
How To Use Allocation In A Sentence

  • The historic buildings which will receive grants in the present allocation are from right across the country.
  • These adjustments could quickly accelerate into a meaningful reallocation of government spending.
  • Sequential block designs can lead to biased allocation.
  • Each payment should include an allocation of principal and interest amounts.
  • The ownership function mainly has three aspects: productivity function, system function, resource allocation function.
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  • This should not be taken to imply that administrative allocations are inevitably worse - a market has costs, and if those costs exceed the value, then markets result in misallocation.
  • Earlier this week the Northern Regional Health Authority announced new spending allocations for the region's 15 district health authorities.
  • With an improved public expenditure allocation for April 1992, the future is looking considerably better.
  • Not only did they provide the dictator with needed cash, but they played right into his scheme of using oil allocations to buy favor around the globe.
  • The main ethical problems included the health risks for the transplant recipient (e.g., a substantial risk of hyperacute rejection and graft-versus-host disease), traditional animal ethics issues, concerns about informed consent (complicated by empirical uncertainties and the possibility of legally mandated life-long health surveillance), fair allocation of health care resources, and the public health issue that xenotransplantation would allow viruses to jump the species barrier into humans. Human/Non-Human Chimeras
  • This chapter examines the processes of revenue raising, allocation, spending and control.
  • This paper introduces the memory organization and allocation methods used to implement Concurrent C, a high-level explicit parallel language, on a network-based distributed system.
  • In adaptive we propose an algorithm that performs joint subchannel and power allocation.
  • The final perspective upon resource allocation is by age group.
  • She said: 'I get the full allocation of housing credits and the full allowance of tax credits. The Sun
  • Now if you want to say that in the * aggregate* all these subsidies amount to a great misallocation of resources that multiplies the cost of government as a whole to everybody's expense, you might well be right. Oil Import Tariff?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • What's worse is that there are people with reservations, but no seat allocations, the result of overbooking.
  • Furthermore we investigate the resource allocation and price dynamics, and presents economic implication of the indeterminacy.
  • Inadequate allocation concealment can bias the results of clinical trials.
  • The group approach explicitly rejects the notion that a small elite dominates the resource allocation process.
  • The misallocation by the banks is not the only issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any specific requests from the taxpayer regarding reallocations must be honoured by the collector.
  • So the question is an empirical one - and reports such as this one suggest that, at least given current technology, investing in a nationwide ballistics imaging database would be a serious misallocation of resources.
  • There is thus a dynamic interaction between the processes of sex allocation and other sexually selected strategies in animal hermaphrodites.
  • Secondly, they retained 25 percent of capitation monies outside the formula system for discretionary allocations.
  • The allocation must be made according to a strict set of criteria.
  • He added that allocations for individual forces had not yet been set. Times, Sunday Times
  • The market therefore does not produce a socially efficient allocation of resources.
  • Questions were raised as to why that would be the case, and it all comes down to the allocation and how that will be divvied up.
  • Implementing the policy in block allocation module needs to consider the relation between the rate of data refreshment and the block-erasing frequency.
  • This requires an additional allocation of the impairment loss ( explained below ).
  • Returns the number of elements the container may contain without reallocation.
  • The bureaucratic control by government over the settlement process in Australia caused the demise of the common law system of water allocation by riparian right and the appropriation of rights to water by the government.
  • For the international economy it hopefully brings about a more efficient allocation of investment or financial resources.
  • Malnutrition, parasitic infestations, maternal and child morbidity and drug abuse are more important priorities and reflect on the allocation of resources for mental health services.
  • The allocation of the annual budget and grants also falls within its domain.
  • Paul Zemsky , head of asset allocation at ING Investment Management, noted that the concerns about Egypt followed a long rally that had many investors feeling the market was getting toppy. Stocks Retreat on Unrest in Middle East, GDP Report
  • But by failing to register in time you will have lost the chance of being given preference in allocation.
  • The basic economic argument for the market system-that it tends to provide an efficient allocation of resources-Is not easily undermined.
  • A loss allocation method based on cross interaction matrix is presented in this paper and allocation results reflect interaction of bilateral transactions.
  • The optimal allocation designs of the reliability and redundancy of the serial-parallel system and complex system are given.
  • Peter Sweeney has welcomed the allocation, which will provide accommodation for 40 vehicles.
  • It is suggested that resource reallocation should be improved to enhance technological progress and innovation.
  • Action is required now to ensure the allocation of all Lottery money is independent and free from the control of politicians.
