How To Use Allele In A Sentence
These two elements in the story, the unparalleled beauty and the long deep sleep, are what light up the mind and set one questioning.
What the Bee Knows - reflections on myth, symbol and story
However, Oktoberfest is also marketed as a student slosh fest of unparalleled quality and good times.
Loci of noncoding markers that have possible codominant alleles are in boldface italic type.
Featuring an “unparalleled level of luxury” in the “widest seat in the sky”, and sleeping on a “standalone bed that was not converted from a seat”.
» 2009 » August » 05 - SimpliFlying || Aviation :: Branding :: Technology || Airline marketing, airline brand management, social media, Web 2.0
For convenience, we consider only the case of two alleles at each of the three loci and the notation in this case is varied to reduce the superscripts and subscripts.

An allele that provides better immunity against parasites will increase in frequency within a population.
Conclusion The SNP fluorescent-multiplex system based on the fragment length discrepant allele specific PCR strategy is simple and economical, and is of a high application value in forensic medicine.
The country is facing a crisis unparalleled since the Second World War.
The A allele was the dominant allele in the most domestic pig populations investigated, while the B allele was the dominant allele in Meis-han pigs, Wuzhishan pigs, Tibetan pigs and Rongehang pigs.
Both transcripts from the mutated allele are thus likely to encode completely nonfunctional GLB1 proteins.
In concert, the band displayed a power and charisma unparalleled in modern music.
usually involves read-through of nonsense alleles in auxotrophic markers, e.g. ade1-14 (UAG) or ade2-1 (UAA).
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Changes in glomerular filtration rate and filtered load of sodium are regularly and continuously paralleled by comparable alterations in tubular fluid reabsorption.
I do, however, quite like your suggestion for interspersion of "king in the north" and "the pyre" scenes, paralleled with chanting and everythnig ... looks good in my head.
Which episode will GRRM write?
The rise in unemployment is paralleled by an increase in petty crime.
My systems have always been what you would call massively paralleled, meaning to a great degree all of the machines are doing the same thing but on different data.
The Net's Master Data-miner
Breeding experiments in Norway with brown trout found that the genetic basis for large spots or very small spots, comparable in size to the spots of Snake River finespotted cutthroat trout, is due to different forms of a gene called alleles at a single gene locus.
Trout and Salmon of North America
In this outcome, the role of Gassendi, who cham - pioned an empiricism of Epicurean stamp, paralleled and soon merged with that of Locke.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Funny, the crazy thing is that ever since I met Angie my life has kind of paralleled the damned book that started it all in the first place.
Clean Kill
A variety of white leaf marks is found in natural populations and these are represented by multiple alleles at a single locus.
II, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4), the antero-temporal sulcus (scissure parallele) so characteristic of the ape's brain, is as well, if not better developed than the fissure of Rolando, and is much more marked than the proper frontal sulci.
Note on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and the Development of the Brain in Man and Apes
In the past, people understood it was unwise to confuse mythos with logos, but today we read the mythoi of scripture with an unparalleled literalism, and in "creation science" we have bad science and inept religion.
Archive 2009-07-12
Alleles of the same gene occupy the equivalent locus on homologous chromosomes.
How are codominant alleles and imcompletely dominant alleles similar
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In the case of electrons, nine alleles had point-like mutations and three had rearrangements.
With interesting applications here for diagnosis, therapy models and possibly even pharmaceuticals, the authors concluded that "the absence of this protective bias in short-allele carriers is likely to be linked with the heightened susceptibility to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety that has been reported in this group.
MaRS Blog - Innovation and Commercialization in Canada
Based upon Mark Millar's explosive graphic novel series and helmed by stunning visualist director Timur Bekmambetov — creator of the most successful Russian film franchise in history, the Night Watch series — Wanted tells the tale of one apathetic nobody's transformation into an unparalleled enforcer of justice.
