How To Use Alliteratively In A Sentence

  • Their first mistake, obviously, is not calling it football - alliteratively, 'football' and 'fighting' go together rather nicely. The Sun
  • To sum up alliteratively: expletives extended endurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that Trumpeldor and his associates have no problems whatsoever in talking about Gentiles amongst themselves, on this site, in the very same way that a Southern gentleman might refer to Jews and others at the yearly (think alliteratively forward and backward at this moment) Klan gathering is, in my opinion, highly offensive. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Tween is very obviously an artificial, consumer-culture-created construct (he said alliteratively), but since we're living the years here, I always thought it was more like 10-12. MIND MELD: Is Young Adult SF/F Too Explicit?
  • Gabbling alliteratively over speeded-up footage of dramatic night skies? Times, Sunday Times
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  • I myself was named alliteratively because my father always wanted to be able to step outside on a warm summer night and holler through cupped hands, ‘Come hither Heather Hamilton.’
  • ‘The prejudicial effect would far outweigh the probative value,’ he added alliteratively.
  • The novel begins with Warner Williams, an alliteratively named stringer for Esquire debating with editor Harold Hayes about the reporter's article on a B-movie adaptation of "The Raven. Brian Joseph Davis: A Horrifying Satire of Hollywood Returns
  • A planter of about thirty years of age, clad in buckskin shortclothes, sat smoking his pipe, after his noonday meal, in the wide entry that ran through his double log house from the south side to the north, the house being of the sort called alliteratively "two pens and a passage. Duffels
  • As Gunderson alliteratively put it, there were other better explanations of a more pronounced class identification in this period than ‘Nash's cumbersome contrivance of class consciousness arising in poverty.’
  • the early Norse poets wrote alliteratively
  • I am, of course, talking about the new More 4 show, the alliteratively catchy, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Razzle dazzle 'em
  • Once I chased the rainbow's end on horseback" he writes in another alliteratively-titled poem, "Exercise in Excess" and there is something of that quest in many pieces of work, the rainbow being poetry itself. Archive 2010-02-01
  • Or any one of several other alliteratively animalian avenues? Globe and Mail
  • Within the unfolding of Aoxomoxoa, (a title alliteratively and reflexively evoking the very word "axis" itself!), the flora-like tendrils of childhood experience are anchored, and then extended spoke-like through the flights and journeys of life's passage. Larbear's Aoxomoxoa Thesis
  • Back from the optometrist, eyes dilated, and things closer or farther away than the fixed focus are fuzzy, he said alliteratively. A Quiet Night in the Recliner ...
  • Do they manage to translate the names of the Endless into other languages alliteratively?
  • Repeating the word ‘field’ in the second clause, however, Warner balances it with form, alliteratively cinching together the natural ‘field’ with its scientific meanings.

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