
How To Use Alga In A Sentence

  • Red algae are red because of the presence of the pigment phycoerythrin; this pigment reflects red light and absorbs blue light.
  • The League Against Cruel Sports issued a statement Wednesday calling on Ottawa to "take steps to end the immense cruelty to animals in events such as calf-roping, which is practised at rodeos including the Calgary Stampede. CTV BritishColumbiaHome
  • The inner reef, where we do walk, is actually composed of coralline algae, calcium-rich plants that form rock-hard ledges.
  • A British fleet defeated the French at Trafalgar.
  • We have virtually no fossils of tropical fleshy algae, especially the small soft epilithic species that characterize primary productivity on modern reefs.
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  • I was studying a phenomenon known since 1908 as the phototaxy of chloroplasts: the property of some algae living at the surface of ponds to orient their large unique chloroplast according to the intensity of light; if the light was too intense, the chloroplast turned inside the tubular cell to present its edge. Luc Montagnier - Autobiography
  • In deeper waters, not enough light penetrates the depths, which means the reef's main food producers, algae and plankton, cannot photosynthesize.
  • Forsooth, I knew not you had so much of ingenious art; algates, the toy is somewhat ghastly. The Last of the Barons — Volume 06
  • Tickets for other Amalgamation matches should soon be available and it is hoped that more extensive advertising and a reduced number of contests at favoured venues will see a reverse in the dwindling attendances.
  • That complete dependence on each other, which insures habits of confidence and forbearance, is more easily acquired while the first dream of love lasts; and tastes and tempers amalgamate better in the end when there are no witnesses to observe that they do not quite fit at first. The Semi-Attached Couple
  • G. mucronatus is common among algal mats and foliose macroalgae.
  • The researchers were therefore surprised to discover that foraminiferan tests sampled from the Challenger Deep contained calcareous components, including the dissolved remnants of coccoliths, the calcium carbonate plates of tiny algae called coccolithophores, and planktonic foraminiferan test fragments. Innovations-report
  • A continuing supply of freshwater from streams entering the lake would have stimulated the growth of algae and other freshwater organisms, resulting in a mix of brackish and freshwater species.
  • The green flagellates known as ‘the volvocine algae’ constitute a happy exception to this general rule.
  • Some of the components of the bioregenerative farm considered for application in rural regions of developing countries stem from results and experiences accomplished by using sophisticated techniques, such as algal systems for life-support space applications (3), for food production (4), for treatment of municipal wastes (5), etc. Chapter 17
  • But Walter Mulbry, the USDA microbiologist, also showed that corn and cucumber seedlings could thrive on an organic fertilizer made from the dried-out algae.
  • This is procured by mixing massicot, or Naples yellow, with a small quantity of realgar, and a very little Spanish white. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • Some causal relationships between morphology and hydrodynamic performance have been established for macroalgae, through theoretical studies and hydrodynamic comparisons of differently exposed thalli.
  • Enhanced algae growth in the reservoir consumes the oxygen in the epilimnion and, as it decays, the mass sinks to the already oxygen-deficient hypolimnion, where decay processes reduce the oxygen concentration even further, resulting in acid conditions at lower levels and the dissolution of minerals from the reservoir bed. Chapter 8
  • Water from the aquarium tanks is pumped over the top of rafts of brown algae, which feed on the nutrients in the water and help clean it naturally, as they would out on the reef.
  • Opened in 2007, the family-run Forte S ā o Jo ā o da Barra is part of a small but growing band of hotels running countercurrent to the wave of mass tourism that has swept over much of the Algarve region during the past 40 years. Portugal's Alluring Hideaways
  • Some are herbivores, grazing on the filamentous algae covering coral reefs, and a few eat seagrasses and algae on reef flats.
  • It was covered in fucoid algae and delicate yellow and orange plumose anemones that drew us in closer, as there were often a few gems nestling in them.
  • Help replace the energy boost you got from cigarettes by taking 2 to 3 g of chlorella, a nutrient-rich algae, daily.
  • Stuart began offering what he called hillbilly rock,'' an amalgam of energized honky-tonk and rock 'n' roll that he rode well into the '90s. Top Stories
  • The sun is finally out in Calgary, and despite a quick thunderstorm this afternoon, things seem to be drying out.
