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How To Use Allegoric In A Sentence

  • Still, on watching the movie a good couple of decades since I last read the book, as much as I found it enjoyable enough, I couldn’t help but start to think through just what Lewis is saying here, in allegorical terms, just how it all turns on the idea that, by the rules of Deep Magic, Edmund must die. Thoughts on Narnia
  • It is up to you to decide whether sparkling stop-motion animation, catchy music, and a hearty dose of dry British humor is enough to overcome an uninvolving allegorical plot.
  • Allegorical Saying ( Xiehouyu ) is an idiom that is widely used, popular, jocular and vivid sentence.
  • White's allegorical space is a vacant sprawling composition, slanting and inclined in a rigid fixture devoid of primary colours or people.
  • We find it, for instance, in the criticism of Virgil, to whose work were attributed four distinct meanings: literal, allegorical, moral, and anagogic. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
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  • His narratives usually lend themselves to rich allegorical readings, and Tsui can be a very skilful allegorist when he wants to be.
  • The interactions between the characters in Springtime obviously form a political allegory, but rarely have I seen allegorical conceits that were as likeable as these characters are.
  • Their temptations, and hence their complexity, tend to be allegorically externalized.
  • The method of allegorical interpretation here used is that species known as gematria, in which the numerical equivalence of letters composing a word is employed as A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • Allegorical imagery is appropriated imagery; the allegorist does not invent images but confiscates them.
  • His most characteristic works were figures or groups of a historical, literary, allegorical, or symbolic nature.
  • You know 'love-lies-bleeding' is a flower, but it sounds allegorical the way I have put it in. Turn About Eleanor
  • All five of these films are really allegorical tales that ask who we really are, and whether or not we can do anything about it. Christianity Today
  • Yah, you better choose something more allegoric like a DNA helix or whatever catches your imagination. Tree Change
  • He permits a real character like Satan to interact with a merely allegorical or symbolic character like Sin. The effect for Johnson - and who can say that this is -- that Johnson is wrong?
  • The characters are still frequently allegorical, but the comic or farcical element is more prevalent, the versification tends to doggerel, and they are shorter than the moralities.
  • It also calls forth the border between men and women, between women and women (with class as allegorical emphasis), and between the United States and Mexico.
  • If the study's rich allegorical approach gives less emphasis to any element of hard-boiled crime fiction, it is the formal aspects of style, point of view, and narrative structure.
  • Some critics regard the didactic second part as an appendage to an earlier secular poem; others see the whole as an allegorical representation of human exile from God on the sea of life.
  • Everyman is at-last forsaken by Beauty, and Power and Wealth, and all the other allegorical figures, and is left alone to face Desolation and the Judgment of Heaven, with only Good Deeds to befriend him. The Drama as a Factor in Social Progress
  • Allegorical portrait by Levitsky of the empress as Lawgiver in the temple of Justice.
  • A jaunty cow recounts an allegorical tale of bad blood in the herd.
  • There are exquisite touches, executed with extraordinary skill: the allegorically suggestive tear in the curtain; the artist's helpless dishabille; the uniquely knowing expression on the face of the central woman.
  • Today, though, that allegorical meaning is lost on us, and what we see rather is a dazzling display of artistic virtuosity.
