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  1. surveying instrument used with a plane table for drawing lines of sight on a distant object and for measuring angles
  2. surveying instrument consisting of the upper movable part of a theodolite including the telescope and its attachments

How To Use alidade In A Sentence

  • Both the alidades and the straight edges of the quadrant are fitted with viewers.
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  • The mariner sighted the objects along a rule called an alidade. Book review: Thunderer by Felix Gilman
  • É possivel gue a realidade não só supere a ficção, mas também que a anteceda, ou antes, corra adiantadamente a reparar os danos que a ficção irá criar? Post Scripts
  • And then our trademark and exclusive, shipwreck artifacts: This time we will have a genuine bronze astrolabe, the most complete and intact one we have ever handled, fully dated 1656 and well detailed, solid and stable, alidade intact, one of fewer than 80 pieces known and among the best from any wreck. Daniel Frank Sedwick Treasure and World Coin Auction #7 : Coin Collecting News
  • A pointer, called an alidade, was pivoted at the centre of the disk.
  • Suraklin thought like that, you know," he said, making a minute adjustment to the rete and sighting along the alidade at the North Star, high in the frosty sky. The Silicon Mage
  • Por isso nao e 'uma simples questao de dizer “e' o meu corpo e eu posso fazer o que quiser com o meu corpo” porque na realidade o aborto representa a imposicao do desejo de um corpo sobre o um outro. Global Voices in English » East Timor: Thoughts on Abortion A Few Days Before Law Approval
  • A Wired tem uma secção mensal chamada Artefactos do Futuro, dedicada a bombas informacionais visuais sobre o futuro próximo, e este particularmente brilhante pára-brisas sobrecarregado de informação é um perfeito exemplo da ideia de realidade aumentada. Artefactos do futuro
  • Telescopic alidades came into use in Europe in the early 1800s, and were soon introduced to American practice.
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