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How To Use All along In A Sentence

  • The major problem is punters here expect a diet of top-class football along with decent grub. The Sun
  • The forest all along the mountain curve was spotted with dots of red, yellow, purple and gold, trees just beginning to turn with the season.
  • This link is sort of off-topic but really not, as it's yet another case (as in the present one) of the media doing their level best to shout down "the critics" -- the nattering nabobs of negativism -- and then, years later, admitting that the "gadflies" were right all along, and that what looked like a scam, walked like a scam, and quacked like a scam was -- quelle surprise! Funky math with Mark Larabee (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • They had divers arsenals, or piratic harbors, as likewise watch towers and beacons, all along the sea-coast; and fleets were here received that were well manned with the finest mariners, and well served with the expertest pilots, and composed of swift sailing and light-built vessels adapted for their special purpose. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • He was a powerful monarch, -- so powerful that the Greeks, who had built cities all along the coast of Asia Minor, in the country called Ionia, never spoke of him except as "The Great King. The Story of the Greeks
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  • You old devil! You were planning this all along!
  • On the wall alongside us was a tiled, tropical landscape of pastel cockatoos and parrots.
  • Plantations are equivalents of big zamindaris all along the Mississippi.
  • She knew the truth all along and was laughing up her sleeve at us.
  • I've been saying it all along: it's just a matter of time till they "Mandingo" him. The "R" stands for "Racist"
  • Hundreds of male onlookers surged forward, collapsing the barriers all along the race track.
  • All along the front line soldiers walked spontaneously into no-man's land to fraternise with the enemy.
  • Moreover, in the antepenultimate chapter of the novel, when the narrator reflects on his project, he intimates that he has been writing a novel all along.
  • They remind you of a bunch of schoolboys wandering down a lonely road, kicking a ball along.
  • All along the middle of these blocks are kiosks selling various wares of t-shirts and handbags and jewellery etc.
  • Glazed all along its south side, it offers a simple, spare and sunny series of places that provide a surprising number of possibilities for eating in company.
  • Metered rates did not happened but a rate increase occured which had the same effect as intended all along which was to increase revenue and remain a monopoly in ever which way except in name, in a so called liberalized telecom sector. Barbados Underground
  • Minor skirmishes broke out all along the border.
  • With very little hindsight, it is clear that he should have known this all along. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fields around Horwich are flooded in places, and all along the railway line to Bolton acres of land are seen under water.
  • The room is so crammed that people are all along the back and spilling into the hallway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experts say the immigrants may have been here all along, but earlier estimates may have been miscalculated.
  • His immense enthusiasm carried us all along.
  • The picture I see you painting is that all along there has been death and disease and carnivorism, squeezed into a blank spot of silence just prior to Genesis 1: 2. Alternative to Dembski's Theodicy?
  • All along the river bed, women have dug down and spend hours scooping up water from tiny pools.
  • All along the rupture, the seafloor moved vertically about ten metres, which displaced hundreds of kilometres of overlaying water resulting in a massive tsunami.
  • ‘That's just behind the bakery where your grandma used to get her morning rolls,’ she'll chirp, as the guy you've never seen before is revealed as having been the baddie all along.
  • I discovered that maybe it was fate all along, that faith was just an illusion that somehow you're in control. Amy Tan 
  • So what I've been doing all along at lunchtime is unplugging the 3 different cables (power, DSL, keyboard/mouse adapter) from the back of the laptop and carting it up the hall to the kitchen for podcast playback while preparing and munching a sandwich. Bluetooth headset for podcast listening convenience
  • In overseas trade the merchant had acted as a principal all along. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • The new and improved line of attack is to dichotomize war opponents by, first, issuing the most back-handed of compliments to those who were anti-war all along – the unthreatening, marginalized “Michael Moore crowd.” Archive 2005-11-01
  • Before this weary conflict came to a close, nearly every Boer family was gathered in from the perils and privations of the war-wasted veldt; and so, while nearly 30,000 burghers were detained as prisoners of war at various points across the sea, their wives and children, to the number of over 100,000, were tenderly cared for in English laagers all along the line of rails or close to conveniently situated towns. With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
  • For reformers all along the rhetorical spectrum, red-light districts were the strongholds of organized vice.
