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How To Use Alkaline In A Sentence

  • This gas is absorbed by barium hydroxide solution, an alkaline solution known as baryta water.
  • It will also grow in slightly alkaline water provided the water in changed very regularly.
  • Alkaline relatively stable sodium hypochlorite solution, commonly known as An Ti Ming.
  • (It wasn't until I was parked at the second new lek, which is actually the first new lek, that I remember one if the reasons I bought this Olympus camera is because it can use regular alkaline batteries. Grouse Diary Entry
  • It results from the reaction of phosphorus with iron and aluminum in acidic soils, and calcium in alkaline soils.
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  • They are usually applied to wool and silk in a neutral or slightly alkaline bath; on cotton they are fixed by means of tannate of antimony or tin. Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891
  • Immunohistochemical detection by, for example, alkaline phosphatase or peroxidase has been utilized in some papers.
  • If, for instance, you have alkaline soil you can dig a large hole, fill it with ericaceous compost and grow acid-loving plants such as azalea and foxgloves.
  • Bushmen in his employ, they came to a deep water-hole, where the precious fluid, though "brak" (alkaline) and stagnant, was still plentiful and drinkable, and within working distance of which the newly-discovered "fields" were located. A Rip Van Winkle Of The Kalahari Seven Tales of South-West Africa
  • Within the Grenville basement these are represented by alkalic to tholeiitic mafic dykes and alkalic to peralkaline granite plutons.
  • Uranium can be prepared by reducing uranium halides with alkali or alkaline earth metals or by reducing uranium oxides by calcium, aluminum, or carbon at high temperatures. Uranium
  • Its internal 1. 2A switches can deliver output voltages as high as 5. 25V from an input voltage range of 1. 8V to 5. 5V, making it ideal for Li-Ion / Polymer, 3. 3V PC card slot or multicell alkaline / NiMH applications. Aktuellste Pressemeldungen der PresseBox
  • As the pioneer in the battery market, "Energizer" alkaline battery has always been accepted by the consumers of products of providing with longer lasting and more power.
  • It needs a sunny wall or fence and a neutral to alkaline soil, where it will become smothered in intense blue flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The age of the Carrock microgranite provides further evidence that both calc-alkaline and tholeiitic magmas were available during Caradoc magmatism in the Lake District.
  • But it requires alkaline water and propagates freely from stem-cuttings.
  • This acid then leaks through the alkaline solution in the maze setting up a kind of chemical hill. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to increase reliability using phenolphthalein solution to detect alkaline cell sealing characteristics, the water in the alcohol was decreased, environment humidity were requisite.
  • Charged the paper with a benzidine dye and an alkaline iodide. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • Another group has published preliminary findings on alkaline secretion in a balloon occluded segment of human oesophagus.
  • Soluble acid invertase and alkaline invertase were assayed as described previously with some modifications.
  • Blue flowers will appear in acid conditions, pink inner florets in neutral to alkaline soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • An input voltage range of 1. 8V to 5. 25V makes the LTC3529 ideal for Li-Ion / Polymer or multicell alkaline / NiCd / NiMH applications. Aktuellste Pressemeldungen der PresseBox
  • Decontamination includes washing the skin with alkaline soap and then ethanol.
  • Water ionizers, also known as alkalized or alkaline water machines, are another great option for obtaining alkaline-forming sustenance.
  • Antacids are alkaline and they relieve pain by neutralizing acid in the contents of the stomach.
  • They are easy to grow, preferring alkaline soil and full sun to light shade. The Sun
  • Heavy metals are inactive amid an alkaline environment but become dissolvable in water in a neutral environment. Deaths Toll Rises to Six in Hungary Toxic Mud Spill
  • On addition of alkaline tartrate, the color turns blue and exhibits an absorption maximum at 598 nm.
  • The injurious mechanism of alkaline burn of cornea has always been concerned.
  • However, even an unpolluted atmosphere may contain a variety of acidic and alkaline substances so that the pH of rainwater may be quite different from 5.6.
  • Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life.
  • Manganese deficiency is a common disorder on alkaline soils while its toxicity normally only occurs on strongly acid soils.
  • To acidify alkaline soils, mix in peat or acid fertilizer periodically.
  • The yarn would usually be mordanted with oxalic acid from wood sorrel, iron, or even an alkaline solution made from stale urine.
  • We try to revegetate the saline or alkaline lands near the seashore.
