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How To Use All In A Sentence

  • Three tall memorial archways inscribed with Chinese characters stand outside the temple.
  • The buildings are usually gabled, with rows of tiles along the ridges of the roofs.
  • In my view his confrontational, gladiatorial style has been a major contributor to the widespread disdain of the British public for politicians generally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Smith, who is also a director of Norwich City Football Club, said her CBE was a "very, very great honour". BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
  • These observations will provide a valuable supplement to the simultaneous records of other expeditions, especially the British in McMurdo Sound and the German in Weddell Sea, above all as regards the hypsometer observations (for the determination of altitude) on sledge journeys. The South Pole~ Remarks on the Meteorological Observations at Framheim
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Master English with Ease
  • The ball rebounded from/off the wall into the pond.
  • When the new foods that came from the Americas - peppers, summer squash and especially tomatoes - took hold in the region, a number of closely related dishes were born, including what we call ratatouille - and a man from La Mancha calls pisto, an Ikarian Greek calls soufiko and a Turk calls turlu. NYT > Home Page
  • It would almost be better to have no backbench bills at all than the current system, which offers a false glimmer of hope. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some were members of Turkey's elite military class known as "pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman military commanders Monday for allegedly planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the - Photown News
  • She was all cold and bedraggled after falling into the river.
  • The critics call its recipes bland, unhelpful, unoriginal and unhealthy. The Sun
  • As I did at FIAC, I selected 18 galleries and asked their most anglophonic expert to pick an image and talk about it for under two minutes. Michael Kurcfeld: Doing Shots: The Old and the New at Paris Photo 2011 (VIDEO)
  • Sodium thiopental was used by most U.S. states as part of a lethal injection combination, but many have switched to an alternative drug called pentobarbital amid an ongoing shortage. The Seattle Times
  • WorldCom promises not to impose a minimum call charge and no set up or monthly rental fee.
  • Watching celebs suffer from hunger and lack of home comforts is somehow really entertaining. The Sun
  • He wrote and tcanslaited many fortunate connexion « Mr. Boweai other works, and among the rest being unable to pay the costs in-* wa»the author of one play, called curred by the suit in the Spiritual Biographia dramatica, or, A companion to the playhouse:
  • If we have spent several class periods introducing conventions of reasoned evidence in argumentative writing, we usually look for such features in student papers.
  • That gave us the time to move arbalests and mangonels into position along the walls.
  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • Before we did anything we wrote and rewrote the script until we felt what we had got written down was a really good story.
  • They were now surrounded on all sides by a ring of excited, curious faces.
  • The main square is called “Rynek” (which basically means “central market place”), and in the middle there are two buildings: “Ratusz” or City Hall (compare with German “Rathaus”) and “Sukiennice”, a long one-level building not unlike a bazaar, filled with stores. Matthew Yglesias » Krakow
  • Unless contraindicated, prophylaxis with a gastrointestinal motility stimulant laxative and a stool softener is appropriate in terminally ill patients who are being given opioids.
  • Rows of brick garden apartments all backed onto a massive common garden: a shared backyard for children to play, dogs to gambol, and families to eat picnics together. Day of Honey
  • Someone who really wanted to stop unsanctioned immigration would begin here, by busting the small contractors who employ these workers on a contingent basis.
  • ‘In the absence of those assurances, we will have no choice but to ballot for industrial action,’ he said.
  • It also seems to carry the well-tempered glow of late Woody Allen with a well-satisfied view of late life and with few illusions. The Unshine Boys
  • He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
  • A heart will not be hurt for pursuing a dream, when you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you complete the.
  • He called the foiled butt "Really juicy and nearly perfect. Physicist Cracks BBQ Mystery
  • The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled.
  • I am told that Ferguson has called me 'unsellable'. The Guardian World News
  • Before you know it, all the Sandy Clarks and Billy Starks doing the media rounds are back in business until the next time they are given their jotters for failing to meet fans' expectations.
  • Gone was the prim nodus; instead her long hair was parted in the center and allowed to fall loose under a veil, in a deliberate echo of the statuary poses of classical goddesses. Caesars’ Wives
  • In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme, that bulldozed major shantytowns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2007
  • When Modin scored from the right circle to make it 3-0, it looked bleak for the Devils, who rallied from one-goal deficits twice before winning Game 2 in overtime. - Tampa Bay creeps closer to New Jersey with 4-3 win
  • A lot of schools don't really encourage team sports .
  • The hat, I think the style was called fedora, had a dark band and a dint in the top, which my father would sometimes correct with a chopping action of his right hand.
  • In 1850 Joy and Edward Wilson patented twin boilers working in parallel within the same casing.
