
How To Use Allegro In A Sentence

  • A year later, in ‘L' Allegro ’, the delphic element had disappeared, and Milton's cheerful man heard ‘Sweetest Shakespeare, fancy's child Warble his native woodnotes wild’.
  • The concluding Allegro has a rollicking, folksy character, complete with a drone-like accompaniment.
  • And what caps this dizzy display is not seriously ordered fugato, let alone a full fugue, but a comically stilted allegro dance in duple rhythm, with octave leaps, mostly in two parts with chordal intrusions.
  • The first movement is a conventional symphonic Allegro.
  • From the opening notes of the Allegro vivace assai, the Berlin players conjured up Mozart in the best Viennese manner.
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  • The sixteenth variation - a famous tour-de-force - is a ‘French overture’ - that is, a grand introduction of slow dotted rhythms, followed by a fugal allegro.
  • The Symphony consists of only three movements - a pathetic Allegro in D minor, a highly original Scherzo in the same key, and a blissful Adagio in E major.
  • The concluding Rondo: Allegro comodo had sparkle and lightness to spare.
  • The first forty-five and a half bars are for the orchestra, allegro moderato e grazioso. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • The third part of the class is called allegro, and that consists of fast work, combinations, sequences of steps with the big jumps and turns that make ballet impressive. Butterfly
  • If the Sonata be not suitable for London, I could send another, or you might omit the Largo, and begin at once with the Fugue in the last movement, or the first movement, Adagio, and the third the Scherzo, the Largo, and the Allegro risoluto. Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826
  • The hushed surprise of the adagio introduction gave way to the driving rhythmic thrust of the Allegro molto.
  • Mr. Maazel spoke only a few words here and there, often using the Italian lingua franca of classical musicians – staccatissimo, piu allegro, marcato. The N.Y. Philharmonic in Pyongyang
  • The impossibility, however, to find any one of equal excellence as a performer (that is to say, in his more lucid and orderly moments) had forced his reinstalment, and he had now, for the most part, reconciled himself to the narrow sphere of his appointed adagios or allegros. Zanoni
  • Half way through the final allegro the world came into existence again, as quietly and effortlessly as it had gone.
  • As a large-scale transcription of a movement from a viola da gamba sonata, Alissa Firsova's Allegro was a bright and multicoloured piece that attracted attention through its command of instruments used in breeze-block manner – sharply defined, if not exactly subtle. Proms 38 & 39: Bach Day
  • I represents the formal and cadential structure of the Allegro under this different interpretation.
  • For example, what can be more irrational than the general term allegro, which only means lively; and how far we often are from comprehending the real time, so that the piece itself contradicts the designation. Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Vol. 1 of 2
  • In music, the term allegro meant quick, lively, and she was that. The Owl and Moon Cafe
  • Gruppman's bracing attack and Kosower's warmly resonant tone enlivened the Allegro finale.
  • Half way through the final allegro the world came into existence again, as quietly and effortlessly as it had gone.
  • Her taut, strongly projected approach to the Allegro, ma non tanto finale produced a cascade of virtuosic razzle dazzle that was always wedded to a sophisticated conception of the score's grand, arching line.
  • (Soundbite of song) Unidentified Woman (Singer): (Singing) ... blamed him from wanting an allegro. The Hammersteins' Path From Brooms to Broadway
  • He remarked that the adagio speed requires ‘more ample movements’ than the allegro, where notes are ‘tossed off’, whereas in presto there is ‘great physical abandon’.
  • Marked Allegro non troppo, the Concert Overture (for which Raff made a piano, 4 hands arrangement) lasts about 10 minutes and is a very superior and craftsmanlike piece of work - hardly typical of the run of the mill celebratory pieces churned out by dozens of kapellmeisters at the time.
  • I hope soon to hear good news from you, not in allegro time, but veloce prestissimo. Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826
  • With the resumption of the Allegro risoluto the striving commences again and is even more restless than before. Edward MacDowell
  • The darkly resonant tones of the lower strings in the opening Largo were a prelude to the precise, crisp attack of the violins in the succeeding Allegro molto.
  • 04 Concertone for 2 Violins, Oboe, Cello & Orchestra in C major K. 190 (186e), I. Allegro spiritoso VeryCD - 电驴资源订阅
  • Berg also embeds within the score a number of self-contained closed forms: sonata-allegro, rondo, variation, canzonetta, cavatina, etc.
