earned a respectful place by treating major illness which surprised allopathic doctors.
He may turn his attention to the healing art; and allopathically, homoeopathically, hydropathically, electropathically, or by any other path, run a muck through many heathen hospitals.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
This healing method can also be successfully combined with other therapies such as hands on healing, massage, shiatsu and can even work alongside allopathic medicine.
Various alternative therapies including reiki, breathwork, and acupuncture are quickly emerging as alternatives to conventional allopathic medical treatments.
This healing method can also be successfully combined with other therapies such as hands on healing, massage, shiatsu and can even work alongside allopathic medicine.
Various alternative therapies including reiki, breathwork, and acupuncture are quickly emerging as alternatives to conventional allopathic medical treatments.