
How To Use Allegory In A Sentence

  • It is only in retrospect that we can see that the story is a kind of miniature and somewhat oversharp version of the allegory that the Glass family stories would enact. Justice to J.D. Salinger
  • But couvade, as I attempt to untangle its relation to colonialism in this essay, is a strategy re-invented for the purposes of reconciliation in narratives of Manichean allegory.
  • Sheikh Muhammed is chiefly remembered today for his Yoga-sangrama, a long allegory in songs describing the spiritual struggle as a ‘battle of yoga’.
  • In 1775, there appeared a heroicomic poem, "Myszeis" (The Mousiad), a purposely entangled allegory on the state of Poland. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • In An Allegory, for example, the composition invokes the sublime order of classical art.
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  • An unexploded bomb is lodged ominously in the courtyard, a neat visual allegory for the sense of imminent threat in the film. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interactions between the characters in Springtime obviously form a political allegory, but rarely have I seen allegorical conceits that were as likeable as these characters are.
  • The play can be read as allegory.
  • subtle, multivalent allegory
  • Kleist's twenty-sentence novella would therefore be an allegory of events, a tale in which no occurrence — the slip of the beggarwoman, the death of the Marquis — can be understood by situating it within a deterministic logic that would purport to explain what it means by referring it to something else. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • See, the neat thing about stories, I think, especially fantasy stories where the archetypal aspect of the characters and the actions partake of the mythic, is that the rules of drama can fuck over any allegory. Thoughts on Narnia
  • Saint Augustine's 'City of God' is an allegory of the triumph of Good over Evil.
  • Wajda's sewer rats swarmed onwards as allegory: they eventually emerged not from a Warsaw manhole, but a manhole on Wall Street.
  • Have we been booked into an allegory? The Times Literary Supplement
  • John Ford's classic western, starring John Wayne, is a political allegory about how ‘civilisation’ managed to conquer America's Wild West.
  • With its emphasis on personification and topical allusion, allegory has a long association with political discourse.
  • Let me be blunt: the idea that ‘Invasion’ is a Cold War allegory is bunkum.
  • Far more than the story of one beleaguered farmer, it is a riveting dramatic allegory about human nature and the nature of our society.
  • In heraldry the eagle has been used in countless armorial bearings as an allegory of power. Times, Sunday Times
  • True there are imperfections in the Bible: antilogies, repetitions, want of continuity; but these imperfections become perfections by leading us to the allegory and the spiritual meaning (Philoc., The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Miller had been absent from the stage since The Crucible, in which he used the Salem witch trials as allegory for McCarthyism.
  • Animal Farm' is an allegory in which the animals represent the Russian people and Farmer Jones the old Tsarist regime.
  • But he also sought refuge in history, allegory and myth. Times, Sunday Times
  • They include Mr. Shakhnazarov's perestroika-era "Zero City" 1988, a surreal allegory laced with absurdism, which screened in a series on Russian fantastic cinema. A Russian Titan Embraces the Web
  • Therefore, to church members the Book of Mormon is not fiction, not pseudepigrapha, not literary embellishment, not a parable or an allegory, but a book about real people who lived in ancient times.
  • He used the Golden Legend, Huon de Meri's allegorical poem of the fight between Jesus and the Antichrist, Peter Comestor's Bible History, Rustebeuf's La Voie de Paradis, Grosseteste's religious allegory of Le Chastel d 'Amour, the paraded learning of Vincent of Beauvais in Speculum Historiale, and other works -- numerous and small signs of booklore, which are completely overshadowed by his illuminating comprehension of the popular side in the politics of his day. Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
  • Animal Farm' is an allegory in which the animals represent the Russian people and Farmer Jones the old Tsarist regime.
  • Orwell adapts the literary forms of the allegory and beast fable for his own purposes.
  • As I understand it, this isn't allegory, but literal truth, a prophecy that will someday be realised.
  • At the heart of this strange embedded narrative lies a cumbrous allegory.
  • Given its central importance, allegory could have been discussed more extensively, including the ways in which the poem resists allegorical interpretation. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The Russian Revolution has proven itself to be fertile ground for allegory and myth. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The theme throughout the book is presented through the allegory of corrupt pigs and the passivity of the other barnyard animals.
  • I use the term allegory reluctantly because allegorical figures, like those found in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress or Spenser's Faerie Queene tend to be one-dimensional, lacking interiority and nuance. Michael Gilmour: Anne Bronte's Religious Imagination
  • Such an interpretation, inevitably allegorical, must take allegory seriously, as a mode of both representation and interpretation.