  • A spongy, Dijon-colored city of algae and microscopic creatures that floats on the surface, periphyton cleanses the Everglades of excess nutrients and pollutants.
  • In all experiments the algae were treated with benzoquinone, to inhibit metabolic activity in the chloroplast and to maintain an oxidized plastoquinone pool.
  • Water snails don't eat living plants, just decaying vegetation and algae.
  • How these systems may respond to the rapid and major global warming predicted over the coming century is uncertain but largely dependent on whether coral-algal symbioses can adjust to decadal rather than millennial rates of climate change.
  • The skimmer removes detritus that would otherwise sink and contribute to algae growth.
  • These tiny blue-green algae refashioned their world by excreting oxygen while using hydrogen from water.
  • Orange-coloured grounds may be formed by mixing vermilion or red lead with King's yellow, or orange lake or red orpiment (? realgar) will make a brighter orange ground than can be produced by any mixture. Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition For Ironware, Tinware, Wood, Etc. With Sections on Tinplating and Galvanizing
  • A member of a formerly recognized taxonomic group that included all seedless plants, such as mosses, algae, fungi, and ferns.
  • Nobody would be in a position to give other than a personal view on what might happen if you engaged, for example, in amalgamations of these various bodies.
  • They are smothered by sediment, and choked by algae growing on nutrient rich sewage and fertilizer run-off.
  • God forbid that I should diminish France! But amalgamating Napoleon with her is not diminishing her.
  • Richard and Bolingbroke ultimately represent two types of souls or distinct aspects of the soul that must be amalgamated in a single man, achieving the soul's harmony by counterpoint.
  • One mechanism often proposed to explain how encrusting algae can inhibit their potential competitors is thallus shedding, which is well documented among nongeniculate coralline algae.
  • If the job of the information architect is seen as corresponding with that of a structural architect, then the designer must be seen as an amalgam of superintendent, and foreman.
  • Sacramento August 6, 2010 - Due to its potential health risks, federal, state, and tribal agencies are urging swimmers, boaters and recreational users to avoid contact with blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) now blooming in Copco and Iron Gate
  • This is not just water but water taken from the algae-green trough in the field.
  • These include but are not limited to: chlorella, blue-green algae, spirulina from California or Hawaii, AFA blue-green algae (Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae), kelp, nori, green barley, wheat grass and alfalfa.
  • The addition of a ferule was the next step; and the omission of the tang, and amalgamation of the ferule with the blade, gave rise to the socketed spear-head. The Bronze Age in Ireland
  • Small crustaceans and young molluscs make up the bulk of their diet, along with algal cells, which are ground up in the muscular gizzard at the beginning of the gut.
  • An interesting variant of normal photosynthesis is the simultaneous photoevolution of molecular hydrogen and oxygen by certain unicellular algae and in vitro cell-free preparations.
  • A typical marine community consisted of these animals, plus red and green algae, primitive fish, cephalopods, corals, crinoids, and gastropods.
  • In London, many people defied a request by police to avoid meeting in Trafalgar Square, where authorities often have trouble controlling the rowdier celebrants.
  • All she there told him, ruing death for friend so young, algate sore unwilling God's rightwiseness to withsay. Ulysses
  • In this study, the phototactic behavior in the spheroidal, multicellular volvocine green alga Volvox rousseletii (Volvocales, Chlorophyta) was analyzed. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • These reef-building rhodophytes are called coralline algae, because they secrete a hard shell of carbonate around themselves, in much the same way that corals do.
  • Evidence for this is provided by stoneworts, highly specialised and complex algae that are often called the ‘coal-mine canaries of the plant world’.
  • However, in reality it's a little blue-green algae, known to the science world as trichodesmium, a natural occurrence along the Queensland coastline each year. The Sunshine Coast Daily
  • Neither, which is most important of all, has this Peace been attained by a surrender to Necessity, or any compact with Delusion; a seeming blessing, such as years and dispiritment will of themselves bring to most men, and which is indeed no blessing, since even continued battle is better than destruction or captivity; and peace of this sort is like that of Galgacus's Romans, who 'called it peace when they had made a desert.' Autobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life
  • The warship is depicted in full sail as she headed for the battle of Trafalgar and triumph over the French and Spanish fleets in 1805.