  • Dolomite is stained purple, calcite is unstained in the alkaline solution.
  • Plant in partial shade on neutral to alkaline soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Foods high in calcium and magnesium (cheese, wheatgerm, nuts, beans and legumes) are alkaline-forming and good choices if you need to decrease acidity.
  • The precipitate is then treated with acetic acid and an alkaline material.
  • The invention discloses an alkaline nutrient and a preparation method thereof, which relates to a nutrient that can neutralize and adjust different acidic materials inside human bodies.
  • The lakes can be characterized as alkaline, moderately hardwater lakes of relatively high mineral content, and are eutrophic. Ecoregions of Florida (EPA)
  • It appears to me that the paper will absorb its proper dose of iodine better when dry, and the glacial acetic acid will set free any small amount of alkaline potash there may be on the surface; so that it will not embrown on applying gallic acid. Notes and Queries, Number 181, April 16, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Values between 7 and 14 are found in basic or alkaline solutions such as caustic or washing soda.
  • This award-winning site has a number of sections relating to alkaline earth metals, transition metals, other metals and metalloids.
  • These include the single cell gel electrophoresis assay, the gel electrophoresis assay, the alkaline elution and unwinding assays and the analysis of DNA adducts.
  • The belt comprises subalkaline andesites, trachyandesites, dacites, rhyolites, trachyrhyolites, and granodiorites, granites, granosyenites and monzonites, and developed along an active continental margin.
  • Glycin dissolves readily in alkaline or acetic solutions, but is virtually insoluble in plain water.
  • They stained strongly positive for alkaline phosphatase, were karyotypically normal and, most importantly, made splendid chimeras. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
  • The Scottish village is Strontia and the element is the alkaline earth metal strontium.
  • On heating in a closed tube it decrepitates slightly, blackens and gives off water having an alkaline reaction.
  • Carbonic acid readily betrays its presence through solutions of the alkaline earths such as baryta and chalk, in which its passage produces an insoluble carbonate, and consequently makes the liquid turbid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
  • The neutral or very faintly alkaline solution was then distilled almost to dryness, when practically the whole of the furfuraldehyde comes over. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • Some alkaline solutions may neutralise it but it will play havoc with the base salts.
  • Crabgrass and plantain are an indication of acidic soil, while wood asters and poppies prefer alkaline soil (not as common in our area as acidic soil).
  • This article presents an improved method to determine the anhydrous chromic chloride content with alkaline process. This method is easy to perform, and does not cause any harmful gas.
  • Baking soda, a gentle alkaline powder, neutralizes odor-causing acids by restoring your skin's natural pH level.
  • As in Edgefield, potters at Guadalupe initially used alkaline, or ash, glazes.
  • Human alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes have attracted much interest because of their clinical implications.
  • Stable to oxygen and acid, and to heat except in alkaline solution. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • Montmorillonite is a swelling clay formed from the degradation of silicates such as feldspars, volcanic minerals, chlorite and illite, and is commonly found in alkaline soils today.
  • Drought-tolerant once established, oleanders tolerate the alkaline, sandy soils in Galveston, as well as the heavier soils here.
  • Unknown to most homeowners, linoleum is easily affected or damaged by hot water and strong alkaline cleaners, especially ammoniated ones in addition to the obvious factors like solvents and oils.
  • Many common metal hydroxides (with the exceptions of the salts of the alkali metals and some of the alkaline earth metals) are insoluble in water.
  • This chemical reaction can ultimately neutralize the alkaline environment and destabilize the passivating layer - in a process that can be just as destructive as chloride penetration.
  • I searched for both the words “alkaline” and “springs” and my word searcher didn’t find them. Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
  • They also migrate through the interior in small numbers, spending time on lakeshores, alkaline ponds, and shores of sloughs and flooded fields.
  • Trace element data and isotopic analysis demonstrate that the arc is composed of islandarc tholeiite and ocean-island basalts and calc-alkaline arc-type extrusive rocks.
  • The activation mechanism , mechanical properties , micro structures and microstructural characters of alkaline cementitious materials were studied.
  • The AST test is often done to determine liver function in conjunction with other tests, including alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). You Being Beautiful
  • Boxwood prefer slightly acid to slightly alkaline soil and do very well when planted in early fall.