  • For instance, Prokofiev's boringly patriotic 1945 opera adaptation of Tolstoy's War and Peace was taken as using the dramatic defeat of Napoleon in 1812 as an allegory for the Red Army's recent repulsion of the Nazis.
  • The elephant, unwieldy and awkward yet graceful and powerful, becomes an allegory for the form itself.
  • The allegory is so interchangeable over the decades and speaks to that inner paranoia of whatever society is watching it. Fave Five: Sci-Fi Horror Movies
  • Lyly's play uses the myth to present a political allegory of Philip of Spain, by giving Midas and his courtiers what was considered by a contemporary English audience to be a specifically Spanish characteristic: the desire for gold.
  • Saint Augustine's 'City of God' is an allegory of the triumph of Good over Evil.
  • Good storytelling and allegory make uncomfortable bedfellows.
  • Most of all, the show's universe was flimsy and under-developed, the result of too much attention paid to thin allegory and facile real-world parallels, and not enough energy diverted to making Galactica's universe its own living creation. MIND MELD: If We Ran Battlestar Galactica
  • But then comes the coded ending, and you realize that Bagger is a symbol, an allegory, a pillar of life, death and whatever else.
  • French poet, has said, "L'allégorie habite un palais diaphane" -- _Allegory lives in a transparent palace. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • But the surrealism and political allegory into which this plucky show strays does not yet feel fully thought through. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book is a kind of allegory of Latin American history.
  • The Russian Revolution has proven itself to be fertile ground for allegory and myth. The Times Literary Supplement
  • a deep allegory
  • In common with religion, German Romanticism used allegory to preach its message.
  • It can, and has, also been interpreted as an allegory of the political, economic and social adventures of the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries.
  • Turning this quote on its head, one can confidently say that readers have proved this paradise allegory's aptness over and over again.
  • In a lesser writer such use of anecdote could give way to whimsy, presenting quirky characters as allegory, tailoring encounters to fit a preconceived moral philosophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throw Away Kids was three interwoven stories presenting as an allegory of the experience of Native people the world over.
  • The story is an allegory of the Cultural Revolution, and deals with remembering and forgetting the traumatic events of the Maoist era.
  • Some feminist critics have interpreted Frankenstein as an allegory of childbirth which, in this case, is the product of solitary male propagation, being the proverbial scientist's brain child.
  • In the second allegory, he figures the artist as pilgrim, jongleur or monk; as an ageing questor meditating on his paint-brush, or as a scholar discoursing on the enigmas of reality.
  • I don't know what I'm looking for -- all I know is neither Lewis 'allegory or Pullman's diatribes against the bureaucratization of spirituality in formalized religion do it for me. I think this is why I read the BBC...
  • In 1836, the French writer Gautier sanctioned the enduring viability of allegory.
  • The open, revelatory vision of the crystal ends up being one more version of the covert vision of allegory.
  • No one would want to be so foolish as to suggest that this poem is an allegory of trouble in the Church.
  • When he talks about tomatoes you get the sense he means it as an allegory for life. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the allegory is a continued metaphor, in which the circumstances are palpably often purely imagery, while the thing signified is altogether real. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • It associates allegory with notions of design, with terms like paradeigma and schema, and later critics link allegory with figura, impresa, and emblema, which point to vision, structure, and external form. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Though he acknowledges the delicacy of criticizing the Soviet regime, Eliot's political objection was that the only good guy in Orwell's allegory seemed to be Trotsky, and he didn't like Trotsky: Now I think my own dissatisfaction with this apologue is that the effect is simply one of negation. “Your Pigs Are Far More Intelligent”
  • In this allegory full of poetic images, wisdom is personified as a woman - a kind of hostess with the mostest.
  • I'm always a little nervous about allegorical poems, especially when the subject of the allegory is a long time ago in a land far, far away.
  • My university education had transformed me into a theistic evolutionist, one who believed that God intended the Genesis account of creation to be an allegory picturing the total evolution of the cosmos.
  • Mainly through allegory, each play basically covers one amendment, though there's a fair amount of overlap.
  • And it's a story that expects us to take the superhero at face value; this boy-spider is not an allegory for anything, not a symbol for a class of people or culture.