  • Arabeske (Allegro scherzando) is a sparkling wrist study. Edward MacDowell
  • The issues with which ambassadors have to deal are better dealt with penseroso rather than allegro. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A whirlwind final movement, allegro - andante - vivace molto capriccioso - with something of the feel of Bartók and Prokofiev, ends by quoting material from the earlier movements.
  • I guess one could draw an equally strong analogy to the classical symphony's slow introduction before a first-movement allegro.
  • Krupa (a distant cousin of Gene Krupa), is a tiny woman, wiry and wired, who gets a big sound from her piano; her bright blue eyes dominate her face, and her words -- frequently self-deprecating -- tumble out allegro staccatissimo in a Chicago accent you could cut with a knife. Chicago Reader
  • Larger than life, he accompanied each step of my journey with moods to match - allegro, penseroso, adagio, furioso: his exuberance alternated with expressions of harshness and nervous fury at life's intransigent thwarting of his will.
  • This first movement is an Allegro aggressively ascends in a " rocket theme .
  • He couldn't write a symphonic allegro to save his life.
  • Berg also embeds within the score a number of self-contained closed forms: sonata-allegro, rondo, variation, canzonetta, cavatina, etc.
  • At the very first bars of the intensely passionate allegro, the beginning of the sonata, I felt that numbness, that chill and sweet terror of ecstasy, which instantaneously enwrap the soul when beauty bursts with sudden flight upon it. The Jew and other stories
  • The symphony takes the idea through a more classically-oriented structure: an opening allegro, a slow movement, a scherzo, and a dead-march finale.
  • Raff uses colour and has a fine palette that makes the music all the more attractive especially in the final Allegro.
  • A fiery, tempestuous reading of the Allegro non troppo had just the right contrasting hues of aristocratic grace.
  • I also enjoyed Howard Shelley's playing in the concluding Allegro moderato which is also very melodious.
  • No. 23 (F Major - Moderato) purls off the piano like drops of water for some forty seconds before the conclusion begins, in No. 24 (D Minor - Allegro appassionato), sweeping, broad, interlaced with runs.
  • Pianist Michael Linville, now the New World Symphony's Director of Admissions, played with stylish musicality in the Allegro, ma non tanto from Dvorák's Quartet in A for Piano and Strings Op 81.
  • Symphony No. 4 in C major, Op. 112 (second version): Allegro risoluto CD1 LOG AvaxHome
  • Even the introductory toccata-flourishes are at moderate speed and relatively sober in mien: while the succeeding fugato, though marked allegro, is in four severely interlocked parts that generate often acute dissonances.
  • I hope soon to hear good news from you, not in _allegro_ time, but _veloce prestissimo_. Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Volume 2
  • Allegro vivacissimo having been made, Chung advances upon the frenzy she will attain quite stealthily, then the wild dance can begin in earnest. Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • The jazzy, flowing first movement made way for a stunning allegro: pizzicato ostinati, Spanish dance rhythms, dramatic passion to the fore.
  • Rabotkina brought refreshing restraint and imaginative, often poetic musical shape to the thrice familiar Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso.
  • There are a few pauses in the Allegro moderato and the final movement is quite thrilling in its peroration.
  • The Kungsbacka Trio are embarking on a series, and this first volume includes the famous "Gypsy Rondo", dispatched with mirth, and some lovely movements such as the serene Allegro, ma dolce of the D major trio and the more severe Andante cantabile of the E flat minor trio; in the F sharp minor trio there's a version of a movement from his Symphony No 102. Haydn: Piano Trios Vol 1, Nos 24, 25, 26, 31 – review
  • Rapture possesses an ecstatic energy in its allegro passages and an understanding and acceptance of life's struggles in its adagio section that reach the viewer unmediated by any kind of conceptual fanciness.
  • The opening Allegro maestoso is winningly done whilst the lovely Andante semplice also contains much that is beautiful and simple at the same time.
  • : Marked "Allegro appassionato," a tremendous discharge of despairing passion, concluding with three foreboding D's from the bowels of the piano. Chopin's Small Miracles
  • The allegro begins in a beautiful apartment in south-east Paris, from which you can see the lights of the Eiffel Tower scanning the sky.