  • He made a very positive contribution to the overall success of the project.
  • Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias," blared the headline on afront page story inThe New York Times, which went on to report on several incidents recounted in WikiLeaks documents that journalist Michael Gordon called "the shadow war between the United States and Iraqi militias backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Ali Gharib: What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us About Iran?
  • It might as well be closed, because in many American hospitals you're simply shooed from the windowsill after you've been nursed back to health (usually in 72 hours or less), and you're expected to "fly" on your own. Mark Lachs, M.D.: Care Transitions: The Hazards of Going In and Coming Out of the Hospital
  • deflate a balloon
  • Moreover, Mr Webb's point about what he calls disinterested management -- that is to say, the management of banks by officers whose remuneration bears no relation to the profit made on each piece of business transacted -- is one of the matters in which English banking seems likely at least to be modified. War-Time Financial Problems
  • An AFTRA statement confirmed the issues' importance, calling the 1% increase the union's "primary objective" in the bargaining. Jonathan Handel: AFTRA, Networks Reach New Three Year Deal
  • Do you really want ambient and drum'n'bass remixers stomping on your world music? Times, Sunday Times
  • The new taxon is named Gamerabaena, and the authors note, under etymology, "'Gamera refers to the fictional, firebreathing turtle from the 1965 movie Gamera, in allusion to his fire-breathing capabilities and the Hell Creek Formation ... "Look at everything around us. Look at everything we've done."
  • Sometime in the early eighteen hundreds, they trekked to the flat plain between the Ohio River and Lake Erie and settled in Mount Vernon, which was then a few small buildings in a forest of tall trees. A Renegade History of the United States
  • A specially designed speculum is used to help direct the injection into the G-spot, with effects lasting around four months. G Marks The Spot
  • When the moment finally comes, one look through his cataract lenses is all it takes. Christianity Today
  • Have a cosmic awareness, an interest in ecology, environment, vegetarianism, or are very socially conscious.
  • He was going back to the place where there was no feeling, because emotion and love were not allowed.
  • The ball rolled into the hole and she had won.
  • So spake he, and Athene was mightily angered at heart, and chid Odysseus in wrathful words: ‘Odysseus, thou hast no more steadfast might nor any prowess, as when for nine whole years continually thou didst battle with the Trojans for high born Helen, of the white arms, and many men thou slewest in terrible warfare, and by thy device the wide-wayed city of Priam was taken. Book XXII
  • A few fields have the remains of small sunken stone dwellings, intimate as those at Skara Brae.
  • With the Senate gearing up for an all-consuming battle over judicial nominations, Congress has no time to waste.
  • Pulling one back with another penalty - this time converted by the regular taker - they finally conceded a third. The Sun
  • Which of them will prefer football and which the ant nest, we'll have to wait and see.
  • Regardless of the outcome of the trial, the whole episode has been a huge embarrassment to English football.
  • Of all types of commercially based American music, jazz is the one that has most consistently fostered musical artistry on a high level.
  • My girlfriend wants me to go to the basketball court.
  • Petanque may be the only sport inspired by a disability - that of Jules LeNoir, who in 1910 was a dedicated player of boules, a French game much like bocce ball.
  • We had a gam one day, on this voyage, with a Yankee whale-ship, and a first-rate gam it was, for, as the Yankee had gammed three days before with another English ship, we got a lot of news second-hand; and, as we had not seen a new face for many months, we felt towards those Yankees like brothers, and swallowed all they had to tell us like men starving for news. Fighting the Whales
  • Sony Pictures Animation has a full slate of films including the mouth-watering 3D comedy Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, which opened as the #1 movie in North America on September 18, Hotel Transylvania, now in pre-production and, in association with Columbia Pictures, The Smurfs, now in production. Anton Yelchin and Fred Armisen Join The Smurfs | /Film
  • You can't have a show called Politically Incorrect and then abjectly apologize for not being PC.
  • The net result of all these changes is that schools should be able to deliver a better service to pupils.
  • Here's the good news: When you bring what I call unconditional presence to the trance of fear, you create the foundation for true spiritual awakening. Undefined
  • One infers that all of this would be computerised information.
  • 8. The reporters all want Obama to make the sort of inaccurate, snide, snipy comments that the Clintons are now firing off daily. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The major problem is punters here expect a diet of top-class football along with decent grub. The Sun
  • It will also host the handball final and semifinals, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair basketball. Times, Sunday Times
  • There will always be debate about who deserves honours, all of it highly subjective.
  • Such football titbits always float to the surface on third-round day which remains the best, most hectic, interesting and fun day of the season - and this one was even more frenetic than usual.