  • The letter indicates the facts; what you have to believe is indicated by allegory, that is to say, by Christological and pneumatological exegesis. Archive 2008-09-07
  • It also explains why some economists have argued that Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a political allegory dealing with the bimetallist argument.
  • The story is a delirious, chaotic, often impenetrable allegory of tribalism in an industrial dystopia.
  • Some people sneer at a metaphorical reading of scripture and Tolkien himself was opposed to allegory as a rhetorical form.
  • Inscriptions in both French and Latin were composed by the Petite Academie, a committee of savants that advised the Batiments du Roi on matters of allegory and erudition.
  • And that irony doubles when we recall the central place that medieval hermeneutics holds in Jameson's influential rendering of allegory in The Political Unconscious. Introduction
  • But to tie the book down to this allegory is to do it a reductive injustice. Not A Review of Lolita « Tales from the Reading Room
  • But he also sought refuge in history, allegory and myth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The original etching is an allegory about the reformation. March 2006
  • If you had sat through that entire game, and had experienced something of that season, you would have known that this home run was a great moment, yes, but one in a long story - not an allegory nor morality tale.
  • This time, he's gone beyond the rich allegory of His Dark Materials and the battle of good versus evil (with a churchlike institution — known as "the Magisterium" — firmly on the side of evil). A Resurrection
  • Again and again, the treacherous brother in the fraternal allegory puts personal, material ambition over ‘natural’ family loyalty, law and order, spiritual and communal values.
  • Garofalo's Allegory of Love (1530), with its two couples engaging in foreplay, was exiled from 1860 to the 1930s, and on return consigned to the basement until its restoration in 1992. Bronzino's Medici portraits – review
  • As intermeddled > mixed in intendments > intentions (i.e. episodes which have an intentional bearing on the allegory) The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • The second allegory is the religious one, and it is more complex. Book Review: The Princess and the Goblin and The Princess and Curdie
  • The idea of an existential allegory featuring a pair of characters trapped in a sand-pit for two hours sounds stultifying at best, but this is one resurrection that can be welcomed.
  • As in medieval allegory, multiple layers of meaning correspond to the novel's multiple languages.
  • The ketchup allegory is brilliant, but I wish Summers knew how to use “comprise.” Matthew Yglesias » Efficient Markets Hypothesis Rhetoric
  • The language of allegory relates itself to language not reflexively but rather as an epistemologically uncertain praxis: language relates to itself in the mode of possible unrelatedness. Notes on 'Reading, Begging, Paul de Man'
  • But even Wilson, in spite of himself, was caught in the word wave of the moment, introducing in his work such now-familiar made-in-Ancient-Greek ideas as metaphor, allegory, image, and of course rhetorique itself, his Renaissance English for rhetoric. The English Is Coming!
  • Origen is influenced by Philo Judaeus, through the intermediary Clement of Alexandria, and this Alex - andrian tradition, which would show parallels in the development of Hellenistic allegory, suggests that major allegory requires a belief in miracles and epiphe - nomena, at least on a verbal level. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • He becomes so absorbed in trying to interpret the allegory of the voyage of life that he fails to recognize the intemperance of his own course.
  • It's all about the shoes: A Bronx-based street drama that recycles every imaginable trope, helmer Agustin's "Falling Awake" is underacted, overheated and uses a pair of purloined, high-end sneakers as a 400-pound allegory for getting your priorities straight.
  • The book is a kind of allegory of Latin American history.
  • The Bible certainly seemed to speak historically - Creation, The Deluge, The Tower of Babel - and yet the theologians said these things were myth, or poetry, or allegory.
  • In none of them is there the slightest suggestion of allegory or of otherwise disconnecting it from physical temporal reality.
  • But the surrealism and political allegory into which this plucky show strays does not yet feel fully thought through. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather, the creation of new myths is associated with the work of creation, linking the work of God as artifex with that of the composer of allegory. Literary Forms of Medieval Philosophy
  • It may be fairly interpreted as a symbol of Nature-dismemberment in Winter and resurrection in Spring; but we must also not forget that it may (and indeed must) have stood as an allegory of TRIBAL dismemberment and reconciliation -- the tribe, conceived of as a divinity, having thus suffered and died through the inbreak of sin and the self-motive, and risen again into wholeness by the redemption of love and sacrifice. Pagan and Christian creeds: their origin and meaning
  • The easel is set diagonally to the right of the stool, just as the artist has his easel in Allegory of Painting.