  • Mr. Maazel spoke only a few words here and there, often using the Italian lingua franca of classical musicians -- staccatissimo, piu allegro, marcato. Orchestra Exits for Seoul
  • Mrs. Gold, as before, but with still less regard to time, and more out of tune; but she tries to compensate for this by introducing very long ornaments at the _fermate_ in the _allegro_, sung with her thin, piercing, over-strained voice; and she frequently rolls up her black eyes. Piano and Song How to Teach, How to Learn, and How to Form a Judgment of Musical Performances
  • The rhythmic urgency of the second movement Allegro was striking.
  • The mysterious opening becomes increasingly agitated till an irate accelerando launches the Allegro on its wayward path.
  • The strings players brought invigorating energy to the concluding Allegro assai.
  • It divides into three movements - Allegro, Lento, Allegro vivace.
  • Each of the six sinfonias is in four movements with a variety of finales including a Rondeau, a Presto, a ‘Cotillon’ and the more traditional Allegro assai.
  • The music begins with an allegro animato which is reflective and oriental in its delicacy, but also contains more dramatic percussive music.
  • The ensuing Allegro is a joyous rush that seems rather molto vivace - and ends in a rather strange muddle of instruments for several bars.
  • The opening allegro was written in a white heat of inspiration, during a holiday in the mountains near Graz; he seems to have run out of manuscript paper, for the last 50 bars are scribbled out on dinner napkins.
  • Her strengths shone through in this Coppelia, with its lightning petit allegro segments and pointe solos.
  • _prestissimo_ (superlative of _presto_) _vivacissimo_ (superlative of _vivace_) _allegrissimo_ (superlative of _allegro_) _prestissimo possibile_ (hypersuperlative of _presto_) Essentials in Conducting
  • The second movement - Allegro, rigorously designed after Vivaldi's manner, betrays Tartini's propensity for virtuoso ornamentation.
  • It ought to have been all gay, allegro, allegretto, in that sparkle of bright air and old roof surfaces. The Plumed Serpent
  • When she returned to Mr. B's class, across the floor she sped in a moving allegro combination, executing triple pirouettes.
  • In the concluding Allegro animato, he captured the Norwegian folk qualities of the music with zest.
  • The relentless energy and fury of the Allegro non troppo recalled the Scherzo of Shostakovich's Tenth Symphony.
  • My grandfather used to tell me, as he tooted at her from his mint condition Allegro, that she had spent the best part of her years waiting at the side of the road for her long-lost sweetheart to return.
  • The first movement is a conventional symphonic Allegro.
  • _Allegro ma grazioso_ -- an _allegro_ played in graceful style. Music Notation and Terminology
  • Mr. Maazel spoke only a few words here and there, often using the Italian lingua franca of classical musicians -- staccatissimo, piu allegro, marcato. Orchestra Exits for Seoul
  • The long middle movement, marked allegro agitato, and associated by Bloch with Yom Kippur, has an intense and clamorous opening but the mood alternated between that and pensive intervals.
  • The final Allegro non troppo presto is a suitable conclusion to this fine work that is most certainly one of the most impressive I've heard in recent years.
  • And under van Daele's sure hand, this came off remarkably well, with a vivid allegro, lovely andante, one of Haydn's zesty minuets and a finale that carries the title ‘la Tempesta’ for good reason.
  • Part II: Allegro Part III: Tempo I This becomes clear in the solo "cadenza," an Impressionist reverie in which a complex mood is evoked, requiring a titanic struggle to be played with a single hand. Sound of One Hand Playing
  • A mercurial scherzo and almost martial "allegro enfatico" showed off the BBCSSO's colourist skills. Die Walküre; Siegfried; BBC Proms 23, 26 & 27 – review
  • The same is true at the opening of the Finale: Allegro moderato molto e marcato, where even longer annotated phrase spans should exactly match with the lead in to the poco animato.
  • The Scherzo-Allegro vivace danced off the keyboard like a true ländler.
  • (The superlative degree of _allegro_.) _Allegro agitato_ -- a moderately rapid tempo, and in agitated style. Music Notation and Terminology
  • Though she rose slowly through the company ranks (appointed soloist in 1967 and principal in 1972), her brilliant allegro technique made her a natural Balanchine dancer.
  • A fiery, tempestuous reading of the Allegro non troppo had just the right contrasting hues of aristocratic grace.
  • He didn't know what a waltz was, or what it meant to play allegro instead of andante.
