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How To Use Alignment In A Sentence

  • They wanted to streamline operations, so his firm suggested a horizontal realignment of operations.
  • And they got it: a realignment of American politics into parties of left and right. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bandages on his face peeled off, and the bones suddenly cracked back into alignment, and his nose cricked into place.
  • It provides a powerful method in laser assessment and alignment, and provides a diagnostic tool for measuring optical surfaces and transmissive components.
  • Especially on the left, the defeat in 1849 provoked a period of reassessment which, together with the hardship and loneliness of political exile, led to some substantial political realignments.
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  • This war will inevitably lead to a realignment of/within European politics.
  • Besides, correction effect of fundamental variables in the model to RMB rate misalignment is also elaborated.
  • It would have been a realignment of British politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biggest post-election challenge is rebuilding the social justice agenda and its support base while reassessing political alignments.
  • At the same time, we can also find some helpful revelation for implementing the reorganization system of the new law of bankruptcy from Zheng Baiwen s realignment.
  • In the face of "misalignment," the very existence of a "currency imbalance" would be sufficient to open the door to trade sanctions -- whether or not that imbalance resulted from a deliberate attempt to manipulate the market. News
  • Too many of the conjunctions and alignments here are so awful that one hopes they are very temporary indeed.
  • All of the strut joints end in a close tolerance ball end, so that throughout the entire structure, all the loads are balanced by the bracing wires and strut alignment.
  • However, they also believe that many health problems can be caused by poor posture and misalignment of muscles and joints (and, with chiropractic, particularly the spine).
  • Built on a predominantly straight alignment, with no road crossings, the new line also merges with conventional track, cutting travel times to towns such as Nice, Monaco and Perpignan.
  • This time span covers the florescence of the Cahokian polity and the subsequent social and cultural realignment.
  • This recession/depression/perpetual funk is what I call a realignment recession. The Minority Report -
  • The door needs to be in alignment with the frame before you start work on it.
  • I suspect most people trying this out are not 14 year old girls (no malignment intended to any 14 year old girls). AlertThingy, The FriendFeed Desktop Application, Launches
  • And for specialized care, they can turn not only to neurologists and cardiologists but to experts in reflexology (a healing system based on foot massage), rolfing (which stresses body alignment) and other unconventional practices. Going Mainstream
  • The cause could be as simple as an ill-fitting seal, or more serious, such as bodywork misalignment. Times, Sunday Times
  • This slingshot trajectory requires the probe to be launched precisely when the planets are in an exact alignment, which if missed would not occur for another 600 years.
  • As you exhale, contract your core muscles (i.e., your abs, spine extensors, gluteals and other muscles that control your pelvis) to help maintain your alignment.
  • They ensure that the patient's body is maintained in correct alignment during positioning and the procedure.
  • The stall follows the completion of a two-year road planning study which recommends a coastal road alignment but warns of several hindrances.
  • The digital graphics department is essentially the company's pre-press operation - turning working files into a set of electronic masters, with exact specifications for color and alignment on printing presses.
  • She pretended to be riveted by the alignment of the deep V of her décolletage. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  • The photorefractive creates an index grating that couples light from one beam to another effectively compensating for any less than stellar phase-front negating any need for complicated optical alignment, spatial filtering, and columniation.
  • I wouldn't think the dioptric adjustment would be something that would get out of alignment easily.
  • I came here out of sheer chance, out of luck, destiny, fate or the alignment of the stars.
  • An initial ‘dry run’ to ensure correct alignment before the automated cutting process begins at the plasma cutter.
  • It produces circadian misalignment — when workers need to be wide awake while their body is telling them to sleep. The Sun
  • A partly degenerate consensus sequence was created from the Aspergillus and Penicillium sequences to evaluate the statistical significance of this alignment.
  • For assembly, the parts are placed in jigs which travel along the assemble line and which maintain alignment while welding takes place.
  • Given two monophyletic groups of taxa, the site patterns found in an alignment of sequences can be described in terms of five classes.