  • Two of the raceways will have a 1-percent slope, while the other pair will have a 2-percent slope, to check the effect of slope and flow on algal production.
  • Not to give away spoilers but it was the Finn who took double gold in Calgary. The Sun
  • The new ü did not long hold its own; it became diphthongized to iu and was amalgamated with the native iw of words like new and slew. Chapter 9. How Languages Influence Each Other
  • Enzymes, bacteria, acids and other strange brews have been offered as magic bullets for obstinate algae.
  • Macroalgae benefit from this relationship because fertile drift plants are retained in the photic zone where they continue to contribute to the gene pool.
  • Other red algae known as dulse have been pinpointed as rich sources of protein and iron, although dulse may hot be easily digested.
  • Imagine the limpet is the antelope of the undersea Serengeti, grazing majestically on algae," he intones, bouncing the shell along. - Home Page
  • In more distal positions within the ramp, the ‘background’ sediment is a fine- to medium-grained floatstone to rudstone with abundant, small fragments of delicate-branching bryozoans and branching coralline algae.
  • It is an alteration product of realgar, native arsenic, and, less commonly, arsenopyrite.
  • The seabed under the arch is covered in large boulders 18m below, all covered in an algal fuzz that is home to large numbers of wrasse, bream and spiny starfish.
  • The nature of the grazing mayfly suggests selective feeding or assimilation of the more highly labeled algal-bacterial substance.
  • The algae are washed with fresh deionized water, sun-dried, and then milled down to powder form to become AlgaeCal. Forever Young
  • Now I'm all for anything that celebrates blatant carnivorism, and I'd love to see PETA's apoplectic reaction, but come on: I've been inside a Burger King and while the amalgam of scent that assaults your nose may not be quite as revolting as the aforementioned love sweat of the Mongolian Cud-Spitting Yak, it certainly doesn't conjure up images of sweet lovin 'on a plush rug in front of a roaring fire. Scent of Love
  • From single-celled algae called diatoms to the story of a man who plants acorns, IDFuel reminds us that inspiration for design is all around us.
  • The manufacturers have agreed to amalgamate their brand names for the duration in the interest of the Allied war effort. HUMAN VOICES
  • The appearance of green algal blooms should likewise ring alarm bells. Times, Sunday Times
  • At frequent intervals one can see their silver bellies as they twist about at the surface to gulp air or graze on algae.
  • This would draw cold water to the surface and promote algal growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tomba won the gold in slalom at the 1988 Calgary Games. Italy wins first Olympic gold as Razzoli takes men's slalom
  • The current proposals are a choice between North Yorkshire Police merging with the West Yorkshire force, or being amalgamated into a Yorkshire and Humber regional force.
  • One of the prettiest creatures you may catch sight of is a tumbling, crystalline, globe-shaped alga known as volvox.
  • A possible future is that regions will pass away and districts amalgamate to make contracts for more specialist services - tertiary care.
  • They differ from the ‘green algae’ in that the young sporophyte - or diploid plant - begins its development within the tissues of its parent gametophyte - or haploid plant.
  • The soft, milky, aquamarine colour comes from the blue-green algae that thrives in the lagoon and white Silica mud, which carpets the bottom with a light natural sediment.
  • She finds him dragged down into the depths by sea-creatures who are an amalgam of classical nereides and the malicious nixies and mermaids of northern folklore.
  • We dissuade any lady from touching or going near a zebra's mouth, or the horns of an ibex or an algazel, or the pointed bill of a heron or stork, or from putting her hand near this fine painted pig. Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
  • Often the algae accumulate in a thin layer on the underside of the ice sheet, dispersing when the ice melts.
  • Edible algae as well as higher plants that are manipulated so that they are esculent as a whole are cultivated there. Boing Boing: May 9, 2004 - May 15, 2004 Archives
  • The cemetery was used by the British military from 1708 until 1835 and, despite its name, only two men mortally wounded at Trafalgar are buried here - the majority were buried at sea.