  • (Symposium III, 6), all use hyponoia to mean what is later subsumed under allegory (Pépin, pp. 85-86). Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • If there is allegory here, it cuts both ways: not only must the shepherd resist the allurements of the false woman, but the bride must resist the advances of a charming but ultimately scurrilous suitor.
  • The elephant, unwieldy and awkward yet graceful and powerful, becomes an allegory for the form itself.
  • Jesus do I loathe it, I am all up for discussions on plots character development, the reasons behind the motives of the character, things that influenced the film or if the film is some sort of fable or allegory, but I friggin loathe how people can analyze great pieces of art, to smithereens. Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” Video Features the Pussy Wagon From Kill Bill | /Film
  • My first response upon rereading the book, largely thanks to my current preoccupations, was to interpret the story as an allegory about writing fiction.
  • Although the film contains no direct references to the war, it surely is an allegory on World War II.
  • It sounds like it is rich in allegory, which should be part of a balanced diet. Friday Blogaround
  • Still anything that engages the average reader with our remote past, even if in the form of a romantic time-condensing allegory, has got to be a good thing.
  • That has to do with the political allegory. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so the fraternal allegory is ‘forgotten’ through a segue to heterosexual courtship and marriage.
  • The book is a kind of allegory of Latin American history.
  • Allegory in itself is far too unobjective for art.
  • The history of interpretation mitigates an absolute distinction between typology and allegory.
  • The modern anguish stems from the absurdity of the allegory, once its center, divine Will, is removed.
  • "Hero" has much in it to discuss, though the artful, exciting, and intelligent exploration of wuxia is far more interesting than the film's somewhat stolid political allegory.
  • Christianity because he feared that it might otherwise lapse into a kind of enervated allegory. Latest Articles
  • But in condensing the allegory into the word analogy, neither the material nor the spiritual dare be sacrificed. Phenomena of Literary Evolution
  • The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest.
  • For those who don't know, the story is a futuristic allegory of the Arab Revolt familiar to most through the film Lawrence of Arabia.
  • With its emphasis on personification and topical allusion, allegory has a long association with political discourse.
  • It is often said that allegory, outside the specifically historical mode known as typology, is antihistorical. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • misremember," jumble, and confuse the whole allegory, but he so misapprehended its meaning in many points, that the lessons taught and the morals drawn were very wide of the mark indeed. The Lonely Island The Refuge of the Mutineers
  • These historical examples were in general either connected with allegorical gen - eralizations (in the big decorations of the late baroque the central fresco was often an allegory and the ac - companying canvas-pictures presented historical ex - amples of virtues; Garas, pp. 280-83) or conceived in an allegorical way. ICONOGRAPHY
  • The story that unfolds here is an allegory about the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry.
  • There's a political allegory in there somewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, paintings like Melancholia, in which Kiefer mines Durer's famous allegory for iconological material, indicate a habit of remembering that is doomed to obsessive repetition, rather than therapeutic redemption.
  • The book is a kind of allegory of Latin American history.
  • During the church reforms, much of the allegory was stripped and replaced with scriptural passages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The play can be read as allegory.
  • But for all its uses, the fraternal allegory poses a final and irresolvable problem for the national narrative.
  • This highly expressionistic sense of hyperrealism is so potent that one might almost miss The Set-Up's poetic existential allegory.
  • Allegory cuts across metaphor and metonymy, the image is both fragment and performs a figurative function.
  • More important, allegory was deemed the best vehicle for representing apotheosis, the painter's access to immortal status, an idea integral to the project from the start.
  • It is an allegory written, with the exception of a few heroic couplets, in the seven-line stanza known as rime royal, and consists of nearly six thousand lines in forty-five divisions or chapters. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Nay, further, we are what we all abhor, anthropophagi, and cannibals, devourers not only of men, but of ourselves; and that not in an allegory but a positive truth: for all this mass of flesh which we behold, came in at our mouths: this frame we look upon, hath been upon our trenchers; in brief, we have devoured ourselves. Religio Medici
  • As an allegory of human life, which it is clearly intended to be, the image is exceedingly bleak, but through the sheer excessiveness of its black humor, as well as its sure feeling for dramatic form, it communicates a kind of weird glee.
  • Andersen set these cruel torments in the wider context of a Christian allegory about suffering and redemption.
  • One reason that Disney finally made a movie out of C. S. Lewis's Christian allegory The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 2005 may be that popular fantasy has become increasingly religious at heart.