  • The stronger the magnetising force, the nearer do the molecules approach to a perfect alignment, and the greater is the induced magnetisation of the bar. Response in the Living and Non-Living
  • During seminars at Göttingen on the magnetic resonance techniques of Rabi and of Kastler, it had occurred to me that because of the analogy between an atom and a radio dipole antenna, (a), alignment of the atom should show up in its optical absorption cross section, and (b), electron impact should produce aligned excited atoms. Hans G. Dehmelt - Autobiography
  • Standing in first position, dancers tendu to second to show alignment and placement.
  • This is the sickest and most dispicable malignment that anyone could make against Bush. American Coastopia!
  • It is plain from the maps that in this intervening period the road alignment was altered in respect of the Castle Acre spur and the Pink Road.
  • Yet his entry into the race has been heralded by the corporate media as a major realignment in Canadian politics.
  • A move to Cyprus would be in concord with the current realignment of the US presence in Europe, from Germany to eastern Europe, while maintaining the primary focus of military operations on the Middle East.
  • A new approach for image registration is proposed based on alignment metric and fuzzy gradient similarity.
  • After practising with incorrect technique had caused him great pain, he focused on correct alignment and strict breath control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again, in 1994 there was a large but concentrated shift among a certain subsegment of voters at the congressional level, a realignment that had been long overdue at that point. Matthew Yglesias » People Hate Congress, Like Obama
  • Let's deconstruct that in autonomic terms: the windmill adapted its state to the new environment, using the external change as both the power and the alignment for the internal change. Boing Boing: May 11, 2003 - May 17, 2003 Archives
  • We show that the inclusion of our partial alignment columns, as anchor points, improve on the whole the accuracy of the aligner ClustalW on the benchmark BAliBASE 3. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Although glass is not normally thought to be magnetic, magnetization of these containers seems to destroy the helium alignment, while demagnetization makes bad bottles good.
  • correct the alignment of the front wheels
  • I see 1994 all over again, with the realignment occurring, state by state, as more and more people realize that the democractic Keynesian approach to addressing our ecoonomic troubles is a recipie for disaster. Poll suggests Corzine in trouble
  • Topics covered are: fonts, size, color, leading, kerning, tracking, paragraph spacing and alignment, hyphenation and composition, glyphs and special characters.
  • This is not how voters perceive political alignments, at least not in modern times.
  • Modified missionary position also called coital alignment. Great Sex for Moms
  • Left alignment ensures all text is flush with left margin and ragged on the right margin.
  • Tom Fahrney, VDOT's coordinator for problems stemming from the huge personnel shifts required by the federal Base Realignment and Closure program, focused on attempts to ease congestion likely to occur around Fort Belvoir and the Mark Center. Northern Virginia transportation plan update
  • In patients with concomitant strabismus, who have compromised or absent binocular fusion, treatment is cosmetic as permanent ocular realignment cannot be expected.
  • At least once in every watch period Bowman would look homeward through the antenna-alignment telescope.
  • To comply with the Base Realignment and Closure legislation of 2005, DISA will relocate to the new 95-acre site by September 2011 from its primary headquarters in Arlington, Va.
  • He calls the Beverly Hills supporters of the Santa Monica alignment "Pinocchios" and "Babbitts," in the same sentence, no less. John Mirisch: Middle America and the Westside Subway
  • One that requires superb teamwork if all its elements are to be kept in perfect alignment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authority had also taken into account the metro rail and railway alignments that may align themselves with the system.
  • The firm has proposed a north-south road alignment which would cut through the south-east and north-east corners of the Chapman Regional Park.
  • Based on the alignment measurements such as level meter, gradienter and laser collimator, the instructional software for straightness measuring and evaluating is developed.
  • The biggest risk comes from measures linked to China's supposed exchange - rate misalignment.
  • This depth scale allowed alignment of the carbonate, TOC and core MS records from the slightly expanded cores with the downhole records.
  • Improper support can cause the hull to distort, causing cracked bulkheads, engine misalignment or broken stringers.
  • It demands a realignment of the critical tasks needed to be successful as a military force.
  • That changed world necessitated a massive realignment of Julie's personality.