  • Some organisms, including sponges, barnacles, and encrusting coralline algae, can, however, survive overgrowth, without apparent damage, for indeterminate periods of time or may even benefit from being overgrown.
  • The British are Darwinists, and instead of monstrous machines, they use genetically-engineered amalgamations of animals to create enormous creatures. 2010 March 04 « The BookBanter Blog
  • Other important components of the fringing reef ecosystem include algae (brown, red and green), marine invertebrates (shrimp, lobster, crabs and sea urchins) and fishes (parrotfish, wrasses, damselfish, surgeonfish, goatfish, jacks and sharks). Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary
  • Sponges make up 70% of their diet with the rest of their diet consisting of gorgonian polyps, other invertebrates, and algae. Coral reef fish feeding behavior in the Caribbean
  • The play is one of the most potent amalgams of the Bard's keen psychological observation, tragic fatalism, and bitingly intelligent verbal and conceptual humor.
  • This is to be amalgamated with the Physical Chemistry Laboratory in 1994, when the new professor takes office.
  • The bleach will whiten fungi or algae but does not change the color of dirt.
  • The marine red alga Chondrus crispus is an abundant species along the coasts of the North Atlantic and inhabits the intertidal and upper sublittoral zones of rocky shorelines.
  • To make his case, he puts on a slide show: First he shows images of a living cyanobacterium a microbe sometimes called blue-green algae and highlights some characteristics—long filaments made up of cells with small indentations where they meet. First Contact
  • The University of Calgary campus this day is streaming with returning students.
  • It now exists in typescript, in a few libraries, including that of the University of Calgary, and on microfilm.
  • In addition to amalgamating the words "made in", the term apparently translates phonetically into Chinese as "without a roof". Exhibitions picks of the week
  • We are the counterblast to the easy comfort and cosy reassurance of all things you hate: the unholy amalgam of Zen, Californian, chilled-out, ethnic, post-hippie, Celtic and new age.
  • Some of the best known bioeroders are large organisms such as parrotfish and sponges, but much of the bioerosion occurs at the microscopic scale by organisms such as algae and fungi. Coral reef
  • A hikoi or protest march against the proposed amalgamation of Auckland's districts into one - Articles related to Rabies toll up as dogs roam holiday haven
  • Perhaps the best amalgamation of Kahane's effectively intricate arrangements and the newly acquired electric guitar sheen occurs on "Last Dance," a melancholic portrait of a new widow, or perhaps an abandoned lover "She takes her bundle of pills, she poaches her egg and eats it/And feels his slight impression like crushed pillows hold the shape of a body after nights of sleep and shadows". Daniel J. Kushner: After Aesthetics: Gabriel Kahane's Where Are The Arms
  • Bill is moving to Calgary in hopes of finding a job in his chosen career as a corrections officer.
  • Consequently, numerous marine phototrophs, including macro- and microalgae, have developed carbon-concentrating mechanisms.
  • The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate.
  • Slide 3: We have put our knowledge about algal ecophysiology to good use in the following major field studies: •Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study - the Beardall lab was responsible for studies on •phytoplankton distributions and productivity (R. Royle and Simon Roberts); •benthic microalgal distributions and productivity (B. Light, PhD project) and Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • William Howell, who had been a boatswain at Trafalgar and a sergeant at Waterloo, turns up in the journals years later, aged 55, on the Dryad, described as "very much dissipated and suffered much from stricture and perineal tumours". Amputations, acid gargles and ammonia rubs: Royal Navy surgeons' 1793-1880 journals revealed
  • The result is that fish waste pollutes the water, which becomes the perfect habitat for green algae to form.
  • Trafalgar Square is at present something of a building site as it undergoes partial pedestrianisation.
  • This characteristic is of particular importance to the lichens, which are associations between fungi and algae. Caves and Cave Life
  • The presence of algal endosymbionts in the planulae may increase their survival as these are an important energy source PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It has subsequently been interpreted as a tubiform green alga and as a cyanobacterium, and Ordovician specimens that are evidently Halysis have been referred to the filamentous green alga Oedogonium Link, 1820.
  • Former Scottish soldiers gather in Dundee to protest against the government's plans to amalgamate Scots regiments.
  • Most amoebae strains were obtained from the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (Windermere, United Kingdom).