Does This Excite You? New Poster for Wanted «
Ironically, the history of hair removal in Western cultures has closely paralleled a rise in concern over hair loss.
There are three alleles or versions of the blood type gene: A, B, and O.
Third, many agronomically important genes or their alleles are chromosome specific and are not triplicated.
The sense that you are a part of an unparalleled history can play momentous tricks.
Times, Sunday Times
On the contrary the markets have been hit by a wave of instability unparalleled since the 1995 Marrakesh trade agreements.
At the MAT locus, parental alleles in diploids differ by a heterology of 700 bp.
For example, when an offspring and parent share rare alleles, confidence in parentage is higher than when sharing common alleles.
“” in the terrible scene where Strafford learns his doom, is only to be paralleled by the song of Mariana in “Measure for Measure,” wherein, likewise, is abduced in one thrilling poignant strain the quintessential part of the tense life of the whole play.
Life of Robert Browning
The board, without a doubt, would side with the man who has given them such unparalleled success.
The Sun
We have no two plant lines that are identical for all alleles of genes yet differ appreciably for genome size.
For a lethal recessive allele, mean frequency monotonically decreases as population size decreases.
Bach had an unparalleled talent for assimilating disparate influences into an architecturally harmonious whole at a time when an unprecedented number of disparate influences — Renaissance polyphony, Lutheran chorale, Italian monody, French dance music, you name it — was ripe for assimilation.
Fame, it's not your brain, it's just the flame that burns your change
There are few direct tests of the dominance of incompatible alleles.
Our specialist library is unparalleled.
Three independent clones derived from each allele were pooled and sequenced.
The use and ceremonial procession of the relics paralleled the miraculous healings described in hagiographical sources.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
Overall the collection is unparalleled for combining scholarly interest and dazzling beauty.
Times, Sunday Times
It is an historical fact that the discoverers of the full multi-level selection regime of the t-allele used a gametic model, a diploid model, and a demic model, not a genic one
Units and Levels of Selection
Their definition of feminism paralleled definitions provided by feminists, who argued that women's rights and personal development were often squelched because of family responsibilities.
I added it to the list on our Instructors' Blog, stated as follows:Students should be able to define dominance as a particular relationship between the effects of two alleles; dominance is said to exist when the phenotype of the heterozygote is the same as that of a homozygote for one of the alleles the 'dominant' one.
How to teach about dominance
But for many families the postwar years brought unparalleled levels of material prosperity.
To me this children's-song and the fleeting and now plaintive echo of it, as "Voices from Within" -- "_Verso la sera, Di Primavera_" -- in the terrible scene where Strafford learns his doom, is only to be paralleled by the song of Mariana in "Measure for Measure," wherein, likewise, is abduced in one thrilling poignant strain the quintessential part of the tense life of the whole play.
Life of Robert Browning
The Wright brothers' interest in aeronautics paralleled the growth of experimentation in the field.
Males carrying the more common allele sired a greater proportion of offspring when they were the second to mate, but females were more likely to re-mate after copulating with these males.
It was while the shadow of this calamity, unparalleled since the beginning of British rule in India, was over the land that the most gorgeous "durbar" ever held in India was ordered for the purpose of gratifying a whim of Queen Victoria, who had induced
Round the World
But we did suggest that in nature, there were "Laws of System Dynamics," which paralleled thermodynamics, and helped explain how a largely resource-spent place like the rainforest - which should be dead - is instead the locus of more life and species creativity than any other ecosystem on earth.
Bill Shireman: Science, Religion, and Sustainability: Lessons from My Grandfather
With perceptions of safety and liquidity enveloping the entire American credit-creating process, credit is issued today in unparalleled overabundance.
They paralleled the ditch to the highway
However, these resistance-conferring alleles are often accompanied by a reduction in fitness relative to the nonresistant wild type that is exposed in the absence of the selective agent.