  • Those arguments then assert that functional alignment is the only logical answer.
  • The mirror features labels indicating the correct head position, stance widths, body alignment and ball position.
  • The geometrical alignment clearly expresses the plasmic Gaia-Mind's intent to usher in a new era of human-alien relations! Archive 2006-07-01
  • You can accept this suggestion and opt to make the two objects keep the alignment.
  • As today, some people saw the pact as a realignment of politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • For every sequence to be integrated, we collected a number of homologous sequences that were sufficiently similar to enable a reliable alignment.
  • A simple method has been introduced for analyzing VHF omnirange radio beacon errors caused by deficiencies in and misalignment of its antenna system.
  • Misalignment is rapidly spotted and is immediately damaging to the reputation of the organisation and its leaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most analysts say a realignment in the residential property market was inevitable.
  • The builder has applied for permits for alterations and extensions to an existing house on one of the lots, and realignment of the boundary of two lots.
  • One could be excused for thinking that the orchestration of realignment had become a target of the major parties as their relationship with the electorate weakened, and they looked to experts to advise them.
  • This outlook cuts across traditional sociological and political alignments.
  • Compared to the LCD using two glass substrates, our new device exhibits a comparable contrast ratio ( 514:1), driving voltage, and response time because of good LC alignment.
  • Electron microscopy was used to examine ultrastructural evidence of injury, including sarcomeric disruption, disorganisation of myofilaments, misalignment of adjacent sarcomeres, and distortion or absence of Z-lines.
  • The three components of alignment are horizontal, vertical and cant, regardless of the typical cross sections encountered.
  • And I once argued that it was that process, the process of recomposition, that was why software engineering was so human-centered, it was the need to be able to put things together that drove a significant number of the collaborations required to keep all the individually separated parts in alignment so that they would fit back together again. Revisiting Visions « Beki's Blog (there's an original name)
  • SA Reserve Bank governor Tito Mboweni on Thursday said there was concern about the "misalignment" of power relations in the global economic system, as reflected in the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Agile Organisational patterns - What's the optimal way of working together - Social aspects of software dev teams, organizational alignment, compensation,self-organization, decision making, vision.
  • This war will inevitably lead to a realignment of/within European politics.
  • Introduces multi-user access, slot alignment and power control, contention resolution. Presents the multi-user access method based on CDMA employed in the backward link.
  • It's very easy to make your own predefined color or to change a title alignment or even to change a button icon size. Content
  • He rejects the idea that Israel's salvation lies in alignment with the Saudis and other "sclerotic" Sunni regimes. MJ Rosenberg: Will Obama Buckle?
  • An unevenly worn tread indicates an alignment or tire inflation problem.
  • In addition to the aforementioned considerations, proper body positioning and alignment are crucial to the correct execution of these procedures.
  • A system for alignment and measurement of positions includes an electronic tachymeter and a reflector system.
  • By comparative analysis, the author classify the diplomacy of Sweden into three periods to examine the transformation of Swedish non-alignment and Neutrality tradition?
  • Sample alignment using the kit's 50-bp marker helps researchers identify and compare samples, and to troubleshoot their experiments. The Scientist
  • The San Francisco Dance Center offers classes in ballet, flamenco, hip-hop, modem, tap, jazz, Brazilian, lambada, body alignment, and body work.
  • The Colorado Buffaloes use a 3-4 defensive alignment.
  • Quality magnetic catches feature a floating or self-adjusting action to ensure proper alignment and contact.
  • The program ODS2 also supports the manual alignment of physical and genetic maps.
  • If your spine is merely out of alignment, manipulation by a chiropractor may help ease your pain. This may also ease your muscle strain.
  • If it is pushed out of alignment by the glacis plate, it will detonate the mine underneath the belly of the AFV.
  • Goqwana also announced that the filling of critical posts and the realignment of the department's organogram had benefited the department.
  • The old political alignments are going to give way to new ones.
  • There are a few different ways for the teeth to be ‘out of alignment’, including overbite and underbite.
