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How To Use Algerian In A Sentence

  • Extending from Tangier to the Moulouya River Valley near the Moroccan-Algerian border, the Rif Mountains carve up 180 miles (290 kilometers) of rugged, remote terrain.
  • The Algerian experience led the French government to recast its African presence in terms of a new political role.
  • A life in politics appeared to beckon, but all that changed as Verges watched France's brutal attempts to quell the Algerian uprising against its colonial master in the late 1950s.
  • I once met an Algerian in Blackpool who expressed surprise that England consisted chiefly of carnival rides, ice-cream parlours and amusement arcades.
  • He roundly dismissed any analogy between the Algerian war and the Iraqi occupation.
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  • Rachid Taha's opening track ‘Rock El Casbah’ merges Algerian rai sounds with the famous punk classic.
  • ALGIERS - A man wanted over the kidnapping of three French consular officials in Algiers last October was killed in a shootout in the Algerian capital, state radio said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • (as if it were just another district - ha!), and the disparity between how the French (called the colons) lived in Algeria, and how the Algerians were permitted to live was astounding. Dissident Voice
  • But an Algerian Islamic leader said twice that number of prisoners were "massacred". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The goal of this operation was to eliminate a key political figure in the Algerian resistance and to disrupt its infrastructure.
  • In 1940, he moved to an Algerian town called Oran, where he spent time on the beach. APM: Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac RSS Feed
  • Oran, the setting of the novel, is a French port on the Algerian coast, a small city that is about as ordinary as a city can be.
  • Political allegiances within the remainder of Algerian society are scattered among small groups of democrats, regionalists, and independents.
  • Hostages on Algerian soil, micromanaged by the Polisario, is quickly becoming an untenable situation. Elizabeth Blackney: Truth in the Sahara: Refugees and Hostages
  • Algerian workers lack skills, a ZIEC employee said on condition of anonymity.
  • What makes my error even more comical is that I innocently inferred that the industrious and opportunistic (in a positive sense) Europeans who became refugees to France during the turmoil of the Algerian independence movement had somehow contributed to the urban squalor I observed in La Rose which was about as far from the truth as one could venture. Page 2
  • Abkhazian soprano Hibla Gerzmava is in full and generous voice as the conniving Vitellia, and Canadian mezzo-soprano Allyson McHardy is an earnest Annio well-paired with Franco-Algerian soprano Amel Brahim-Djellous, who is just as enchanting and beautifully-sung a Servilia here as she was at the Aix Festival in July. Dark and Light Brilliance
  • Bakri accused the Algerian government of sending ex-convicts to Sudan to "terrorise Daily News-Record
  • Karim also happens to be the son of the family’s Algerian housekeeper, Mimouna, played by a nonactor with a similar background. Tribeca Film: Rainy Day Woman: Agnes Jaoui
  • One hostage died of heat stroke and Algerian commandos rescued 17 others in May.
  • Four Algerian terror suspects were arrested in Manchester today.
  • The Algerian team bus was ambushed before the game. The Sun
  • But youth leader Boubekri says Algeria has one striking characteristic that other protest-roiled Arab countries do not have; the fallout of a bloody civil war in the 1990s that killed upwards of 100,000 people and continues to traumatize Algerians. Algeria's Large Youth Population Has Few Opportunities
  • A semi-documentary about the Algerian revolution against French rule, and the harsh but effective measures employed by the French to crush the resistance.
  • One variety of Algerian couscous is made with onion, zucchini yellow squash, red potatoes, green pepper, garbanzo beans, vegetable stock, tomato paste, whole cloves, cayenne, and turmeric.
  • Wednesday, February 04, 2009 cia, criminals in action: spies like US & algerian rape jailed cia spy enlisted oregonian son to collect from russian agents from washington times: Even after becoming the highest-ranking CIA agent ever convicted of espionage, Harold James Nicholson continued running spy games, prosecutors say. Media monarchy
  • The model, in selling the image of her body, sells at the same time, by virtue of her exemplariness, the image of the body of Algerian women as a whole.
  • Furthermore, the conversion of Algerian land to industrial-scale wheat farming threatened the pastoral way of life of the native population.
  • Something, however, may in time be expected from the French, who will get restless in their Algerian limits, and make a bold effort to disenthral themselves, by leaping the bounds of the mysterious Sahara. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • Due to its poverty and population density, Kabylia has been the source of more than half the Algerian immigrants in France. The Coming Revolution
  • Their attitude toward the aborted Algerian legislative elections is illustrative.
  • At dinner, on the banks of this biblical river, we watch a boatload of teenagers rocking to hot rhythms, Algerian ‘rai’ music, I'm told.
  • It was in the Algerian Sahara about a hundred miles north of Tamanrasset. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Algerian towns
  • With unparalleled vocal skills and musical imagination, Khaled was the man who took Algerian rai music into the mainstream.
