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  1. occurring completely or not occurring at all

How To Use all-or-nothing In A Sentence

  • They allowed themselves to be used by those who wanted to escalate the images of opposition into an all-or-nothing confrontation that is the opposite of democracy and the negation of politics: a symbolism of despair masquerading as hope.
  • Williams was forced to use high-risk all-or-nothing tactics which backfired as Seles squared the match then secured victory.
  • The most obvious of the lot is the Instant Kill, which is a one-shot, all-or-nothing attempt to knock out your opponent.
  • The Government has rejected the all-or-nothing approach in favour of a compromise solution.
  • Early on, any radiation dose at the blastocyst stage is an all-or-nothing event, " says Higley, meaning the blastocyst is thought to either recover and continue growing or miscarry.
  • It does not say that the board must take an all-or-nothing approach, that it must give the whole 15 cumecs to the irrigators, or none of it.
  • The narrator claims that restraint is an all-or-nothing proposition for her: once she has forsaken that ‘simple rule of renunciation,’ she is under the sway of ‘the seductive guidance of illimitable wants’.
  • They are nit-pickers with low emotional intelligence and zero creativity — maladaptive perfectionists, hypercritical passive-aggressives, all-or-nothing thinkers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet much of the debate over civil liberties in wartime has, to this point, been framed in all-or-nothing terms.
  • Burocracide: The NIE flap is but the tip of a very dangerous iceburg yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Burocracide: The NIE flap is but the tip of a very dangerous iceburg'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: USAID spins liabilities into assets again, as the administration eats its young, tossing depleted agencies at the pursuing mob ... do flimsier flimflams and smellier red herrings portend a last desperate all-or-nothing attempt to rule the world?' Burocracide: The NIE flap is but the tip of a very dangerous iceburg
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