It is true the people at the Cascades had suffered much, and that their wives and children had been murdered before their eyes, but to wreak vengeance on Spencer's unoffending family, who had walked into their settlement under the protection of a friendly alliance, was an unparalleled outrage which nothing can justify or extenuate.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
In other words, there is a monarchical structure in political life paralleled by henotheism in religion.
The retreat of Marxism has been paralleled by the ascendancy of the New Right.
This implies that it per definition cannot relate the nonadditivity between alleles in each genotype to the dominance value for RNA and protein phenotypes
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Even then, while Hezbollah and Hamas launched their rockets from nurseries and infirmaries, Israel behaved with unparalleled restraint, doing everything in its power to forewarn civilians of coming offensives and then using state-of-the-art munitions with laser-like precision to reduce, as much as humanly possibly, collateral civilian casualties.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Tom Friedman Slanders Israel
unparalleled athletic ability
- The dominant P, allele codes for "thrum" pollen, the recessive, p allele codes for "pin" pollen, which is much smaller.
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The sense that you are a part of an unparalleled history can play momentous tricks.
Times, Sunday Times
These vertical volumes and the several prismatic cuts into the building's outer envelope suggest a reading of the dormitory less as a single parallelepiped and more as an array of conjoined towers.
The R193H cTnI mutant alone encroaches on this limit as it has a dominant effect in all combinations to cause a Ca An equally important factor that likely impacts the additive effects of two activating mutant alleles is the combined incorporation of each mutant into the sarcomere given the central role thin filament stoichiometry and cooperativity plays in the regulation of contraction
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This idea can be discounted because the suspected hybrids would reveal distinctive microsatellite alleles not occurring in non-hybrid D. dussumieri, and they don't.
Archive 2006-02-01
In summary, we report that the allele distribution of the ldh-A gene in Pacific swordfish is homogeneous among temporal samples within-regions but that significant differences exist among pooled regional samples from the NCPO (Hawaii-multiple years), the north-eastern Pacific Ocean (NEPO: Mexico and Ecuador-multiple years), the south-eastern Pacific Ocean (SEPO: off Chile), and the SWP O (Australia).
Think Progress » Kansas Attorney General Refuses To Sue Federal Government Over Health Care Reform
Analloiotos, 'unchangeable' appears in Basil and is paralleled in the Antiochene creed of 325 (with the usual caution about Greek retroversion).
The Creed and the Eucharist in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn
We couldn't have known it at the time, but eight years of unparalleled success were about to draw to a close.
The two most often cited explanations for this phenomenon are unmasking of the effects of deleterious recessive alleles and summation of the dominant effects of multiple loci brought together in the progeny.
Versions of Dante in English offer the reader almost unparalleled opportunity for learned snobbishness.
It was an unparalleled opportunity to develop her career.
We use superscripts and subscripts to distinguish between different SNPs and different alleles within SNPs, respectively.
If it be said that it is manifestly unfair to compare a mystical writer like Emerson with a polemical or historical one, I am not concerned to answer the objection, for let the comparison be made with whom you will, the unparalleled non-sequaciousness of Emerson is as certain as the
Obiter Dicta Second Series
If you did it with 5,000 mutants and 5,000 wild-types (enough to detect a selective advantage as small as 0.005%) and saw changes in allele frequency compatible with drift, people would definitely stand up and take notice.
Demarcation as Politics
For convenience, we consider only the case of two alleles at each of the three loci and the notation in this case is varied to reduce the superscripts and subscripts.
An example of overdominance is the allele in black Africans that confers resistance to malaria when present in one chromosome (heterozygous), but causes sickle cell anemia when present in both (homozygous).
"The more we play God or try to improve on Mother Nature, the more damage we are doing with all kinds of experiments that... turn into nightmares."
Selecting all kinds of pepper to develop and produce, the spicy degree will upgrade again. Add more flavor for the fish slice, and give you unparalleled appetite stimulation.