  • Sir, his definement suffers no perdition in you; though, I know, to divide him inventorially would dizzy the arithmetic of memory, and yet but yaw neither, in respect of his quick sail. Act V. Scene II. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
  • Last year there was only me and AA who were 1st years, plus AA is heaps older and I didn't know her at all.
  • The score may actually have been 32-0, but it seems the scoreboard operator could not keep up.
  • The seeds were then cut in half longitudinally and deposited on a sterile Whatman No.1 filter paper impregnated with 1% tetrazolium chloride.
  • We must remember that the prime motive for Housmann's boulevards and circuses was to ensure that a strategically placed cannon could fire down many streets, quelling the citizens who were periodically disposed to revolution.
  • I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • About 40% of all students entering as freshmen graduate within 4 years.
  • The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.
  • However, added the mayor, city hall will naturally respect the court's order, whatever it may be.
  • The flight crew made a distress call and the aircraft landed safely on one engine around 14 minutes after take-off.
  • And I think the resort is about 25% overpriced, considering the worn-down state of the place and the fact you can get a two-night package at the definitely more upmarket Avillion in Port Dickson (also not really PD, but a dozen kilometres south) from about RM800 as well. Vacations: Tiara Beach Resort — Fusion Despatches
  • Plans include occasional stops at Central Terminal, which saw its last passenger train in 1979, and special excursions through the region to destinations such as Niagara Falls, Medina, Jamestown and even Cleveland. The Buffalo News: Home
  • He adjusts the focus of the Carl Zeiss 120 mm macro lens, which allows him to work very close up.
  • According to noted plant ecologist Andre Clewell, this vegetative mix is normally found on the coast - more than 15 miles away.
  • Many scientists think that hotspots mark locations where diapiric convection cells, called mantle ‘plumes’, rise beneath lithospheric plates.
  • Over 20 factors were analyzed amongst the DUI attorneys sampled, including whether free consultations are offered, if a lawyer is willing to do 'outcall' (meaning they will meet with potential clients outside the office), how aggressive the defense of the client is, the degree to which each client is offered access to their lawyer, how much time is spent with each client talking by phone or over email, and other factors. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • So, while the average cup of decaf contains between 6 and 10 milligrams of caffeine per serving, the regulation allows for "decaf" coffee to contain much higher levels of the stimulant, at least 30 milligrams in some cases, according to Undefined
  • For winemakers in the Rhone, 2002 was a disastrous year, with violent storms and huge rainfall during the harvest.
  • Some groups consistently face discrimination: age is one mode of socially structured disadvantage.
  • We need first of all a fact finding mission and then we need to put together a coalition of conservators, a cultural coalition.
  • The caller urges the often elderly victims to transfer their money to a'safe' account set up in their name. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chartists at once organized resistance to what they called the usurpation and, after a long civil war, were successful. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • His eyes were fixed on a small house in the middle distance.
  • And I feel hopelessly undereducated, with all the MAs around me.
  • Saturday morning came, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and brimming with life.
  • The League Against Cruel Sports issued a statement Wednesday calling on Ottawa to "take steps to end the immense cruelty to animals in events such as calf-roping, which is practised at rodeos including the Calgary Stampede. CTV BritishColumbiaHome
  • The prehensile tail porcupine in South American actually lives in the treetops.
  • Thus, the power of drawing iron is one of the ideas of the complex one of that substance we call a loadstone; and a power to be so drawn is a part of the complex one we call iron: which powers pass for inherent qualities in those subjects. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • I shall be glad when the last of my daughters is married off.
  • They sneak forward to climb up the small gap between the lorry 's cab and trailer. The Sun
  • At least five people were killed when an overcrowded migrant boat capsized last month which was dramatically caught on camera by Italian coastguards. The Sun
  • There is already one clear parallel between them. Times, Sunday Times
  • In recent years, Laganside Corporation has transformed the inner core of Belfast city centre, specifically along the Lagan river and in the surrounding area.
  • After such a long time in storage, all the oil will have drained to the sump.
  • Do you think the Academy is really hip to how great Gosford Park is, or do they just like it's patina of British upper-crust respectability?
  • My hand came into contact with a small lump.
  • And we -- it does extent all the way up toward Jacksonville, all the way down into West Palm Beach, all the way over to Fort Myers, and northward, almost kind of budging into the pan -- the Big Bend area, almost into the Panhandle, but not quite just yet. CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2004
  • The altitudinal distribution of Earth-surface processes is controlled by all these factors.
  • That call my slumbering life to wake to happy things. A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul
  • It has been about the whole squad all year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Architecturally they incorporate the low roofs, polygonal towers and shallow, semicircular domes of the Byzantine mode.