  • It is possible we will soon see an acceleration of our own malignment over the coming year. Information Liberation
  • It is never okay to lie, sometimes okay to lie adder addressable addressing adequate adjacent adjunct adjustable administer admission admit advance advansing advantage aegis affect affinity affirm affix afford after again agency aggravate aggregate agitate ahead aid alarm alerating alias alien alignment alined all allied allocation allow alloy along alphabetic alphameric already altenate alteration although altitude altogether ambient ambiguous ambitious Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
  • The main threats are probably the re-alignment of riverbanks and removal of riverside trees, but water pollution and river dredging are also serious problems.
  • Since these forces are strongest for orientation of the surface normal perpendicular to the rotation axis, this may cause a slight preference for alignment of the bilayer normals perpendicular to the rotor axis.
  • The core is the alignment of traditionalists, libertarians, and anti-communists into a coherent conservative movement.
  • This works by strengthening the core postural muscles of the body, rebalancing the body and bringing it into correct alignment which leads to a longer, leaner body.
  • In such a situation there has been little room for any clear, simple alignment along the lines of one or two ideologies which could decisively change the country's direction.
  • The recesses aid in alignment of the user's finger to prevent miskeying of other keys.
  • With the same center as the bearing, the spherically formed outer ring raceway can mad self - alignment.
  • To regain mutual understanding, we attempted to make sense of this misalignment in 37 and 38 and bring it back on track.
  • When exercising with a stability ball, it's important - for both positioning and alignment - that you choose the proper-sized ball.
  • Wheel alignment can easily be knocked out of true by potholes. Times, Sunday Times
  • (A) Graph representing the percentage of proteins identified in our bioinformatic screen that contain one or more transmembrane domains and retain the di-arginine or di-lysine motif or retain the XDEL motif and are lumenal proteins in a variety of species orthologues carried out using Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • However, the true tree is not known, and is approximated by a tree estimated from the whole sequence alignment.
  • They may remove the insoles that are in the boot and replace them with soft off-the-shelf orthotics to improve the fit and the alignment of your foot within the boot.
  • The lateral view should be taken with the wrist in a neutral position in order to evaluate the alignment of the lunate with the rest of the wrist.
  • Realignment" is a chaotic moment when campaigns descend on each other's groups and try to poach from them.
  • Single-particle selection and alignment with heavy atom cluster-antibody conjugates. Roger D. Kornberg - Autobiography
  • The evil alignment of Saturn and Neptune in Canopus, the Dog star, portends a withering attack of werewolf spirits looking for your dog to inhabit. Archive 2007-04-01
  • I note that there is almost an alignment with that position from those such as the association.
  • If it is an international group, does it regularly criticize abuses by governments of all political persuasions and geopolitical alignments?
  • They were careful to note that their appeal is in lawful alignment with the Chinese Constitution as well as the PRC's Law on Regional National Autonomy. Tenzin Dickyi: The Question of Linguistic Autonomy for Tibetans
  • The present currency realignment is in its early stages.
  • This CEALETI-patented technology produces poles on each head with alignment and integrated azimuth angle.
  • Lay the tiles row by row, always keeping a watchful eye for correct alignment along the working lines.
  • McDonnell complained that the Defense Department did not use its own quadriennial review or the well-established Base Realignment and Closure process in making recommendations for defense cuts. McDonnell reports little progress overturning JFCOM closure
  • They are winning this battle ... improvements in corporate governance and management/unitholder alignment are ongoing. Globe and Mail
  • Spending too much time on your duff tends to weaken the muscles of the lower back and bend the spine out of its natural alignment.
  • The 10/32 threaded vertical mounting rails easily adjust in ¼ inch increments for accurate alignment, while numbered U positions and copper busbar attachment points further simplify set-up. ThomasNet News - Today's New Product News
  • My garage checked the wheel alignment and said it was fine. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can also check the alignment of the posts in one direction by sighting from one end of the row of posts to the other.
  • The stall follows the completion of a two-year road planning study which recommends a coastal road alignment but warns of several hindrances.
  • Nucleotide alignments were created by the concatenation of the individual gene alignments.
