
How To Use Allograph In A Sentence

  • The single-sided fish defects of KFC copper alloys applied to lead frame produced by domestic corporation were studied and analyzed by energy spectrum analysis, SEM and metallographic analysis.
  • Svedberg's investigations with the ultracentrifuge and Tiselius's electrophoresis studies (see Section 3.10) were instrumental in establishing that protein molecules have a unique size and structure, and this was a prerequisite for Sanger's determination of their amino-acid sequence and the crystallographic work of The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • It is built up of a number of crystals of the same composition, given the name ferrite in metallography.
  • The quality of the computed structures has been evaluated by several techniques borrowed from crystallography.
  • If, on the other hand, as was assumed in crystallography, a regular arrangement of the atoms or the molecules in a space lattice was the basis of the shapes of the natural crystals, then, according to estimates, the distances of the points of the lattice ought to be exactly of that order of magnitude that was required for the decomposition of X-radiation in a spectrum. Nobel Prize in Physics 1924 - Presentation Speech
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  • You would be amazed how often they want to write a joint experimental/modeling paper, but want to see the experimental results the conductivities or the crystallography or the neutron study or whatever BEFORE they model. Answers to the House Committee on Cross-Validation Statistics « Climate Audit
  • Moreover. shifts in protein conformation could be analyzed in physiological environments to complement crystallography.
  • crystallography of the organic," and to lay the foundations of a mechanistic morphology, or morphography at least. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • _ But upon comparing the corresponding substances hemoglobins in different species of a genus it is generally found that they differ the one from the other to a greater or less degree; the differences being such that when complete crystallographic data are available the different _species can be distinguished_ by these _differences in their hemoglobins_’ .... Manhood of Humanity.
  • Because bond strengths may differ along the various crystallographic axes, hardness may also vary slightly in direction.
  • The application of the crystallographic method to other proteins was a gradual process, because of the great technical difficulties and the relatively small number of crystallographers working in the field.
  • She attended the special course in crystallography and decided, following strong advice from F.M. Brewer, who was then her tutor, to do research in X-ray crystallography. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin - Biography
  • These are tabular zones whose crystallographic orientation differs from that in the adjoining parts of the crystal.
  • The type and irregularity of fracture bears a complex relation to the breaking of bonds in directions that cut across crystallographic planes.
  • Enantiomorphism is a term used in crystallography to denote the relationship between two molecules or other forms that mirror each other across a single axis.
  • The work of Gough has shown that a metal deforms under cyclic strain by slip on the same atomic planes and in the same crystallographic directions as in unidirectional strain.
  • X-ray crystallography is the specialty of chemistry that I have my degree in. Nobel endeavors : Bev Vincent
  • His other contributions to astronomy, botany, crystallography, electrochemistry, optics and physiology are also substantial.
  • A variety of experimental approaches have been developed to investigate DNA bending and flexibility, including comparative gel electrophoresis, crystallography, electron microscopy, and DNA cyclization.
  • You are being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the crystallographic determination of ribosome structures at high resolution and for the skilful use of these structures to clarify fundamental and medically important aspects of ribosome function. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 - Presentation Speech
  • X-ray crystallographers determine the three-dimensional shape of a molecule by blasting a beam of X-rays through a crystallized sample of the molecule and then analyzing the pattern of the scattered beam.
  • But little work has been done at the allographic level, which is the level of a truly useful sign list, nor at the graphic level, the level at which the identifying characteristics of individual scribes are to be found.
  • Yet there is another level of meaning that changes with each allograph, an esthetic meaning that we cannot avoid.
  • Svedberg's investigations with the ultracentrifuge and Tiselius's electrophoresis studies (see Section 3.10) were instrumental in establishing that protein molecules have a unique size and structure, and this was a prerequisite for Sanger's determination of their amino-acid sequence and the crystallographic work of The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • The bioapatite crystallites are small and elongated along the crystallographic c axis, and they grow as bone maturation proceeds.
  • Metallographic observation, fracture scanning and dispersion spectrum analysis on the fractured turbine blade were carried out.
  • They usually involve three numbers or, in the case of hexagonal and rhombohedral symmetries, four numbers, one for each crystallographic axis.
  • Experience with modern research methods in mineralogy and crystallography are expected and the successful applicant should be prepared to partake in curatorial work as well as improve the museum's mineralogical and petrological collections. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The binding model displayed in Fig.8 A has been observed from crystallographic studies on B-DNA dodecamers stabilized with spermine.