  • But, whatever may have been the cause of your rheumatic disorder, the effects are still to be attended to; and as there must be a remaining acrimony in your blood, you ought to have regard to that, in your common diet as well as in your medicines; both which should be of a sweetening alkaline nature, and promotive of perspiration. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • This unusual toothwort, found in moist rich (often alkaline) woods from Maine south to Kentucky, is thought to be a sterile hybrid between D. diphylla and D. laciniata.
  • Further down the valley on the old soda ash beds, wild orchids bloom on the alkaline soil, a by-product of soda manufacture.
  • The rock assemblages of the Bayinbuluke formation are mainly alkaline basalt - thick andesite - alkaline rhyolite.
  • This amazing battery charger not only charge your rechargeable batteries, it will also recharge your alkaline batteries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Crabgrass and plantain are an indication of acidic soil, while wood asters and poppies prefer alkaline soil.
  • If you end up with a carton of very fresh eggs and need to cook them right away, you can add a half teaspoon of baking soda to a quart of water to make the cooking water alkaline though this intensifies the sulfury flavor. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Water should be acidic or neutral in pH, not alkaline (except for lime-loving species), although salty (brak) water is tolerated.
  • Clematis prefer a neutral to slightly alkaline soil, so add lime if your soil is on the acidic side. Keep the roots shaded and the tops in sun.
  • Clematis prefer a neutral to slightly alkaline soil, so add lime if your soil is on the acidic side. Keep the roots shaded and the tops in sun.
  • The invention discloses an alkaline nutrient and a preparation method thereof, which relates to a nutrient that can neutralize and adjust different acidic materials inside human bodies.
  • The exact concentration of the alkaline solution is obtained by measuring the density of the liquid with a Baume aerometer. Chapter 4
  • This liquid should be an alkaline chemical solution with a PH of more than 7.
  • Because soap is made primarily from a caustic blend of boiled animal fat, lye and soda, it is highly alkaline.
  • Alkaline phosphatase is not at all, or only in small amounts present in root exudates of vascular plants.
  • Potassium permanganate in neutral solution oxidizes it to nitrobenzene, in alkaline solution to azobenzene, ammonia and oxalic acid, in acid solution to aniline black. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • One has to understand that when the term alkaline or acid is used it is the state of the ash of the metabolized food that is being measured. American Chronicle
  • They are sometimes acidic to neutralise any alkaline residues carried over from the washing process and sometimes include disinfectants.
  • Away from the pan, the soils are shallow, brackish and alkaline and are associated with calcrete. Etosha Pan halophytics
  • Elevated levels of an enzyme called lactate dehydrogenase LDH also may be a clue to the presence of liver disease, especially if your alkaline phosphatase level is elevated too. DR. SANJIV CHOPRA’S LIVER BOOK
  • The second aim was to relate the effects of acid and alkaline exposure to the development of complications in Barrett's oesophagus.
  • Alkaline earth metal ions more readily bind ‘hard’ ligands such as phosphates, carboxylates, and hydroxyl groups.
  • This thesis use the methods of ultra-filtration, phosphate buffer, flowing-alkaline, centrifugal to concentrate the Yoghurt starter, and optimize the processing techniques of it.
  • The survey allowed participants to categorize the alkaline picrate reaction into methods with or without use of Lloyd pretreatment, kinetic methods, and rate-blanked kinetic methods.
  • Some of his interests, such as kinesiology, alkaline food, & blood microscopy are on the fringe or beyond currently accepted medical science, but these shortcomings do not detract from the value of a book that is both an easy read and chock full of helpful ideas for anyone from the couch potato to the experienced marathoner. Light Along the Journey
  • Copper bowls may be used for beating egg whites, or copper kettles for cooking high sugar foods like fudge, for these foods are alkaline.
  • For this reason, usage of the densimeter enabling the determination of exact concentration of the alkaline solution available for saponification, is necessary. Chapter 4
  • Avoid spicy or acidic foods and focus on alkaline ones like melons and potatoes. The Sun
  • They contain a non-toxic alkaline emulsifying chemical which has an immediate cooling effect on the oil.
  • John W. Shervais, Scott K. Vetter, 2009, High-K alkali basalts of the Western Snake River Plain (Idaho): Abrupt transition from tholeiitic to mildly alkaline plume-derived basalts Scientific Articles on Yellowstone
  • Double immunostainings with anti-LMP2/anti-Olig2 and with anti-PA28-α/anti-Olig2 were performed following the previous procedure but employing as second chromogen Perma\Blue AP Chromogen (Diagnostic Biosystems, Pleasonton, CA, USA) for alkaline phosphatase. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It creates a unique micro environment by secreting an enzyme called urease which creates a local environment of alkaline or not acid so that it can withstand acid.