  • To whet your appetite, I should tell you that you can expect to see an allegorical figure in Betty Shelton's "Remembrance," a saint in Cynthia Sitton's "St. Dyphna," and in Margaret McCann's stunning painting "Rotary" you will see a giantess reclining on a traffic circle. John Seed: 12 Paintings of Women, 12 Studio Visits
  • In Act I he stages first an allegorical masque, the chief theme of which is prudent distinction between tangible and intangible wealth or values, then a stately dumbshow of the Rape of Helen at which he himself confuses Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • He used the Golden Legend, Huon de Meri's allegorical poem of the fight between Jesus and the Antichrist, Peter Comestor's Bible History, Rustebeuf's La Voie de Paradis, Grosseteste's religious allegory of Le Chastel d 'Amour, the paraded learning of Vincent of Beauvais in Speculum Historiale, and other works -- numerous and small signs of booklore, which are completely overshadowed by his illuminating comprehension of the popular side in the politics of his day. Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
  • In a bustling and minutely imagined fabular landscape, crammed with allegorical figures and places, Luka moves swiftly between the mythological and the contemporary; one minute he is meeting all manner of gods and goddesses, the other he's subject to the laws of the videogame, keeping a close eye on the number of "lives" he has left and trying to save his progress through various levels. Luka and the Fire of Life by Salman Rushdie - review
  • Though Islamic philosophers had a independent, religious tradition of allegorical literature from which they could draw, the allegories from medieval Islamic thinkers tend to concern the same Neoplatonic themes of the ascent of the soul and the Neoplatonic structure of the cosmos, allegorizing the stages of emanation from and return to the One. Literary Forms of Medieval Philosophy
  • The visage of the British king, who provided so much useful ammunition to anti-monarchists in the early nineteenth century, appears a few times, in fact, in the more obscure allegorical pictures.
  • Balfour deconstructs Coleridge's affirmation of the symbol and symbolic politics by pointing to the allegorical style of his political rhetoric.
  • Based on the theory of cognitive linguistics, this paper analyzes paronomasia allegorical saying from the perspective of phonetic metaphor to find a new understanding mechanism for it.
  • Christian Scientists have given Bible terms allegorical, metaphysical definitions that are completely different from normal usage. The Problem With Faith « Lean Left
  • Depending on pertinent literature, each painting is examined for its realistic, symbolic allegoric meanings.
  • Whilst he writes of his anxiety for the future, he also takes the stoic attitude I remember so well in him when he writes, in part (in somewhat allegoric French): ‘There you have it, the life of a new immigrant.’
  • Given its central importance, allegory could have been discussed more extensively, including the ways in which the poem resists allegorical interpretation. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In 1924 he published, to great acclaim, The Flaming Terrapin, an exuberant allegorical narrative of the Flood, in which the terrapin represents energy and rejuvenation.
  • I have written before about the allegorical setting, two stanzas earlier, for this tearless spiritual depth, when the immortal sea/ Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • The allegoric dimension is irresistible - as darkness descends on film's old magic of chemistry and optics, its offspring, video, is coming into the light.
  • Whatever the meaning, the painting is a small knockout, a triumph of the allegorical imagination.
  • The urn is not an urn at all, but a clue to an allegorical or narrative (usually biographical but sometimes more broadly historical) level. Three or Four Ways of Looking at an Urn
  • I use the term allegory reluctantly because allegorical figures, like those found in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress or Spenser's Faerie Queene tend to be one-dimensional, lacking interiority and nuance. Michael Gilmour: Anne Bronte's Religious Imagination
  • Such an interpretation, inevitably allegorical, must take allegory seriously, as a mode of both representation and interpretation.
  • In my book, the strange, pale men shadowing Paul have several possible allegorical uses, but I decided early on not to push it.
  • The medallion bore the coat of arms of the French Republic topped with the "Phrygian" cap, being flanked on either side by two allegorical female figures, one of which was symbolic of the Armed Peace protecting herself with a sword, and the other was intended to represent Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
  • It had characters who were allegoric of the political scene, including a character that was a metaphor of President Chavez," said Acosta-Alzuru. Venezuela Bans "Family Guy" -- But "Baywatch" Is OK (VIDEO)
  • The sê, or psaltery, is made on the principle of the ch'in, and like that instrument has been made the subject of numerous allegorical comparisons. Fir-Flower Tablets: Poems Translated From the Chinese
  • Packed with dense texts combining facts about globalization and war with anagrams and doggerel, the book tours an allegorical carnival studded with nightmarish rides and sideshow freaks.
  • All five of these films are really allegorical tales that ask who we really are, and whether or not we can do anything about it. Christianity Today
  • Its singular intimations, however, were sufficient to throw back on this strange evening, in all its detail -- the dance, the readings, the distant fire -- a kind of allegoric expression: gave it the character of one of those famous Platonic figures or apologues which had then been in fact under discussion. Marius the Epicurean — Volume 2
  • The narrative voice, too, is made vivid: never before in English has the poem sounded less allegorical and more humane.
