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[ US /ˈæɫdʒi/ ]
[ UK /ˈælɡiː/ ]
  1. primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves

How To Use algae In A Sentence

  • Red algae are red because of the presence of the pigment phycoerythrin; this pigment reflects red light and absorbs blue light.
  • The inner reef, where we do walk, is actually composed of coralline algae, calcium-rich plants that form rock-hard ledges.
  • We have virtually no fossils of tropical fleshy algae, especially the small soft epilithic species that characterize primary productivity on modern reefs.
  • I was studying a phenomenon known since 1908 as the phototaxy of chloroplasts: the property of some algae living at the surface of ponds to orient their large unique chloroplast according to the intensity of light; if the light was too intense, the chloroplast turned inside the tubular cell to present its edge. Luc Montagnier - Autobiography
  • In deeper waters, not enough light penetrates the depths, which means the reef's main food producers, algae and plankton, cannot photosynthesize.
  • G. mucronatus is common among algal mats and foliose macroalgae.
  • The researchers were therefore surprised to discover that foraminiferan tests sampled from the Challenger Deep contained calcareous components, including the dissolved remnants of coccoliths, the calcium carbonate plates of tiny algae called coccolithophores, and planktonic foraminiferan test fragments. Innovations-report
  • A continuing supply of freshwater from streams entering the lake would have stimulated the growth of algae and other freshwater organisms, resulting in a mix of brackish and freshwater species.
  • The green flagellates known as ‘the volvocine algae’ constitute a happy exception to this general rule.
  • But Walter Mulbry, the USDA microbiologist, also showed that corn and cucumber seedlings could thrive on an organic fertilizer made from the dried-out algae.
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