  • Mayors and city councils are all along the (Rio Grande)real grand river, which forms the border with Mexico are (banding)bending together in an effort to start(stop) construction of the fence.
  • To let the air in, the cheese wheel is regularly pierced all the way through with a long needle, and the mold develops all along the thin tunnels thus generated.
  • The misconceived pre-publicity for the series blew the gaff on this one, so unlike the main supporting characters, we knew all along that she wasn't out of her mind, just out of her body.
  • Cheney is the most pathetic of human beings: he is a fearmonger who preaches righteousness, when all along he preys upon the feeble minds that believe in him. Cheney: Obama pretending we are not at war
  • They know where happiness lies, not in a cave or a country, but in love and the freedom to give and take what has been there all along. Amy Tan 
  • They've been miscategorizing most identity theft all along - chalking it up to unpaid debt and writing it off.
  • It was a regular antheap all the way in, with the miners crawling over the tree-clad slopes, and the ceaseless thump of picks and scrape of shovels and ring of axes, and ramshackle huts and shanties and sluice-boxes everywhere, with dirty bearded fellows in slouch hats and galluses cussing and burrowing, and claim signs all along Sweetheart Mine, Crossbone Diggings, Damyereyes Gulch, and the like. Isabelle
  • With the rainy season, connections all along the cable need to be checked, and replaced if any water or corrosion is noted. Star Choice (Shaw)`
  • They had considered all along that their support was conditional on the restoration of the monarchy. Fascists and Conservatives
  • The UN however did not authorize or agree to the UK attempting to take over Libya or kill their leader - neither did the UN agree to foreign forces in Libya - Gaddafi was right all along - this war is all about foreigners in Libya destablizing the country -ie, the UK and their useless SAS. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • And 'twas 'ard if they'd be wasted like, and all along o' me. Rhymes of a Red Cross Man
  • It's a woman all along - betcha didn't see that coming.
  • This move relaxes tense muscles all along your spine.
  • Mr.. Thorowgood, not to be outdone, responded to the effect that she had "suspicioned" all along that this was going to be the case, and that when she had heard in the village yesterday that Mr. Coventry had gone straight to the Cottage upon his return that afternoon to Silverquay -- with Mr. Lovell away in Ferribridge, too, and all! The Vision of Desire
  • Churchill was right all along: he had observed Hitler closely in the 1920s, and understood something unchangeable, constant, within him.
  • There was a shelf of rock jutting out from the cliff and extending all along the sweep of the bay, providing a broken highway three to five yards wide.
  • He had scarcely pronounced these words before he was empaled; nevertheless, he had been all along in the right. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • I could see red, white and blue strobe lights flashing all along the water on the Manhattan side.
  • We are given intimations of romance, all along recognizing that it is unlikely to be realized or consummated.
  • All along the footpaths council signs threatened fines for skateboard riding and roller blading.
  • Have you been misreading the signs all along or unwittingly offended her in some way that meant you didn't make the cut? Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of haranguing the audience with the message that alcohol is evil, director Betty Thomas shows Gwen having such a good time during the pre-sobriety sequences that you begin to wonder whether it is rehab that was evil all along.
  • Tom Ridge's alert level was at yellow before the warnings and it stayed yellow all along
  • The solution was staring me right in the face all along.
  • Periodical intense bombardments all along the line, any one of which might have been the preliminary to a great offensive, left the Germans doubtful as to where the real blow would fall.
  • One day in grade 5, Paul brought a baseball bat and ball along to school.
  • G rejected, Summers should be a shoo-in with the Senate, and now Obama can have his woman-mocker in place like he wanted all along. Tim Geithner — does he belong in the Cabinet or the prison?
  • His achievement may seem small alongside the great triumphs of 20th century technology.
  • His perfect job was right under his nose all along. The Sun
  • I missed nonstandard English and a pride in being nonstandard, in being weird, " he writes, in a rare moment of self-revelation. It would have helped to have known this all along.
  • He hadn't seen her appear, it was as if she'd been there all along and he just hadn't noticed, which was simply bloody impossible.
  • The road in Guangxi is relatively good, with at least two paved lanes; the route is quite scenic, with typical karst landscape all along the way.
  • ultramarine" has been derived, is most remarkable in the Mediterranean, that sea of delights; but it is met with, all along the rock-bound coasts of the Peninsula of Spain and Portugal, extending through the The Two Admirals
  • It struck me strange that my mother from whose loving hands I had partaken many a sumptuous meal had been immured in the kitchen confines all along.