  • Their paintings have no hidden sides to them, no allegorical finesse.
  • the play ended allegorically
  • Curiosity also connects the allegorical figuration of Nell's story and the novel's anti-didactic agenda.
  • Of the several generally recognized theories of the interpretation of myth: the historical, or euhemeristic; the physical, or cosmographical; the allegorical; and the allegorical-theological, the writers of the seven - teenth century seem to have been chiefly occupied with the latter two, and it is interesting that each of these theories finds respective support from two of the most eminent literary figures who lived at the turn of the century. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Strikingly, most children read Narnia as a simple fantasy story and do not recognise the Christian allegorical nature of the plot.
  • Part four contains six short strident emotive poems while part five has an allegorical poem on violent death.
  • In his later films Pasolini preoccupied himself with the poetic, allegoric, and mystic in search of a purity of experience that he believed civilisation and modernity had despoiled.
  • But indeed it is only strictly speaking that something is amiss, only if the allegorical content of each personification must be taken seriously.
  • Some of the Qur™anic verses have been viewed by the mystics and philosopher-mystics of Islam as allegorical and esoteric hints for those who can see them. Mysticism in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy
  • It's been described as an allegoric journey of the evolution of human consciousness.
  • He produced some altarpieces, but his main speciality was in small cabinet pictures with historical, mythological, or allegorical themes as well as genre and fantastical scenes, such as the witches' sabbath.
  • We have too, the story of his exploits told in allegorical form. St. George and Canada
  • Baroque opera had an allegorical purpose at the Bourbon court. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is much more explicitly present in a variety of passages such as the one in which Richard expatiates about the death of kings in characteristically allegorical terms.
  • His narratives, in which he translates current events, are too allegorical to be history, yet too mutable to be myth.
  • Moreover these interpretations are heavily allegorical and mythological.
  • I'm always a little nervous about allegorical poems, especially when the subject of the allegory is a long time ago in a land far, far away.
  • Together, they fuel what Page DuBois calls ‘an allegorical, utopian call for tyrannicide in the name of postcapitalist, postpatriarchal future.’
  • In them he comments on the texts of sacred Scripture presented by the liturgy, using the Patristic-Medieval interpretation of the four meanings: the literal or historical, the allegorical or Christological, the tropological or moral, and the anagogic, which guides to eternal life. Latest Articles
  • Illustrating to allegorical purpose "what happens when worlds collide — science and art, east and west", the image was created by anodization of a titanium plate by Professor Hengde Li of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing. Monkey metallurgical magic
  • I know that ... quot; Let That Be Your Last Battlefield "was only a allegoric story, but so was Orwell's ... quot; 1984". Gaza: Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
  • Jahangir commissioned some of the most powerful allegorical paintings to emerge from the Mughal School.
  • These burly, barrel-chested men aren't quite comfortable within their macho trappings, but act as allegorical tools to explore issues of contemporary masculinity.
  • The first emblems in human history, Paradin argues, were preserved by heraldry and his own work recapitulates this allegorical genealogy.
  • The film is rich in allegorical theme and symbolic imagery, transforming the most banal of materials into miraculous epiphanies.
  • Alongside of Hebraism, which is Euhemeristic in principle, allegorical methods of interpretation were put forward. Atheism in Pagan Antiquity
  • It's hard to name a recent horror novel that managed so much from so little grue and so low a body count, and the fact that Wilson's narrative still causes chills is a good sign that he has tapped into the vein of "quiet," allegorical horror once valued by so many. The New Review - agent shifts and other sundry nonsense
  • If a reader misses such allegorical correspondences, he or she may completely misread the book.
  • It is symbolic, allegorical and multilevelled in meaning.
  • It dawns on the man, in allegorical death, that it is neither possible nor necessary to cast off the trappings of culture that comprise his conditioned life, nor need he cross any putative hallowed threshold to gain the freedom embodied by the Law (a law being the one thing that is not subject to itself), because he realizes that freedom is always already the case on either side of the gate. Kafka and the Coincidence of Opposites
  • Sure, the wand, chalice, dagger, and pentacle are fairly impressive allegorical objects, but frankly, they're quite outdated.