  • People had no problem catching their quotas and allocations, but the price is down from last year by as much as a dollar per pound.
  • Energy expenditure and allocation are determined using a combination of techniques, including body composition analysis (using extraction methods, calorimetry, and TOBEC), roosting metabolism (using standard respirometry), field metabolic rates and water flux (using doubly-labeled water), and time-activity budgets (using radiotelemetry, video monitoring, and direct observation). Contributor: Thomas Kunz
  • It would also help ministers to ensure that resource allocation was aligned to policy goals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some local education authorities assess children at the end of primary school in order to make allocations to secondary schools.
  • The deputy Prime Minister says he's decided how much he'll spend compensating farmers for a loss of water allocations, but there are still some technical details to work out.
  • We have spent our entire allocation for the year.
  • Any specific requests from the taxpayer regarding reallocations must be honoured by the collector.
  • The report of the Resource Allocation Working Party in 1976 is the latest and boldest attempt so far.
  • This is a government that blatantly indulged in open gerrymander, for example the re-allocation of defence force votes among surrounding marginal seats.
  • You can't swallow the promise of financial allocation that you made yesterday.
  • If they were sincere they would open the entire process of the city budget allocation to the public.
  • This was accomplished by removing the library allocation and reducing the parks budget.
  • Further blinding was achieved through the allocation sequence, in which randomly permutated block sizes of two and four were used.
  • Click Change Current Fund Allocations to edit your fund allocations.
  • Obviously this last option permits the human indexer some control over the allocation of index terms.
  • To begin with, Catholics objected to religious discrimination reflected in the unfair allocation of jobs, housing and industrial investment.
  • Resource allocation in the near future requires accurate information not only for each school but within a school for each year.
  • Reproductive allocation is usually measured as the ratio between seed and total biomass.
  • More economic patterns of resource allocation will result as underlying comparative advantages are allowed to exert their full potential.
  • Such a pattern of resource allocation is called a Pareto optimum.
  • The 'stupa' being constructed near Noida flyway with a crowd of statues will cost the exchequer Rs 203 crore and there was a budgetary allocation of Rs 294 crore for other parks and statues, the Mayawati government has reportedly told the Supreme Court on 21st August 2009. - Articles related to 3G spectrum bids reach $1.3 bn on 7th day of auction
  • An allocation of $160,000 will also pay salary for "guzzler" crews to maintain and develop water sources for wildlife. The Record-Courier - Top Stories
  • Apart from the age, light availability may significantly modify foliar and plant allocation traits.
  • To unblock the well or drill a new one would require a new allocation of foreign aid.
  • All the slimmer has to do is to add a daily allocation of skimmed milk and a slice of wholemeal bread.
  • Superbreak hold allocations of rooms at all hotels and we can book up to and including the day of departure.
  • Now your cash allocation is much higher than you wanted it to be. Matthew Yglesias » Bob Rodriguez
  • Poor allocation of Government funds often contributes to the low quality of rural education.
  • The allocation of land to men means that women's dependence upon husbands is exacerbated despite an increase in material well-being.
  • The watermarking binary is embedded by using the principle of register allocation, constructing the graph coloring model and function and changing the nodes colors in the interfere graph.
  • Therefore, employees who are let go before tips are distributed often lose their share of the allocation.
  • The department has shifted funds from its home health-care allocation to continue the meals program.
  • ‘We are now in the peak milk production period and it is essential for farm planning purposes that producers know what quota allocations are receivable under these schemes for the coming quota year’, he said.
  • Access to housing Most housing departments failed to integrate disabled people into their allocation policies.
  • For tax allocation purposes, assuming an equal consumption of liquor, tobacco and other dutiable items, then the implication is that Maori would bear 84 per cent of customs duties.
  • Second, getting your international asset allocation right is important. Times, Sunday Times
  • If ever there was a case of blatant discrimination, it has been in the disproportionate allocation of Hostess marketing dollars to the lily-white Twinkie and the benign neglect of the chocolate Ho Ho. Al Checchi: Capitalism and Its Discontents: The Rise and Fall of the Twinkie
  • The reallocation of resources was achieved by a combination of active labor market policy and localization subsidies to firms.
  • This overlap of harvest periods is an example of the resource allocation problem among cotton and peanuts.
  • In truth, as the respondent submitted, it was the prisoner's conduct before and not as the result of allocation which was likely to be a factor which would affect the prospect of release on parole.
  • The shortfall will be made up of local government allocations, town councils and the rates.
  • Consequently, for common-pool resources whose flows are highly subtractive, institutional arrangements related to the allocation of the flow of services are intimately tied to the sustainability of the resource.