Canyon of the Eagles surprised me with its hilly terrain, unparalleled views of the Colorado River and Lake Buchanan and rustic cabins each outfitted with a deck where two rocking chairs lazed.
Charu Suri: Another Side of Lone Star State
This sort of thing, however, is paralleled in North Germanic languages like Swedish e.g. -en in pojken or -et in huset where their definite suffixes arose in the same way that Etruscan appears to have been evolving.
Enclitics and noun phrases in Etruscan
In this report, we show that such targeted agents are transported across respiratory epithelia lining human tracheal xenografts, and its transcytosis paralleled expression of hpIgR.
With all of Clinton's claims of unparalleled "experience and sophistication" on foreign affairs, she did not do her homework before the Iraq vote and was dupped by Bush, enabling him to choose a war that is a catatrophe.
Election Central Saturday Roundup
The progenitor of the mutant allele was assumed to be the parental allele that was closest in size to the mutant allele.
There are pockets of evergreen forest in fire-protected gorges and on deeper soils; in the east are valley thicket and succulent thicket, which are less fire-dependent, and in the drier north, low succulent Karoo shrubland which has an unparalleled diversity of species.
Cape Floral Protected Areas, South Africa
If the changes go through he would have unparalleled control of politics and society.
Times, Sunday Times
And in the next 11 years the pair went on to work closely together to bring unparalleled success and signings to the club.
The Sun
Thousands of roads twisted, bent, paralleled, and crossed for miles.
Type O is a nonfunctional allele, because it does not recognize the enzyme substrate.
We have found that certain alleles do show interactions with only one of these inducers of apoptosis.
This hypothesis supposes that there is a suite of potential alleles at the imprinted locus, and each allele differs in its susceptibility to being imprinted.
The statue stands atop Corcovado Mountain, which visitors can climb by taxi or cog railway to gain unparalleled views of the city.
The company's near demise paralleled the savage downturn in market demand, aggravated by an unsupportable overhead structure.
The network has been touted an unparalleled service for visitors and potential visitors to WA.
Comparison of these sequences with those from modern day maize and teosinte samples confirmed modern alleles were present in Mexican maize some 4400 years ago.
If they did nothing else they devised a marriage system to prevent inbreeding that is unparalleled in the universe.
The hedge fund and leveraged speculating community have seen massive inflows and taken on unparalleled leverage.
Most of the multiple alleles were found as rare mutants not in a collection but in landraces from Hokkaido island (the northernmost area of rice cultivation in Japan).
As your breadmaking skills develop, you may find a flour that you are convinced is unparalleled.
Genotype and allele frequencies were calculated from the mean of the 100 nearest values to the mode of the posterior distribution.
Hiding behind barrels and boxes in the narrow alleys that paralleled the main road, he made it to the river within ten minutes.
Gideon’s war
AtAsp38 allele exhibits a combination of embryonic and gametophytic lethality, a wide range of seed phenotypes, and a complex inheritance pattern.
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This is all the more surprising considering his brutality, corruption and human rights abuses were virtually unparalleled.
The residential towers, which sit on vertical projections of the podium, are parallelepipeds, rotated 30° in relation to the podium, which is oriented toward the Manhattan street grid.
The prophet, having shown their base ingratitude in forsaking God, here shows their unparalleled fickleness and folly (v. 9): I will yet plead with you.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The crystal systems are all parallelepipeds whose shapes are completely defined by the lengths of the three sides and by the three angles characterizing the parallelepiped.
Objectives: To study the association between M235T allele polymorphism in exon 2 of angiotensinogen(AGT) gene and essential hypertension(EH).
Radio communications in armoured units were therefore paralleled in artillery and tactical aviation and allowed for intercommunication between them.
Byrnes article quotes Alofsin as he explains: "A rich architectural polyglotism in Austria-Hungary paralleled the varied languages of its people … not only were many architectural languages expressed simultaneously, but they reflected various and even opposing issues of ethnic and national identity, as well as conservative or liberal ideologies.