  • In 1935, Lohmann proposed his refined structural model of ATP, which was confirmed in the late 1940s after the introduction of new X-ray crystallographic techniques. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • Goodman claims that architecture does have, in the architect's planes, something quite close to a notational system, and hence is, because of that, an allographic art: different buildings, built in different locations and even with certain differences in materials, would be instances of the same work, provided that they correspond to the same plan. Goodman's Aesthetics
  • Definitive answers will require at minimum direct sequencing and/or crystallographic data. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: Arsenic and Odd Lace
  • So I woke up this morning all pumped up to blog about metallography. MAKE Magazine
  • The non-crystallographic symmetry was established from the electron density and heavy atom sites.
  • X-ray crystallography and NMR can measure static structure or at most temperature factors but provide no information about modes, and therefore dynamics and function.
  • Many unbound ligands exhibit an equilibrium mixture of several conformers, thus prohibiting a structural analysis by crystallographic methods.
  • For such a comparison to be completed, the availability of the atomic structure from x-ray crystallography and/or from NMR spectroscopy is very helpful.
  • This epoch-making discovery, which not only bore upon the nature of X-radiation and the reality of the space lattice assumed in crystallography, but also placed a new means of research into the hands of Science, was rewarded with the Nobel Prize in Physics 1924 - Presentation Speech
  • Ada Yonath's pioneering work during the 1980s laid the foundation for determination of high-resolution ribosomal structures with crystallographic techniques. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 - Presentation Speech
  • Protein crystallography reveals that the fundamental unit of protein structure is the domain.
  • As it must be assumed, on the strength of the analogy of these salts, both in a chemical and a crystallographical sense, that they are possessed of a corresponding space lattice, which could also be corroborated in another way, it was proved by those researchers that the lattice of the crystals in question consists of two face-centred cubic lattices corresponding to the two atoms, which interpenetrate in such a way that they together constitute one single cubic lattice. Nobel Prize in Physics 1915 - Presentation Speech
  • It is pale pink and has physical, optical, and crystallographic properties similar to those of the other monoclinic members of the amphibole group.
  • X-ray crystallography is based on the diffraction of X rays in protein crystals, and has since contributed to a further series of Nobel Prizes. Information for the Public - The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002
  • The main methods used to study materials flow including steel ball as tracers, metallographic and insert marker methods.
  • Because bond strengths may differ along the various crystallographic axes, hardness may also vary slightly in direction.
  • Two later Nobel Prizes for Chemistry in the crystallographic field were given for work on structures of relatively small molecules. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • There are two important features of bainite kinetics which can be shown by a variety of techniques, e.g. dilatometry, electrical resistivity, magnetic measurements and by metallography.
  • The AFM topography shows excellent agreement to structural data from x-ray crystallography.
  • Which fact also surprises me, by the way, because the equipment and techniques of metallography are very accessible to amateurs, especially relative to other modern methods of materials analysis. MAKE Magazine
  • Among these methods were ultracentrifugation, X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy, electrophoresis, macromolecular sequencing, and radioactive tracing. Gene
  • It is pale pink and has physical, optical, and crystallographic properties similar to those of the other monoclinic members of the amphibole group.
  • However, both x-ray crystallographic and NMR observations report the existence of only the 3'-stacked conformation.
  • In x - ray crystallography, crystals of protein are bombarded with intense x - ray beams.
  • Extremely careful metallography on tapered sections through the surface of the specimen has shown that fatigue cracks initiate at intrusions and extrusions.
  • Secondary structure was assigned according to known crystallography structures and is shown at the bottom.
  • With the advent of metallography, and as the body of knowledge pertinent to cast iron increased, other classifications based on microstructural features became possible.
  • In crystalline solids, plastic deformation tends to be confined to crystallographic planes of atoms which have a low resistance to shear.
  • These peaks, together with a crystallographic twofold axis, were interpreted as possibly resulting from 52 point-group symmetry.
  • Slide 32: Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering The grain boundary acts as a barrier to dislocation motion for two reasons  Since the two grains are of different orientations, a dislocation passing into grain B will have to change its direction of motion; this becomes more difficult as the crystallographic misorientation increases. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Ada Yonath's pioneering work during the 1980s laid the foundation for determination of high-resolution ribosomal structures with crystallographic techniques. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 - Presentation Speech
  • Under these conditions, the scattered flux is minimal along the crystallographic axes.