  • Value for money is associated with rational allocation of existing or given resources.
  • The figures deduced play a key role in determining the number of seats in the House of Representatives and in the allocation of government grants from the commonwealth to the states and territories.
  • While not infallible, the system is widely accepted in academia, and used for the assigning of credit, and hence employment, allocation of funds, and the like, within universities.
  • Instead, the Housing Minister announced a £100 million allocation specifically for the target areas.
  • This makes zero-based budgeting or even activity-based costing almost pointless from a budget officer's point of view, since so little of a district's funds are available for reallocation.
  • Did you log on and buy up the maximum allocation of six tickets per person?
  • There is some evidence that institutional investors are now more prepared to increase the allocations to gilts in their portfolios.
  • After randomization, a physician blinded to the group allocation evaluated the patients for contraindication to HBO therapy.
  • It will result in each resource allocation process being subject to boundary disputes.
  • The Detailed Spectrum Investigation results have been amalgamated into a proposed table of frequency allocations and use.
  • We stress the evils of idleness and bad resource allocation which were relevant to efforts to increase output a century ago.
  • This will be supported by a further allocation from DFID for the land and site development.
  • Both believe the market solves all problems of efficiency and allocation.
  • additional subsidies have included direct credit allocation and preferential treatment for coastal enterprises.
  • The allocation of questions is done to an agreed formula, and I understand that it is done very carefully.
  • The resource allocation of the event driving tasks flow in realtime systems can be used to depict the concurrent processing capability of realtime systems.
  • Although they will not qualify for discounts or bonus shares, they will get a larger allocation.
  • The problem with modern finance "isn't just about excessive rents and a misallocation of capital, " Paul Woolley said. "It is also crashes and bad macroeconomic outcomes.
  • This discovery was shared with government reformers, prompting the enactment of formal accountability mechanisms, including regular audits of budget allocations.
  • We sometimes call this the first-best allocation to remind ourselves that it is fully efficient.
  • The group approach explicitly rejects the notion that a small elite dominates the resource allocation process.
  • I would still agree that it was a gross misallocation of resources to spend into the 11-digit range on invading Iraq, rather than putting billions into better vaccine technology (for pandemic flu, malaria, HIV, TB, etc), securing Soviet nukes, developing better sensors for ports, etc, but I wouldn't dismiss the threat entirely. Overblown: Pessimistic Bias Foiled Again, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But, as new systems are developed to capture the allocations and expenditures under the Act, we plan to make that data available in exportable form. Matthew Yglesias » Libertarian Economist Denounces Rescue Package, Admits He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About
  • We have considered the possibility that task allocation really serves the organisation, which is therefore the real client.
  • In addition, television-station allocation is skewed toward lower frequency channels that offer superior transmission.
  • Since no one can accurately predict oil prices, long-term investors should make only a small allocation, of 5% or less, to oil or oil-related securities as a way to smoothen volatility in their portfolios. Best Bets for an Oil Play
  • Citizens are not permitted to question the political institutions, procedures, or value allocations of an authoritarian regime.
  • The other aspect of this problem is that it is as much about the poor allocation of funds on the wrong priorities as it is about the total amount being spent.
  • These results imply that males adaptively change their resource allocation strategy during the course of the season.
  • The allocation formula in England takes no account of the extra costs of providing services in widely dispersed areas, the team says. Times, Sunday Times
  • A new accord between the Federal Reserve and Treasury should re-establish the Fed's independence and accountability so that it is not called upon to monetize the debt or engage in credit allocation.
  • When a large number of products are involved this considerable effort may not be worthwhile until all overhead allocations are routinely reviewed.
  • It plans to set aside 90 per cent of the shares as placement while the remaining 31.9 million new shares are for public offer, subject to reallocation.
  • The timeliness and adequacy of resource allocations should not simply be implied but be addressed openly.
  • The allocation section of the Waxman Markey bill, also called the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), aims to distribute permits representing our national greenhouse gas emissions for decad ... Mike Sandler: Free Allowances to Utilities Are Not Dividends to Consumers
  • Instead, the Housing Minister announced a £100 million allocation specifically for the target areas.
  • Until the allocations are revealed at the end of the trials, neither patients nor doctors know who is getting the real drug and who the placebo.
  • For the UK this would involve fundamental reallocation of military resources, with full withdrawal from Germany as well as from UN work, then resiting in the key states.
