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[ US /ˈæɫəˌbaɪ/ ]
[ UK /ˈæləbˌa‍ɪ/ ]
  1. (law) a defense by an accused person purporting to show that he or she could not have committed the crime in question
  2. a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.
    every day he had a new alibi for not getting a job
    his transparent self-justification was unacceptable
    he kept finding excuses to stay
  1. exonerate by means of an alibi

How To Use alibi In A Sentence

  • Scamp had an airtight alibi, naturally, but then again young Leakey never said who exactly had done it.
  • Note that there were the usual raft of excuses and alibis following the failures.
  • In Calingis eiusdem Indiæ gente quinquennes concipere foeminas, octauum vitæ annum non excedere, et alibi cauda villosa homines nasci pernicitatis eximiæ, alios auribus totos contegi. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Has arbores seu arbusta Balsami fecit quondam quidam de Caliphis Aegypti de loco Engaddi inter mare mortuum, et Ierico, vbi Domino volente excreuerat, eradicari, et in argo pr鎑icto plantari: est tamen hoc mirandum, quod vbicuncque alibi siue prope, siue remote plantantur, quamuis fort� virent, et exurgant, non tamen fructificant. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It may be said that there is an evidentiary onus on an accused person in raising a defence of alibi.
  • You cannot question the truth of his alibi.
  • These sons have been alibied, to our knowledge.
  • He called the police the day after and admitted being at the scene but gave them a false alibi. The Sun
  • Now, you just told me that the sons had alibied themselves, yes or no? CNN Transcript May 23, 2006
  • Others suggested that he was at fault for trying to present an alibi defense.
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