all at once

  1. all at the same time
    Let's say `Yes!' all at once
  2. without warning
    all at once, he started shouting
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How To Use all at once In A Sentence

  • Emerald's feelings must have shown on her face, for all at once Jeremy was repentant. YELLOW BIRD
  • JIM GIBBONS, NEVADA: Nevada is the state that needs water, but we don't need it all at once. CNN Transcript Jan 7, 2008
  • All at once the apparent walls of the room turned from a gold color to a black dotted with stars, most like a midnight sky.
  • Described as plump, fleshy, bitter, salty and succulent all at once, their taste remains on the palate long after swallowing.
  • SLA'PDASH. intttj, [itomjlap and dalb, '\ All at once, trior. A dictionary of the English language. Abstracted from the folio ed., by the author. To which is ...
  • The smell of the cabin hut and everything inside seemed to permeate my senses all at once. SONS OF HEAVEN
  • All at once it began to rain, drops large as gobs of spit.
  • All at once he was wide awake. A Time of War
  • It is healthier to sip a cup of tea several times a day rather than down it all at once.
  • All at once she laughed aloud. A Time of War
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