How To Use Alienating In A Sentence

  • Because he has shown his "greatness" in picking lousy staff, burning through cash and alienating the electorate? McAuliffe Takes 16 Point Lead
  • Attacked and then haunted by an unbalanced loner, the doctor sets out on her solo trail of the killer, alienating herself from both the doubting police and her colleagues.
  • Failing of rapid success in waging a sheer political propaganda, and finding that they were alienating the most intelligent and most easily organized portion of the voters, the socialists lessoned from the experience and turned their energies upon the trade-union movement. THE CLASS STRUGGLE
  • It is spending astronomical amounts of money, alienating allies and further antagonizing opponents.
  • However, Duncker was fully aware of the need to avoid alienating her audience.
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  • They are so mismanaging their economy and are so alienating young people and women that their fate today looks a lot like the Kremlin leaders in 1988 or the French monarchy in 1788.
  • Instead of broadening its membership, it is alienating people.
  • There's also the added community backlash which can be seen indirectly in flare ups like the Fox News-Mass Effect fiasco We can also see echoes of Rockstar's decision to leave the content in in some of the more embarassing and alienating aspects of recent marketing schemes. A Pricey Cup Of Joe
  • She has been caricatured as a number cruncher with an alienating tendency to spout management jargon. Times, Sunday Times
  • To do so would only risk alienating and provoking conflict with a rising Europe and an ascendant Asia.
  • We do know they have been steadily alienating your regular customers, stiffing them on money owed, making a terrible mess of the legitimate business, while all the while on paper your company is soaring.
  • As markets become more fluid and global, leaders must be more careful about alienating investors.
  • George W. Bush runs the risk of alienating the world’s biggest source of oil with his plan to end America’s “oil addiction”, Opec delegates, oil ministers, energy experts and even some environmentalists said yesterday. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bush Misfires in Drive to End 'Oil Addiction'
  • I am solely responsible for this comment and agree to abide by the Extraterrestrial [Visitor] i am with you all the way. alienating the ruling party is not the way when it comes to dealing with eritrea. after all, that is exactly what the Eritrea want. but rather making the government part of the solution is the only way forward. you said it well, what's taken by gun can only be returned with gun. Undefined
  • her sudden alienating aloofness
  • All of which can start to feel a bit alienating if you're a non-player and your most sophisticated game of cards to date is Twenty-One.
  • He painted American landscapes and cityscapes with a disturbing truth, expressing the world around him as a chilling, alienating, and often vacuous place.
  • Issuing a message to unionists, he also urged them against alienating nationalists by collapsing the devolved institutions.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Bush Misfires in Drive to End \'Oil Addiction\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' George W. Bush runs the risk of alienating the world’s biggest source of oil with his plan to end America’s “oil addiction”, Opec delegates, oil ministers, energy experts and even some environmentalists said yesterday. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bush Misfires in Drive to End 'Oil Addiction'
  • They used images of the modern city to convey a hostile, alienating world, with distorted figures and colors.
  • And this seems to be their problem; it doesn't know how to attract young people without alienating the older members.
  • Unfortunately, and somewhat surprisingly, most Happy Hours seem to concentrate on reducing the price of the amber fluid alone, thus alienating those who either prefer the harder intoxicants or the softer liquids.
  • Gilmore had to motivate religious-right voters without alienating other voters.
  • Yet he seemed intent on alienating the very industry that had nurtured his awe-inspiring talent.
  • Kate found the training school alienating, and her claims that her housemother disliked her were dismissed as irrational, possibly adding to her sense of injustice.
  • How complicit is she in alienating Blondie from the family? The Love Wife by Gish Jen: Questions
  • He cried as he told me how she was alienating him from his children and how their previously fun times together were now strained and difficult.
  • At the same time successful attempts to entice a younger audience and elect younger RAs have disarmed many critics whilst alienating some of its traditional audience.
  • Guest Katty Kay of BBC World News America also questioned the strategy, saying that it might be a short-term sop to Obama's left-wing base, but it may end up alienating the independent voters that helped elect the president. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • I don't know what's more stupid, Palin proving that she's a quitter and then trying to run for President, or Rove slamming a prominent GOP figure, thereby further alienating, splitting and confusing the Republican Party. Rove: Palin's resignation lacks clear strategy
  • To the rest of Britain, such behavior is not only alien, but alienating.