  • She could anticipate the allegros, the lentos, and the fortes, with ease, but when it came time to anticipate the man she loved, she felt tone deaf, and for that there was no cure. Until the Heart Stops Beating
  • The allegro finale burns down the barn, without sacrificing musicality or a sharply-defined independence of voices.
  • The second movement begins after the Allegro
  • In the Allegro assai moderato we have an impression of impish playfulness that is very much akin to Gade's own inventiveness.
  • No. 9 in F Major / Allegro - A chordal study with the primary melody first presented in legato form and then altered to staccato.
  • The Allegro molto vivace was - appropriately enough - very animated, and their intonation, if not perfect, impressive.
  • His brilliant rhythmic dexterity and idiomatic sense of Prokofiev's ‘Music of New Russia’ captured the sarcasm and biting wit of the Scherzo: Allegro marcato.
  • The opening allegro crackled with masculine high jinks.
  • And in the Fifth Symphony, one of those in which he called for no vocal performers, he nevertheless managed to vary and expand the conventional suite by preceding the first allegro with a march, and separating and relieving the gargantuan scherzo and rondo with an adagietto for strings alone. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • Chan's fierce power in the opening Allegro kept the performance lilting - borne aloft on wings of song.
  • Piano Concerto #15's opening allegro, for example, scintillates like sunlight on a choppy lake.
  • Mr. Maazel spoke only a few words here and there, often using the Italian lingua franca of classical musicians – staccatissimo, piu allegro, marcato. The N.Y. Philharmonic in Pyongyang
  • The work falls into four movements - moderato, slow, scherzo, and allegro finale - the last three played without a break.
  • The one Allegro movement barely traverses the dance medium, its darkly measured grace marked by a violin solo and dotted ripieno rhythms of demure power somewhat reminiscent of Bach's Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • There had been some flaccid rubatos in the preceding Allegro Assai and there were some underplayed syncopations in the Minuet and Trio but the cheer it received was well earned.
  • play this section allegro
  • But Willis's easygoing, dancing phrasing warmed up the chamber-sized dimensions of the playing, and once the intonation settled, in time for the bewitching Siciliano of the E-major concerto (BWV 1053), the group began to exude more confidence, and the closing Allegro had a happy brio. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Of course, Shostakovich's biting and grotesque satire rears its head as well, particularly in the 3rd Movement Allegro non troppo.
  • The first four lines are andantino, the refrain allegro. Songs of Ukraina, With Ruthenian Poems
  • It consists of a complete four-minute piece, in the form of a simple prelude or voluntary and the start - just a few bars - of a fugal Allegro in the manner of a toccata.
  • [Figure: Musical score excerpt of the rhythm in 6/8] of the second subject of the Allegro scherzando, page 25. Letters
  • The same is true at the opening of the Finale: Allegro moderato molto e marcato, where even longer annotated phrase spans should exactly match with the lead in to the poco animato.
  • In the center exercises, he liked extremes in tempos - molto allegro or super-slow adagio.
  • In performing these youthful works, the Angeles String Quartet played with such deft skill, there was an abundance of dulcet adagios, energetic allegros, and gracious minuets.
  • A lengthy Allegro moderato develops the themes rather well although one cannot claim that we are re-discovering a masterpiece.
  • Allegro vivace movement from Moses grandson Felix Mendelssohn Laurence Vittes: Classical Music Media Sighting: Felix Mendelssohn Introduces Interview With Sandy Koufax
  • The central tempo di valse movement has an easy-going lilt and the allegro vivace of the finale is electrifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Filename C: \ista\05 - Karajan - Symphony no. 36 in C major K. 425 Linz - Adagio - Allegro spiritoso. wav AvaxHome RSS:
  • His brilliant rhythmic dexterity and idiomatic sense of Prokofiev's ‘Music of New Russia’ captured the sarcasm and biting wit of the Scherzo: Allegro marcato.
  • The bitter irony of the Allegro marcato evolved at a fierce tempo.
  • So far as I am myself concerned, I have long purposed giving up those inconsistent terms allegro, andante, adagio, and presto; and Maelzel's metronome furnishes us with the best opportunity of doing so. Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Vol. 1 of 2
  • With Itin's light touch the third movement Allegro seemed to dance off the keyboard.
  • In the Allegro assai moderato we have an impression of impish playfulness that is very much akin to Gade's own inventiveness.