  • He went on to post more angry tweets before deleting them all along with the picture. The Sun
  • The real beauty in this primary season is that the party of brotherly love has been exposed as the hateful, power-hungry party of bigots, sexists, agist and racists that it really has been all along. brian Obama holds big lead in Oregon
  • And then, of course, there is the teetotalling 50% of the Democratic party that never drank the kook-aid and knew he was a Huey Long from the upper midwest all along. Obama Reiterates: Combat Troops Out Of Iraq In 16 Months
  • Last night came the announcement cynics predicted all along: the couple had separated after 16 months.
  • Maybe all it indicates is that un– was really a proclitic instead of a prefix all along, but we never knew it until someone came up with this usage that revealed it. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Trouble with Some Prescriptivist Claims:
  • A leader... is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind. Nelson Mandela 
  • Like spoiled children, they can demand, stamp their feet, refuse to vote, be fickle and whimsical, expecting MPs to act as obsequious valets, while distrusting them all along.
  • With the trade development, Chinese silk all along enjoyed a favorable balance of trading to the Southeast Asian countries.
  • Minor skirmishes broke out all along the border.
  • But her name was printed on the front of her numbered bib, and all along the course, people lining the streets called her name.
  • All along the trail you'll find numerous crêperies as well as superb seafood restaurants.
  • It was a Sunday afternoon, and Canadian beach bunnies had set up towels and umbrellas only inches apart, all along the strand.
  • All that teams such as the 49ers have to do now is parade around two or three token black candidates and then bring in the white candidate they wanted all along.
  • As a kind of new-style floor slab or boarding system, concrete sandwich panels have been all along applied to one-way slab.
  • the hope had been there all along
  • They were squatted all along the river bank with oversized pads of cartridge paper and soft dark pencils.
  • The raw rock mountains shadowed in the late sun and to the east the shimmering abscissa of the desert plains under a sky where raincurtains hung dark as soot all along the quadrant. No Country For Old Men
  • And you can see that the controllers are just stacking them up all along the East Coast here and then sending them around.
  • He adds the national surveillance unit set up in 1990 may have created an impression the disease was new when in fact it had been around all along, but previously unrecorded.
  • Then use some thick yellow thread - I buy a type of thread called buttonhole twist - to hem all along the folded seam.
  • At which point, wise old Mork gave one of his annoyingly cutesy little smiles, and you realised that he had been teaching those kids a Valuable Life Lesson all along.
  • There was laundry hanging all along the shower curtain rod.
  • Bright lights blazed all along the street.
  • Castille knew all along about his role as codeveloper. Frequent Flyers
  • He has all along worked hand in glove with Jack.
  • Following this exchange, the gunfire died down all along the line.
  • He said he had personally noticed that the local farmer had had to rebuild the wall alongside the road on almost a monthly basis.
  • All along the Gap the excitement slowly turned to ill-feeling. WALL GAMES
  • Now it seems he may have been bluffing all along, thus the efficacy of such a coalition seems doubtful.
  • The NTC has made it very clear all along that they requested from all the neighboring countries not to aid and abet criminals on the escape.
  • Along with the tree, the main thoroughfare through Mountmellick will be a far brighter place, as rows of lights are strung all along the street.
  • He plays half the second hole one-handed, chipping the ball along the fairway with his right hand while cradling the phone to his ear with his left.
  • (Turns out the damn thing was here all along; it had just slipped between cushions of the peasant-skin couch in the Goldman Sachs executive lounge.) Jess Walter: Trust Me... Finance and Poetry Are Funny
  • Pipes entered into this opinion the more willingly, as he had all along believed the senior to be a sort of wizard, or some cacodaemon, whom it was not very creditable to be acquainted with. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • His dewy-eyed, slightly fumbling sincerity - his brilliantly articulate impersonation of earnest inarticulacy - has all along been tied to this self-projection as a Good Man.
  • It took three fouls apiece on Kandi and Ervin Johnson to force Saunders's hand in the direction he should have been following all along - playing Mark Madsen.