  • Depending on pertinent literature, each painting is examined for its realistic, symbolic allegoric meanings.
  • Here we have first religious meditations and legends of Saints, then proverbial, or as they are called "gnomic" verses, next allegorical descriptions by means of animals, and finally riddles. History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour
  • Among its wealth of neoclassical details are the legs in the shape of inverted obelisks, the torsos of draped and winged caryatids and atlantes, and the allegorical figure (possibly Summer).
  • Calderón defies rivalry: his intense devotion, his subtle intelligence, his sublime lyrism all combine to produce such marvels of allegorical poetry as Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • And here they bring in some foolish insipid fable out of Speculum Historiae or Gesta Romanorum and expound it allegorically, tropologically, and anagogically. In Praise of Folly
  • The film is rich in allegorical theme and symbolic imagery, transforming the most banal of materials into miraculous epiphanies.
  • If you do, you are miles away from my opinion, for I hold that Homer no more dreamed of all this allegorical fustian than Ovid in his Metamorphoses dreamed of the Gospel.
  • It is also fitting that she chose such an allegorical, almost mystical way to present such a brutal act.
  • Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita.
  • Nowhere do we see a case for Rowling being as allegorical as C.S. Lewis or as skilled with metaphor as Roald Dahl.
  • The long robe of the allegoric figure as well as her appearance over water would be familiar to the majority of the nominally Catholic French nation as an allusion to the Virgin Mary.
  • Whatever allegorical path of interpretation one pursues, it is the fine filigree fiction of Shaul's anguish that grips, as he quests for the unknowable.
  • In de Man's opinion, language has an ideological function, so allegoric reading way of texts can also be used in ideology, which provides a new perspective for learning the essence of ideology.
  • In fantasy writing the allegorical quality is simply more obvious.
  • The taste for melodramatic costume changes that seems to afflict the epoch's entire cast reaches a crescendo in a section devoted to the allegorical portrait. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he removes the allegorical female figure from his version of Vermeer's The Art of Painting, and replaces her with a San tribeswoman suckling a babe, he is painting what Vermeer might have painted.
  • Nonetheless, Jewish philosophers regularly allegorize scripture and are also influenced by allegorical readings given in rabbinic and midrashic literature (Shatz, 2003). Literary Forms of Medieval Philosophy
  • Psychomachia, an allegorical poem, is illustrated throughout, as is the case in many other codices presenting this text.
  • He also wants to make a point about human suffering and affliction, which he does by bringing out the allegorical significance of the story.
  • Such a view of the world was inclined toward mystical and allegorical meaning of reality and truth.
  • The potential for allegorical interpretation is widely present in his work, though not always straightforward or explicit. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These historical examples were in general either connected with allegorical gen - eralizations (in the big decorations of the late baroque the central fresco was often an allegory and the ac - companying canvas-pictures presented historical ex - amples of virtues; Garas, pp. 280-83) or conceived in an allegorical way. ICONOGRAPHY
  • Another such meditation - albeit a far less allegorical one -- on semi-recent history and by extension, a nation-state's internal reckoning, is found in director Pablo Larrain's Post Mortem, which for me, emerged as one of the most powerful films of NYFF#48. Michael Vazquez: ON THE 48TH ANNUAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL
  • He was then turned into a Changeling, namely Jesus, who is allegorically represented on stage as Bottom/Pyramus and crucified in a series of actions that the playwright has taken straight from the Gospels .... Shakespeare Controversies
  • [166] "Although some Muhammadans, whose understandings are too refined to admit such gross conceptions, look on their Prophet's description as parabolical, and are willing to receive them in an allegorical or spiritual acceptation, yet the general and orthodox doctrine is, that the whole is to be strictly believed in the obvious and literal acceptance. The Faith of Islam
  • The taste for melodramatic costume changes that seems to afflict the epoch's entire cast reaches a crescendo in a section devoted to the allegorical portrait. Times, Sunday Times
  • an allegorical painting of Victory leading an army
  • For instance, the figurehead was changed to an allegorical figure that evoked the ship's new name.