  • English orthography is such that diacritics are allographic and ligatures are allographic. Discussions: Message List - root
  • Four wall types are distinguished on the orientation of the crystallographic c-axes of the wall-forming crystallites: a radial, a tangential, an oblique, and a pithonelloid type.
  • This paper presents an original method for creating allograph models and recognizing them within cursive handwriting.
  • Placing the probe coincident with crystallographic water molecules suggests that they are sometimes located within small pockets that provide a sterically stable environment irrespective of hydrogen bonding considerations. Random feeds from
  • Either that, or become a crystallographer and spend the rest of my life pursuing the answer. Ccfinlay: The Wikipedia Image of the Day
  • An x-ray crystallographic picture of quartz would show atoms arranged in an orderly, periodic sequence.
  • The main methods used to study materials flow including steel ball as tracers, metallographic and insert marker methods.
  • The failure of a gear shaft was analyzed by SEM analysis, macrograph, metallographical examination, mechanical test, chemical analysis and etc.
  • Despite the attempts of crystallographers to catch IGP synthase in its functional form, to date, the only movement reported in these four residues was the slight bending of the last carbon-nitrogen group of K99.
  • His interests were always wide and this is reflected in the range of courses that he was teaching around this time: descriptive geometry, crystallography, optics, mechanics and machine design.
  • In other words, to count as an instance of an allographic work, a performance has to take into account performance practice relevant to the period.
  • The most basic means of resolving a protein structure are through experimental observations, such as x-ray crystallography and certain forms of NMR spectroscopy.
  • Steigemann (also one of Huber's Ph.D. students at that time) on the crystallographic refinement of the structure of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor was a success, and our 1975 paper in Johann Deisenhofer - Autobiography
  • Often only some of the codes of an allograph to be recognized correspond to a sequence of codes from the dictionary, and the allograph is not recognized with certainty.
  • Kathleen Lonsdale (1903-1971), crystallographer and first woman elected a Fellow of the Royal Society Archive 2008-06-01
  • Yet museums are also places where complex matters such as systematics, biomechanics, and crystallography are investigated.
  • My “decision” to become a crystallographer started when I chose my honours project advisor in my fourth year of university. The Road Less Traveled : Bev Vincent
  • Protein crystallization is the primary bottleneck step in X - ray protein crystallography.
  • Because many crystallographers have their preferred crystallization techniques, experimental work is needed to discern whether these patterns represent human preferences or real chemical associations.
  • Many have become household names, such as the brilliant crystallographer Dorothy Hodgkin, who famously won a Nobel prize in 1964, and whose whirling portrait by Maggi Hambling 1985 now hangs in the National Portrait Gallery. The Royal Society's lost women scientists
  • Such technique of, we could say, cloning could be accounted for in Goodman's terms as transforming the art of painting from singular to multiple and yet without changing it from autographic to allographic. Goodman's Aesthetics
  • I began to learn methods of protein purification and X-ray crystallography while still at Harvard, initially working with channel toxins and a small soluble protein called a PDZ domain. Roderick MacKinnon - Autobiography
  • Such technique of, we could say, cloning could be accounted for in Goodman's terms as transforming the art of painting from singular to multiple and yet without changing it from autographic to allographic.
  • He synthesizes stereochemistry and crystallography with physiological optics, locating the enantiomorphic dislocation right between the eyes of the seeing subject.
  • Electron crystallography has been widely applied to determine the structures of biological macromolecules.
  • Hari is a crystallographer at Brandeis with several Protein Data Bank entries under his belt, including the notorious coronavirus nucleocapsid of SARS fame. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Ignite Boston and
  • Crystallography volunteers enantiomorphic space groups P3 (1) 21 and P3 (2) 21 with respective all right-handed and all left-handed 3-fold screw axies, no racemic screw axes, no conflicting screw axes. Assignment Desk: You Ask, We Answer
  • Potassium channel membrane protein will be heterologously expressed, purified, and structurally analyzed by single particle cryo-electron microscopy, or by 2D crystallization and electron crystallography. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • And this is one of the distinctive features of the allographic arts.
  • I went in the spring of 1972 to work with Aaron Klug, who was not only a leading crystallographer, but also responsible for the application of Roger D. Kornberg - Autobiography
  • Batch crystallisation, unlike the tedious and time-consuming hunt for the perfect single crystal that dominates the lives of X-ray crystallographers, can be a simple, straightforward experiment.