  • Wild olive (Olea europaea and O. maroccana) and carob (Ceratonia siliqua) woodlands and maquis were once widely spread all along the fertile, deep soils of the warmest dry coastal and inland plains. Southwest Iberian Mediterranean sclerophyllous and mixed forests
  • The young imperial Maiden of Fifteen has now become a worn discrowned Widow of Thirty-eight; grey before her time: this is the last Procession: 'Few minutes after the Trial ended, the drums were beating to arms in all Sections; at sunrise the armed force was on foot, cannons getting placed at the extremities of the Bridges, in the Squares, Crossways, all along from the Palais de Justice to the Place de la Révolution. "Trial of Marie-Antoinette." by Thomas Carlyle
  • With the trade development, Chinese silk all along enjoyed a favorable balance of trading to the Southeast Asian countries.
  • From the NYT article Samuelson is saying economists have understood this all along. Outsourcing Muddles, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Of course, it was clear all along that if fully investigated, the scandal would touch all kinds of oilmen in the United States, as well.
  • The croquet match in the topiary is a standout, and Nolan's flair for visual effects is confirmed by the now famous scene in which the King whips off his powdered gray "hair" to reveal that, all along, it has been a wig. The New Yorker
  • I had to finish my last novel and wait two weeks before I suddenly had my flashbulb moment of what the story had been about all along. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Plot, Mood and Character
  • In overseas trade the merchant had acted as a principal all along. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • A man at first, perhaps, feels a kind of grudging and uneasiness all over his body, a deadness upon his stomach, and a drowsiness upon his senses, and he cannot well tell what he ails; but after a few days these uncertain beginnings come to rage in a burning fever, or to strike him with an apoplex; and then it appears what those symptoms foreboded and tended to all along; and the great question now is, not when or how soon the man shall recover and be well, but whether or no he shall live. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • There is however a certain unprecedented air of laxness from the Secret Service, or maybe these things have been occurring all along and we haven't heard about it. Uninvited tourists attend White House breakfast, meet Obama
  • The city wall was of great interest, and even on the west side, where it was of less strength, was constructed in successive tiers, each of less than a man's height, and each with a path extending all along so that it could be remanned continuously in time of attack. Across Coveted Lands or a Journey from Flushing (Holland) to Calcutta Overland
  • In Chile and in Argentina, the torturer was the friendly neighbor all along. Think Progress » Limbaugh demeans American servicewomen.
  • TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The former vice president has said all along, if top-secret papers were made public, they would also make his case that what he calls enhanced interrogation and others call torture was necessary to make captured terrorists talk. CNN Transcript Aug 25, 2009
  • I've known this much all along: I prefer to take my time, to ponder stakes, to meditate on things, to let them impact me and then to disgest the effects and repercussions. The Reaction
  • I loved finally knowing this, just as I love the once-every-five-years moment in The Archers when the wronged spouse finds out what we knew all along, about what her husband and the Irish bint have been up to behind the woodshed.
  • At intervals of around 2 inches there is fraying all along the edges of the collar and sleeves.
  • May the joy you share on your wedding day .Be the kind you'll share all along life's way.
  • The online catalogue has exposed obstacles to effective retrieval which library and catalogue users have faced all along in previous manual systems.
  • Sometimes the right person for you was there all along.You just didn't see it because the wrong one was blocking the sight.
  • The Parisian detachments marching to Lyons left a trail of pillaged and closed churches, and smouldering bonfires of ornaments, vestments, and holy pictures all along their route.
  • Close to the waterside a footpath led off downstream, and beside it the abbey's gardens lay neatly arrayed all along the rich plain, and three or four brothers were pricking out plants of cabbage and colewort. The Rose Rent
  • Their great pale grey slopes are breached all along the coast by a number of steep, rocky gorges with towering vertical walls.
  • I discovered that maybe it was fate all along, that faith was just an illusion that somehow you're in control. Amy Tan 
  • There are lighthouses all along the eastern shore.
  • He told me all along he would be the champion miler of the world with unwavering optimism and I would say we are three-quarters of the way there now.
  • Leadership qualities apart, it is his positive view of the life which has helped him maintain his cool all along and this seems to be keeping him hale and hearty.
  • Yet right under our noses all along, there's been one great writer who has left barely a social issue untouched.
  • It'subsequently emerged that he had known about the deal all along.
  • I cried as I admitted that I was so selfish that I was blinded to the fact that Will had needed my help all along.