  • Beside the benevolence is a redness in tooth and claw that is sickening and alienating and it is somehow part of a horrible left-hand/right-hand situation. Bill Gates and the Greatest Tech Hack Ever - Anil Dash
  • Of course Senator Clinton was saying these things back when she was busy alienating people like me with her arrogant supposal of the crown, as though any challenge to her claim on the nomination was unthinkable. The Early April Word - The Caucus Blog -
  • On the other hand, their campaign clearly set back the cause by antagonizing many non-militant women and by alienating pro-suffrage members of Parliament.
  • More short-haired young men gaze through leaded windows or carry burdens across alienating landscapes.
  • Where the privileged white cube of the gallery is estranging and alienating to most of us, providing only pseudo-access into the art world, museums are recasting themselves as machines of democracy, in an uncanny but decidedly more benign parallel to the spread of world-wide democracy that Western globalization claims to bring with it. Monica Westin: Art in the Time of Midterms: Museum as Democracy and the MCA's New Show
  • I wish I had been more grateful for difficulties and had behaved more respectfully to others instead of alienating people.
  • This black comedy is a comment on the alienating and dehumanizing effects of contemporary urban life.
  • And that's the trick with a long-running show, to keep it fresh without alienating longtime viewers.
  • This is a safe way to vent your emotions without alienating your co-workers.
  • To the rest of Britain, such behavior is not only alien, but alienating.
  • It is spending astronomical amounts of money, alienating allies and further antagonizing opponents.
  • With the ticketing fiascoes surrounding the World Cup in South Asia, the game's administrators risk alienating people who attend games. Pardon the Commercial Contortion
  • And by seeing connections, she rejects the superior, alienating attitude often adopted by Western commentators towards other cultures.
  • At the end of his life, Rustin turned politically conservative, alienating his friends and longtime union colleagues.
  • Failing rapid success, in waging a sheer political propaganda, and finding that they were alienating the most intelligent and most easily organized portion of the voters, the Socialists lessoned from the experience and turned their energies upon the trade union movement. The Class Struggle
  • I'm proud and grateful that this film is able to humanize and destigmatize the idea of who a day laborer is, and to free Wilmer's character--and the supporting cast of actual day laborers--from the awful and alienating stereotypes often attached to brown, working class immigrants. S.J. Main: Writer/Director Jill Soloway Explores Latino Themes in Sundance Film 'Una Hora Por Favora'
  • Failing of rapid success in waging a sheer political propaganda, and finding that they were alienating the most intelligent and most easily organized portion of the voters, the socialists lessoned from the experience and turned their energies upon the trade-union movement. THE CLASS STRUGGLE
  • Like Ines and Susana, Beatriz takes refuge from a rigidly structured, unaccommodating, and cruel world by alienating herself from it.
  • Each year, without fail, a new set of alienating words and phrases is put into currency.
  • Someone - all too often - it feels like Cascade is more interested in alienating people than winning people over. Cascade Encourages Members to Send Rasmussen Tums for Nickerson “Indigestion” « PubliCola
  • But upon his return to Europe he began to see the old continent with American eyes and from the alienating distance of his exile he noticed all the more strongly the barbarity of its remaining peculiarities.
  • The spectacles were sold at a price that most villagers couldn't afford, thus alienating the very people most at risk.
  • Unfortunately, as the years wore on, he became more despotic and appeared to go insane, venting his wrath against monks and thereby alienating the powerful sangha.
  • His passivity was sadly typical of Democratic officeholders, who, confronted with obvious union corruption, too often refuse to act for fear of alienating organized labor.
  • The main character is so wholesome and innocent that she's almost alienating.
  • Orchin's difficulty was that to make the association more attractive to members he risked alienating the patrons who subsidized its activities.
  • With all the direct attacks on our heritage doing something like this does far more harm in alienating people. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • It's chilly and alienating, but not unenjoyable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Daley's entry into the White House marks President Obama's transition from political outsider to insider, and from South Side Chicago liberal to Downtown Chicago and Washington survivalist powerbroker intent on winning another term as president, even if that means alienating the left wing of his party. Bill Daley Named White House Chief Of Staff
  • Ultimately, the operation was focused on the inside game, run by insiders uninterested in alienating people they'd need in their next gig. Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye
  • Paris -- Nohant being left under the stewardship of Deschartres -- and by her unconciliatory behavior further alienating the other side of the family from whom Aurore, through no fault of her own, was virtually estranged at the moment when she stood most in need of a friend. Famous Women: George Sand
  • But what it is doing is totally alienating otherwise law-abiding citizens and turning them into criminals.