The Chicago Blog
In the above simulation, I assumed that for every codon, there were at most two alleles segregating in the population at any given time.
Besides these phylogenetic analyses, recombination events were occasionally observed between transferring alleles of silver crucian carp and color crucian carp.
The French army's rise paralleled that of the state it served.
The phenotypes of cells expressing alleles that lacked all or most of the amino terminus were indistinguishable from those of rrm3 cells.
They all testify to your outstanding clinical skills and unparalleled commitment to the welfare of children.
The T-allele has 3 primary forms; however, only 2 different ferrocene labels are used in this system.
Changes in glomerular filtration rate and filtered load of sodium are regularly and continuously paralleled by comparable alterations in tubular fluid reabsorption.
However, failing to find differential receptiveness does not disaffirm this possibility if the polygyny allele is fixed in the population.
Glutathione S-transferase P1 * C allelic variant increases susceptibility for late-onset Alzheimer's disease: Association study and relationship with Apolipoprotein E4 allele.
Mark Hyman, MD: 9 Steps to Reverse Dementia and Memory Loss As You Age
Four alleles were putative pseudogenes and no Pto genes could be isolated from seven individuals of different Lycopersicon species.
Lighting effects are unparalleled, the textures never appear blocky or blurry, and the performances by the character models really heightens the atmosphere.
In contrast, was relatively invariant among populations because the number of segregating sites was largely determined by the presence of both alleles.
Here the Allies stood and fought against tyranny in a giant undertaking unparalleled in human history.
That is the only small price he has to pay for his unmatched adulation and unparalleled adoration from his countryman.
The unparalleled rapidity with which he rode from Cape Town to Grahamstown, a distance of 600 miles, accomplishing it in less than six days; his indefatigable and most able exertion from the moment of his arrival to expel the savage enemy from the ground their unexpected and treacherous invasion had gained – to afford protection and support to the inhabitants; to restore confidence and to organize the armed population, and combine the resources of the country – have been beyond all praise, and justly entitle him to the grateful acknowledgments of the Colony and of the Commander-in-Chief.
The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
Additional segregating alleles are not helpful if their frequency distribution is highly skewed.
Instead, they are directly related to the allele frequency of the homozygote tested and the sample size.
We show that the male lethality associated with bon alleles is not due to defects in dosage compensation or sex determination pathways, but rather to the presence of the Y chromosome.
Women carrying an allele associated with decreased HSL activity have lower fasting and simulated insulin concentrations, and men with this allele have lower nonesterified fatty acid concentrations 6.
Ask Gary a question II | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
Theoretically, the EM algorithm can be applied to an unlimited number of loci with any number of alleles.
Trade-offs in catalytic efficiency at the lac permease of Escherichia coli produce alleles with different substrate specializations that are selectively favored on different galactosides.
When an organism is heterozygous for a trait, the resulting phenotype for that trait expresses only the dominant allele .
But considering the role overdominance is supposed to have in connection with generation of heterosis the results suggest that the allele interaction concept and the associated sign motifs may contribute to a better understanding of the heterosis phenomenon.
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The power they bring to the stage is unparalleled in most bands I've seen.
Walkers with a reasonable level of fitness can join in a guided walk along one of the finest low-level routes in Ireland, the Old Kenmare road, with plenty of stops to enjoy the unparalleled scenery and to be told about the sights.
Objectives: To study the association between M235T allele polymorphism in exon 2 of angiotensinogen(AGT) gene and essential hypertension(EH).
With unparalleled haste and without any great discussion, numerous changes to German law were rushed through both chambers of the German parliament just before Christmas.
It is ironic that these recent degradations of traditional citizenry have followed a period of 50 years unparalleled advance in the quality of material life.
With the unparalleled realism of the film's opening sequences barely moments behind, the scene shifts to one of patriotic transcendence.
Risk alleles for multiple sclerosis identified by a genomewide study.