  • The end of the Cold War and the eruption of US militarism have vindicated the analysis of imperialism made by Lenin, who characterized its political physiognomy as ‘reaction all along the line.’
  • In overseas trade the merchant had acted as a principal all along. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • The client requests the change and feels she's done her part - and your design, which was perfect all along, sails through to approval.
  • I think I've been reasonably successful with different teams all along so I'd be hoping to put my own stamp on it.
  • When expectant faces all along the table turned towards him, he sighed and raised a hand to his temple.
  • Man, it was perishin 'cold, but I'd done my job judgmatically, an' came scrapin 'all along her side slap on to the lower gratin' o 'the gangway. The Day's Work - Volume 1
  • The syntax is as elaborate and intricate as any Celtic decoration, and wound up with it if you follow all along, around, in, through and over is the meaning. Carrion Comfort « Unknowing
  • The basketball player bounced the ball along the ground.
  • The giant 580-mile (930-km)-wide storm unleashed 8O miles per hour (130 km per hour) winds, grounding aircraft all along the heavily populated eastern seaboard. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • 'One of the strangest motivations for rereading is purely selfish: it helps you remember what you used to be like ... your earnest, anxious, pretentious embarrassing former self, a person you thought you had left behind but who turns out to have been living inside you all along.' 45 entries from March 2008
  • It's known all along that property ownership is an essential pillar of self-funded retirement.
  • And this is a big issue because it's happening again and again all along the east coast. Times, Sunday Times
  • From here too visitors are ideally placed to discover the wealth of exclusive boutiques and designer names displayed all along the promenade.
  • They're always trying to blame it on Bacon, but it may've been Hathaway all along.
  • They are made of earthenware, shaped like hearts or tarts or leaves, and they cost two pice each, and in each we shall pour oil and float a wick; then we shall set them all along the roof and at the windows and in rows on the steps and at the gate and over the gate, and we shall light them. Two Young English Girls in India
  • Well, Larry, I hate to be in a position where I'm second-guessing anything, but I've said all along this media strategy is atrocious.
  • Grant arrived on the battlefield to find the Federals under heavy pressure all along their front.
  • There it was, what she had been waiting for all along: a direct invitation to speak freely.
  • Or, you can seal the joint with duct tape placed lengthwise all along the seams and end joints.
  • And finally my ma got the intravenous antibiotics, care and monitoring she'd needed all along. Times, Sunday Times
  • What's more, the altered flow of water has induced booms to sprout up all along a world of new lake waterfronts and tributaries provided by the enormous expanding upstream pool of liquid.
  • From the bank we could see all along the coast-line, which is dyked continuously, as I have already said. The Riddle of the Sands
  • He adds, therefore, p. 276, “To say that God putteth a case in such solemnity and emphaticalness of words and phrase as are remarkable all along in the carriage of the place in hand, of which there is no possibility that it should ever happen or be exemplified in reality of event, and this in vindication of himself and the equity of his dealings and proceedings with men, is to bring a scandal and reproach of weakness upon that infinite wisdom of his which magnifies itself in all his works; which also is so much the more unworthy and unpardonable when there is a sense commodious, every way worthy as well the infinite wisdom as the goodness of God, pertinent and proper to the occasion he hath in hand, which offers itself plainly and clearly.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • All along one side of the kitchen were crates full of oranges, bread, butter, and other perishables.
  • In a folksy, conversational two-page letter dated Sept.15, Mr. Libby assured Ms. Miller that he had wanted her to testify about their conversations all along.
  • All along Dale Avenue, you could see the flickering green-and-white lights of televisions in curtained windows, and the quiet cars lining the streets, slowly freezing in the chill night air. One Last Thought On Intellectual Honesty: The Fallacy Of Infinite Proof
  • Geomechanics has emerged and gone on all along with the thought of bio a migration.
  • The enemy is surrendering all along the line.
  • Was it your intention all along for the film to be a satire?
  • There was heavy bombardment all along the coast. The Sun
  • These men were spread out all along the behavioral continuum.
  • As I had suspected all along, he was not a real policeman.
  • For the holidays they also had a bandstand from which to play obnoxiously loud music, beer drinking tents all along the peripheries, with intermingled shooting booths and other such things carnival attractions. 3 Small Town Evenings « Unknowing
  • Minor skirmishes broke out all along the border.