  • Were I you, I would sooner set off to the Hyeres islands in a caique, on the chance of being captured by an Algerian corsair and sold to the Letters of Two Brides
  • He was the master of a small three-masted vessel called a xebec, armed for privateering, the _San Antonio_, manned by Ivizans, engaged in constant strife with the galliots of the Algerian Moors and with the ships of England, the enemy of Spain. The Dead Command From the Spanish Los Muertos Mandan
  • He was imprisoned for twelve years and has been sporadically jailed since, but the Algerian government now lets him run on a leash. The Times Literary Supplement
  • However, he would not take to his bed, but remained in his study with a good fire at night, sleeping upon an ottoman or in an arm-chair, wrapped up in his monk's dress, and the head covered with an Algerian chechia. Philip Gilbert Hamerton
  • It consists of wave after wave of manifestos and other declarations which seek to analogize disparate events, from the Watts riots to the war for Algerian independence.
  • The Algerian team bus was ambushed before the game. The Sun
  • ALGIERS - An Algerian poet was found at home with his throat slit in a Moslem fundamentalist bastion east of Algiers, state-controlled radio reported. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Garcés examines the five years he spent in the Algerian bagnios and the impact of his imprisonment on his works.
  • These acres of meaningless battle-pieces, Algerian warfare and what not are characteristic of the "Citizen-King" whose fondness for red plush, green repp and horsehair sofas was notable. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • Massart speaks of it as occurring in the Algerian Sahara as a typical arenaceous plant.
  • Outside of this relatively unchanged remnant of the old way of life, Algerian cities are a mix of Western influence and Arabic tradition.
  • Berber thuya forests and woodlands are mainly distributed in the dry and mild lowlands and hills of the northern half of the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Morocco, the western half of the Algerian coast, and some mountain areas along the north-eastern coast of Tunisia. Mediterranean woodlands and forests
  • The vital question about the human rights practices inside the Tindouf four camps is the freedom of expression and even of movement. although Polisario officials confirm every now and then that sahraoui refugees are allowed to leave the camps any time they would like to do so, sahraouis need Algerian documents if they decide to leave and travel abroad, to get such document is not easy, unless you are a Polisario official or you have useful contacts within the sphere of Polisario leadership, but it is known that any saharoui who managed to leave the refugee camp and opt to go to western Sahara region, Moroccan authorities provide the person in question with necessary documents including a passport. Global Voices in English » Western Sahara: Landmine Injures Five During Peaceful Protest
  • In one instance, Fall documents the capture of the overrun Algerian troops on French strongpoint Gabrielle early in the battle.
  • As they questioned the Algerian fugitive, another man who was in the flat launched a frenzied attack with a kitchen knife.
  • The lunar shadow will fall in the Algerian Sahara at 0640 GMT before flitting northeastwards. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • One major roadblock is Orascom's Algerian unit, Djezzy, which the Algerian government has prevented from being sold in the past. Emerging Telecoms in $6.5 Billion Deal
  • As de Gaulle began to disentangle his nation from the interminable drain of money, resources and blood that was the Algerian war, Le Pen began his first serious flirtation with the extreme right.
  • Here was a repeat of the French-Algerian War, which inevitably led to torture and crimes by both the French and the Algerian guerrillas.
  • This resulted in its isolation and repudiation by the Algerian masses.
  • Opening this years festival was the NY Premiere of French film-maker Alexandre Arcady's action-packed Five Brothers, the Law & Order-like story of a Franco-Algerian family, whose loyalties and honor are challenged by its dark secrets. Richard Z. Chesnoff: Sephardic Film Festival: From Spanish Expulsion to Vidal Sassoon
  • The narrative structure of the policier is thus morbidly suited to the Algerian tragedy, and for a nation desperate for answers, the appeal of the genre could hardly be more plain.
  • The Algerian team bus was ambushed before the game. The Sun
  • Especially important in these essays is the issue of cultural pluralism, which is palpable in each of the four sections dealing with identity, internality, women's views, and Algerians resident in France.
  • He was imprisoned for twelve years and has been sporadically jailed since, but the Algerian government now lets him run on a leash. The Times Literary Supplement
  • One can only hope that they stand by these principles and do not waver in response to the allure of ongoing or improving deals with Algerian oil companies at the sacrifice of democratic ideals. Kathryn Cameron Porter: Change in Algeria Fundamental for Human Rights and Security
  • Le blog de Lameen Souag ayant hélas perdu un point. the excellent blog of Algerian journalist Allaoua Hadji next to Laila Lalami [a Moroccan author] and the two censored Tunisian blogs Nawaat. org and ReveilTunisien. org. Global Voices in English » Morocco: The Blogoma’s Journey Continues
  • From 1970 on, he wrote -- and directed and produced -- plays in Algerian dialectal Arabic (when practically no one had attempted literature in dialectal language) following, and preceding, plays, novels and poetry in French. Anis Shivani: Poetry As a Bridge Across Cultures: Anis Shivani Interviews Marilyn Hacker
  • From 1970 on, he wrote -- and directed and produced -- plays in Algerian dialectal Arabic (when practically no one had attempted literature in dialectal language) following, and preceding, plays, novels and poetry in French. Anis Shivani: Poetry As a Bridge Across Cultures: Anis Shivani Interviews Marilyn Hacker
  • Plucky firefighter Mark Murphy is back home from his heroic mission to help rescue people trapped in the Algerian earthquake.