The Autoimmune Epidemic
And all of this talk of extravagance ignores Abramovich's unparalleled fleet of yachts, some of which typically winter in the harbor not far from his oceanfront estate.
However, such a hypothesis is again unable to explain the selective maintenance of alleles in humans.
The intensity and extremity of this expansion of experience is paralleled by the deepening of communion, by which particularity and individuation are shared with others.
The change in allele frequency at the modifier locus during diploid selection is given by Recombination.
He proposed that dogs which were ee would produce pheomelanin coat colors such as yellow, gold, apricot, or red and that dogs which were black or brown always had one E allele.
Embedded in a low, almost geological podium of slate shards, glass and grey aluminium, the canted parallelepipeds are constructed almost entirely of contiguous glass elements held in place by a skeletal steel frame.
And then there is a collection of dictionaries that must be quite unparalleled.
Connecting Adelaide, Alice Springs and Darwin, the Ghan is the ultimate Australian rail adventure that is coupled with unparalleled luxury.
These changes have paralleled dramatic changes in the assessment of practising physicians.
So, the idea is that some allele exists which confers an evolutionary benefit when present in the heterozygote stronger sperm, for example, and confers homosexuality in the homozygote.
"The more we play God or try to improve on Mother Nature, the more damage we are doing with all kinds of experiments that... turn into nightmares."
This rise in discharge rate with hypercapnia paralleled the rise in iEMG activity.
The altered allele produces an enzyme that is less thermostable and has 60% lower activity than the common allele.
How then could I write, when it was impossible but to attrist you! when I could speak of nothing but unparalleled horrors! and but awaken your sensibility, if it slumbered for a moment!
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 4
You can see that tendency paralleled in his books, in the steady erosion of individual significance.
Interestingly, overexpression of the functional wild-type HA-Mcm7p from an episome or an integrated allele was toxic for normal cell growth and viability.
If the changes go through he would have unparalleled control of politics and society.
Times, Sunday Times
Though still relying upon single lenses, Leeuwenhoek's unparalleled grinding skill produced microscopes of very high power, with magnifications ranging to 500 power.
You can see that tendency paralleled in his books, in the steady erosion of individual significance.
“Passeports pour l’imaginaire”, the non-profit organisation which administers the Jacques Brossard, is also manages the “Prix jeunesse des univers parallèles”, an award that polls hundreds of Quebec junior high school students for their favourite Children/YA novel of the year.
Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » Prix Boréal
Rembrandt's many and multiform self-portraits, unprecedented in their time and virtually unparalleled until the twentieth century, must be central to any consideration of his view of himself and his artistry.
We analyzed the single locus case in more detail to identify which of the realized allele interaction sign motifs were most prone to generate overdominance compared to partial or complete dominance.
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However, the man-woman pair bond and man child pair bond are not paralleled by any terrestrial primate nor many mammals.
Furthermore, the best, and indeed the only way to fix a set of alleles within a breed is through inbreeding.
Written as a memoir, the book provides his unparalleled insight into the use and abuse of the power of the atom.
This is secured at her shoulder with a fibula brooch of onyx and sardonyx brooches hung with delicate teardrop-shaped gems of emerald, glass, and gold, whose appearance in coin is closely paralleled in archaeological finds that have been made around Europe.13
Caesars’ Wives
Platyrrhini proper, the only observation with which I am acquainted is due to Pansch, who found in the brain of a foetal Cebus Apella, in addition to the sylvian fissure and the deep calcarine fissure, only a very shallow antero-temporal fissure (scissure parallele of Gratiolet).
Note on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and the Development of the Brain in Man and Apes
The Gist: Winning a national title ushered in unparalleled credibility for the Gators, and in some respects the greatest tension they faced recruiting the senior class was which guys to take and which to turn down.
Blue Devils back on top on signing day
He is a man of the utmost sincerity and the respect he commands within the game is unparalleled.