  • It is an equally well-established fact of science that when we chew a piece of bread or potato or any other carbohydrate/starch, ptyalin and other alkaline juices are immediately secreted into the food by the saliva in the mouth. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • However, even an unpolluted atmosphere may contain a variety of acidic and alkaline substances so that the pH of rainwater may be quite different from 5.6.
  • The white kaolin clay has extra fine particles that simultaneously thwart insects and act as an alkaline barrier to fungal spores.
  • For, if we first use perhydrol as oxidizing agent in alkaline solution and then acidify with nitric acid, sulphur is not precipitated and fully correct results are obtained. Fritz Pregl - Nobel Lecture
  • The next thing to explore is whether your soil is acid or alkaline. Times, Sunday Times
  • The southern Zomba area consists mainly of syenite surrounded by a periphery of alkaline granite.
  • In a terrestrial plant, the slightly alkaline cytoplasm of a typical cell is sandwiched between the acidic apoplast and the likewise acidic vacuole.
  • If shrubs or trees are native to an area with acid soil and you're growing them in alkaline dirt, sure enough they'll probably become bug infested.
  • In addition to being acid and alkaline, soil can also be sandy or clay.
  • D liquors always contain varying quantities of acid and may be neutral or even slightly alkaline, it must be considered impossible to make any use of such a colorimetric estimation for practical purposes. Synthetic Tannins
  • Such investigations would lead to the study of higher plant halophytes, which in nature often encounter high salinity and alkaline pH values at the same time.
  • Elevated alkaline phosphatase is associated with liver disease and with both obstructive jaundice and intrahepatic jaundice.
  • Vitamin B - is destroyed by light and by strong acid or alkaline solutions. The Vitamin Fact Finder
  • On account of above reasons, the national product of Penicillium expansum alkaline lipase were chosen to study its interaction with chiral phenoxy acid herbicides, 2,4-DP, MCPP and 2,4-DPM.
  • By mixing it in the same way with ammonio-oxalate of sesquioxide of iron, we get a dull green picture, changeable through intermediate stages into brown by alkaline carbonates, and that into a Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • The petrology and geochemistry of these volcanic rocks show that they form an essentially bimodal association of basalt and subalkaline rhyolite, with less common intermediate compositions.
  • Edible Chenopodium, Indian ricegrass, sego lily roots, yucca, biscuit-root, bloodroot and many other nutritious and medicinal plants still grow here.27 The soil, though alkaline as short-grass soils are, has been enriched by centuries of river and creek silt deposition. Bird Cloud
  • A cleanser that is very alkaline will alter the pH, which in turn may cause the skin to feel dry or "tight. Take Care of Your Skin
  • In the yeast variant, the apparent pK of the alkaline transition is an intermediate value between the pKs of two ionizations.
  • Combined with cyclic voltammetry, the Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance(EQCM) technique was used to study the redox behavior of silver in an alkaline solution.
  • If you irrigate, and your water is also alkaline, acidify it with 2 teaspoons of vinegar per gallon of water.
  • Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life.
  • Strong alkaline cleaners can remove or degrade the fluoro-polymers (which are not bonded to the concrete).
  • The subhumid to dry region contains a diverse mosaic of soils, mostly clay, clay loam, and sandy clay loam surface textures, and ranging from alkaline to slightly acid. Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
  • They work by creating a powerful alkaline solution which dislodges fats.
  • Render the distillate strongly alkaline with caustic potash and redistil. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • The process of making soy-protein isolate begins with defatted soybean meal, which is mixed with a caustic alkaline solution to remove the fiber, then washed in an acid solution to precipitate out the protein.
  • The facility with which it reduces alkaline cupric, argentic, bismuthous, ferric, mercuric salts, indigo and potassic picrate and chromate solutions has been utilized for the preparation of several ready methods for its determination. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • The alkaline baking powder causes the cocaine to separate and, since the base is insoluble, it sinks to the bottom.
  • Another group has published preliminary findings on alkaline secretion in a balloon occluded segment of human oesophagus.
  • An increase was seen in all 7 rabbits transfected with alkaline phosphatase plasmid.