  • I also enjoyed the Finale that also follows without a break and which is marked Allegro deciso, assai moderato.
  • Participants explored barre work, center practice, port de bras, pirouettes, adagio, allegro and pointe work.
  • It's not as barnstorming as many interpretations but carefully charting all the work's expressive depths; both the A major Rondo and the lengthy A minor Allegro are done with equal sensitivity.
  • Symphony No. 4 in C major, Op. 47 (first version): Allegro risoluto AvaxHome
  • The opening Allegro non troppo is particularly memorable whilst the Andante has some moments of true poetic beauty.
  • Movement 3: Allegro energico e risoluto - Moderato serioso [15'02] VeryCD - 电驴资源订阅
  • It begins with a short, tentative introduction of Bohemian wistfulness before launching on a vigorous sonata-form Allegro con brio.
  • The fiery manner in which he attacked the opening Allegro non troppo held the audience spellbound.
  • The concerti themselves have such delicacy in the dance movements, and a wide variety of moods elsewhere, from the sad siciliana to the most effervescent of optimism in some of the allegros. Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • Sing the second verse allegro.
  • allegro con brio
  • The Allegro agitato is a study in broken symmetry.
  • It was played with coloured lighting to guide us through the movements: red for the first allegro, blue for the quieter slow movement, and green with increasing orange for the finale.
  • Heralding the Sandy Koufax segment, the perky opening bars of the "Allegro vivace" movement from Moses 'grandson Felix Mendelssohn's Fifth Symphony pipe up under the opening image. Laurence Vittes: Classical Music Media Sighting: Felix Mendelssohn Introduces Interview With Sandy Koufax
  • The same goes for the Allegretto fantastico which is also quite ravishing and all is rounded off in a Molto allegro agitato that brings the work to an extremely satisfying conclusion.
  • A trenchant First Movement is marked Andantino-Allegro molto vivace and Hogwood is superb in handling the transition between both parts of the score.
  • The first forty-five and a half bars are for the orchestra, allegro moderato e grazioso. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • The adagio transitioned into an allegro
  • The opening Allegro maestoso is winningly done whilst the lovely Andante semplice also contains much that is beautiful and simple at the same time.
  • Heralding the Sandy Koufax segment in Jews and Baseball, the perky opening bars of the "Allegro vivace" movement from Moses 'grandson Felix Mendelssohn's Fifth Symphony pipe up. Laurence Vittes: Classical Music Media Sighting: Felix Mendelssohn Introduces Interview With Sandy Koufax
  • As David moved into the allegro section of class, he identified two purposes, strengthening the body and building a vocabulary of steps.
  • But Willis's easygoing, dancing phrasing warmed up the chamber-sized dimensions of the playing, and once the intonation settled, in time for the bewitching Siciliano of the E-major concerto (BWV 1053), the group began to exude more confidence, and the closing Allegro had a happy brio. Authentication keys
  • Well, actually, he did spill some kind of goo all over his cravat at the Election-Day lunch at Allegro restaurant.
  • The sudden, unprepared E Major Allegro that concludes the fourth and final movement seems a bit like kicking the corpse.
  • It consists of a complete four-minute piece, in the form of a simple prelude or voluntary and the start - just a few bars - of a fugal Allegro in the manner of a toccata.
  • allegro molto
  • It appears that she was for - merly a danseuse at the Allegro, and that she has known the bridegroom for some years. Sole Music
  • This Allegro non tanto is the first movement of this two-movement sonatina.
  • It consists of a complete four-minute piece, in the form of a simple prelude or voluntary and the start - just a few bars - of a fugal Allegro in the manner of a toccata.
  • The final allegro, made so memorable in Balanchine's ballet of the same name, crackles with wit. Bizet: Symphony in C, Jeux d'enfants, Roma; Orchestre de Paris/Järvi
  • The third movement of the D major concerto is especially difficult in tone and tempo: it has never been clear, to my mind, how one can simultaneously be allegro giocoso yet heed the indication ma non troppo vivace.
  • _prestissimo_ (superlative of _presto_) _vivacissimo_ (superlative of _vivace_) _allegrissimo_ (superlative of _allegro_) _prestissimo possibile_ (hypersuperlative of _presto_) Essentials in Conducting
  • Horn Trio in E flat major, Op. 40: IV. Finale: Allegro con brio.

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