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How To Use Alimentary In A Sentence

  • The tamilok, its fans swear, has a fresh clean taste that sends shivers of pleasure down one's alimentary canal.
  • Aim for about 240-260g of carbohydrates per day (look at murphies, alimentary paste, Sir Tim Rice and wholemeal bread). Nine tips to lose weight for lazy human being
  • Mammalian examples are the intertwining of the alimentary and digestive systems or the reproductive and excretory systems, which often require medical intervention.
  • Gerard had; and they masticated slowly, reduced the food to pulp, and insalivated it, accompanying in thought the alimentary mass passing into their intestines, and following it with methodical scrupulosity and an almost religious attention to its final consequences. Bouvard and Pécuchet A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life
  • With respect to the alimentary canal, I have met with an account of only a single rudiment, namely the vermiform appendage of the caecum. Darwin and the vermiform appendix - The Panda's Thumb
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  • The specimen also appears to be a whole animal rather than a molt: several appendages are preserved and in the first four and the last two abdominal segments a cylindrical structure is interpreted as the alimentary canal.
  • Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. RONALD REAGAN 
  • Among the alimentary tract lesions for which HIV may play a direct pathogenic role are idiopathic ulcers of the esophagus and rectum.
  • This reduction was probably due to the dilution of 15N from the azolla by the other nitrogenous matter excreted from the alimentary canal of the fish (which includes digestive juice, sloughed cells from the stomach, and azolla). Chapter 6
  • Some researchers believe antibiotics should be administered when a procedure involves entering the alimentary tract, and others believe this is not necessary.
  • the alimentary tract is partially sacculated
  • The prevailing opinion respecting the substances known as condiments is, that they possess essentially stimulating qualities, rendering them peculiarly fitted for inducing, by reflex action, the secretion of the alimentary juices. Scientific American Supplement, No. 430, March 29, 1884
  • Greenaway colour codes the rooms of the restaurant, which mirror food's route through the alimentary canal.
  • Larvae that had consumed leaf material frequently had green coloured alimentary canals, green frass and a portion of the leaf surface was scarred.
  • A foregut-fermenting alimentary system independently originated in these organisms to facilitate the digestion of the cellulose-rich food.
  • This interesting part of the process of digestion, called deglutition or swallowing, is most easily and pleasantly performed, when the alimentary morsel has been well masticated and properly softened, not by drink, which should never be taken at this time, but by saliva. Popular Education For the use of Parents and Teachers, and for Young Persons of Both Sexes
  • The guano is harvested and mixed with saliva from kimodo lizards and allowed to grow to fruition within the alimentary canals of squids culled from the Ganges and is then scraped from the ink sacs and placed in vats filled with duck heads. 23 hours later a judge emerges, ready to think. Uh-Oh
  • (body cavity) arises as a series of hollow "archenteric" outgrowths, and ms. becomes the alimentary c., the metapleural canals, probably arise subsequently to, and independently of, the general coelomic space, by a splitting in the body-wall substance. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Serositis was always accompanied by moderate-to-severe infection of the alimentary tract, and morphologic evidence suggested dissemination through efferent lymphatics.
  • These diseases will bear thorough depletion of the alimentary canal, active, hydragogue cathartics being indicated. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • While some of these patients may require parenteral nutrition, use of the alimentary tract with tube feeding is cheaper and has less adverse effects.
  • These developed in the alimentary tract of the cockroaches into larvae, which, like the trichina, were distributed into the muscles of the insects where they become encapsulated. Physiology or Medicine 1926 - Presentation Speech
  • Alimentary canal obstruction canal obstruction should not be always assumed to be caused by faecal matter a this can be a tumour.
  • Altogether the amount of fluid effused into the alimentary canal in twenty-four hours amounts to much more than the whole amount of blood in the body (which is 18 pounds in a man weighing 143 pounds); in other words, _every portion of the blood may, and possibly does, pass several times into the alimentary canal in twenty-four hours_. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • Though these organisms may also be found as normal flora of alimentary tract, data supporting this contention are lacking.
  • They are based on the idea that enzymes are able to pass through alimentary tract without losing their natural activity.
  • Presented with a diagram of the alimentary canal, he tended to marvel at its artistry rather than study its efficiency.
  • In the alimentary canal are certain pointed eminences called villi, and certain ridges called valvuloe conniventes. The Poet at the Breakfast-Table
  • Objective: To observe the therapeutic efficacy of famotidine combined with vitamin K1 on neonatal alimentary tract hemorrhage.
  • Similarly, at the upper end of the alimentary tract, rigid instruments were used for the examination of the oesophagus and for the stomach, the earliest gastroscopes were introduced in Germany during the 1930s.
  • The citizens of the areas of Puno, Cusco, Arequipa, Ayacucho, and Apurimac face extensive walks and their diets are not enough to compensate for the extreme alimentary requirements. Global Voices in English » Peru: Cold Temperatures Continue in Puno
  • Experimental evidence also exists for the presence of axon reflexes in the alimentary canal.