  • In de Man's opinion, language has an ideological function, so allegoric reading way of texts can also be used in ideology, which provides a new perspective for learning the essence of ideology.
  • * Note: A singular "allegoric" explanation of this strange fact has recently been broached: it is connected with the charge of idolatry and Eastern heretical opinions subsequently made against the Templars. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 5
  • Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita.
  • The taste for melodramatic costume changes that seems to afflict the epoch's entire cast reaches a crescendo in a section devoted to the allegorical portrait. Times, Sunday Times
  • But these are not so numerous, nor placed in such a way as to obscure the sense, and make it allegorical or enigmatical, which is the kind of expression properly called figurative. On Christian Doctrine, in Four Books
  • She focused primarily on sculptural works depicting allegoric and mythological subjects, and on portraits of eminent figures of Russian history and cultural life. Artists: Russia and the Soviet Union.
  • The allegoric exegeses of Ruth 2: 9: “And when you are thirsty, go down to the jars and drink some of [the water] that the men have drawn” that understand this “drinking” as drawing Torah from the righteous and the Sanhedrin (Ruth Rabbah 4: 12) may be connected to the need to clarify this law (as is also indicated by the context in Ruth Rabbah). Ruth: Midrash and Aggadah.
  • The Rose Crossing draws its name from a 1994 allegorical novel of the same name by Australian Nicholas Jose, which tells of cultural and botanical interchange on an island in the Indian Ocean.
  • Allegorical portrait by Levitsky of the empress as Lawgiver in the temple of Justice.
  • The essay explores the dissonant moments in this allegorical translation from one historical moment to another, but also raises questions regarding the relationship between patriotic performance and the commutable construction of social space. Article Abstracts
  • The potential for allegorical interpretation is widely present in his work, though not always straightforward or explicit. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The rich allegorical description of the island throughout the first five cantos of the poem offers, in itself, a harsh invective against prevailing Stuart policy.
  • A large allegorical needlework picture wrought by Agnes Park hangs above the mantel.
  • There are exquisite touches, executed with extraordinary skill: the allegorically suggestive tear in the curtain; the artist's helpless dishabille; the uniquely knowing expression on the face of the central woman.
  • Given its central importance, allegory could have been discussed more extensively, including the ways in which the poem resists allegorical interpretation. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The elements are represented by four allegorical pictures and in the centre of the pavement the mask of Medusa is portrayed.
  • Their subject-matter was allegorical or mythological, while music, mime, and singing featured along with the dance.
  • Which is to say, in allegorical terms, the devil can go merrily on his way in the world, coercing its inhabitants into sin regardless of any risk of damnation, because God’s Law is not being enacted upon sinners. Archive 2009-01-01
  • A Cloudy and rainy Day, staid at home; spent the day Writing, Reading and Chatting -- I think it observable that our Language is more and more sliding into modes of expression allusive and allegorical, approximating to the eastern stile -- Professional Men, Lawyers, Seamen, Soldiers Journal of a Tour to North Carolina by William Attmore, 1787
  • The crystalline mirror reminds us that the images of the dream vision are not mimetic representations but allegorical figurations.
  • Under the Romance narrative pattern, Lord of The Rings has four quest patterns: the literatus quest, the allegorical quest, the moral quest, the anagogic quest.
  • It is also fitting that she chose such an allegorical, almost mystical way to present such a brutal act.
  • Peter Wilby reckoned the article had been 'allegorical' - another word for lies. Paying for the BNP.
  • allegorical stories
  • Instead of a conceptual, allegorical framework leading Dante up into the unifying vision of God as the Supreme Pleasure, there is only the unpurified, physical body tied to the social in all its gross materiality.
  • Vietnamese songs are very metaphoric and very allegorical and very soft.
  • The narrator is a pilgrim, wandering through an allegorical world, and he sees only futility. Christianity Today
  • They never acquire the independent meaning of a neat allegorical subtext.