  • Two different systems, but it is not really a political allegory because it is sport, which requires competition. Times, Sunday Times
  • By Goya's time the most interesting and original artists were no longer interested in this particular kind of symbolism or any kind of allegory.
  • Like so many of Jordan's films, it is both a reflection on the genre form and an allegory of contemporary global politics.
  • It makes for a rich kind of film, full of imagery, allegory and variety.
  • I believe that categorizing this story as an allegory is more appropriate than doing so as a myth because a myth is defined as explaining natural phenomenon.
  • She has convincingly demonstrated that this fusion of figure and concept is based on both a naturalization of allegory and a naturalization of sculpture.
  • Sometimes he gives us a fragment of historical romance, as in the story of the stern old regicide who suddenly appears from the woods to head the colonists of Massachusetts in a critical emergency; then he tries his hand at a bit of allegory, and describes the search for the mythical carbuncle which blazes by its inherent splendour on the face of a mysterious cliff in the depths of the untrodden wilderness, and lures old and young, the worldly and the romantic, to waste their lives in the vain effort to discover it -- for the carbuncle is the ideal which mocks our pursuit, and may be our curse or our blessing. Hours in a Library, Volume I. (of III.)
  • Perhaps the author is being satirical, employing irony, allegory, or ambiguity.
  • It involves many techniques of expression such as innuendo, pun, irony, euphony, allegory, hyperbole, and oblique references, etc.
  • McEwan may persuade readers to believe in his harmonious little clique, but as a social allegory, his image of family life is hard to swallow.
  • Suffice to say here that the Passagen-Werk section about Shelley, Baudelaire, and allegory is one of the key instances where Benjamin articulates his formal theory (of allegory's proto-critical and constructionist nature) together with an historical instance of a lyric poet whom Benjamin and his circle definitely regard as progressive and committed: whom they regard, indeed, as den grossen revolutionären Dichter. 20 Intervention & Commitment Forever!: Shelley in 1819, Shelley in Brecht, Shelley in Adorno, Shelley in Benjamin
  • Alchemical symbolism permeates several of Shakespeare's plays; King Lear in particular has been interpreted as an allegory of alchemical transmutation.
  • The miracles and extraordinary events of the gospels were reduced to allegory and one was left with that very English type of faith: tolerant, accommodating Anglicanism.
  • It by no means has the same effect eighty years later but the entertaining allegory remains a stimulating theatrical event.
  • Given its central importance, allegory could have been discussed more extensively, including the ways in which the poem resists allegorical interpretation. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Impelled by Benjamin's thinking about allegory, Adorno finds an anti-essentialist, anti-aestheticist constructivism at the heart of Immanuel Kant's aesthetics and the Kantian Critical Philosophy as a whole, which, Adorno suggests, remains surprisingly central to Marxian dialectics and kindred efforts in critical thought. Intervention & Commitment Forever!: Shelley in 1819, Shelley in Brecht, Shelley in Adorno, Shelley in Benjamin
  • Science and allegory are also linked by the activity of de-allegorization, the process of extracting the abstract and philosophical message hidden in the allegory. Literary Forms of Medieval Philosophy
  • John Bunyan’s classic allegory, here in the old cradle of Puritanism, held semisacred status; to employ it ironically was tantamount to blasphemy. Mark Twain
  • The panels are separated from one another, and so the painting feels like an allegory of psychic completion, complicated by ambiguities of sex.
  • It is an allegory for our own society, our own people and it should be immediately recognizable to any member of the audience.
  • Both books employ allegory to convey core convictions. Christianity Today
  • Lewis's last three chapters are an extended allegory of contemplative prayer.
  • The allegory transforms what would be a tired, preachy historical retread into a readable narrative.
  • The stanza turns the poem into an explication by allegory of Catholic doctrine.
  • Animal Farm' is an allegory in which the animals represent the Russian people and Farmer Jones the old Tsarist regime.
  • Personification and allegory were also introduced as a new means of expression, although the Athenian School remained famous for its traditional handling of heroic subjects; near the end of the 4th century it is marked by retrospection.
  • Its retro art style gives it an appealing timeless quality, an allegory about the relationship between humans and technology that sums up the core of all science fiction.
  • You should hear those pious warmongers curse a blue streak a parsec wide! live in a fantasy world if you must perhaps you should save your indignation for * actual warcrimes & corruption*, not pouting that language doesn't live up to your fantastical expectations? garsh diddily darn, if there aren't people who think the RAPE of the World & its international citizenry by the United States InvestorClass is somehow the * LESSER CRIME* than the language of allegory … ah, but there we have censorship: where whinging is their only art form & only means to exert influence over others.