At one time he formed part of that merciless decemvirate which -- with Robespierre at its head -- meant to govern France by laws of bloodshed and of unparalleled ferocity.
The Elusive Pimpernel
Gene inactivations were done by replacement of the endogenous wild-type allele with one of the kanMX cassettes.
Nearly all right-handers are left-brained for language, suggesting that the D allele controls both handedness and brain dominance for language.
To optimize the mentioned facilities a beverage bottle (or packaging in general) should be a rectangular cuboid (six rectangular faces), also called a rectangular hexahedron, or rectangular parallelepiped.
Multichannel News: Business News
He was unparalleled in his ability to inculcate two worlds as divergent as "church" and "state.
Bishop T.D. Jakes: Honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Disease-allele counts, further conditioned on the current count, may be realized by use of rejection sampling, but this is ineffective.
Its creative and artistic audacity is paralleled only by the sheer exuberance with which creators Kevin and Kerry Conran spin their tale.
Blog De Ganz | Archive | January
(An allele is any of the variants of a gene that takes more than one form; such genes are known as polymorphisms.
The Science of Success
Instead selection causes the same increase in allele frequency in both dominants and recessives, at least early on when the fates of nearly all alleles are determined.
The names of the alleles involved in these gene conversion/recombination events are separated by a slash.
These valleys form part of a magnificent expanse of contiguous pristine valleys-a complex of giant trees unparalleled on Vancouver Island.
Whatever that allele does, it must have conveyed a very strong evolutionary advantage, because from that single event of what geneticists politely call "introgression" it spread to 70 percent of the human population today.
Evolution: Who Gave Us Our Smarts?
The SABR? rifle utilizes our patented self-regulating short-stroke gas-piston operating system ensuring unparalleled reliability in the harshest theaters of operation.
As this unparalleled beauty is compared to music in the third line, it is unlikely to be about it.
Times, Sunday Times
These mutations generated variant repeats that differed at one or several positions from the canonical sequences defined earlier for each repeat of the A 2 allele.
Susceptible alleles, on the other hand, could be widely divergent from the resistant haplotypes and each other.
some alleles are dominant over others
The Boer ultimatum, by making it impossible for the British Government to be any longer cajoled into an elusory settlement by Boer diplomacy, had relieved Lord Milner of a load of anxiety, and closed a period of unparalleled physical and mental strain.
Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
If the two genes carry different alleles, then the allelic genealogy states only that they are different.
This equilibrium is known as polymorphic, by contrast with the monomorphic equilibria that arise when either of the alleles has gone to fixation.
Population Genetics
They represent gentle scoldings of the modern sensibility; they remind us of our unparalleled capacity for complacency and myopia.
A practical automatic control circuit unparalleled automotive procedures, useful to the next.
Alleles of the apolipoprotein E gene have distinct neuroanatomic signatures , identifiable in childhood.
Their roles are paralleled by ours
For example, although Mendel's law of segregation (M) (which states that in sexually reproducing organisms each of the two alternative forms (alleles) of a gene specifying a trait at a locus in a given organism has 0.5 probability of ending up in a gamete) is widely used in models in evolutionary biology, it has a number of exceptions, such as meiotic drive.
Scientific Explanation
Evolution is about one thing: The explanation for the changes in allele frequencies over time.
Pious Atheism « Anglican Samizdat
Formal pedestrian promenades along either side are gracefully paralleled by double rows of live oak trees.
It is possible that this allele is non-functional and is compensated by other functional alleles in the same patient.
If the changes go through he would have unparalleled control of politics and society.
Times, Sunday Times
I'd spent a day on a river of unparalleled beauty and absorbed enough about the art of fishing to make me understand its lure and want to try again.
Even before Parliament went into recess on July 21, an unparalleled degree of cross-party unity had been established.
Similarly, inbreeding decreases the effective size of selection but unmasks deleterious alleles in homozygotes.
And my poetry is unparalleled since the bards hung up their rhyming shoes!