  • All we need to get cellular life started seems to be a chemiosmotic gradient such as found around alkaline vents in acidic CO2 oceans. If the Earth is Rare, We May Not Hear from ET | Universe Today
  • Rabbit anti-human immunoglobulin conjugated with alkaline phosphatase was used to detect the bound antibody.
  • In alkaline soils of arid and semiarid areas a white, nonporous layer composed mainly of calcium carbonate and known as caliche, can form in this horizon, and if it is too close to the surface it may cause problems with root growth and drainage (Box 9.3). 5. How plants live and grow
  • A phosphatase inhibitor, sodium vanadate, reduced the effect of alkaline phosphatase and the p48 band remained undetectable.
  • As the soil solution becomes more alkaline availability increases.
  • Alkaline cleaning is used to remove oils, inhibitors, lubricants and dirt prior to coating.
  • the hydroxides of the alkali metals are strongly alkaline
  • Successful toning has generally been the difficulty with such paper, the alkaline baths commonly in use with albumenized having proved unsuitable for toning this paper. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • The Jaffe reaction employs the use of an alkaline picrate solution that reacts with creatinine to form a bright orange-red complex.
  • The alkaline baking powder causes the cocaine to separate and, since the base is insoluble, it sinks to the bottom.
  • Dolomite is stained purple, calcite is unstained in the alkaline solution.
  • On the valley floor, freshwater and alkaline soda lakes support a staggering array of birdlife.
  • This bath has the following advantages vs. the alkaline baths: ease of controlling plating bath composition, high cathode current efficiency and low operating cost.
  • Humans: have alkaline saliva with ptyalin to pre-digest grains Request for help promoting our new book | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • If these alkaline solutions don't remove all the oil, you can try a solvent.
  • Usually Guppies are hardy fish and adapt to most water conditions, but they do prefer alkaline water.
  • Avoid mushroom compost because it is slightly alkaline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Urinary saturation with struvite occurs only when supranormal excretion of ammonia and alkaline urine occur together.
  • A phosphatase inhibitor, sodium vanadate, reduced the effect of alkaline phosphatase.
  • Unlike many magnolias, M. stellata will grow just as well on alkaline soils as it will on acid soil.
  • The sedimentary environment was a broad, flat floodplain with meandering streams and numerous shallow lakes or playas that could have become alkaline or saline during drier times.
  • The thin alkaline soils are extremely infertile, and there is no fresh surface water.
  • The rock assemblages of the Bayinbuluke formation are mainly alkaline basalt - thick andesite - alkaline rhyolite.
  • The ash usually contains little plant food, but can raise the soil pH as it may be slightly alkaline. The Sun
  • Creatinine was measured in all urine samples by a colorimetric assay, using an alkaline picrate method.
  • The high alkaline cleaners convert the grease into miscible soaps which are able to be rinsed away with water.
  • Floodplains have alkaline soils that support greasewood, alkali sacaton, seepweed, and shadscale. Ecoregions of Utah (EPA)
  • The solutions exhibited strong alkaline pH values for slag and washed slag while the pH of the soil solution of garden mould was only slightly alkaline.
  • If ammonia be added to the original solution, _alkaline hæmatin_ is produced, or if acetic acid be chosen, _acid hæmatin_ is produced, and each gives its appropriate absorption bands. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • Hemoglobin F is able to resist denaturation and remain soluble when added to an alkaline solution.
  • This paper discusses fiber dimension , chemical component and alkaline peroxide mechanical pulping from whole kenaf.
  • Antacids are alkaline and their action relieves pain by neutralizing acid in the contents of the stomach. The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
  • It appears, moreover, to be impossible to overtone the citro-chloro emulsion paper with it in the sense that it is possible to overtone prints on albumenized paper with the ordinary alkaline bath. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • The holes were largely targeted at mineralisation hosted in deep lateritic clays present along a tectonic structure, although several holes also intersected mineralisation in the underlying alkaline and strongly cataclastic granite bedrock. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • This gray lump, made from the ashes of stalks of certain plants, contains the alkaline substance that invariably accompanies coca-chewing.
  • the alkaline inclination of the local waters
  • There were no significant differences in the serum lactate, pyruvate, or alkaline phosphatase concentrations between the treatment groups.