  • I have referred to the fact that the most common causes of constipation, indigestion and other foul conditions of the alimentary canal favorable to the production of autogenetic poisons and their auto-infection, are such common and every-day matters, so familiar to almost every one that the victim, the parents and the physician feel no alarm of the coming danger for years. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • These charges appear to have little adequate foundation, and, so far as we are in a position now to judge, the only way a food can give, or be accessory to, appendicitis is by its being taken in such excessive amounts as to set up fermentive or putrefactive changes in the alimentary canal, or by its being in an unsound, decaying, or actually diseased condition. Preventable Diseases
  • Huxley shewed that it possessed all the characteristic features of the Ascidians, the same arrangement of organs, the same kind of nervous system, a respiratory chamber formed from the fore part of the alimentary canal, and a peculiar organ running along the pharynx which Huxley called the endostyle and which is one of the most striking peculiarities of the whole group. Thomas Henry Huxley; A Sketch Of His Life And Work
  • You may be sure that, given David's recent alimentary travails, I shall be examining whatever he gives me next with especial care.
  • The latter group includes tissues lining the airways; the alimentary canal and its associated organs and glands; and the genito-urinary system.
  • In large part, moving food along the alimentary tract is a matter of smooth muscle functioning, and Pavlov decided to investigate the byssus retractor, the smooth muscle that Mytilus edulis, the common mussel, uses to close its shell. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • The size of the tube of Eodiorygma is only slightly greater than that of the feeding stage of Symbion, which has a U-shaped alimentary tract, tentaculate apparatus, and larval ability to settle on live tissue.
  • An alimentary tract could form the basis of further evolution, then the inevitable development of a head might be plausible. A Good Saturday Evening Flick
  • It distends to accommodate any material that passes through the epiglottis, and it is the most muscular portion of the alimentary tract.
  • He had the disease of alimentary canal.
  • Since any government can only beg, borrow or steal so much subsidized bread, this alimentary welfare effectively creates artificial scarcities and informal markets that can gouge consumers who want more than their rationed quota. Egypt's Backward Turn
  • I myself was suffering from a slight alimentary indisposition. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • There is the trichina spiralis, which really exists, although the German pork-butchers denounce the story as a "pig lie;" the ordinary intestinal worm, which disports itself, eel-like, in the Alimentary Canal; and the tape worm, of two varieties, one of which performs its circumlocutory antics in the human stomach, and the other in the government Bureaux at Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 16, July 16, 1870
  • Streets with overcrowded and glittering store windows… the displays of delicacies, and all the scenes of alimentary and vestimentary festivity, stimulate a magical salivation.
  • I myself was suffering from a slight alimentary indisposition. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • On the other hand (this is the third hand) we ladies sometimes call our bellies 'poochey' or other terms, not exactly terms of endearment, when we've eaten something disagreeable, and the alimentary canal in those parts tend to react and makes the belly stick out. The Moderate Voice
  • In the alimentary tract they develop into larvae, which force their way through the gut wall and spread through the whole body by way of the blood circulation. Modern Science in the Bible
  • The eggs of the roundworm Ascaris enter the alimentary tract of a person if raw vegetables or unboiled water are consumed. Modern Science in the Bible
  • The outer layer, from which come the external skin and the muscles, was then called by Allman (1853) the "ectoderm" (outer layer, or skin); the inner layer, which forms the alimentary and reproductory organs, was called the "entoderm" (= inner layer). The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Mammalian examples are the intertwining of the alimentary and digestive systems or the reproductive and excretory systems, which often require medical intervention.
  • The alimentary canal is supplied with rich plexuses beneath the epithelium, often as a superficial plexus in the mucosa and a deeper submucosal plexus. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 1. Introduction
  • Let us call the alimentary ingestion A, and the parenteral injection P. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • One of the most important considerations in an adult presenting with a lump in the neck is that the mass may represent a metastatic deposit from a primary cancer, often but not always in the upper respiratory or alimentary tract.
  • Similarly, at the upper end of the alimentary tract, rigid instruments were used for the examination of the oesophagus and for the stomach.
  • Alimentary anaphylaxis is characterized by the antigen, whether alimentary or not, being introduced into the organism by means of the digestive tube. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • In my case, what was physically evident might equally well have been due to nervous spasms, to the first stages of tuberculosis, to asthma, to a toxi-alimentary dyspnoea with renal insufficiency, to chronic bronchitis, or to a complex state into which more than one of these factors entered. Within a Budding Grove
  • The main sections include basic tissues and cell biology, protective organ systems of the body, blood circulatory organ systems, alimentary organ systems, endocrine organ systems, and reproductive organ systems.
  • They occur in great numbers in a tissue called, botryoidal tissue (Figure XIV.), which occurs especially in masses and patches along the course of the alimentary canal, in its walls. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Total parenteral nutrition is a preparation of nutrients given via intravenous infusion to patients, of any age, who cannot feed normally through the alimentary tract.