  • No missionary or "sustentation" support should be given by any cooperating denomination to a pastor in an overchurched community nor to a "circuit" involving interdenominational competition until after an adjustment is made either by reorganization of the circuit or an agreement has been reached by the missionary and administrative bodies of the respective denominations concerned as to an allocation of such missionary responsibility. Church Cooperation in Community Life
  • Priorities did not drive budget allocations as they should.
  • Cost is the efficiency of resource allocation in essence, according to the author's opinion, the foundational elements of cost comprise the utility of resource and the factor of time.
  • But principals are concerned at delays in a review of the staffing system proposed last year, as they want to know their allocations in time to make appointments for September.
  • When the member reads the legislation he will find out that the process inside the first hearing of either setting up their allocation plan or making the decisions is one that is more interrogative than adversarial.
  • The stock allocation to an individual account is based upon a percentage of pay or some other formula established in advance.
  • The allocation formula in England takes no account of the extra costs of providing services in widely dispersed areas, the team says. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would then be the responsibility of the institution itself to decide upon the detailed allocation of resources within the programme.
  • It is never okay to lie, sometimes okay to lie adder addressable addressing adequate adjacent adjunct adjustable administer admission admit advance advansing advantage aegis affect affinity affirm affix afford after again agency aggravate aggregate agitate ahead aid alarm alerating alias alien alignment alined all allied allocation allow alloy along alphabetic alphameric already altenate alteration although altitude altogether ambient ambiguous ambitious Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
  • The management of resource allocation involves giving attention to all these matters and how they affect roles at different hierarchical levels.
  • The stock allocation to an individual account is based upon a percentage of pay or some other formula established in advance.
  • moonlighted," supplementing Qubwa's drug allocation with privately contracted and often inferior supplies. Psychosphere
  • The whole question of the allocation of resources will keep under review next week.
  • A loss allocation method based on cross interaction matrix is presented in this paper and allocation results reflect interaction of bilateral transactions.
  • In this paper, a scalable and distributed dynamic interval mapping algorithm supporting weight allocation is proposed.
  • The Detailed Spectrum Investigation results have been amalgamated into a proposed table of frequency allocations and use.
  • Although they will not qualify for discounts or bonus shares, they will get a larger allocation.
  • Dutch legislation permitted the beauty parade method of frequency allocation only where the public, cultural or economic interest required it, which was not the case here.
  • In contrast, the third and fourth examples, covering memory allocation by a multiprogramming system and heap management for those languages that deal with variables whose values are \ "big\" objects, speak of allocating space in blocks of different sizes. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • You can't swallow the promise of financial allocation that you made yesterday.
  • By devising a strategy for storage allocation and distribution based on the business value of data, the theory went, we could reduce quantities of expensive high-end storage and thereby shrink costs.
  • Bonus allocations are expected for investors who hang onto their shares for an extended period.
  • The first move has been in converting to a project-based resource allocation system rather than funding an overall area of activity.
  • My account immediately showed that I had no discs at home and was awaiting allocation from their warehouse.
  • ‘This is a significant allocation and may be updated in future Budgets,’ a Department of Finance spokesman said.
  • Nationwide regulations would be more rational, and cost allocations more effective.
  • The competitive market is advocated because it is held to promote efficiency in resource allocation and the liberty of the individual citizen.
  • Achieving the right asset allocation is widely considered key to a successful portfolio. A Helping Hand for Your Portfolio
  • If you decide to undertake these checks before being allocated a case officer it is suggested that these checks be initiated when allocation dates are within three months of your date of lodgement.
  • Great ingenuity was expended in creative accounting to get round overall spending limits or capital allocations.
  • The aid allocation for Pakistan was still under review.
  • This should not be taken to imply that administrative allocations are inevitably worse -- a market has costs, and if those costs exceed the value, then markets result in misallocation. Boing Boing: February 23, 2003 - March 1, 2003 Archives
  • Priority was given to the Health and Education ministries and a new budgetary allocation was created for road infrastructure.
  • Or perhaps you're now ready to take on greater risk and your asset allocation requires a small proportion of your assets to be held in riskier small-cap stocks.
  • So allocation of the transmission cost becomes a focus issue. This paper introduces the Shapley Value of cooperative game to allocate the transmission cost.
  • Second, we present SCUD adaptive component allocation method—RIT, achieving the static configurable middleware adaptation during the component assembly and deploy.
  • Simply put, we are most impacted by economic downshifts, changes in the job market, and reversals in federal funding allocations.
  • Cheap money tends to lead to misallocation of capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • China is, let's not forget, still a communist country, with all the misallocation of resources that characterises that unlovely ideology. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Boundary Tag Method is simulated in this design. The algorithms of allocation and release of Buddy System are studied.