  • So in literature we have, springing from this principle of comparison, the forms fable, parable, and allegory; and in language the figures of speech which we know as simile and metaphor. Our Catholic Heritage in English Literature of Pre-Conquest Days
  • You could read the relationship as a love story or an allegory of two sides struggling to come together - East and West, Christian and Muslim, the have and the have-not - against the creeping influence of negativity.
  • To be sure, with the licences of interpretation, which the Fathers of the first three or four centuries allowed themselves, and with the 'arcana' of evolution by word, letter, allegory, yea, punning, which they applied to detached sentences or single phrases of Holy Writ, it would not be easy to imagine a position which they could not 'shew in Scripture.' The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Plato was not describing a real place any more than his allegory of the cave describes a real cave.
  • I've been thinking about Kafka's ‘Metamorphosis’, a story which is an allegory about how we view those who are chronically ill.
  • The fourth crucial technique of his allegory is the use of myth to orient events, to give resonance to images, places, persons.
  • This a very convenient allegory for the evolution from gnosticism to orthodoxy and the ensuing death of esoteric gnostic traditions.
  • It dealt with tyranny and oppression and other blessed words dear to the heart of the revolutionary; it concerned millions of men and hundreds of millions of men and women in chains, under iron heels, and the like; and Mr. Bim grew more and more hazy, for he was not used to the parabole, the allegory, or the metaphor. The Book of All-Power
  • Following classical tradition, the sev - enth-century scholar Isidore of Seville called allegory an inversion of speech, alieni loquium, aliud enim sonat, aliud intelligitur, whereby, in saying one thing Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • To become figurable-that is to say, visible in the first place, accessible to our imaginations - the classes have to be able to become in some sense characters in their own right: this is the sense in which the term allegory in our title is to be taken as a working hypothesis. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • An allegory may depart from everyday life into a make-believe world.
  • It is, for example, perfectly possible to read the poem as an allegory not of war but of the ‘war’ between the sexes.
  • He lives in this space, the interstices of the paternal name, like some Lacanian allegory.
  • Perfect as an allegory - the pietà, the sacrificial lamb - and yet so empathetically maternal, it gives warmth to the solemn poise of Bellini.
  • An oblique allegory of violence, this painting is also a disquisition on how history impinges on the present, or fails to.
  • The allegory was used by the cynic Antisthenes, a contemporary of Plato, and Diogenes the Cynic.
  • An allegory may depart from everyday life into a make-believe world.
  • It may be fairly interpreted as a symbol of Nature-dismemberment in Winter and resurrection in Spring; but we must also not forget that it may (and indeed must) have stood as an allegory of tribal dismemberment and reconciliation -- the tribe, conceived of as a divinity, having thus suffered and died through the inbreak of sin and the self-motive, and risen again into wholeness by the redemption of love and sacrifice. Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning
  • Whether you think of it as a Buddhist riddle termed a "koan", a mystical allegory, or an inner-world travelogue; if you're in the right frame of mind, you will surely be fascinated by Bae's highly intelligent, visually arresting film. John Farr: Getting Religion: The Ten Best Films on Faith
  • It was basically a slasher flick as heavy-handed allegory for my family.
  • A story is an allegory of real life; the characters are allegories of real people, since you only take the important parts of their lives.
  • While Lalla Rookh's orientalism veils this political allegory in much of the narrative poem, in the Preface to Lalla Rookh Moore states overtly that the tales in his narrative come from "that most homefelt of all my inspirations" incidents in the British oppression of the Irish. Irish Odalisques and Other Seductive Figures: Thomas Moore
  • Animal Farm' is an allegory in which the animals represent the Russian people and Farmer Jones the old Tsarist regime.
  • The whole thing is essentially a carnival redux ofLady in the Water, in that Lady in the Water was a pointless, onanistic allegory about how misunderstood – nay, how veritably Christ-like – M. Night Shyamalan is for making movies as brilliant as Signs and, uh, The Village. 2010 January « paper fruit
  • Vogelweide, with his bitter attacks upon the Papacy, is more typical of his class than Wolfram with his allegory of Parsifal and the Sangraal. Medieval Europe
  • I wrote pages of criticism, pointing out that he had here a great moral allegory that the dream was obscuring. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON

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