  • That some of the liquor amnii is swallowed by the fetus is proved by the fact that epidermal debris and hairs have been found among the contents of the fetal alimentary canal. I. Embryology. 11. Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
  • Just like most humans prefer a sip of iced tea in the summer to molten lead forced down their alimentary tube. Contentment
  • When the inspiratory thorax gains space from the abdomen, or when space is demanded for the increasing bulk of the alimentary canal, or for the enlarging pregnant uterus; or when, in consequence of disease, such as dropsical accumulation, more room is wanted, then the abdominal chamber supplies the demand by the anterior bulge or swell of its expansile muscular parietes. Surgical Anatomy
  • Furthermore, the ubiquitous plesiomorphic fish alimentary tract with an acidic stomach and relatively short intestine is adequate for the digestion of algae.
  • the alimentary canal
  • Their work is so thorough that in the areas in which they live almost all the soil to a depth of many centimetres has passed through the alimentary tract of an earthworm at some time.
  • Delirium and dementia may arise from brain metastases, which usually originate from lung cancer but also from tumours of the breast and alimentary tract and melanomas.
  • The eggs of the roundworm Ascaris enter the alimentary tract of a person if raw vegetables or unboiled water are consumed. Modern Science in the Bible
  • The outermost layer becomes the investing skin-tube of the embryo; the layer for the nervous system forms the tubular rudiment of the brain and spinal cord; the mucous layer curls round to form the alimentary tube; the muscle layer grows upwards and downwards to form the fleshy and osseous tube of the body wall; even the vessel layer forms a tube investing the alimentary canal, but a part of it goes to form the medial "Gekröse," or mesenterial complex, which departs considerably from the tubular form. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The plate section at the end contains illustrations of the alimentary, cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine, and urogenital systems.
  • The enlarged, saclike portion of the alimentary canal, one of the principal organs of digestion, located in vertebrates between the esophagus and the small intestine.
  • And, as a matter of fact, the proper maturation of a wine is impossible without a due amount of tartar; besides this, it develops in the wine a well-defined vigour and tonicity, which improves its taste, while it also increases its alimentary qualities. The Art of Living in Australia
  • Even in the first of these three cases (A + A) where the anaphylaxis is strictly alimentary, for the initial ingestion as well as the subsequent ingestion, there is no doubt about anaphylaxis having taken place. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • Other cancers which have been reported include those from the alimentary tract.
  • A bolus of food, for example, or a small smooth object that is likely to pass safely along the alimentary canal, if it cannot be extracted with forceps, may be pushed on into the stomach by the aid of a bulbous-headed or sponge probang. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • When the inspiratory thorax gains space from the abdomen, or when space is demanded for the increasing bulk of the alimentary canal, or for the enlarging pregnant uterus; or when, in consequence of disease, such as dropsical accumulation, more room is wanted, then the abdominal chamber supplies the demand by the anterior bulge or swell of its expansile muscular parietes. Surgical Anatomy
  • The bacilli multiply everywhere, but seem for some reason to focalize chiefly in the alimentary canal, and especially the middle part of it, the small intestines. Preventable Diseases
  • The alimentary discharge becomes mixed with a sero-mucous exudation, which is followed by a certain amount of suppurative matter. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • During the first two days the baby draws from the breasts little more than a sweetened watery fluid known as the colostrum; but its intake is essential to the child in that it acts as a good laxative which causes the emptying of the alimentary tract of the dark, tarry appearing stools known as the meconium. The Mother and Her Child
  • Paunch: a crop-like accessory pouch in some Mallophaga: any pouch-like appendage of the alimentary canal. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • It requires oxygen food, light food, physical "tactile" food, hydrating water food and solid alimentary food, all as sources of nourishment. Vaishali: Consciousness: What You Don't Know Might Kill You
  • Entoderm: the innermost germ layer of the embryo, from which are derived the epithelium of the alimentary canal and accessory structures: = endoderm and hypoblast. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • It should be understood that the term alimentary anaphylaxis does not signify anaphylaxis by alimentary substances but anaphylaxis by the introduction of the anaphylactizing substance by way of the digestive channels. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • Severe respiratory illness, petechial hemorrhages of the skin and bowel, anemia, and leukopenia justified the name ‘alimentary toxic aleukia.’
  • This eroded appearance might be due to a period of exposure before burial; alternatively, it might have been produced by passage through the alimentary tract of some predator or scavenger.
  • The plate section at the end contains illustrations of the alimentary, cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine, and urogenital systems.
  • Their home is one of an isolated clutch of doleful, boxy structures, their alimentary needs met by a tiny storefront shop, their streets unlit, even unpaved.
  • The specimen also appears to be a whole animal rather than a molt: several appendages are preserved and in the first four and the last two abdominal segments a cylindrical structure is interpreted as the alimentary canal.

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