  • These represent only a thin selection from a growing body of scholarship that shows how we can take allegorical interpretation seriously as a contemporary possibility for critical reading. AKMA’s Random Thoughts
  • Such a view of the world was inclined toward mystical and allegorical meaning of reality and truth.
  • He himself denied any allegorical significance in his work.
  • In a society dominated by allegorical and historical painting, his scenes of contemporary life were regarded as a novelty.
  • His narratives, in which he translates current events, are too allegorical to be history, yet too mutable to be myth.
  • Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita.
  • Persian poet whose sensuous rhyming couplets, many of which concern love, wine, and nature, are traditionally interpreted allegorically by Sufic Moslems.
  • This strategy does not just incorporate the parody or direct quotation of prior texts, but uses everyday objects as the basis of its allegorical structure.
  • Many of his paintings were large, with allegorical overtones, typically painted in a vigorous Expressionist style.
  • The film walks a fine line between the irresponsible glorification of violence and the telling of an allegorical tale to make a philosophical statement.
  • Theologians discov - ered in rhetoric the devices for interpreting theological writings; the recognition of the four possible “senses” of a work (literal, allegorical, moral, anagogic) resulted from a transposition into the spiritual domain of inter - pretative techniques developed for mundane works. RHETORIC AFTER PLATO
  • When attempting a topical decoding of any complex allegorical work, the exegete runs the perpetual risk of reading into the text and committing what Quentin Skinner has termed the mythology of doctrines.
  • These large allegorical works, even when seen in person, present difficulties of access due to two sorts of obscurity.
  • Yet the ‘code’ of mythological topoi does not suggest fixed meanings and interpretations allegorically assigned to the mythical stories.
  • Should they treat the lads to the allegorical Absalom and Achitophel, in which the poet uses the Old Testament story of Absalom's rebellion against King David as a device for attacking Monmouth, the illegitimate son of Charles II, along with his fellow participants in the exclusion crisis, an episode with which most members of the current cabinet are no doubt familiar? Only a sadist would inflict Dryden on our schoolchildren
  • The success of Twelve lies not in the refreshing tale of vampires, the intelligent integration with historical context, or even the allegoric use of vampires in a war novel, but in its central character, Aleksei. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Compared with the traditional allegorical sayings , the allegorical sayings on campus have many new characteristics.
  • This is a rich symbolic story, full of allegorical possibilities.
  • Melville specifically denies at the beginning of his story that it is allegorical - which it patently is.
  • Ipfum vero, cujus fragmenta exhibeo, Ire - naeum eandem dilexiffe allegoricam S« Scripmrae ex* ponendae rationem, ex editis ipfius hbris quo major authentiae ineditorum noftrorum fragmentorum ha* beatur fides, paucis exponendum mihi erit. Fragmenta patrum Graecorum
  • I just can't join the bandwagon of rabble rousers determined to endow basic biological functions with allegorical status.
  • Philo's elaborate rami - fications of the allegorical method are, therefore, the first critical treatises on one, perhaps the most rational, type of ambiguity. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • As Mary Carruthers observes, such allegorical games were made possible by a common figural language: A cento is a playful poem that is made up of a pastiche of half-lines and phrases from a canonical poet; it cannot succeed except for an audience who know the original poet as intimately as does the composer of the cento. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Ross: A bestiary is a "book of beasts," a collection of stories giving allegorical descriptions of animal behavior. Steve Leveen: E-books: What Would da Vinci Say? Ross King's New Reading
  • At Urbino, portraits of 28 uomini illustri (illustrious men) represent Federico's intellectual and spiritual autobiography,2 whereas at Gubbio an allegorical ensemble dedicated to the liberal arts underscores an educational program. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The relics of those delicacies were not yet removed, either from the table or from the scorched countenance of Affery, who, with the kitchen toasting – fork still in her hand, looked like a sort of allegorical personage; except that she had a considerable advantage over the general run of such personages in point of significant emblematical purpose. Little Dorrit
  • It consisted of dancing, speech, and song brought together in an allegorical ‘device’ in honour of the king or a prominent courtier.
  • The film works overtime in establishing its setting during the Spanish Civil War, and attempts to turn most of the events in the film into allegorical episodes.

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