  • The sheer Hip-ness of Evolution can feel like a bit of a yawn given the little risk of alienating such a loyal audience by pushing the envelope a touch.
  • Now, that is spiritual guidance, you fusty old Scottish cardinals bleating on about the evils of fornication and alienating everyone under 100.
  • By singling out the single family home as a conveyor of individual wealth we have inflated its value as a social connector when in fact it is a social disconnector - separating the physical distance between strangers, alienating the wealth class from the poor, and creating "neighborhoods" that enforce stereotypes and social clichés. Milton Curry: Nixon in China and the American City: Radical Urban Revitalization Needed
  • This process is also destroying vegetation, washing soil and pollutants into estuaries and onto coral reefs as well as alienating foreshores from the public, and threatening beaches with rock walls.
  • The process of government regimenting of commerce, and alienating it from working folks — artificially formalizing it and concentrating it within the hands of a select culturally- and politically-privileged class of rentiers and commercialists — makes the day-to-day practices commerce and banking more and more parasitic as they become more and more occupied by the the power of the State. Welcome, Antiwarriors
  • And so they actively encouraged their sexual appetites, seeking out the "hunks," in order to keep themselves in the game of what once, long ago, was called courtship and has now degenerated into the alienating culture of "hooking up. The biggest stumbling blocks
  • It includes changing the climate of an institution from one that is hostile and alienating for members of particular groups to one that is sensitive and welcoming.
  • Ironically, even Talk Turkey was unimpressed by Obama's efforts to appease both Armenians and Turks, but mainly because it believes the president only succeeded in alienating everybody. Global Voices in English » Armenia: Debate over campaign promise overshadows 94th anniversary of WWI killings
  • Culture was also looked towards to counter the alienating experience of industrial society, which was marked by impoverishment and anomie.
  • Doctors who use the word "obese" in their notes may risk alienating patients. NYT > Home Page
  • Language and imagination, far from alienating us from nature, are our most powerful and natural tools for re-engaging with it.
  • It also seems that the BPA takes a macarbe delight in alienating itself and thus perpeptuating the minority/victim label. Why front-line police officers are glad about Dizaei « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • By singling out the single family home as a conveyor of individual wealth we have inflated its value as a social connector when in fact it is a social disconnector - separating the physical distance between strangers, alienating the wealth class from the poor, and creating "neighborhoods" that enforce stereotypes and social clichés. Milton Curry: Nixon in China and the American City: Radical Urban Revitalization Needed
  • Sen. John McCain, the eventual nominee, engaged in something of a delectate dance around the issue for fear of (a) alienating the Tancredo-types with his relatively moderate position and / or (b) losing the support of Hispanic voters by catering to them. KNX 1070 NEWSRADIO - Top Story
  • A remarkable number of these programs end up with a kind of populist longing for Gemeinschaft amid the alienating Gesellschaft of modernity.
  • His remarks elicited cheers from the true-blue supporters in the audience, but only at the expense of alienating every single other person in the country.
  • But, the article added, "he talks about the issue using muted, nonconfrontational tones engineered to avoid alienating gun-friendly voters. Gun-control advocates press White House for stricter laws after Tucson shooting
  • Not because people haven't been tempted, but because alienating millions of people was not just risky, but stupid.
  • I felt like the educational process was alienating me from my own child and not letting me participate.
  • I have to say, when I was in NY, there was something so alienating about all the different people, self identifying as juxtaposed with some other Jewish group. Rethinking Diaspora: New York and the rest of us? | Jewschool
  • The other aspect of the Government's difficulties at the moment is the way those members are progressively alienating ordinary New Zealanders.
  • Big companies have no interest in alienating half their customers, which strong electoral advocacy would do in a basically 50 – 50 electorate. The Volokh Conspiracy » PhRMA Thanks Reid
  • While the ascetic regime of an Italian seminarist in the late nineteenth century was of course alien - and sometimes alienating - I was impressed by his devotion and sincerity.
  • The whole approach to controls allows the game to be accommodating to newbies while not alienating the old timers.
  • They try to reach out to younger customers without alienating the middle-aged beer drinkers who are their core customers.

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