  • When Lavoisier presented his antiphlogistic system, this system proved in principle so perfect that one could confidently predict that many well-known substances, such as alkalis and alkaline earths, were not elements but oxides of hitherto unknown metals - Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1910 - Presentation Speech
  • Seafoods halophilic Gastroenteritis Hemolysin V. parahemolyticus No vertebrate carrier Permanent carrier: rare TCBS agar (yellow colonies) Oxidase (+) Alkaline pH Not halophilic Asiatic cholera Severe dehydration 'Rice water stool' Cholera toxin - adenyl cyclase cAMP V. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Sometimes two developers are mixed together, in which case care should be taken that an alkaline developer naphthol or phenol be not mixed with an acid developer (phenylene diamine, naphthylamine, etc.), unless the acidity of the latter has been neutralised with soda; otherwise the developer might be thrown out of the bath in an insoluble and hence useless form. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • For alkaline soil, ample addition of an acidic organic matter such as sphagnum peat moss is beneficial.
  • Caesium is a weakly hydrated alkaline metal with chemical similarities to potassium.
  • If you irrigate, and your water is also alkaline, acidify it with 2 teaspoons of vinegar per gallon of water.
  • Many foods are acidic so you need alkaline ones in the mix, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is also produced by applying the viscose on textile fabrics, drying down, and fixing on a stenter machine, then washing away the alkaline by-products from the fixed film. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • They may be prepared by the reduction of nitro compounds in alkaline solution (using zinc dust and alkali, or a solution of an alkaline stannite as a reducing agent); by oxidation of hydrazo compounds; or by the coupling of a diazotized amine and any compound of a phenolic or aminic type, provided that there is a free para position in the amine or phenol. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • Owing to its high alkaline requirement it should only be grown with those plants with the same preference.
  • If production of one or other predominates, then body fluids tend to become acid or alkaline.
  • I know that spinning a physical disk draws a lot more charge out of a NiCad or Alkaline cell than just pushing electrons around inside a semiconductor chip.
  • A strong taproot, many-branched lateral roots, tolerance of alkaline and saline sites, and ease of reproduction make honeylocust a valuable erosion control species for temperate and subtropical areas. Chapter 6
  • Antacids are alkaline and their action relieves pain by neutralizing acid in the contents of the stomach. The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
  • Two oxides of the earthy alkaline metals, lime and hydrate of barytes, may also be used as accelerators. Scientific American Supplement, No. 832, December 12, 1891
  • Plant jujube in a location that receives full sun and has well-drained soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH.
  • This plant prefers alkaline soil, though it will readily tolerate some acidity.
  • Ehrhardt (Eng.Pat. 2,407, 1898) patented a method of making antiseptic mercury soap by using mercury albuminate -- a combination of mercuric chloride and casein, which is soluble in alkali, and added to the soap in an alkaline solution. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • I use a water rinse and an alkaline fixer for about four minutes.
  • A litmus paper can be used to find out whether the soil is acidic, alkaline or neutral.
  • Ordinary soaps and cheap facial preparations are alkaline and in some people can lead to dry, flaky skin.
  • Thus the sulphocarbonate of a 'hydrocellulose' is formed with lower proportions of alkaline hydrate and carbon disulphide, gives solutions of relatively low viscosity, and, when decomposed to give a film or thread of the regenerated cellulose, these are found to be deficient in strength and elasticity. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Fig. 9 (A, B) shows an MI believed to have formed as a two-phase mixed inclusion (melt + fluid) within a quartz phenocryst of peralkaline rhyolite (Lowenstern et al. 1991). Evidence for Fluid Saturation and Degassing
  • She recommends we follow an alkaline diet, laugh more and sleep well. The Sun
  • Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life.
  • Stressed cells also had higher activities of sucrose cleaving enzymes, such as alkaline invertase and sucrose synthase.
  • The tholeiitic picrite basalts and basalts of the Mailaka sector have higher 87 Sr / 86 Sr and lower cNd 88 than the weakly alkaline basalts.
  • Sections were incubated overnight at 70°C with 1 µg/ml of the digoxigenin-labeled probes, and binding detected by overnight incubation with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-digoxigenin antibody (1: 3500, Roche), which was visualised with NBT (Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride)/BCIP (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate, toluidine salt; 1: 50, Roche) or Fast Red (Roche) for fluorescence. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Wood ash contains very little plant food, but may raise the soil pH as it may be slightly alkaline. The Sun

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