  • Objective To study the rotation of femoral component and tibial component with CT and evaluate the relationship between patellofemoral complications and rotational alignment of the components.
  • They have to make use of planetary alignments, or ‘launch windows’, to provide an extra gravitational slingshot effect, helping to catapult them further out into space.
  • Correct defective components that could hinder proper headlamp alignment.
  • The model suggests that organizational effectiveness depends on all seven of these elements being in alignment.
  • Meanwhile Burkhart and her subject not surprisingly form a bond of sisterhood before our eyes in their shared malignment by duplicity. G. Roger Denson: "Old," "Crazy" and "Hysterical." Is That All There Is?
  • The Sun, Earth and Moon were in alignment, which increased the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon on the Earth.
  • As such the final solution to this saga is a realignment of exchange rates and the rebalancing of trade. Western Governments' Addiction To Credit And The Rise Of China
  • Election returns show that political alignments around social issues have shifted much less than their rhetoric would suggest.
  • Essentially, this consisted of an oil and filter change as well as a general examination of the exterior bodywork, foot and parking brake, all drive belts, windscreen washer and wheel alignment.
  • But it is increasingly thought that the positioning and spacing of these early teeth is crucial for the correct alignment and positioning of permanent teeth.
  • Any sign that she's not the top of the class in ballet and she's sent to the sports physio to correct her knee alignment. The Sun
  • The conservation was defined based on an alignment window of +/- 10AAs of S. cerevisiae proteins against orthologs in C. albicans, S. pombe, D. melanogaster and H. sapiens. Translationally optimal codons do not appear to significantly associate with phosphorylation sites
  • Even on a smaller ship this can be witnessed by the crew as the Bowpost and Sternposts move out of alignment as the ship ripples forwards over the peaks and troughs of the waves.
  • Most golfers assume that if their toes are lined up parallel to the target line, their alignment is correct.
  • People like you preach tolerance and openmindedness all the time but when it comes to middle America you think we're all evil and stupid country yokels who need your political alignment.
  • In the absence of a ground plan with scale, it's impossible to accept this contention, specially because the substantive questions of proper alignment of pillar bases and their load-bearing capacity remain unresolved.
  • These poses also help mobilize your knee joints by correcting the misalignment that occurs if your muscles are too tight.
  • The alignment proposed follows the Development Plan Line and development control has affected this part of the route for over 20 years.
  • The modern road follows the alignment of Watling Street, along which Roman soldiers would have trooped on their way from London to Dover and beyond.
  • The group agrees that there has been a misalignment of risks and rewards in fund management. Times, Sunday Times
  • The alignment in question is four ways: to midsummer sunrise and sunset, and to midwinter sunrise and sunset. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • The servo loop is a position stabilization loop of the platform. Revise loop help it to command the platform into alignment with the local present coordinate system.
  • In an environment characterized by globalization, the developed countries are urged to foster stable and sustainable financial policies to avoid exchange rate misalignments and volatility among major currencies.
  • Intron positions were numbered consecutively beginning at the N-terminus of the alignment.
  • We'll hear about detonation, secondary explosion effects, metal fatigue or misalignment of the planets.
  • The terms utility and preference are elastic enough to perhaps cover, say, the noble action of living in alignment with your ideals, if you adopt an overly broad definition. Reduction to Banality, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Too many of the conjunctions and alignments here are so awful that one hopes they are very temporary indeed.
  • Garter stitch is very demanding, and I think there were also faults in my alignment of the mitres. Jean's Knitting
  • Let x v be an N-tuple defined as the concatenation of the alignment columns specified by the N-long vector of indices v.
  • Nehru saw himself as the central figure; the veteran of the fight against colonialism and the apostle of non-alignment.
  • The senator called for a realignment of the political parties.
  • In another image, he paints himself as a Mondrian abstraction, the hints of his profile enough to jar the harmonious verticals and horizontals out of alignment.
  • I would agree that road safety is compromised by excessive speed, but this takes its place along with other factors, principally, road width and alignment, and visibility.