  • Hamra checkpoint, the main Algerian - Mauritanian border point, is a long drive on extremely difficult roads from the main cluster of refugee camps in Tindouf. Global Voices in English » Western Sahara: Landmine Injures Five During Peaceful Protest
  • Eight-eyes glued to the plasterboard screen, we witnessed the power of hope amidst prejudice and unreward as the "indigenous" soldiers (aka the Algerian Infantry Division) arrived in France from the colonies to help free their "motherland". WWII soldiers remembrance
  • He said the two suspects, a Pakistani student known as XC and an Algerian referred to as U who face deportation on the grounds they pose a risk to national security, would remain in custody while he sought permission to appeal the verdict. Reuters: Top News
  • It's in that moment he decides he's not going to play his beloved violin until he reacquaints himself with his Algerian roots.
  • U, a 45-year-old Algerian, is alleged to be a terrorist leader who recruited, trained and facilitated operations. Do we have any control over who can stay in this Country?
  • By the time of Hasni's death, rai music was a major front in the confrontation between Algerian Islamism and the secular forces it sought to overcome.
  • The Christian convert is on trial for “practicing non-Muslim religious rites without a license,” a charge that her lawyer says does not exist in Algerian criminal law. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Philippe Parreno, tracks the great French-Algerian soccer player The Exorcist - served to monumentalize ephemeral moments. GreenCine Daily
  • The Algerian casbah provides a wonderful, tight, claustrophobic setting, its steep, narrow streets allowing Pontecorvo both sweeping crowd scenes and stark close-ups for his handheld camera.
  • After the semi-final, more than half a million people gathered in the Champs-Elysées, waving French tricolours alongside Algerian and other African flags.
  • The Algerian team bus was ambushed before the game. The Sun
  • The Algerian Admiral Ochiali outmanoeuvring the Genoese Admiral Doria, swept in from seaward with his fleet of sixty galleys and thirty galliots.
  • You are an Algerian and the place you are living is a "bidonville" in some depressing Paris suburb coming from a proud African Arab family and here you are in Paris without hope and the town in which you were raised was a department of France but is now desert redoubt for Islamic terrorists and tell me where you go from there. tonyburton 50-word story challenge.
  • The Sahara is Morocans, The sahrawi civilians are welcome back anytime, if Polisario and algerians allows them to leave in mass. Global Voices in English » Western Sahara: Landmine Injures Five During Peaceful Protest
  • ALGIERS - Moslem fundamentalists ambushed and killed an Algerian state television journalist, the seventh local journalist to be slain in five months, Algiers radio reported. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Theorists in the first period included travelers, military physicians, and alienists who examined Algerian lunatics and collectively found them less prone to madness than civilized Europeans.
  • The five years he spent in the Algerian bagnios or prison-houses (1575-1580) made an indelible impression on his works.
  • But like many Algerians, he was radicalized in 1991.
  • After the semi-final, more than half a million people gathered in the Champs-Elysées, waving French tricolours alongside Algerian and other African flags.
  • The Algerian wheeler-dealer was on the run from the law last week, his business empire in ruins.
  • There are some Moroccans, Algerians, Canadians, Germans, Americans and children with Indonesian and French parentage.
  • The family is very westernised by Algerian standards.
  • Algerian departmental prefects therefore signed contracts with asylums in southern France for their patients' treatment at Algerian expense.
  • Groundcovers may include African daisy, trailing gazania or even large-leafed Algerian ivy.
  • Millions of Algerian expats live in European countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was identified as a Tunisian who works for the Paris-based Arab Committee for Human Rights ACHR, although al-Jazeera said he was an Algerian. BBC News - Home
  • Watch out for the bold solo show of Algerian-born of Adel Abdessemed's at David Zwirner's space: among the highlights are Taxidermia, a cube (1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 meters) composed of taxidermied animals intertwined using steel and wire, and Silent Warriors, a wall-mounted installation of over a hundred masks, each uniquely colored and patterned to resemble those used in Mexican wrestling, or lucha libre. MutualArt's Top 10 Things to See During FIAC Week in Paris (PHOTOS)
  • Algerian Wine - Specializing in Algerian wine, this site details the best wines from the regions and a very nicely done history of wine production in ... www. htm - 26k - Science
  • At the end of the war, Algerians demanded the creation of an independent Algerian state federated with France.

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