  • A hexagonal close-packed model for graphite particle was developed. The fraction of carbon atoms on the surface and edge was derived in expression of crystallographic parameters and particle size.
  • Protein crystallography provides the structure of a protein, averaged over all elementary cells during data collection time.
  • In crystallography and other fields of research, the structure factor is often computed by x-ray diffraction to characterize the microstructure of small molecules.
  • Definitive answers will require at least direct sequencing and/or crystallographic data. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: Arsenic and Odd Lace
  • The failure mechanism of lead bronze shaft sleeves with many pits on their internal surface is analyzed by optical metallograph and EPMA.
  • This can be understood if one is aware that in an earlier draft of the WTC 7 report the NIST made the stark admission that "No metallography could be carried out because no steel was recovered from WTC 7. Alex Jones' Prison
  • In the course of her career, she developed new methods that have become standard in crystallography today. 2008 L'OREAL-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards
  • They quickly decided it would help to subject the molecules to a science called crystallography Glaxo Tries Biotech Model to Spur Drug Innovations
  • Unfortunately, we could not solve its structure by x-ray crystallography as crystallization trials have failed so far.
  • These are called space groups, crystallographic space groups, or Shoenflies groups.
  • The most commonly used method to determine the structure of molecules in three dimensions is X-ray crystallography. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • The science of metallography has been developed in the past 25 years, and aided by precise methods of measuring temperature, has done much to systematize the information which we possess on metallic alloys, and steel in particular. The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
  • Two-surface optical micrography decisively reveals that the ferrite component of upper bainite is composed of groups of thin parallel laths with a well-defined crystallographic habit.
  • The influence on metallograph quality by CCD pixels, size and middle lens was analyzed.
  • The development of methods of protein crystallography has been in the focus of my laboratory's work from the beginning and led to the development of refinement in protein crystallography (with Robert Huber - Autobiography
  • This year's Chemistry Prize rewards crystallographic determination of ribosome structures at a resolution so high that the positions of single atoms can be estimated and the use of these structures for atomic level clarification of how the ribosome links amino acids to proteins according to the blueprints of the genetic code and of the working principles of antibiotics attacking the ribosomes of bacterial pathogens. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 - Presentation Speech
  • Her tutor at Oxford was Nobel prize-winning crystallographer Dorothy Hodgkin. World Leaders Should Understand Science
  • Sign names and values with modifiers and/or allographs following them should not be be treated as compounds.
  • We are running a project to assess (cognitively and functionally) the reading and writing of healthy individuals and an allographic dysgraphic patient, PP, who fails to maintain case whilst writing and is insensitive to mixed case when reading.
  • Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958), X-ray crystallographer whose work was important in determining the structure of DNA Vote for the "most celebrated female scientist of all time"
  • Its discovery opened a new branch in crystallography.
  • Using metallographic method, the wear of the coupling copper slide block of hot strip mill qualitatively studied.
  • Advantage has been taken of a reprinting to revise, extensively, the portions of the book relating to the modern science of metallography. The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
  • In Old English, the characters we call eth and thorn are not graphemically distinct: they are allographs which vary freely.
  • Bennett, Schwager), for protein crystallographic computing Robert Huber - Autobiography
  • Among new applications should be mentioned the measurements of atomic coordinates at solid surfaces, diffraction from quantum dots and stripes and protein crystallography for rational drug design from the measured atomic structure of the protein. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • They are allographic rather than autographic, in the analytical terminology of art theorist Nelson Goodman. ArtsJournal: Daily Arts News
  • The dimensions are in agreement with the measurements performed with x-ray crystallography on cryogenic 3D LH2 crystals.
  • The austenite-pearlite reaction Pearlite is probably the most familiar micro structural feature in the whole science of metallography.
  • The light-induced structural changes of photointermediates trapped at low temperature have been explored by x-ray crystallography and by electron microscopy.
  • She threw herself into science - physics, chemistry and crystallography.
  • Her crystallography was crucial to the subsequent elucidation of DNA structure and replication.
  • In her lifetime she would go on to be one of the most influential figures in establishing the science of crystallography.
  • If you don't already know, metallography is a type of scientific microimaging that involves mirror-polishing metal surfaces and then etching them with various reagents to reveal their microstructures, which are often of breathtaking beauty. MAKE Magazine
  • Do you want to see exhibits about rocks and petrology, fossils, the geological history of Earth, how minerals form, crystallography, or properties and uses of minerals?

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