  • The 27 models on display in Washington, supplemented by paintings, drawings, sculpture and medallions, show the products of a rising social structure and new technique.
  • All four men continue to deny any wrongdoing under the criminal and sporting proceedings. Times, Sunday Times
  • These small exquisitely carved ivory figurines come in an almost limitless variety.
  • Connecticut schools have been fitting yellow intruder alarms next to fire alarms in their corridors and dining halls. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results were disastrous, plunging the country into deep depression, with high unemployment, sharply falling living standards and serious political unrest.
  • We do not allow people a second try on a second question when they have so absurdly got it right the first time round.
  • As you start your married life together hand in hand, may all the things you're hoping for turn out the way you've planned.
  • We all are monoplane wing angel, only then hugs, can soar.
  • The "lawmen" in the Justice Department, etc, who are doing the hard work to bring these Wall Street criminals to the courthouse will be compromised. Stephen Gyllenhaal: Goldman and Sachs and Lipstick and Rouge
  • ‘I was worried about my car lasting to the end considering that all the motors come from the same place,’ he said.
  • To reduce the wing trim drag, the fuselage was fitted with lateral surfaces called chines, which actually converted the forward fuselage into a fixed canard which developed lift.
  • All he wanted was a cup of tea and a sit-down.
  • Unlike the other swap deals, this deal, called a "swaption," is on a fixed-rate bond. Undefined
  • He appealed to all householders to continually check their security arrangements.
  • But here's the caveat: Not all books written by newspaper reporters should be reviewed.
  • There was no one who went before you and knew all the answers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The building is dark brick topped by pinky-coloured concrete block walls, white plastic-looking fascia board, black plastic guttering and an artificial slate roof.
  • All of a sudden St. Philip's ten bells start tanging - one o’clock already - and at once the workshops and factories around the yard begin disgorging throngs of workers on their way to lunch
  • Small businesses have been hit hard / hard hit by the recession.
  • Mostly, however, she seems to be held in some kind of incommunicado status until they need a sound bite, and then they throw the power switch, download the text and out she spits it, with all the emotion of an automaton. Condi a Waste of Time
  • Such aggregations not only promote transmission of micro-organisms but through repeated exposure allow large doses of these.
  • By ethical conduct toward all creatures, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the universe. Albert Schweitzer 
  • The auctioneer's podium faced a wall hung with six sets of mounted antlers each side of a large red deer's head. Times, Sunday Times
  • In any event, when making a case against the indivisibility of Sinitic, it is not necessary to rebut each of these "common" features individually, since they are largely or wholly extralinguistic. Language Log
  • acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best's all for myself to live better.
  • The walls were built from stones taken from nearby hills.
  • Fortunately, seven unaired episodes will give fans something to really dive into.
  • This crossword will really tax your brain.
  • The one are fellows called devilish good -- the other, fellows called devilish gentleman like. Godolphin, Complete
  • The causes of asthma are not fully known but it is partly an allergic condition.
  • Let's go inside and drink coffee while we wait - likely the lords will keep us waiting all day before they blather their way to a decision. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Cppd crystals are smaller rods, squares, or rhomboids and are difficult to identify with light microscopy.
  • I think what we really need is a bipartisanship approach to healthcare.
  • The area of domination and control that affected me the longest isn't limited to just my small church. Christianity Today
  • No, but they more or less remained together, I hate to use the word ideologically, but I guess for want of a better word, they seemed to always react, more or less, the same way to political situations and to political candidates 'platforms. Oral History Interview with Lindy Boggs, January 31, 1974. Interview A-0082. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Oh, and most of the scathe in my post was fairly mild. chouinard and I tend to substitute perjoratives for ... everything, actually. Book Reviewer Backlash
  • High-frequency waves broadcast by the radar bounce off a person, scanning the in-and-out movement of the chest and more subtle, but also detectable, motion of the heartbeat against the chest wall.
  • I don't otherwise want to move: I have a large place in a convenient location with reasonable rent that allows pets, which isn't easy to find.
  • Moreover, see whether the term rendered fail to be the genus of anything at all; for then clearly it also fails to be the genus of the species mentioned. Topics
  • We filter all the e-mails in the evening to verify whether any bogus votes are cast.
  • Cornwall, the which abbeie Henrie de la Pomerey chasing out the moonks, had fortified against the king, and hearing newes of the kings returne home, died (as it was thought) for méere gréefe and feare. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • In their houses, they play much at that most ingenious game which we call chess, or else at draughts. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Designed and built by hiveMODULAR partner Bryan Meyer and his wife, Anne Ryan, this little woodland getaway is a great example of how versatility makes small spaces livable. Jason Sahler | Inhabitat
  • Setting aside such doomsday scenarios, what is really going on? Times, Sunday Times
  • The pills should be swallowed whole.
