How To Use Alkyl halide In A Sentence
Many alkyl halides, alcohols, or alkenes can be reacted with benzene in the presence of certain catalysts to give an alkyl benzene.
This she began for part II Chemistry, working with H.M. Powell, as his first research student on thallium dialkyl halides, after a brief summer visit to Professor Victor Goldschmidt's laboratory in
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin - Biography
The acetylides are also strong bases and in reactions with secondary or tertiary alkyl halides elimination reactions can occur instead.
Two semesters of organic chemistry later, I decided that medicine is best left to those that don't mix up alkyl halide reactions.
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Two men discovered that in the presence of Lewis acids (such as aluminum chloride or ferric chloride), alkyl halides will alkylate benzenes.

Many alkyl halides, alcohols, or alkenes can be reacted with benzene in the presence of certain catalysts to give an alkyl benzene.
Dissolving alkyl halides at low temperature in hydrogen fluoride-antimon pentafluoride (HF-SbF5), which is
Press Release: The 1994 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
In a similar way, both hydroxide ions and water molecules may act as nucleophiles by reacting with alkyl halides to produce alcohols.
The process of 'seeing' with X-rays was clearly more difficult to apply to such systems than my early reading of Bragg had suggested; it was with some hesitation that I began my first piece of research work with H.M. Powell on thallium dialkyl halides, substances remote from, yet curiously connected with, my later subjects for research.
Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
This paper repots the N-alkylation of Saccharin with alkyl halide under microwave irradiation by using solid reagents as a supporter.
Tertiary amines are manufactured by heating an alcoholic solution of ammonia with excess alkyl halide.
Many alkyl halides, alcohols, or alkenes can be reacted with benzene in the presence of certain catalysts to give an alkyl benzene.