  • Morris has been bothered by minor back spasms his last two starts, perhaps caused by a misalignment from a chiropractor. - Three NL pitchers opt out of All-Star Game
  • Lie on the floor with your lower back pressed into the mat, feet on the ball, arms at your sides and neck in neutral alignment.
  • American experts believe that water vapor jetting from a cooling unit in the backpack of spacewalkers is strong enough to turn the entire two-hundred-ton space station out of alignment.
  • Such crude alignments concealed the fact that realists such as Fairfield Porter or Freud were no more politically committed than their abstract colleagues.
  • The good work of Councillor Willie Nolan in the provision of amenities is bound to have further influence on new road alignments and safety planning.
  • In the person of George Washington, the man and his hour were met, and our country can continue to be thankful for that happy alignment of the planets that brough the man andhis times together. Your History Moment: Father of His Country « Third Point of Singularity
  • It is a costly myth, however that organization alignment must precede fundamental change.
  • The three main reasons for failing the test in 2004 were bodywork, headlight alignment and registration plates.
  • The extent of the realignment is shown by the shift in voting behaviour on the part of cosmopolitans and populists…
  • Perhaps his distaste is not about the amount of metaphysical pondering now verse then, but rather its alignment with his personal metaphysics. A Trend?
  • In some cases "better management" may simply mean the determination to force painful cuts or realignment of the company 's operations. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • All pairwise sequence alignments were colinear, that is, blocks were sequential in nucleotide position for each taxon and were nonoverlapping.
  • The 4.35 km long rail cum road bridge, along with the ancillaries like new railway lines and stations and the new road alignments, is one of the biggest-ever projects in the Northeast.
  • Instead, he says, Israelis and Palestinians should strive for a "nonbelligerency accord" based on the current alignment in the West Bank and Gaza, economic cooperation and the long-term possibility of establishing a "Palestinian entity. The Hawk Takes Flight
  • Since no two lines actually rendezvous, a shifting pattern emerges from their misalignment that evokes the nervous scrawl of a polygraph test.
  • Anyway, all went well until the gate was rehung only to find that it's twin, which should have joined neatly in the middle, had been hung out of alignment years before and now they just weren't closing together.
  • The challenge is, while we are telling you who you should be and expecting you to live in alignment with those standards and expectations, we forget two important things. Iyanla Vanzant: How Spiritual Leaders Get Through What They're Going Through: Lie or Leave
  • Malalignment can be resolved into two components.
  • Despite the beautiful alignment of the main line out of London there are some fearsome grades on most lines elsewhere on the network, and visiting Pacifics have often been in bad trouble on these sections.
  • The most typical examples were the realignment of candidacy lists in Kowloon East and Kowloon West.
  • In osteoarthritis, the alignment of the leg changes because of wear.
  • In a multicolor confocal setup, optimal alignment is essential to guarantee maximal overlap of all detection volume elements in the different spectral ranges.
  • Turn off and unplug the power tool from its power source before you perform any alignment, adjustment, maintenance, or repair procedure.
  • Now, whether P. Diddy, the choose-your-own-identity quality of Facebook, Dora the Explorer, or Burning Man will result in discernible political change or a broader, spiritual realignment remains to be seen. Letters
  • To perform a squat with ideal alignment, one needs to have flexible hamstrings, gluteals and calf muscles, strong quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteals, as well as strong, stable abdominals and erector spinae muscles.
  • Then Germany declared against Portugal, whose government replied in kind; Austria followed Germany in the alignment and finally, in August, 1916, there were exchanges of sharp "courtesies" -- the complete severance of all diplomatic relations and open warfare -- between Roumania and Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
  • The rear cone decentration and compact leg tilt can both result in a phase shear and twist on the optical field, and lead to phase jump and tilt along the misalignment direction.
  • Furthermore, we see that the molecular rows along the a axes are in perfect alignment with the underlying layers, as one would expect for the tetragonal lattice of the CO-HbC crystals.
  • We can see this important change at Nosterfield Quarry, immediately to the north, where Bronze Age field ditches and single pit alignments were discovered.
  • The misalignment is a result of companies decentralizing their talent, yet centralizing their talent management and human resources HR organizations. News

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