  • It will take away from the classic perspective of looking at city hall dead on.
  • Now, though, insurers find they are increasingly paying out for teenagers crashing expensive vehicles that they would not normally have the ghost of a chance of obtaining cover for.
  • But if you want voluminous leaf production during summer, you may want to fertigate it occasionally. Gardening Without Irrigation: or without much, anyway
  • When the Mexican chair of the meeting declared the talks formally closed there were whoops of delight from the African delegates.
  • The rest of the explanation seeps out gradually as midnight melts into the early hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a fine square here called Madison, in the centre of which trees rise from fountain-watered grass, and statued figures of people who were men in their day and did things, palatial buildings, dignifying commerce, form the square. Impressions of a War Correspondent
  • It's really weighing her down because she's not living up to her ideals any longer.
  • My job was often actually throwing the dart out of sight, since they were hopeless at aiming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soldado literally translates as 'soldier'. The Sun
  • All he could do was try different arrangements of transmitter and receiver. SIGNOR MARCONI'S MAGIC BOX: The invention that sparked the radio revolution
  • It's all slouchy, casual clothes in light and bright colours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Enlarged heart, medically called cardiomegaly, is not a disease, but a symptom of another condition.
  • For example, I see in yonder cupboard near which you are standing, several of what you call boxes (but like everything else in Flatland, they have no tops nor bottoms) full of money; I see also two tablets of accounts. Flatland: a romance of many dimensions (Illustrated)
  • The illness means sufferers' pulmonary arteries have thicker and less elastic walls. The Sun
  • Like all those who have gone before us, may the revelation of Christ in our hearts compel us to lay down our lives before him in worship and adoration.
  • All interested parties are asked to attend with a view to setting up a committee to organize and plan the same.
  • I guess I'm essentially a kind of deist of some kind as well. There Is A God
  • As doctors we are all too aware of the natural causes of death, such as cancer and heart disease, the top killers.
  • This came after scores of pro-Uribe legislators and other officials were indicted on conspiracy charges involving so-called demobilized paramilitaries. Council on Hemispheric Affairs
  • I can find no legitimate references to the use of metallic, inorganic, or organic silver compounds as a sanitizer, disinfectant, or sterilizing agent. quaternary ammonium chloride compounds - Mixtures of compounds such as alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, dioctyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, and octyl decyl dimethyl ammonium chloride are very commonly used as surface sanitizer; if you look at your household cleaners that claim disinfecting properties, there's a high percentage chance that you'll find a "quat". Question ;Microdyne
  • All that day and the next we crept away from the northern perimeter of the storm.
  • We encounter a patient with recurrent jaundice resulting from tumor ingrowth to the metallic stent.
  • I had just popped out for a breath of fresh air,and missed your telephone call.
  • These constricted unmyelinated regions are called nodes of Ran-vier (rahn-vee-ay), after the French histologist Louis Antoine The Human Brain
  • Winter is traditionally the dead season for the housing market.
  • Running parallel to this tempestuous relationship is the whirlwind romance between weathergirl Hero, played by Billie Piper, and sports presenter Claude.
  • This is due to the then nonexistent mobilization of what is called today the "civil society."
  • The Windows allows a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.
  • All of the simulations were performed at room temperature.
  • You must avoid applying concentrated materials to the tree at gallonages that allow the material to dribble to the lower surface of the fruit.
  • Remove all traces of rust with a small wire brush.
  • The site has its own airstrip and light aircraft service, and its own small marina.
  • It also emerged on Tuesday that actress Sienna Miller had obtained a court ruling ordering phone operator Vodafone to disclose data relating to other users - so-called third party disclosure.
  • Labor economics has become virtually a branch of applied econometrics, with the usual large data sets and headless horsemen running around looking for patterns.
  • It was also a noteworthy echo of a speech Sarkozy himself made last December, when he called for a "positive laicity" and suggested that the state could ultimately grant subsidies to religious groups. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The centre is ideally located within easy reach of many historical sites and venues for practical and outdoor activities.
  • To the left a small party was holding an entrenched position on rising ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • So if you take it and call it your own, you're just uncreative and have no imagination.
  • They all had paths going their way and signposts pointing to the city of refuge. Christianity Today
  • According to CAF, the Museum precinct will essentially encompass the buildings, hangars and aprons on the airfield side of Williams Road.
  • Their support was greatly appreciated and all within the club are grateful for their help and co-operation.

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