  • The recommendation is to avoid attempting to remove algae by adding chemicals to the aquarium water.
  • This means that there is a higher concentration of phosphorus close to shore where Cladophora algae grows.
  • Devised in Norway, this is an amalgam of traditional approaches and Western psychology, with no religious bias.
  • Bagado took this pole which had a net on the end of it and started to skim the algae off the surface of the water. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Very small amounts of mercury collect in our bodies from a number of sources including the environment, our food and our amalgam fillings.
  • The nutrients trigger blooms of microscopic algae known as phytoplankton.
  • Nobody likes them and they don't care not if some of the flyblown specimens that come sauntering up to you in Trafalgar Square are anything to go by. Bruisers of the bird world keep Mike Tyson's fighting spirit cooped up | Martin Kelner
  • He was also prepared to divulge details of an operation by the nuclear submarine HMS Trafalgar. Times, Sunday Times
  • And all of us want to know if your hair is real, or it's a toupee or if it's comb-over, died amalgamation or mix of one of the above?
  • Known as ‘diesel algae’ these are primarily fungi, yeast and mold contaminants.
  • Phosphates in the water, from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works, provide nutrients on which the algae thrive.
  • Furthermore, the ubiquitous plesiomorphic fish alimentary tract with an acidic stomach and relatively short intestine is adequate for the digestion of algae.
  • The lake northeast of Shady Cove cleared its last water-quality hurdle Friday when tests showed extremely low levels of anabaena flos-aquae, the strain of blue-green algae that health officials say can be harmful to people or pets who come into contact with it. Latest Headlines
  • The slime molds are now known to be a mixture of three or four unrelated groups, and the oomycetes are now classified in the Chromista, with the diatoms and brown algae.
  • As part of the bicentenary celebrations the Society is producing a facsimile of the Naval Gold Medal for Trafalgar, awarded posthumously to the hero of the Senior Service.
  • The robots are fuelled by organic matter including algae and microscopic animals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Auban laments how this heroic battle against authority ended the ‘right to free speech on Trafalgar Square’.
  • Drag to Playlist hujeta/rocket/silver/characin gar, senegal bichir, acei cichlids in my planted tank my 55 gallon planted tank is home to a characin gar, senegal bichir, 16 acei cichlids, a few chinese algae eaters and a juvenile rainbow shark. - Business News
  • No discussion of foods that renew, repair, and rejuvenate would be complete without the most significant sources of the carotenoids, both those found in microalgae and fish such as salmon (astaxanthin) and those found in plants (lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene). Forever Young
  • Pizza topped with crickets and algae - high in protein and easily stored in powdered form - will be the first recipe tested. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm overstating the obvious, but try to imagine a successful relationship between a man who loves chalga and a woman who favors Bach.
  • The Calgary restaurant wine scene has come a long way since a barrage of steak houses pushed gallons of cheap plonk down our throats via the infamous half-litre carafe.
  • With their hooked beaks they would scoop out small fish and algae and then gobble it up in a hurry.
  • The toxin-producing "Cyanobacteria," or blue-green algae, has been identified in 23 Oregon lakes, reservoirs and rivers over the last ten years. OPB News
  • Moreover, technically speaking, this would be the perfect moment to amalgamate the three major currencies into one.
  • Since the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 Britain's Royal Navy had been the dominant fighting fleet in the world; now Germany was challenging this position.
  • Graham Jones and his team at Southern Cross University in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia, demonstrated that algae living in coral tissue produce a gas called dimethyl sulphide New Scientist - Online News
  • Next came the brief period of their artistic glory; then the syncretism of the Renaissance, when these winged messengers were amalgamated with pagan _amoretti_ and began to flutter in foolish baroque fashion about the Queen of Heaven, after the pattern of the disreputable little genii attendant upon a Venus of a bad school. Old Calabria
  • Observed - Defeat Algalon the Observer on Heroic Difficulty raid member dying to Algalon raid lockout period.
  • This scheme contains a number of amendments, including the amalgamation of some smaller polling districts and their polling stations.
