How To Use Alleviation In A Sentence

  • But at the time the only alleviation remained the institution of workhouses, although philanthropists were constructing almshouses, cheap housing for the poor.
  • It is, however, to be wished there were more such "cliquey" people in our midst, for they are always conspicuously at the fore in supporting by their influence and their money every good cause which has for its object the alleviation of suffering and the improvement of the people. A Tale of One City: the New Birmingham Papers Reprinted from the "Midland Counties Herald"
  • However, one thing is certain, researchers say: Fatigue has been shown to have independent long-term prognostic implications in patients with heart failure, suggesting that fatigue needs to be effectively evaluated not only because symptom alleviation is a target for treatment, but also because of the potential for the treatment of fatigue to influence the prognosis in patients with heart failure. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The cost reduction achieved in this way will benefit patients and the society in burden alleviation.
  • If the potential human and economic costs are high enough, engineers who work with floodwater alleviation systems always design them with some sort of fail-safe mechanism.
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  • Human lives suffer from miseries and deprivations of various kinds, some more amenable to alleviation than others.
  • The remedies resorted to, afforded temporary relief; and great was her thankfulness for the alleviation from what she described as anguish -- anguish -- anguish! A Brief Memoir with Portions of the Diary, Letters, and Other Remains, of Eliza Southall, Late of Birmingham, England
  • Search for alleviation and cure is a very basic human reaction, as shrines from Lourdes to high-tech oncology clinics testify.
  • The skilful and careful work of veterinary surgeons and scientists leads to the alleviation of human and animal suffering. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a case where two propositions are diametrically opposite, the mind believes that which is least incomprehensible; — it is easier to suppose that the universe has existed from all eternity than to conceive a being beyond its limits capable of creating it: if the mind sinks beneath the weight of one, is it an alleviation to increase the intolerability of the burthen? The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • This paper shows clearly that patients' moral concerns and the demands of their social roles are often more important for them than the alleviation of symptoms or the cure of disease.
  • The answers will be found in a weave of environmental protection, poverty alleviation and global health initiatives. Globe and Mail
  • It leads to more rapid poverty alleviation and the defusion of social tensions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Such protective action on pressor response, if any, may appear as an alleviation of reduced coronary flow in isolated hearts.
  • And, certainly, a lot of us seem to be chasing a little alleviation right now. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best alleviation for overwhelming evils is to endure and bow to necessity .
  • The prevention and the alleviation sheds the varicosity symptom.
  • The analytical reason for charitable generosity is, of course, the alleviation of guilt.
  • If on the vehicle has equipped the side security aerocyst , may to attack the cushioning effect, the alleviation hit to the crew member forehead and the shoulder impulse, will thus injure falls lowly.
  • The prevention and the alleviation sheds the varicosity symptom.
  • As every outraged nerve in my body cried for alleviation, so my tortured mind shrieked for surcease from the accusing memory of the things I had said and done while under the influence of alcohol. Madeleine: An Autobiography
  • He found some alleviation from self-torment in _David Copperfield_, and he determined to borrow a feather from 'the master's' pinion -- in other words, to place an autobiographical novel to his credit. The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
  • That report contains provisional proposals for the construction of major flood alleviation works within the Edgware Brook and Silk Stream catchments.
  • Water and sanitation are critical factors in the alleviation of poverty and hunger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Research has shown that zinc may play a role in the alleviation of colds. Times, Sunday Times
  • More importantly, they want to show that business and enterprise are the way forward when it comes to poverty alleviation. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the case for equality does not rest on the alleviation of poverty alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best alleviation for overwhelming evils is to endure and bow to necessity .
  • That figure reflected concentration on schemes where the properties that benefit are grouped together geographically so that several can benefit from a single scheme of alleviation.
  • If on the vehicle has equipped the side security aerocyst , may to attack the cushioning effect, the alleviation hit to the crew member forehead and the shoulder impulse, will thus injure falls lowly.
  • It seems that the elicitation of responses under these conditions is mediated by an alleviation of the effects of negative attentional processing (reflected in distracting worries or negative thoughts).
  • Search for alleviation and cure is a very basic human reaction, as shrines from Lourdes to high-tech oncology clinics testify.
  • We require state interference to redress social inequity and poverty alleviation, our past necessitates that.
  • As director general my priorities would be driven by a commitment to equity and alleviation of disparities.
  • That is why the alleviation of poverty is a religious duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hitherto the conception of chemical transmission at nerve endings and neuronal synapses, originating in Loewi's discovery, and with the extension that the work of my colleagues has been able to give to it, can claim one practical result, in the specific, though alas only short, alleviation of the condition of myasthenia gravis, by eserine and its synthetic analogues. Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
  • Since this missing market is a "public bad" (as in, it is nonrival and nonexcludable), its alleviation can be considered a public good. Education Loans, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If public sorrow can bring an alleviation to the grief of their friends, this consolation will be abundantly afforded. Times, Sunday Times
  • But at the time the only alleviation remained the institution of workhouses, although philanthropists were constructing almshouses, cheap housing for the poor.

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