  • On top of that, Kneal added that, the funds they receive from the University Park Allocation Committee (UPAC) are bracketed, meaning only certain money is allotted for certain items. The Daily Collegian Online - News
  • All eligible patients were assigned to each group by simple randomization with rigorous allocation concealment.
  • The truth is that the conventional wisdom on asset allocations is pretty much an idiotic exercise in trying to formularize something that should be as individual as a thumbprint.
  • Indeed, the allocation for improvement work in Cleveland's schools has risen from £90,000 this year to £1.4 million next year.
  • Result shows that the load scheduling system based on the BP algorithm prediction improves performance certainly compared with the way of MPI direct allocation.
  • Since these rights were renounced on divorce, a spouse should be entitled to a ‘more generous allocation’ of the total assets, which should be assessed at the date of trial, rather than separation.
  • After first introducing the idea of indemnification, I explained the role warranties and representations play in risk allocation. Jim Thomas: 7 Keys to Indemnification in Business Sales, Part 4 of 3
  • Different firms have different thresholds for when to make those changes; some do it quarterly, others do it when the asset allocation is off by a certain margin. A Helping Hand for Your Portfolio
  • The so-called problem of allocation, which has bewitched some commentators, does not arise as it does with tangibles such as goods.
  • Other Latin American indices have Brazil allocations of over 60 per cent. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • An example of good practice in incorporating disabled people into an allocations policy was again provided by Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council.
  • The allocation formula in England takes no account of the extra costs of providing services in widely dispersed areas, the team says. Times, Sunday Times
  • He then stated: ‘There is no reasonable prospect of equivalent allotments being provided, so there should be no allocation.’
  • I expect to increase the allocations substantially over the next four years.
  • The competitive market is advocated because it is held to promote efficiency in resource allocation and the liberty of the individual citizen.
  • Large differences exist, for example, in the rate at which tundra plants can respond to changes in weather and climate, due to differences in allocation to stems versus leaves or to secondary chemistry versus new growth [32], in the ability to add new meristems [33], and in the constraints on the amount of growth that can be achieved by a single meristem within a single year (i.e., determinate versus indeterminate growth). Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on function of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • For example, below-ground resource allocation is driven by nitrogen or water availability in many forest ecosystem models.
  • All the expenditure (if at all) made out of the project allocations for public awareness campaigns were, seemingly, wasted, as they never made any impact and educed responses of the kind being currently witnessed. Sunrise over a dying lake
  • News of cutbacks, such as the shortfall in medical card allocations, does not enthuse voters.
  • Corruption deters investment, hinders socio-economic development, undermines good governance, and distorts government policy thus leading to misallocation of resources.
  • When bioenergetic limits for growth are studied, only periods with growth not limited by tissue maturation or reproductive allocation should be taken into account.
  • Over time the resource allocation profile becomes painfully skewed to the right. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • The allocation of publicly funded places in long-term care is contingent upon assessment in the future.
  • Funding for students who reach their limit or who discontinue their studies, whether by completing or withdrawing, is returned to a central pool for reallocation.
  • Deciding on optimal resource allocations for different research projects is a serious issue.
  • The strategic implementation, which doesn't work without the allocation of strategic resources, must establish the mechanism of dynamic allocation of business strategic resources.
  • As in the more developed countries, this expansion in productivity comes from improved technologies and the reallocation of resources from lower to higher value activities.
  • For years, investors lucky enough or plugged-in enough to get allocations of initial public offerings had a license to print money.
  • The resident volume allocation features of the storage array in combination with switch zoning provide a measure of volume-access security.
  • Rudin says that a meeting with the judge who controls space allocation in Old City Hall is expected in the near future.
  • This index has significant allocations to multinational companies and specifically heavy export-oriented names in modern economies like South Korea and Taiwan. Diversification Is Critical With Emerging Markets
  • Twelve hours a week seemed a generous allocation of your time.
  • Much of corporate law can be viewed as allocation of risks between shareholders and managers in an attempt to minimize the effects of these conflicts and to maximize the corporation's overall success.
  • However, Mr Truss has conceded that some buy-back of water allocations to farmers will be necessary.
  • Comparing obvious, “bottom line” interests with “others”—reputation, precedent, relationships, and the like—a very detailed study of corporate resource allocation in a multidivisional chemical company noted: The Manager as Negotiator Bargaining for Cooperation and Competitive Gain
  • Poor management decisions on resource allocations can also impair the value of assets.

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