  • Scientists are using them to observe algal blooms in the ocean and measure the solar reflectivity of the rainforest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Common names include saman, monkey pod, raintree, cow tamarind, algarrabo and guango. Chapter 8
  • By carefully amalgamating myth with certain breakthroughs and future possibilities in the field of biotechnology and telecommunications as described in many sf stories we made attractive tableaux to lure the public and then to educate them about S&T principles and background. MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F (Part II)
  • Flared iliac wings and shallow acetabulae are present along with coxa valga and flaring of the femoral metaphyses.
  • The water should not be used for swimming, drinking, fishing or for stock and boiling the water will not destroy the algae.
  • Also at around this time there was a curious amalgam of serious and exploitation films concerned with atomic war and the acceleration of nuclear experiments.
  • Epiphytic algae appear to underpin much of the production in the littoral zone of this oligotrophic lake, with trichopteran and chironomid larvae mediating carbon flows from algae to fish.
  • Some multicellular brown algae form branched filaments or foliose plants many meters long with complex anatomy. Phytoplankton
  • The different offices will be amalgamated as/into employment advice centres.
  • As soon as these experiences become amalgamated with the problems the migrants left behind them in their homeland, it provokes an incendiary situation, possibly even a revolutionary movement.
  • Here you will find deserted coves overlooking the South China Sea and the best egg tarts this side of the Algarve.
  • The loss of algae-eating fish, such as parrotfish and surgeonfish, is worrying, says Paddack, because they help the reefs thrive by clearing away algae. Resilience Science
  • ANALYSIS: Nathan Mark Teut (pronounced "toit") was promoted from Calgary (AAA) May 4 when OF Kevin Millar went on the DL. - Rookie roundup By Pat Coleman, USA TODAY Baseball Weekly Players who made their major league debuts
  • Whichever way this concoction settles the resulting amalgamation is pure brilliance, you really need to see this movie. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • I think that Alison's portrait reactivates this dormant aspect of Trafalgar Square.
  • The show's central fixture and namesake is a 22-foot-wide cartographic wonder from 2004 that's divided into four nearly identical white-on-black canvases depicting Calgary, Charleston, Kansas City and Philadelphia as geographic neighbors. Getting Up Guide: New Yorker's Alex Ross; first ladies of dance
  • Other minerals associated with the orpiment crystals are white to colorless barite crystals, lemon-yellow crystalline masses of sulfur, and minor realgar.
  • Natural sources of sulfur dioxide are volcanoes and algae-producing di-methyl sulfide, which is converted to sulfur dioxide in the ambient atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide
  • From what sounds like an amalgamation of hardcore and thrash metal, any promising musical ability is then shrouded by the raspy rap-rattled-off vocals, which are then accompanied by a dominating rhythm.
  • A curious amalgam of straight history and political pamphlet, it was relatively little read in antiquity, and its modern status has declined in recent years.
  • This group of relatively high values is associated with samples containing common algal zygospores.
  • The algae consumed waste products from the reef and under the intense artificial sunlight they proliferated in stringy green mats.
  • The therapy for light abdominal pain is application of asafetida and not Baralgan.
  • University of Calgary climate scientist and geoengineering expert David Keith has suggested that we might ultimately find a particle that can be placed still higher up in the atmosphere, in the region called the mesosphere, above the ozone layer, where it would cause fewer problems. Can a Million Tons of Sulfur Dioxide Combat Climate Change?
  • Word-blending is big in campuspeak. “He†™ s sort of a nerd, but he†™ s just so adorkable” combines adorable with dork, the amalgam defined as “endearing though socially inept” by Prof. Connie Eble of the department of English and comparative literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Old NY Times Writers Trying To Understand How “The Kids” Talk Is, Like, Totes Adorkable | Best Week Ever
  • Not, go here martini it metabolite it andrei a angeles but roustabout in betony in resignation in anxiety, dreamboat and progress may conspire on offsetting a khan the reptile see petrify in forsake it grizzly not monkeyflower! choral it algonquin some selves it elmsford see lew not anastasia be coequal some bankrupt in ethnic a purgative not bridal on chimera and ammonia be cliffhang! began or kickback be amalgam or tycoon! Archive 2006-01-01
  • In addition, one should take chlorella, which is a single-celled algae that is loaded with easily assimilable vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Fulfilling amalgamative goal is to enlarge the market portion is mixed reduce manufacturing cost.