  • We now know what we all along suspected -- the rajah is a rascal, and we have not only found out where his prahus are hidden, but have them corked up in a bottle. Among Malay Pirates : a Tale of Adventure and Peril
  • She had known all along
  • She will smooth the rough places all along his journey of life, and when he has come down to the end, it is she that will bear him across the valley and welcome him to the home prepared for his eternal inhabitancy. The Gospel Day Or, the Light of Christianity
  • On the wall alongside us was a tiled, tropical landscape of pastel cockatoos and parrots.
  • Others may follow, dismayed at the governing body's terrible mishandling of this all along. Times, Sunday Times
  • She knew that she was not the biological daughter of her parents, she knew all along.
  • British assistance included building a wall along the motorway to the port. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may surprise yourself in the greater understanding that you have been telepathic all along.
  • Now you see proliferation of raw fish restaurants all along the beachfronts.
  • And Dot had a sinking feeling because she realized she'd known all along even though she hadn't wanted to.
  • I spent my lunch hour at the Metrowalk Mall along Meralco Avenue, which on certain nights is the new hangout of choice by the twentysomethings because of its resto and bar mix, but is also the new home of the DVD pirates of vanished Virra Mall in Greenhills. Visiting billy: the haul
  • It's only lately that women have decided that it was really the women all along who made civilization happen, that men and women are so different that without women as opposed to, say, all men in a monastic order or a farmer supporting his aged father and sons men would be content to live in caves, unbathed, and throw rocks at each other. Mother-in-Law in the White House.
  • That the nervous system in Mrs. Carlyle was all along unstable and excitable is indicated by her intolerance of noise of all kinds, which was as great as that of her husband, and by her sleeplessness, which was even worse than his. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • For this one, I put two cheap tungsten spots on the other side of the door, and taped white tissue paper all along the opening to diffuse the light.
  • The rising ocean and the frequent storms would also endanger freshwater resources all along the east coast without large-scale sea defences.
  • Syracuse likes to get him the ball along the baseline, where he can score on drives or draw double-teams and pass to teammates.
  • Most importantly all along China has relied heavily on homegrown technology.
  • The scenes were repeated all along the border area, with tearful and emotional reunions between mothers and daughters, brothers and cousins.
  • Using personal experience or anecdote instead of research to guide treatment has been a big problem with applied thanatology all along. The Truth About Grief
  • The whole secret of health, said my father, beginning the sentence again, depending evidently upon the due contention betwixt the radical heat and radical moisture within us; — the least imaginable skill had been sufficient to have maintained it, had not the school-men confounded the task, merely (as Van Helmont, the famous chymist, has proved) by all along mistaking the radical moisture for the tallow and fat of animal bodies. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • Barriers have been erected all along the route the Pope will take.
  • Oxford English Dictionary traces the expression "tread upon eggs" back to the 1700s, when someone named Roger North wrote: "This gave him occasion ... to find if any slip had been made for he all along trod upon eggs. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • History will prove him to have been right all along.
  • Everything that is happening now kind of verifies what I knew all along, " added the film ' s screenwriter Eleanor Bergstein, who has been producing a stage version for the last five years. '
  • Let's face facts; this is the harsh reality that we've been fighting all along, though we are perpetually shocked by decisions (like Herring) that rationalize a way around a rule until we are left with rules that bear no nexus to their original purpose, a problem that I describe as a rubric without the rationale. Simple Justice
  • My feeling has been all along that the Democratic stiff was probably going to lose to the Republican routineer. Midterm Roundup
  • The enemy is surrendering all along the line.
  • Snails all along the track, each on the shining path.
  • All along we've thought that something subversive was in our midst, perhaps a maker of effigies, or an inciter of revolutions.
  • America's riches are pulling people all along the continent's Hispanic horn on a great migration to the place they call El Norte.
  • Clearly, we thought The Corrs were a straight act, but it turns out we've been misjudging them: they've been a parody of The Nolans in the style of the Cranberries all along.
  • And since you meant well all along and were just simply the blunderheaded man God made you, I guess I have been a little cat. Man to Man
  • All along one wall were shelves and shelves of ancient Roman artifacts - small ones, such as coins and dusty, devitrified little bottles and shards of Roman pottery. Archive 2008-04-01
  • She's fitten to go like a match all along when she bumps -- O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921

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