  • We proceed to Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and The Houses of Parliament.
  • Could you do me a favor and add to that list: McLame, RePUGlican, McBush, Libtard, and all the other retarded, unfunny, and not even close to clever two-word amalgamations that seem to infest digg comments? Stories / Popular
  • The reddish purple open chain tetrapyrrole pigment phycoerythrobilin max 550 nm) is an essential chromophore of the light-harvesting phycobiliproteins of most cyanobacteria, red algae, and cryptomonads. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • Surgeonfishes and parrotfishes remove coral polyps to get the algae or invertebrates that have bored into the coral skeleton. Coral reef fish feeding behavior in the Caribbean
  • He and the hounds ravening him are amalgamated in one precipitate upsweep of pigments.
  • February 21st, 2009 by admin plume over algae moss Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Cellar
  • With a shrug, I dig out some pocket change, make my one purchase and drive back to Calgary.
  • The most effective new botanicals are extracts from cola nut and marine algae.
  • From algae that feed off of power plants 'CO2 emissions to megaflora trees that reach full maturity in just three years to provide rapidly renewable biomass, Tickell shows that numerous sources of biofuels are ready today to power a cleaner America tomorrow. Josh Garrett: Fuel Uses Education and Inspiration to Make Impassioned Case for Green Energy
  • The Mighty Ducks evened their series in Calgary by getting in alone several times on Flames netminder Miikka Kiprusoff.
  • Yves Rocher Dynamic Corp Bio-Vegetal range includes gel, tonics and creams all with a high proportion of sea algae.
  • During those six years Salgado, the economist who became a photographer, took pictures of the face of globalisation.
  • These build-ups are made up of bryozoans (mostly robust-branching and minor laminar forms), bivalves and coralline algae, accompanied by echinoids, brachiopods, barnacles, ahermatypic corals, serpulids and vermetids.
  • The soft, milky, aquamarine colour comes from the blue-green algae that thrives in the lagoon and white Silica mud, which carpets the bottom with a light natural sediment.
  • Brad Penny won't be back until next week at the earliest, and rookie left-hander Nate Teut was ineffective in his major league debut Saturday against Milwaukee, taking the loss, then getting sent to Triple-A Calgary. - National League East
  • However, the seaweeds or the algae and in particularly the microscopic plankton can fix a lot more carbon than a forest can.
  • It contains superfoods like nori, sprouted quinoa, alfalfa, aloe vera and wild blue-green algae, which has virtually every nutrient known to man.
  • The sewage lagoons provided a very localized but relatively species-rich ecosystem, which acted as a cutrophic oasis of algae and aquatic macrophytes and benefited birds at several trophic levels.
  • The Gogo reef was a different kind of reef, no symbiosis between polyp and algae, more a community of sponges and sea mosses that formed hard skeletons.
  • Plus, it firms, smoothes and cleanses, thanks to 'wheat amino acids, algae gel and diatomaceous earth compound'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once paired, they build a nest on the ground of seaweed, eelgrass, and algae, held together by droppings.
  • Of course in large alluvial claims, where capital is employed, such appliances are superseded by steam puddles, buddles, and other machinery, and sometimes mercury is used to amalgamate the gold when very fine. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • Shredded carrots are soused in soy sauce (and possibly sesame oil) and mixed with sesame seeds, coriander and arame, a Japanese algae seaweed product.
  • Even toothpaste and ice cream depend on the gel - forming properties of brown algae.
  • It was pliant and amalgamated easily with local observances, in China with funeral rites, in Tibet with demonolatry. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • The magnified parade of protozoas, amoeba proteus and paramecia aurelia, with spirogyras and volvox green algae, amazed the kids.
  • I can see it now, future intervals at English National Opera being characterised by hordes of opera-loving smokers surreptitiously tippling their Tennants Super as they overspill into the periphery of Trafalgar Square.
  • Two of the biggest names in rock and rap have joined forces to create reinterpreted amalgamations of their hits.
  • The firm has amalgamated with an American company.
  • If it is not possible to dig or pull plants, use herbicides labeled for target plants that will not harm algae.

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